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Chapter 1

Situation Analysis

In reality, technology has played a vital role in how we live in this world on how we
communicate with other people. Impact of technology is higher than we are actually expected.
So we are creating and build new innovations to have a better way of living and standardized
life. Technology is a thing that helps the daily life of a student or normal people like us, to
manual and electronic ways of computing, to today's cellphones and computer. In other
countries, they have nice infrastructures in place that also means better transportation, schools,
health facilities, and municipal services. The technology is available to us everywhere to help our
daily lives and giving important information’s with our relatives, friends, families and others. It
is an essential thing that we cannot let go, it play the important role in the majority of our
existence. Also, technology it helps us to solve our problems and make our easier and better.
Imagine our life right now without technology, what kind of live we have right now? Technology
is part of our lives and also one of the key factors of all mankind to survived especially this kind
of situation we are facing right now which is the Covid-19 pandemic. As a final assessment of
technology, the businesses across the country is increasing and spreading. Nobody else can
change the technology right now, the fact that it is established anymore.

Technology is important in today's world because it gives a variety of functions in many

of the most important aspects of modern society, like communication, business and scientific
progress. During the past generation, in particular, computers have become such an important
part of society that technology has become a reliable tool for most people. Technology has also
become a great way to improve communication and computation, especially in the business
world. Our life in 21st century is full of innovations and technological things and this era it is
difficult for any organizations or businesses to survive without any use of technology.

Recently, online ordering system has become popular business and had increased rate in
business sectors. It has made progress competition among the sellers. There are lots of stands
which provide some kinds of items for IT. An online ordering system can be defined as website
or app that allows businesses to accept and manage orders placed over the internet. It also
prepared to host different kinds of businesses even it is small or big. Allow all customers to order
their favourite product or items online. An online ordering system is software that is put in place
to allow businesses and shops to take orders and accept payments from a distance, both online
and in-person. Once your customer makes their choices, they place their order and pay all in one
go. Once the order is received on the shops end, all that’s left is for the order to be taken to the
customer’s table or packaged ready for delivery.
As you can imagine, this speeds up the whole online ordering process: everything takes place
through a smartphone, instead of constant back and forth with the employee or staff.

In manual process of ordering an item in physical store we encounter problems like

human error, time consuming, poor customer service, items limited visibility and lack of
security. No matter how experienced you are there is still a very high chance to get errors.
Human error can cost money, create a loss of time, and interrupt workplace productivity. One of
the most time-consuming concerns is the large amount of paperwork needed to process a sales
order, guarantee the best customer service and time travel. You are looking for items and ask
their man for it. You give short information so they can help you out. But they tell you they’re
not familiar with those items so they send you into their other man. You repeat the same
information, and yet again you’re told you’re not connected with the right person. An items
visibility is very important to the customer.

More visibility of the items equals more potential customers, and more people who can
refer you to others. Paper document is less secure than electronic filing systems. You can
misplace paper documents and can easily be go with the wrong people. Also the costumer wants
their information to be secure. If you can't keep their information safe, you might be lost them.
Manual order processing systems are utilizing hand-written notes, transacting to customer via
phone, via email, transacting visibility between customer and owner. There are still people who
need to see, feel and touch the product before buying it. . If the transaction is doing manually and
their customers are far away from the shop it can make an infliction to them because of their
travel time. So this study is very helpful for the side of customer’s and seller.

Buying in a real shop gives customers the opportunity to really inspect the items or the
product they buy for quality. Sometimes, talking directly to the owner, a customer can negotiate
or talk to lower the price of an item. The human communication also creates a bond between
seller and buyer, initiating trust and guarantee which can make most customers feel good about a
purchase. Best of all, customers can take home their purchase item the day they bought it, that is
if the product is small enough that they can carry it with them.

The manual process of online ordering has a big part in many businesses around the
world and until now there's some companies are still using it. But even then, manual process is
not perfect and we knew that people are always looking for a better methodology. The most
common problems encountered by the customers in online ordering is the quality of the product.
When you order online, you do not have any assurance on the product quality because you just
rely on the product reviews as they are not reliable. Sometimes if the product is defective you
can't return it to the seller anymore and this is unfair to the side of costumer. Other than COD or
cash on delivery, e-commerce websites allow customers to pay through net banking, debit cards,
credit cards, and mobile wallets. Some customers are encounter failure of digital payments
because of the bad internet connection or the amount gets debited from the customer's bank
account, but it does not get credited to the sellers account. In such a case, the customer can
contact the seller to get back her/his money. It will take 2 weeks for the amount to get refunded.
There are online ordering systems that once you purchased the product there are no return or
refund policy. So, before you order online read their website policies. In such case, even you
receive a defective or fake product you will not be able to return it anymore. In case you find any
website like that better to look other. Another problem encounter while ordering online is the
additional charges incurred when paying order. The product in the website says there are no tax,
shipping fee, and handling charges but when you make the payments; all these charges will be

Convenience is one of the advantages of online stores. They are available all day and all
night and also can be accessed anywhere or everywhere. Because they are not limited by space,
online stores can show more inventory which means more choices for customers. Also, due to
the Web technology, there are a lot of stores that are now operating via online or in the Internet,
which means customers have a large selection of sellers.With the help of technology right now,
customers can also take advantage of search engines so that they find the item they want in the
fastest and easiest way possible. In addition, many online sellers offer price match policies due to
the fierce competition, leading customers to save money, time and effort.

In IT Man they just operating from weekdays the matter of their main customers are from
the city hall of Urdaneta. When a customer’s from city hall needs an item from IT Man they just
call the staff or the employee to deliver the specific item they purchase. Communicating with
customer is an important role in order the customer’s purchases your product and build their trust
into your shop. Also IT Man is like a traditional shop, the items are displayed in the shop and the
customers find wants they want to buy. They using a Paper- based that’s why it will make hard
time to the employee's when giving service to their customers or guests. They are making a list
of every item that is already sold in that specific day to put in their inventory. The thing that
helps them to compute or calculate easily a product, when the customer buys a lot of items is the
calculator. It is hassle to compute numbers when not using calculator even it is a few items
ordered. We can see almost all shops using calculators for addition to be sure that the price of
item written in the receipt is correct. They are also using receipt document to provide to its
customers every time a product or items is sold in IT Man. It’s a customer’s proof of purchase.
Typically it will show: the price, the date and time of the purchase.

One of the problems encountered of IT Man is the out of stock of the item because of the Covid-
19 pandemic. The manufacturer cannot deliver the item easily like in the normal days; since this
pandemic emerge it gives a lot of problem to the businesses like IT Man. It also affect the
performance of the shop that they don’t give the customer’s want for the reason the item is out of
stock. Like for example the customer need to buy an item but it is not available in IT Man so that
the customer find another shop for computers items or accessories in order to not waste his effort
going to the shop of IT Man.

It can decrease the sales of the shop and the reason why is you cannot give his wants and not
meet his expectations. Also the shop of IT Man is not organized when a customer order a
specific item the employee takes a lot of time to find that specific item. Even it is a small shop it
must organized in order to easily find the products.

IT Man is just a small shop so that it cannot accommodate a large person of customers to
enter the shop, it can be a problem because the customers don’t want to wait the other customers
to finish buying products so that they just go to another shop to buy a computer items. Covid-19
is a disastrous thing that small businesses like IT Man damage a lot of its sales and income. We
as a researcher wants to help them to uplift their sales and income even there are Covid-19
happening as this moment.

Project of Objectives

The aim of this study is to develop a proposed Online Ordering System for IT MAN.

1. To identify the manual process of ordering product in IT Man.

2. To identify the problems encountered during the manual process of ordering in IT Man.

3. To identify the functional and non-functional requirements of the proposed online ordering

4. To identify the content validity of the proposed system.

Significance of the Project

This study aims to contribute vast knowledge in relation to Online Ordering. The
significance of this study has a big impact and is believed to reflect far reaching- implications in
the lives of the people.

The owner. The proposed study will help them to make an bright idea of what are the product
that they need to sell to the customers or how can they encourage the customers to buy their

The staff. This study help them a lot to gain more customers. The system will help them to
manage orders of their customers online.
The customer. The direct recipients of the outcome of this research are the customers or clients
with needs. The significance of this study has a big impact and is believed to help the lives of the
people. It will be easy for the customers to order an item just by using the system. They would
not need personally to the shop of IT Man to buy a product.

The future researcher. This study will further open doors for future researchers to expand and
gain information’s in relation of Online Ordering. This may serve as a source of data about what
Online Ordering really is. They can use this study as a reference if they want to study or pursue a
system like Online Ordering.

The researcher. The output of this study is beneficial to the researcher’s or even to the future
researchers. This study may be one of the basis that a new study in Online Ordering will arise.
The success of this study will contribute to their skills in the field of IT. This will also help them
to gain more information’s or come up with more ideas to provide answer to different scenarios.

Scope and Limitations of the Project

The system focused and delimited only on the development of Online Ordering System.
The system will have security Log In to prevent any unauthorized access and the main Admin
has the power to deactivate them. The system will have the details of computer parts, accessories
or any items about computer. The administrator will be able to access the order of the customers.
Provide an email which handles the confirmation of orders ordered by the customers.

The shop will not allow online payment like PAYPAL, GCASH, PAYMAYA and etc.
The system will limit ordering internationally and outside Pangasinan area.

Definitions of Terms

Online Ordering System – is software for products or any items that a specific shop that can sell
their products or show their items through online.

Online Ordering – this is a type of ordering where you can search or find an item through online
even you are not going to a specific shop you can search or purchase an item. It is in demand
right now one of factor is the Covid-19 pandemic, people are afraid to go to a physical store to
buy an item even though you are at home you can browse an item.
Ordering- this thing is important, if it is not existing you cannot purchase a specific products for
anybody even it is for food or anything that is related to selling an item.

IT Man - is a shop for computer parts and accessories or even CCTV’s located in Urdaneta ,
Pangasinan. This is also a place where products or items are sold and served to the client.

Customers- They are the one who is surfing and finding a product in any Online Ordering
System or even in physical stores. They are the who ask how much is that item, and how is that

Seller- they are who ones who watch over the product and also sell the product.

Administrator- They are the one who handled the system if there’s a product ordered online. This
person is the one who also works for the inventory and what is going on to their shop.

Paper- Based System- is where you use a paper to list the inventory and all the item or products

Cash on Delivery (COD)- this is when you pay the product to the delivery man itself ant not
through online payment like Gcash, Paymaya, Paypal and etc.

Cellphones/Smartphones - this particular thing is the one who uses of all customer to browse a
specific items. When you don’t have a cellphone which means you are not capable of ordering an
item online.

Product - this is the things or materials what are the businesses or shop sells in their respective

Purchasing - refers to a shop or business attempting to acquire items or products or services to

finish the goal.

Delivery – it is the time when your product or items coming from IT Man is transporting to the
area where you put your location or destination.

Internet – in order to access our system you need to have an Internet to surf and find any product
you want to purchase.

Chapter 2
One of the most important things in a research projects is conducting the review
literature. Through this chapter, the readers can catch up to the study of the proponents. The
related and earlier studies presented in this part would give the readers or viewers and future
researchers, an idea of the proposed study of the proponents.


Foreign Liretature
According to Wong Siew Jiuan (January 2019),Many restaurants nowadays use a
standard restaurant ordering system to serve their clients. The staffs write down the meals that
the customer orders in the typical restaurant ordering procedure. The paper will then be delivered
to the kitchen, where the chef will begin to prepare the meal. There have been few drawbacks as
a result of this. While writing down the order, the employees may make certain mistakes. When
employees write in a hurry, their handwriting can become difficult to read. The order document
may be misplaced, and clients may receive an inaccurate bill. One of the issues that restaurants
with traditional ordering systems confront is that consumers are unaware of the time it takes for
food to be prepared. After their lunch or dinner, some customers may have a future appointment.
They must be aware of the time preparation in order to properly arrange their timetable.

Customers may believe their order has been forgotten if their meal has not been served in
a long period, especially when there are many customers. It would be beneficial if a time
estimate for preparing the meals was displayed to the customers. Furthermore, some consumers
may choose to amend or cancel their food orders. Customers can only cancel their orders if the
chef has not yet begun cooking. Customers must inform the staff while using the traditional
restaurant ordering procedure, and the staff will only inform the chef. If the restaurant has a large
number of customers, the staff may forget to alert the cook. Customers may be unable to cancel
their orders if the staff approaches the chef too late. This issue has to be addressed because it is
inconvenient for customers. Customers will find it much handier if they can cancel their order
themselves. They don't have to waste time waiting for the employees to serve them. If the chef
has not yet begun cooking, a cancel button should be presented so that clients can cancel their
orders. Furthermore, it is tough to keep clients up to date with the most recent information. The
dishes' availability is determined by the ingredients that are purchased on a daily basis. The chef
is unable to cook some of the dishes due to a scarcity of ingredients. As a result, notifying every
customer when they want to order is challenging. It's possible that the employees will forget to
inform the customers. They have a lot of things to do. If consumers have already placed an order
and are eager to try the dishes, the staff informs them that the meals are unavailable owing to a
scarcity of ingredients. Customers will be dissatisfied with the restaurant as a result of this. The
restaurant's brand image will be harmed.

According to Leong Wai Hong (APRIL 20, 2016), The goal of this project is to create a
computerized and mobile food ordering system that can replace the current traditional ordering
system used by the bulk of the food and beverage industry. The traditional system used by the
majority of the food and beverage sector is the traditional manual ordering system, which means
that all work and procedures are recorded through manual labor and a large quantity of paper
work that is ineffective and inefficient. Due to the large number of manpower manual work that
operates in each business routine, this causes the company to have problems with human

As a result, this computerized and mobile meal ordering system is intended to aid the
business routine in terms of improved administration and making daily business operations easier
to manage. This system is intended for the food and beverage industry's small to medium-sized
businesses. Throwaway prototyping was chosen as the methodology for this project. This is due
to the fact that the majority of the targeted users have never used a computerized system in a
food ordering operation, having previously used a traditional ordering system. As a result, this
methodology enables the developer to communicate with the target user through prototyping,
which allows the target user to examine, evaluate, visualize, and learn about the system prior to
the final system's implementation. Furthermore, the system is a cross-platform system that
includes desktop and mobile phone applications that run on the Android operating system. It's
also a standout feature of the system because it doesn't confine ordering operations to a desktop
environment, which is in line with the current trend of portability and mobility. Aside from that,
this functionality provides a level of self-service for targeted users' customers, since they may
place orders via the mobile app.

Local Literature
According to Ms. Joy Santos and Irene Lalu (2015), The restaurant accepted orders
from the customer over the counter for their ordering transaction. Customers will place their
orders from a menu displayed on a printed display above the counter. After the order is placed,
the customer will receive a printed receipt that will let them designate where they will give the
cooked dish or meal. The restaurants accept reservations for parties and other catering events, but
customers must pay a deposit before the restaurant would accept the reservation.

The manual process of the IT Man when purchasing a product, is you must go to their
shop to see the available products for computer parts, computer accessories or even CCTV’s but
the Covid-19 pandemic emerge so that the customers of IT Man afraid to go their shop and their
sales is declining so we want to help them to regain their customers again.. The manual process
of IT Man is a traditional way where the customers can freely find their want to purchase and the
staff will assist the customer if they have a question regarding to the product or item. The time
when the customers paying the specific item they go to counter, the next step is the employee
give a receipt to have a proof of purchase.


Foreign Liretature
According Bisong- Abang Anthonia Obanghe (December 2020),The existing system
happens to be a not computerized operating system well works are done manually by the waiter
carrying a piece of papers and take down note the order of the customers or stating the over the
counter. This lead to a problem because the waiter might not understand what the customers
want or ordered therefore they serve a wrong food for the customer. This could be so
embarrassing because the might not take it lightly with the waiter may lead to misconception or

According to Amal Jose (April 17, 2015), The main point of creating this study is to
help restaurant administrator manage their shop and help their customer for online ordering.
Many businesses especially restaurants have a lot difficult to manage the shop such as customer
and sewation table. By using manual ordering is difficult to the waiter to keep the correct
information and maybe loss the customer order. In this generation, many restaurants manage
their shop by manual especially taking the customer’s order. Today, restaurant takes the clients
order by using paper. This is problems for the manual process taking of orders of the customers,
the waiter have a chance to lost or misplaced the paper and difficult to arrange the orders so that
the customer is taking a much longer minutes of waiting.

Local Literature
According to Ann Janeth Garcia, Danille Jay Argon, And Wansu Lim (June 2018), The
amount time consumed in waiting and ordering a food in school canteen; not the specify the
minutes or time wasted just by standing in a queue for a chance to take a food on is truly struggle
for students and professors who value their time. The basic way of ordering a meal consumes a
lot of minutes and effort and top all of that, during rush or peak hours, the number of people is
distinctly large that cause overcrowded to build up on the counter due to the disproportionate
size of school canteen to the customers. The researcher look forward to minimize the time
consumed through integration of the mobile technology in automating the duty of conventional
food ordering system.
One of the problems encountered during the ordering period in IT Man is when the staff
cannot find easily the product that wants to purchase of the customer because in IT Man their
product is not organized so that it can give a problem to the client that he/she wait more minutes
and that’s the time that it affects the customer. IT Man is a small shop, if there are lot of
customers want to purchase a product it cannot accommodate a lot of people so that it needs a lot
of patience to enter the shop and wait for your turn. A lot of their customers came from the City
hall workers and they just call the staff to purchase an item but there’s an instances that when
they communicating each other through phone call there signal is getting weak so that it can give
trouble or problems to the client of IT Man.


Foreign Literature

Functional Requirement

According to Sydney Shieyo Andata (November 2017), This is how the system will
seem and function once it has been successfully completed. The following functional
requirements must be met by the system: When a consumer visits a pizzeria's online pizza
ordering system, he will be invited to login or register in order to have a better experience. A
unique login and password must be created by the consumer. Then he or she must input
information such as name, phone number, and address. Following these procedures, a customer
account will be created. The system will present the consumer a menu that includes all of the
pizzas and non-pizza products, as well as their costs. The pizzas on the menu are produced by the
pizzeria's professional chefs. The ingredients of this pizza will be altered based on the
preferences of the customers. The consumer can order any pizza from the menu or create their
own. Each pizza's image and price will be displayed. The ingredients utilized in the pizza's
creation will be visible. In the order listed, each of those elements will be deleted or replaced
with new ones.

One of the most wonderful features of the online pizza ordering system is the ability to create
your own pizzas. This method will allow you to make your own unique pizzas with whatever
toppings you choose.
Non-functioanal requirement

A non-functional requirement is one that sets criteria rather than specific behaviors that can be
used to measure how well a system works.

Non-functional needs include the following:

 There should be enough bandwidth on the network.

 Backup is a feature that allows you to back up your data.
 Maintainability is a term that refers to how easy it is to keep something in good
 Performance/response time is quick.
 User community usability - simple to use
 Future-proofing or upgradeability is required.
 It should be safe to use.

Functional Requirement

According to: Mayurkumar Patel, (December 2015), The following menu items are available
to all system users: Home, Menu, My Cart, UserAccount, eClub, AboutUs, and Contact are all
links on this page. Module for the Web Ordering System Customers using the Web Ordering
system will use an easy-to-use top navigation menu to engage with the application.

• The “Home” menu option allows consumers to examine all of the food options available with
attractive visuals and to select one to place an order.

• Menu option "My Cart (x)": Allows users to view the specifics of the products they've added to
their cart. Item #, Product Name, Product Image, Product Description, Quantity, Unit Price, Total
per item, and Order Total are all included in the details.

It also allows you to ‘Update' and ‘Delete' an item with a single click of a button.To continue, the
user can click the ‘Proceed to checkout' option. After clicking the Check Out button, the user
will be invited to sign in or sign up if they are not already logged in, else they will be presented
with a simple "Payment Information" form. The user will be prompted to enter the essential
information in the visible text boxes and select relevant Dropdown options. Then, using a ‘Save'
button, all of this information can be saved. The user will then be taken to a page called "Review
Order," which will contain Payment Information as well as Order information for them to
review.The user can then place an order by clicking the ‘Check Out' button. After placing an
order, the user will receive an appropriate Order confirmation success/failure message.

• “MyAccount”: a “Drop Down” menu will show the user orders, as well as options to Sign In
and Sign Out.
• eClub- Users can join the eClub to receive promotional offers and discounts.

Module for the Menu Management System This module provides Admin with the following
extra options under the "MyAccount" drop down menu, similar to the Web ordering system:

 Add Category: Allows you to enter the name of a food category in a simple manner.
 Add Product: In a simple form, provide the Product Name, Description, Price, and
Category, as well as the Product Image.
 Modify Product: Allows you to change or delete product information.Module for the
Order Retrieval System at regular intervals, the application will automatically fetch new
orders from the database and display the order numbers.
 A customer can only see his or her own order under the "MyAcoount" menu, however a
Restaurant Employee or an Admin can see all users' orders.
 To view an order's details, the user must first click on the order number, which will
display all of the order's details.This structure can be expanded and compacted intuitively
to present only the information needed.

Non-functioanal requirement

All of the application data is stored in an Oracle database, the host computer must likewise have
an Oracle database installed.This software, like Apache2, is freely accessible and may be
installed and run on a wide range of operating systems. Any computer capable of running both
the web and database servers and handling the expected traffic can be used as the server
hardware.An average personal computer may be sufficient for a small restaurant that does not
expect a lot of web traffic.However, as the site begins to receive more traffic, it will almost
certainly be required to change to a dedicated host to ensure optimum performance.

Local Literature
According to Ralou A. Almondia and Kyemberly A. Rico ( May 2018), The Malita e-commerce
system interacts with the user of the system. It contains verification, one of the securities with
this system. The sequence starts to fill up the registration form and wait for the admin to send an
verification mail. When the admin agree the vendor, the vendor can now login and the Malita e-
commerce system check or verify it is a valid user or not. The vendor will go to the dashboard
and the vendor can sell item or products but it needs the approval of the admin. The seller can
now manage items, customer order, shipping, can view the sales report and the pay. The admin
can manage the users, approved seller request, manage the system, update new features and
maintain it.

In addition to providing useful tools for browsing, selecting, and purchasing products, the online
ordering system must be speedy and easy to use.

 User interface aspects of the Functional Requirement:

 Create customer account
 Manage customer account
 Browse items/product details
 Add items to cart
 Manage items in cart (can remove, can add, or can customize)
 Provide payment and delivery information
 Place order
 Receive a notification (via email) if your order is on the way.
 Receive order confirmation and receipt

The system must be able to coordinate customer order fulfillment with delivery times and
methods. Updates to customer account information must also be added and stored securely in the
database.. The online ordering system must also be easy for managers to navigate and access
orders, inventory, supply, delivery methods, the information of the customer , and also the sales

The Online Ordering System's non-functional requirements.

Reliability.- A set of characteristics that affect software's ability to maintain its level of
performance under specified conditions over a certain period of time.

 Maturity - This sub-characteristic refers to the frequency with which software fails.
 Recoverability refers to the ability to restore a failed system to full functionality,
including data and network connections.

Usability.- A set of characteristics that influence the amount of effort required for usage and the
individual evaluation of that use by a stated or implied group of users.

 Understandability - Determines how easily a system's functionality can be

comprehended, and is related to user mental models in Human Resources.
 Operatability - The software's ability to be easily operated by a specific user in a specific

Maintainability - A set of characteristics that influence the amount of work required to achieve
specific changes.

 Changeability - The amount of effort required to change a system.

 Testability identifies the amount of effort required to validate (test) a system change.
 Analyzability - Defines the software's ability to determine the root cause of a failure.


Prerequisites for safety

Another important consideration in the system's design and development is safety.

 The product must be safe to use and not cause any type of injury to the user.
 The program must include safety features that allow for data recovery in the event of a
data loss.
 Any loss of data should not be the result of using the software.
 The software must comply with the IEEE standards' safety requirements.

Security Prerequisites

Security- Unauthorized access to software functionalities is covered by this sub-feature.

 To secure itself and the system on which it will run, the software must include security

 It is necessary to implement both physical and logical mechanisms.

 Software must allow users to be verified and authorized, such as through the use of IDs
and passwords.
 Only users with the highest priority should have access to sensitive data.

Foreign Studies

According to “Online Food Service Delivery System” by: Mohd Khairul

Azmi Hassan (December 2020), they using System Usability Scale (SUS) to measure the
usability of the system. The calculation of SUS it depends on the tally for individual items. The
System Usability Scale provides a rapid and dirty tool. It is a sure and trustable method of
measuring usability in many cases. The content of this survey question is 10 items of survey
question with five response options for the members which are strongly disagreed to strongly
agree. SUS originally developed by John Brooke, and it allows the researchers to examine a wide
range and different of products and service, including software, hardware, websites, application
and even mobile devices.

According to Rahul Kusuma ( August 1, 2018), there are two usability measurement used by
Food Panda Android application to test their system, first one Rahul uses Lostness Metric to
measure the efficiency using an item or service, it tells how people when they use the items.
Next one is the System Usability Scale (SUS) is trustable evaluation tool, it consists of 10
questions and the user pick the choices based on the experience in the system.

Local Literature

According to A Balcita, Rj Ventayen, And T Palaoag (2020) , The researchers

use to test the usability of their system by using USE questionnaire to find the level
of KITIKIT. KITIKIT is a mobile based app for implementing customizable online
product ordering. Evaluating the usability of the mobile app is considered one of
the important issues in developing application. The questionnaire is consists with
five-point Likert rating scales from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The
respondents check the proposed the system and filled up all of the corresponding
questions categorized of usefulness, ease of use, and the satisfaction of the user

The developers used the Website Analysis and MeasureMent Inventory (WAMMI) a type of
questionnaire and measured the findings using the Likert Scale. A WAMMI questionnaire was
accepted and answered all of the respondents of the system, and designed to bring out a specific
information and to gather the appropriate data or information that need to the system.

Conceptual Framework
The researchers choose Rapid Application Development methodology (RAD) because of
different reason. Rapid Application Development integrates projects management procedure,
development procedure, users and tools to build quality application system in settle time frame to
business value. It can join much focused teams working in a highly structured environment.



User Design Construction


Chapter 3

Research methodology is the way through which researchers need to conduct their study.
It shows the way through which these researchers formulate their problem and objective and
present their result from the information obtained during the research period. This research
design and methodology chapter also shows how the research outcome at the end will be
obtained in line with meeting the objective of the research. This chapter hence discusses the
study methods that were used during the study process. This chapter presents the research
method or procedure in gathering data, materials, and method used in creating software. Also in
this chapter, the research methodology explains how the proposed research will be fulfilled. The
outline of this chapter is as follow: Project Design; Population and Locale of the Study; Data
Instrumentation; Data Analysis; Description of the Initial Prototype; The Propose
Implementation Plan. The plan for this part is to show the arguments for the study as to why such
a research technique was picking.

Project Design

A study is valid when a conclusion is accurate or right and project design is the
conceptual blueprint within which study is conducted. A researcher for his study, prepare a plan,
it constitutes the outline of the collection, measurement of analysis of data. Project design is not
accompanied to any particular technique of data collection or any types of data. When designing
research it is necessary that we recognize the type of proof required to answer the study question
in applicable and reasonable way. This chapter has sketched the purpose, its importance and
types of project design.

The descriptive research method is aimed at casting light on current events or issue
through process of data collection that enables them to describe the circumstances more
completely than was possible without using this method. It is applicable for situations where the
researchers or developers believe that the data does not exist in order to solve the problem.
Therefore the researchers must have to examine the situation, collect the data, think, analyse and
interpret the information and reach a satisfactory solution.

The descriptive research design can use a broad variety of research methods to
investigate. In this study, the descriptive research was implemented by the researchers or
developers to gather data and information that shows the requirement needed in creating up the
Online Ordering System.
The developmental research, as opposed to basic instructional development, has been
known as the systematic study of designing, creating or developing, and evaluating instructional
things, processes, and meets the expectation of internal consistency and effectiveness.
Developmental research is important in the field of instructional technology. One of the most
common types of developmental research involves the state in which the output process is
analysed and described, and the final output is evaluated. A second type of development research
focuses more on the impact of the output on the organization. A third type of research is oriented
toward overall analysis of design development or evaluation processes as a general or as

In the line of developmental research, the researcher or developer is how they build or
create the Online Ordering system even more efficient and effective in the sense of providing
information to the need of the users of the system.

System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

System Development Life Cycle is a procedure that involves a sequence of pre-planned

actions that creating or alter software products. SDLC provides organizations with an systematic,
effective and efficient approach to developing software successfully. It is designed to create high
standard software most cost-effectively while using the smallest amount of production time
possible. The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) describes an all-around roadmap for
software development. With its help, you can also navigate or find what tasks and in what order
you need to solve in the development process. SDLC provides a well-structured flow of phases
that help an organization to rapidly produce high standard and high standard of software which is
well-tested and ready for production use.

In this research, the developers have chosen one of the model of System Development Life
Cylcle which is the Rapid Application Development (RAD) to be used in developing Online
Ordering System. RAD is fast project turnaround, making it attractive in the eyes of developers
working in a fast paced surroundings like software creating or developing software.

We choose RAD because it allows stakeholders to exactly measure the progress and
communicate in real-time on evolving changes or issues. This results in greater efficiency, faster
growth and development, and effective way of communication.

You can check the process in a few ways, but in general, RAD consists of four main phases.

Phase 1-Requirements planning Phase: This phase is corresponding to a project

scoping meeting. Although the planning phase is condensed compared to other studies
management methodologies, this is a vital step for the greatest success of the project. During this
phase, developers, clients (software users), and team participants communicate to determine the
goals to achieve and expectations for the project as well as current situation and potential
problems that would need to be addressed during the developing period.

The basic breakdown of the developers in this stage involves: Researching the current
problem, Defining the requirements for the project, Finalizing the requirements with each
stakeholder’s approval. The developers reviewed and check all the processes involved in the
Ordering System of IT Man. In this stage, all of the requirements needed in this research to come
up with the proposed Online Ordering System of IT Man. The information’s we gathered helped
the researchers or developers to notice and determine the feasibility of the proposed system. By
getting approval from each key stakeholder and developer, teams can avoid miscommunications
and misunderstandings.

Phase 2-User design Phase: Once the study is scoped out, it’s time to jump right into
development process, developing out the user design through various prototype iterations.
During this stage, clients work hand in hand with developers or researchers to ensure their needs
are being met at every step in the design process. It’s almost like customizable software
development where the users can test each prototype of the items, at each stage, to ensure it
meets their expectations. All the bugs and errors are worked out in an iterative process.

The developer designs a prototype, the user tests it, and then they come together to a
point to communicate on what worked and what didn’t. This method gives developers the chance
to tweak the model as they go until they reach a satisfactory design. Both the software
developers and the user learn from the experience to make sure there is no potential for
something to slip through the cracks.

Phase 3-Rapid construction: Phase 3 takes the prototypes and beta systems from the
design stage and converts them into the working model. Because the majority of the problems,
issues and changes were addressed during the thorough iterative design phase, developers can
construct the final working model more quickly and rapidly than they could by following a
traditional project management approach.

In this phase, the system put through a different kinds of tests to make sure that each part or
component of the complete system performs according to the requirements of the user or client.
The developers must breaks down this phase into several smaller steps: Preparation for rapid
construction, Program and application development, Coding, Unit, integration, and system
testing. The software development team of developers work together during this stage to make
sure everything is working smoothly , flawlessly, and that the end result satisfies the users
expectations and objectives. This third phase is important because the users still gets to give
input throughout the procedure. They can suggest things, alterations, changes, or even new ideas
that can solve problems as they arise.
Phase 4-Cutover Phase: This is the implementation phase where the finished output
goes to begin and work. It includes data conversion, testing, and changeover to the new system,
as well as user training.

This is the final phase where all final changes are made while the developers and clients
continue to look for bugs and error in the system. And when the requirements are finish the new
system is built, delivered and placed in operation as soon as possible.

Population and Locale of the Study

Many researchers prefer to use simple random sampling as a sampling technique because,
it ensures that results obtained from your sample should approximately what would have been
obtained if the entire population had been measured. ( Shadish et al, 2002).

This study employs a simple random sampling process wherein it is a type of probability
sampling in which the researcher randomly selects a subset of participants from a population. In
this type of sampling method, each member of the population has an equal chance of being
selected. Data is then collected from as large a percentage as possible of the random subset.

The developers of the study choose and classify respondents that consist of the
administrator, staff, and the users. The feedback from the population will help to provide data for
the assessment of the developed system usability, effectively and efficiency. The feedback from
the samples will help to make it better and to improve the developed system so the system can
adapt to the users.

Table 1. Respondents of the Study


Administrator 1
Staff 1
Customers or Users 23
Total: 25

Data Instrumentation
Data Instrumentation refers to the selection or evolvement and the later use of tools to
make observations about variables in the research study. Data collection is an important process
in the research study process. The instruments that chosen by the developers to collect data will
depend on the type of data you plan on gathering.

In this part, the tools or instruments that we are going use for gathering information or
data in research used foundation in making conclusions. Some instruments are interviews for the
Administrator (Owner or the shop) and also to the staff of IT Man. We are also using research,
questionnaires, observations used by the proponents as they conduct the proposed research. The
respondents of the study is the Administrator (Owner of the Shop), Staff, and the Customers of
IT Man.

Interview – an interview are a instruments mainly for the collection of qualitative information
or data. According to Silverman interviews are active communication between two or more
people leading to connecting contextually based result.

The developers using interview to gather data or information in the sense of

communicating with the Administrator (Owner of the Shop) and also to the staff of IT Man. It
requires good speaking skills from the interviewer, who will need to talk a good relationship with
the respondent to make it sure a precise detailed and legit set of qualitative data is collected and
gather effectively.

Research – the systematic investigation into and study of things and materials in order to
establish the truth and reach different conclusion. Research is a step of systematic inquiry that
consists the collection of data; the documentation of critical information; interpretation and
analysis of information in line with suitable methodologies set by the developers.

The developers searching information or data in the internet to gain more info about the
things to put in the study. In the research instrument it includes reviewing journals, books, and
other literature that consists of information that using in the research study. Lastly, the news in
the past years or news in the current events in order to gather more data.

Questionnaire – it is a research instrument that contains of a set of questions or things that

aims to gather information or data from a respondent. A research questionnaire is typically
associate of close-ended questions and open-ended questions. A questionnaire can be or can’t be
delivered in the form of a survey, but a survey always contains of a questionnaire.
The developers choose questionnaire one of the tools in gathering data because it
provides quick responses or feedback but adequate care must be taken when creating
questionnaires, to make it sure that you don’t influence the feedback you receive. The developers
creating questionnaire that should reflect their research aims and objective. The questionnaire is
a tool designed for the gathering of data, and is broad used in research as it is a good research
tools for collecting standardised data.

Observation – this is a systematic data gathering approach. It is also a research technique

where the researchers or developers observe the members on going attitude in a natural situation.
The purpose of this kind of research is to collect more reliable insights.

The researchers use all of their senses to investigate or examine people in natural environment.
The developers need to watch the workers of IT Man to collect data by using field of notes,
video or audio recording. The developers are able to gather data on the behaviour, attitudes,
works, perspectives and opinions of the respondents on the existing and developed system.

The data gathering is laborious and time consuming and may have to be repeated to make it sure
the reliability but it is needed in our research to collect more data in order to put in our study.

Data Analysis
Data analysis is one of the most important components of research study. Weak analysis
produces not accurate findings that not only hamper the authenticity of the study but also make
the result unusable. It’s imperative to pick your data analysis method carefully to make it sure
that your findings or results and insightful and actionable.

The following are used in analysing information in conducting the proposed “Online Ordering
System for IT Man”.

The functional characteristics of a system are captured in a use case diagram. A use case
is a collection of situations that describe how a user interacts with a system. The relationship
between actors and use cases is depicted in a use case diagram. During the analysis phase of a
project, use cases are utilized to discover and split system functionality. Actors indicate the
various roles that users of the system can take on. Humans, other computers, bits of hardware,
and even other software systems can all be users. They must be external to the part of the system
that is being partitioned into use cases as the only requirement. A use case is a visual depiction of
separate capabilities of a system in a use case diagram. The behavior of the entities is described
by use cases.
This is the part used to display how the system works. It shows how the inputs and
outputs are working and where information is being stored. The flowchart also shows how the
overall flow of the system.

Use Case Diagram

A use case diagram is a visual representation of how a user might interact with a
technology. A use case diagram depicts the system's numerous use cases and different sorts of
users, and is frequently supplemented by other diagrams. Circles or ellipses are used to depict the
use cases. The actors are frequently depicted as stick figures. A use case diagram is a UML
behavior or dynamic diagram. Actors and use cases are used to model the functioning of a
system in use case diagrams. A set of tasks, services, and functions that the system must do are
referred to as use cases. A "system" in this sense refers to something that is being produced or
operated, such as a website. A use case diagram is a UML behavior or dynamic diagram.

The developers used Use Case Diagram in collecting functional requirement of the
development system such appointing each user’s function. Use Case Diagram will be utilized to
demonstrate to be performed by the system in completing a mission.

Entity Relationship Diagram

An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a sort of diagram that shows how different
entities (such as persons, customers, or other items) in an application or database are related to
one another. They're made while a new system is being designed so that the development team
can see how the database should be structured. It also illustrates the connections between entity
sets in a database. An object, or a data component, is an entity in this context. A collection of
similar entities is referred to as an entity set.

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