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220 English Words for Everyday Life - Basic Vocabulary #11

Helicopter: Friend:
The CEO travels to work by helicopter. I met a friend at the park. (met= conocer)
Black: Adult:
I have a black cat. Sometimes, being an adult just isn’t very fun.
Brown: Bicycle:
My uncle has a new pair of brown shoes. The bicycle is in the garage.
Gray: Car:
Gray is not a very flashy color. (flashy= ostentoso) What kind of car is it?
Rest: Motorcycle:
I’m just resting. He has two cars and a motorcycle.
Hear: Scooter:
I can barely hear you. (barely= apenas) Scooters are convenient in the city. (scooter= patín electrico)
Want: Boat:
I want to eat cherries. (cherries= cerezas) The boat floats on the water. (floats= flotar)
Disgusting: (asquerosas, repugnantes) Jellyfish: (jellyfish= medusa)
Cockroaches are disgusting. (cockroaches= cucarachas) The jellyfish are bobbing in the water. (bobbing= balanceandose)
Eleven: Lobster:
This department store has eleven floors. Lobsters are very expensive. (lobster= langosta)
Twelve: Crab:
It’s twelve o´clock. Crabs usually walk sideways. (sideways= de costado)
Thirteen: Turtle:
She is thirteen years old. The sea turtle is swimming in the sea. (sea= mar, marina)
e-mail: Banana:
what’s your e-mail address? This banana is really sweet.
Cellular phone: (almost= casi) (anywhere= en cualquier lugar) Apple:
With a cellular phone, you can make calls from almost anywhere. I’m peeling an apple. (peeling= pelando)
Text message: Grape:
She contacted me via text message. (contacted= contactó) That grape looks pretty old. (pretty= bastante)
Mouth: Watermelon: (sandia)
Watch your mouth! (cuida tu lenguaje!) She bought a huge watermelon. (bought= compró) (huge= enorme)
Cheek: Bird:
Her cheeks are very red. We listened to the birds.
Nose: Mouse:
My nose is stuffy. (stuffy= tapada) The mouse is eating grass. (grass= hierba)
Notebook: Sun:
I have a separate notebook for each class. (notebook= cuaderno) Today the sun is shining! (shining= brillando)
Pencil: Weather:
The pencil broke in half. This weather is awful. (awful= horrible)
Eraser: Degree:
Can I use your eraser? It is one degree outside. (degree= grado) (outside= afuera)
Dog: Woman:
Is that your dog? The woman is wearing a black sweater.
Cat: Man:
My cat likes to take a nap in the afternoon. (nap= siesta) The director is a very serious man.
Hamster: Girlfriend:
Hamster like to sleep during the day. Your girlfriend is one year older than you, right? (right= verdad)
Warm: Boyfriend:
The soup must be warm. (must= debe) (warm= calido, tibio) She’ll go to the Prince Islands with her boyfriend.
Rain: Train:
The rain is falling on the street. (falling= callendo) What time is the last train? (last= el último)
Tomato: Airplane:
My grandfather grows tomatoes in his garden. (grows= cultivar) The passengers flew on the airplane. (flew= volaron)
Strawberry: Bus:
I like strawberry; not apple. He rides the bus. (rides= viaja)
Cherry: Taxi:
I want to eat cherries. (cherries= cerezas) Give me a call after you get in the taxi. (after= después) (get in= subas)
Child: Spinach: (iron= hierro)
When I was a child, I use to ride my bike to school every day. Spinach is a rich source of iron and calcium. (source= Fuente)
220 English Words for Everyday Life - Basic Vocabulary #11

Dolphin: (Delfin) Dress: (vestido)

The dolphin jumps out of the water. I regret not buying that dress. (regret= lamentar)
Squid: (calamar) Say: (decir)
I can’t eat squid. I was just going to say that.
Happy: Call: (llamar) (give= ofrecer)
I am a happy person. Please give me a call tomorrow morning.
Sad: (teenager= adolecente) Find: (encontrar)
The sad teenager is sitting alone. (alone= solo) How did you find the cellphone?
Angry: Hubo algo que me hizo enojar esta mañana Clean: (aim= objetivo)
There was something that made me angry this morning We aim for a clean environment. (medio ambiente)
Clothing: Dirty: (sucio)
I worked at a clothing store. The fork is on the dirty plate. (fork= tenedor)
Shoe: Carrot: (zanahoria)
I need new shoes. Kids do not like carrots.
Sock: Onion: (cebolla)
Are you wearing socks? (¿Llevas calcetines?) I don’t cry when I cut onions. (cry= llorar)
Underwear: My socks and underwear=(ropa interior) are Lettuce: (lechuga)
in the top drawer=(cajon superior) of my dresser=(tocador) My salad only has lecctuce and tomato.
Talk: Sheep: (oveja) (grass= pasto)
Let’s talk about it! The sheep is eating the green grass.
Give: (darte) (useful= util) Rabbit: (conejo)
Can I give you an useful tip? (tip=consejo) Your rabbit is very cute. (cute= lindo)
Low: Seal: (foca) (coldest= más fría)
The table is too low for me. Seals live in the coldest areas.
High: Cloud: (nube)
The waves are high today!******* I can’t see any clouds today.
Fruit: Sunny: (soleado) (often= a menudo)
Please put the fruits on the plate. I often go on a picnic on a sunny day.
Octopus: (pulpo) Rainy: (llover) (It will be= estará)
The octopus is swimming in the ocean. It will be raining this Saturday.
Shark: (surfer= tablista) (bitten= mordido) Baby: (on the blanket= sobre la manta)
The surfer was bitten by a shark. The baby sleep on the blanket.
Whale: (ballena) Girl: (niña) (wash= lavar)
Whales are mammals. (mammals= mamiferos) The girl washes her face.
Cloudy: (nublado) Boy: (niño) (fell= cayó) (down= debajo)
I don’t like cloudy days. The boy fell down from the tree.
Cool: Watch: ( el reloj, ver, mirar, observar)
The weather is cool. (cool= frio) Do you have a watch? (¿Tienes un reloj?)
Cucumber: (pepino) Glasses: (anteojos) (wear= usar)
These cucumbers are fresh. I don’t wear glasses.
Bell pepper: (pimiento morrón) Jacket: Esa chaqueta te queda bien.
The most common bell peppers are green, red or yellow. That jacket looks nice on you.
Broccoli: Receive: (recibir)
Order the broccoli soup. To receive a confession of love.
Shirt: Search: (buscar) (It will show up= aparecera)
There are ten shirts in the closet. It will show up if you search on the internet.
Pants: Take: (llevar)
Your pants are bigger than mine. Please take me home. (Por favor llévame a
220 English Words for Everyday Life - Basic Vocabulary #11

Weak: (debil) March: (marzo) (so= por lo tanto)

A weak team. It is now April, so last month was March.
Strong: (fuerte) ¡Sé fuerte y no te rindas! April. (abril) (showers= lluvias) (bring= traen)
Be strong and don’t give up! April showers bring May flowers.
Cold: (frio) (even= incluso) May: (mayo)
The North Pole is cold even in summer. May 31th is World No Smoking day.
Hot: (caliente) (still= todavía) June: (junio)
The tea is still hot. A warm June. (warm= calido)
Funny: (divertido) (sitcoms= comedias de situación) July: (julio)
Funny sitcoms make me happy. July is one of 7 months with 31 days.
Peach: (melocoton) August: (Agosto)
I am allergic to peaches. The school is closed in August.
Orange: (naranja) September: (septiembre)
I drink orange juice in the morning. Today is Saturday, September 10th.
Potato: (papas) October: (octubre)
Fried potato is not good for your health. Halloween falls on October 31st. (falls= caida)
Soybean: (soya) (grow= crecer) (pods= vainas) November: (noviembre)
Soybeans grow inside the pods. (inside= dentro) November is one of four months with thirty days.
Vegetable: (verduras) December: (diciembre)
I eat fried vegetables. (fried= frito) December 31st is New Year’s Eve. (Eve: vispera)
Cow: (vaca) (grazing= pastando) (fiel= campo) Can: (poder)
The cows are grazing in the field. Can jump over. (over= sobre)
Pig: (cerdo) Zero: (cero)
Pigs are intelligent animals Number zero.
Horse: (caballo) (ever= alguna vez) (before= antes) One: (uno)
Have you ever ridden a horse before? One degree. (degree: grado)
Snow: (nieve) Two: (dos)
There is a lot of snow on the mountain. The number two is my favorite number.
Hand: (mano) (left= izquierda) Three: (tres)
Left hand. Three dollars.
Arm: (brazo) Four: (cuatro)
Muscular arm. Number four.
Foot: (pie) (right= derecho) Five: (cinco)
Right foot. The starfish has five legs. (starfish= Estrella de mar)
Leg: (pierna) (long= largo) Six: (seis)
Long leg. We have a six-day vacation next month.
Finger: (dedos) (pinkie= meñique) Seven: (siete) (every= cada, todo, todas)
Pinkie finger. There are seven days in every week.
Back: (espalda) Eight: (ocho)
My back hurts. (me duele la espalda) Eight is a lucky number. (lucky= afortunado)
Stomach: (estomago) Nine: (nueve)
My stomach hurts. (me duel eel estomago) Nine floors. (floors= pisos)
Chest: (pecho) (pains= dolores) Ten: (diez)
I have chest pains. (Tengo dolores de pecho) Ten grams. (grams= gramos)
January: (enero) Salesman:
It’s very cold here in January. Car salesman. (salesman= vendedor)
February: (febrero) (shortest= más corto) Manager: (gerente)
February is the shortest month with 28 days. Department manager. (gerente de departamento)
220 English Words for Everyday Life - Basic Vocabulary #11
220 English Words for Everyday Life - Basic Vocabulary #11

Cook: (cocinera) Make: (hacer)

The cook fried an egg. The chef makes orange juice.
Engineer: (ingeniero) Use: (usar)
I am a engineer. The programmer used the computer. (used=
Programmer: (programador) Today: (hoy)
I am a computer programmer. Today’s homework. (tarea de hoy)
Nurse: (enfermera) Yesterday: (ayer)
The woman is a nurse. Yesterday morning.
Body: (cuerpo) Tomorrow: (mañana)
Food is fuel for the body. (fuel= combustible) See you tomorrow!
Head: (cabeza) (injuries= lesiones) Week: (semana)
Head injuries are very dangerous. I’m busy this week. (busy= ocupado)
Laugh: (risa) La pareja se ríe de una broma. Year: (año)
The couple is laughing at a joke. (joke= broma) One year.
Delicious: (deliciosa) Second: (Segundo)
Chinese food is delicious! There are 60 seconds in a minute.
Water: (agua) (some= algo, un poco, algunos) Minute.: (minutos)
Can I have some water, please? Three minutes.
Tea: (té) (Would you like= te gustaría) Hour: (hora)
Would you like a cup of tea? I sleep for 8 hours every day.
Coffee: (café) Clock: (reloj)
Cup of coffee. Alarm clock.
Beer: (cerveza) O´clock: (hora)
Cold beer. Let’s meet at the station at 9 o’clock.
Wine: (vino) Calendar: (calendario)
Glass of wine. (copa de vino) (glass= vaso, I marked our anniversary on the calendar.
Beef: (carne de vaca) (steak= filete) Monday: (lunes)
Beef steak. (filete de ternera) I go to work on Monday.
Chicken: (pollo) (baked= horneado) (roasted= asado) Tuesday: (martes)
Chicken can be fried, baked, or roasted. Tuesday, January 1st.
Pork: (Puerco) Wednesday: (miercoles)
Pork is the meat from a pig. (pig= cerdo) Wednesday the 18th.
Fish: (pez) Thursday: (jueves)
Chicken or fish? Thursday, January 3rd.
Lamb: (Cordero, Borrego) Fridays: (viernes)
Lamb is extremely delicious. Are you free this Friday? (free= libre)
Doctor: (doctor) (If you get sick= sit te enfermas) Saturday: (sabado)
If you get sick go to the doctor. Saturday night.
Police officer: (official de policía) Sunday: (domingo)
I´ll ask a police officer for help. Le pediré ayuda a un Sunday morning breakfast.
Teacher: (maestro) Do: (hacer)
English teacher. Do homework.
Employee: (empleado) Go: (ir)
Female employee (empleada) Go to the park.
Come: (venir) (come= ir a, venir) (towards= hacia) Hello: (hola) (Hola. ¿Como has estado?)
The girl come towards the video camera. Hello. How have you been?
See: (ver) Excuse me: (perdoneme) (Perdóneme. ¿Cuánto cuesta
220 English Words for Everyday Life - Basic Vocabulary #11

The tourists saw the sunset. (sunset= atardecer) este?)

Excuse me. How much is this?
220 English Words for Everyday Life - Basic Vocabulary #11

I’m sorry: (lo siento) No: (no) (No, todavía no he comido.)

I’m sorry. It was a typo. (typo= error de No, I haven’t eaten yet. (yet= todavía, aun)
Good night: (buenas noches) Thank you: (gracias)
Good night, grandma Thank you, very much for the invitation.
Nice to meet you: (mucho gusto) I’m: (yo soy o yo estoy)
Please come in. nice to meet you. I’m jhon.
How are you? (como estas) Goodbye: (adios) (¡Adiós te veo luego!)
It’s been a long time. How are you? Goodbye, see you again! (again= de nuevo, luego)
Yes: (si) Bad: (malo) (Tenga cuidado con la gente mala.)
Yes, this one please. (si, este, por favor.) Be careful of bad people.
Good: (Bueno) Pretty: (bonita)
My teacher is a good person. I have a pretty girlfriend.
Ugly: (feo) Easy: (facil)
Ugly face. Easy exam.
Difficult: (dificil) Near: (cerca)
Difficult problem. I live near the university.
Far: (lejos) Small: (pequeño)
The station is far from here. Small mistake.G

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