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Ton Duc Thang University

Faculty of Information Technology Data Structures and Algorithms, Fall 2020-2021

Lab 1
Linked List
Quang D. C.
[email protected]

August 24, 2020

After completed this tutorial, you can implement a list ADT with linked list. Please review
Generic before starting this tutorial.

1. UML model of Linked list

The following figure presents an UML model of linked list:
• ListInterface represents public functions of linked list, e.g., add new item, remove an
• Node class represents an item (node) in linked list.
• MyLinkedList class implements ListInterface and includes items have Node types.

In the next section, we will approach how to implement a linked list based on the
above UML model.

[email protected] 1
Ton Duc Thang University
Faculty of Information Technology Data Structures and Algorithms, Fall 2020-2021

2. Node class
Node is the basic item in list, thus we need to implement it first.
1 public class Node <E> {
2 private E data;
3 private Node <E> next;
4 public Node (){
5 data = null;
6 next = null;
7 }
8 public Node(E data){
9 this(data , null);
10 }
11 public Node(E data , Node <E> next){
12 = data;
13 = next;
14 }
15 public Node <E> getNext (){
16 return next;
17 }
18 public E getData (){
19 return data;
20 }
21 public void setNext (Node <E> n){
22 next = n;
23 }
24 }

3. ListInterface interface
ListInterface defines the operations (methods) we would like to have in a List ADT.
1 import java.util. NoSuchElementException ;
2 public interface ListInterface <E> {
3 public void addFirst (E item);
4 public void addAfter (Node <E> curr , E item);
5 public void addLast (E item);

7 public E removeFirst () throws NoSuchElementException ;

8 public E removeAfter (Node <E> curr) throws
NoSuchElementException ;
9 public E removeLast () throws NoSuchElementException ;
11 public void print ();
12 public boolean isEmpty ();
13 public E getFirst () throws NoSuchElementException ;
14 public Node <E> getHead ();
15 public int size ();
16 public boolean contains (E item);
17 }

[email protected] 2
Ton Duc Thang University
Faculty of Information Technology Data Structures and Algorithms, Fall 2020-2021

4. MyLinkedList class
This MyLinkedList class will implement the ListInterface interface.
1 import java.util. NoSuchElementException ;
2 public class MyLinkedList <E> implements ListInterface <E> {
3 private Node <E> head;
4 private int numNode ;
5 public MyLinkedList (){
6 head = null;
7 numNode = 0;
8 }
9 @Override
10 public void addFirst (E item){
11 head = new Node <E >( item , head);
12 numNode ++;
13 }
14 @Override
15 public void addAfter (Node <E> curr , E item){
16 if(curr == null){
17 addFirst (item);
18 }
19 else{
20 Node <E> newNode = new Node <E >( item , curr. getNext ());
21 curr. setNext ( newNode );
22 }
23 numNode ++;
24 }
25 @Override
26 public void addLast (E item){
27 if(head == null){
28 addFirst (item);
29 }
30 else{
31 Node <E> tmp = head;
32 while (tmp. getNext () != null){
33 tmp = tmp. getNext ();
34 }
35 Node <E> newNode = new Node <>(item , null);
36 tmp. setNext ( newNode );
37 numNode ++;
38 }
39 }
40 @Override
41 public E removeFirst () throws NoSuchElementException {
42 if(head == null){
43 throw new NoSuchElementException ("Can 't remove element
from an empty list");
44 }
45 else{
46 Node <E> tmp = head;
47 head = head. getNext ();
48 numNode --;
49 return tmp. getData ();
50 }
51 }

[email protected] 3
Ton Duc Thang University
Faculty of Information Technology Data Structures and Algorithms, Fall 2020-2021

52 @Override
53 public E removeAfter (Node <E> curr) throws
NoSuchElementException {
54 if(curr == null){
55 throw new NoSuchElementException ("Can 't remove element
from an empty list");
56 }
57 else
58 {
59 Node <E> delNode = curr. getNext ();
60 if( delNode != null) {
61 curr. setNext ( delNode . getNext ());
62 numNode --;
63 return delNode . getData ();
64 }
65 else{
66 throw new NoSuchElementException ("No next node to
67 remove ");
68 }
69 }
70 }
71 @Override
72 public E removeLast () throws NoSuchElementException
73 {
74 if(head == null){
75 throw new NoSuchElementException ("Can 't remove element
from an empty list");
76 }
77 else{
78 Node <E> preNode = null;
79 Node <E> delNode = head;
80 while ( delNode . getNext () != null){
81 preNode = delNode ;
82 delNode = delNode . getNext ();
83 }
84 preNode . setNext ( delNode . getNext ());
85 delNode . setNext (null);
86 numNode --;
87 return delNode . getData ();
88 }
89 }
90 @Override
91 public void print (){
92 if(head != null){
93 Node <E> tmp = head;
94 System .out. print ("List: " + tmp. getData ());
95 tmp = tmp. getNext ();
96 while (tmp != null)
97 {
98 System .out. print (" -> " + tmp. getData ());
99 tmp = tmp. getNext ();
100 }
101 System .out. println ();
102 }
103 else{
104 System .out. println ("List is empty !");

[email protected] 4
Ton Duc Thang University
Faculty of Information Technology Data Structures and Algorithms, Fall 2020-2021

105 }
106 }
107 @Override
108 public boolean isEmpty (){
109 if( numNode == 0) return true;
110 return false ;
111 }
112 @Override
113 public E getFirst () throws NoSuchElementException {
114 if(head == null){
115 throw new NoSuchElementException ("Can 't get element
from an empty list");
116 }
117 else{
118 return head. getData ();
119 }
120 }
121 @Override
122 public Node <E> getHead (){
123 return head;
124 }
125 @Override
126 public int size (){
127 return numNode ;
128 }
129 @Override
130 public boolean contains (E item){
131 Node <E> tmp = head;
132 while (tmp != null){
133 if(tmp. getData (). equals (item))
134 return true;
135 tmp = tmp. getNext ();
136 }
137 return false ;
138 }
139 }

5. Test Integer Linked List

1 public class Test {

2 public static void main( String [] args)
3 {
4 MyLinkedList <Integer > list = new MyLinkedList <Integer >();
5 list. addFirst (new Integer (2));
6 list. addLast (new Integer (3));
7 list. print ();
8 }
9 }

[email protected] 5
Ton Duc Thang University
Faculty of Information Technology Data Structures and Algorithms, Fall 2020-2021

6. Excercise

Exercise 1
Giving Fraction class as the following class diagram:

You need to implement a linked list to contain Fraction items.

Exercise 2
Suppose that we have an abstract method with signature as follow:

public E removeCurr(Node<E> curr)

This method removes the node at position curr. You need to add this abstract
method to your program and implement it.

Exercise 3
Suppose we are having a list of integer numbers, do the following requirements:

(a) Count the number of even item in the list.

(b) Count the number of prime item in the list.

(c) Add item X before the first even element in the list.

(d) Find the maximum number in the list.

(e) (*) Reverse the list without using temporary list.

(f) (*) Sort the list in ascending order.

[email protected] 6

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