Talk 1 Gods Love

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CFC Singles for Christ

Christian Life Program

Participant’s Outline


Brief Outline

I. The situation in the world today.

a. Serious disorder in society: war, poverty, murder, etc.
b. On a personal level: loneliness, depression, fear, etc.
c. Man makes various efforts to improve the world but is not succeeding because these
are not based on God's wisdom.

II. God has a plan for bringing us out of confusion and disorder.
a. God is interested in our lives.
b. God wants to restore our fellowship and intimacy with Him.

III. We need God's point of view.

a. Satan is real and is behind the evils in the world.
b. On our own strength, we cannot overcome the challenges in our Christian life.

IV. Jesus Christ is the answer.

a. Jesus is the fullness of God's love.
b. In Jesus, God's plan for restoration can begin to happen in our lives.
c. We need simply to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Discussion Starter

1. Share with one another how you came to the Christian Life Program and what you expect or
seek to experience. Start with a brief introduction about your life.
2. Share about how you have personally experienced God's love.

Scriptures for Daily Prayer

Day 1 Isaiah 55:8-9 Day 5 Ephesians 1:7-10

2 Isaiah 48:17-19 6 John 3:16-18
3 Jeremiah 29:11-14 7 Romans 10:9-13
4 John 15:4-7

The Challenge

God has loved you with an eternal love. The ultimate manifestation of this love was sending
God's own Son to suffer and die for you. Will you open your heart to receive the fullness of His
love? Will you open your mind to explore the richness of God's plan for you through the rest of
the Christian Life Program?

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