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Business Process Document

Document # Title:

01 Generating commission and processing disbursements in PMACS

Revision # Prepared By: Date Prepared:

Shikha Tyagi
1.0 06 September , 2014

Effective Date Reviewed By: Date Reviewed:

This document will help the user in generating statements, processing disbursements and generating
reports in PMACS.

Commission and Incentive calculation

 Agent commission and incentive calculation will be done by the commission and incentive
 The batch will run at the end of every month and calculate commissions and incentives based on
transactions received from VPAS.
 The calculations can be seen from commission history menu in the Inquiry tab or from each
agent’s profile also
 Once the commissions and incentives are calculated for the month then for every division,
statements have to be generated to know the total disbursements for the division and for the
agents individually under that division
 For this purpose, first Trial Statements have to be generated. Once the Trial statements are
verified then they can be approved to generate Final Statements. The disbursement amount in
the final statements goes for agent disbursement in the disbursement screen
 Reports can be generated for each agent to view Gross Disbursements
High level flow

Process for generating Trial Statements

 Statements are generated to find out the total amount of disbursement that should be given to
the agent.
 The statements add the total of commissions and incentive that are due for the agent.
 Tax deduction, if any, is also done by the statements

 Compensation  Create/View statements

 To generate Trial statements click on Create/View Statements

 If there are any existing Trial Statements, the below screen will appear where user can either
generate new statements or view existing trial statements.

 If there are no existing trial statements, then the below screen will appear

Generating Trial Statements

 To generate trial statements, enter the required information in the page and click on search

Processing Unit Should be VPAS only

Statement Format Should be standard
Max Statement Due Date Default is current date, else enter the date till
when transactions are required for making
Max Trans Effective Date Default is current date, else enter the date till
when transactions are required for making
Max process Date Default is current date, else enter the date till
when transactions are required for making
Statement Date Default is current date, else enter the date till
when transactions are required for making
Contract Holder Select agent name only if statement is needed for
single agent. If statement is generated for entire
division, then this can be left blank
Advisor coordinator Select the divisional superintendent
Carrier Select PLI and RPL

 Once the information is entered, click on search button.

 A request will be submitted which will be shown online.
Approving Trial Statements
 Once Trial statements are generated, then they can be viewed from online for approval.

Compensation  Statement Dashboard

 To search the trial statements requested, enter the details in the search criteria and search the
 The start time shows the time when statement was requested
 The End time shows that the service is complete and trail statements are generated
 If there is no end time then the service is still and process and user should wait for the service to
be completed

 The list of matching Trial Statements will appear on the screen.

 Click on the statements hyperlink to check the statements generated for the division
 After clicking on the Statements hyperlink, the list of trial statements will appear. The advisor
coordinator can also be seen. All the agent statements for that division will come with the gross
amount of disbursement to be made for the division
 If the division does not want to make the total disbursement, then click on ‘Apply Part
Disbursement’ and enter percentage of disbursement to be done
 If no partial disbursement is required, then from the action button, select ‘Approve all rows in
P/U’ and click on submit button
 The Trial Statements will be approved

View Final Statements

 Once Trial Statements are approved, the final statements are created and the amount goes for
disbursement. The Final Statements can be seen from the following menu.

Compensation  View Statements
 Enter the advisor coordinator and search to view existing final statements
 No changes can be made to Final Statements. They are only for historical commission details

Processing Disbursements
Inquiry  Disbursements
 The amount approved in the Trial Statements is passed for disbursements. The disbursement
screens are used to enter and check the payment details
Disbursement Find Page
 Enter the agent profile number in Payee Profile Number field to search if there are any
disbursements for the agent

 The disbursements List page will show the matching agents

 Click on the detail hyperlink to see the disbursement details

 On the disbursement detail page, click on the Edit button to enter the cheque details
 For EFT payments, Bank account number should be captured on the agent profile page
 For EFT payments, bank details will be displayed and no manual entry is required
 The EFT file will be sent for payment
 Enter the cheque details when payment method is not EFT and click on submit button.
 The disbursement process from online will be complete

Generating Reports
To generate commission reports, Click on the Request Report menu


Output Reports Request Reports

 All the PMACS Reports will be listed

 Select the commission statement report

 The Reports parameters will be displayed
 Enter the required parameters and click on the Create Report button to generate the report

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