Epsom College 11 Specimen English

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11+ Entrance Examination

Specimen Paper


Instructions for candidates

There are two parts to this paper:

Part A: Reading, Spelling and Grammar

Part B: Writing

You should spend 20 minutes on Part A.

Answer as many as you can. Do not feel that you have to
attempt all the questions – there are more than you can
expect to finish in the time available.
You will be given an announcement when 20 minutes have passed

Spend 25 minutes on Part B

Part A: Reading
Spend 20 minutes on this section

Below is an extract from a ghost story. Read it and answer the questions which follow.

He must have slept soundly for an hour or more, when a sudden clatter shook him up in a most
unwelcome manner. In a moment he realized what had happened: the blind covering his window had
suddenly rolled up, and a very bright frosty moon was shining directly on his face. This was highly annoying.
Could he possibly get up and close the blind? or could he manage to sleep if he did not?
5 For some minutes he lay and pondered over the possibilities; then he turned over sharply, and
with all his eyes open lay breathlessly listening. There had been a movement, he was sure, in the empty bed
on the opposite side of the room. There must be rats or something playing about in it. It was quiet now.
No! the commotion began again. There was a rustling and shaking: surely more than any rat could cause.
I can imagine something of the Professor's bewilderment and horror, for I have in a dream thirty
10 years back seen the same thing happen; but the reader will hardly imagine how dreadful it was to him to see
a figure suddenly sit up in what he had known was an empty bed. He was out of his own bed in one bound,
and made a dash towards the window, where lay his only weapon, the stick with which he had propped his
screen. This was, as it turned out, the worst thing he could have done, because the personage in the empty
bed, with a sudden motion, slipped from the bed and took up a position, with outspread arms, between the
15 two beds, and in front of the door. Parkins watched it in a horrid perplexity. Somehow, the idea of getting
past it and escaping through the door was intolerable to him; he could not have borne - he didn't know
why to touch it; and as for its touching him, he would sooner dash himself through the window than have
that happen. It stood for the moment in a band of dark shadow, and he had not seen what its face was like.
Now it began to move, in a stooping posture, and all at once the spectator realized, with some horror and
20 some relief, that it must be blind, for it seemed to feel about it with its muffled arms in a groping and
random fashion. Turning half away from him, it became suddenly conscious of the bed he had just left, and
darted towards it, and bent over and felt the pillows in a way which made Parkins shudder as he had never
in his life thought it possible. In a very few moments it seemed to know that the bed was empty, and then,
moving forward into the area of light and facing the window, it showed for the first time what manner of
25 thing it was.

Write your answers on this question paper
1. For how long had the Professor been sleeping before the extract begins?
a. Less than an hour
b. At least an hour
2. Why does the Professor wake up?
a. He hears a sound
b. The moonlight was shining on his face
c. Someone called his name
3. What does ‘pondered over’ mean?
a. Thought about
b. Shouted aloud
c. Laughed about
d. Worried about
4. True or false? The rustling and shaking start before the Professor turned over in bed.
a. True
b. False
5. Select the onomatopoeic word from the list below:
a. Playing
b. Quiet
c. Rustling
d. Shaking
6. What is a synonym for (means the same as) ‘bewilderment’?
a. Confusion
b. Terror
c. Rage
d. Surprise
7. True or false? The narrator is able to imagine the scene which the Professor has described to
a. True
b. False
8. Write out the word from Line 12 which describes how the Professor moved from his bed to
the window:
9. What does the verb ‘slipped’ in line 14 suggest about how the ‘personage’ moves? (2)




10. Why does the Professor find himself trapped by the window? (2)






11. How does the creature’s behaviour change when it becomes aware of the Professor’s bed?
a. It moves more slowly
b. It moves suddenly more quickly
c. It stoops and gropes around
d. It feels the bed’s pillows
12. Why do you think the creature comes to life?
a. Because moonlight is shining in through the window
b. Because the professor has something which it desires
c. Because it wishes to kill the Professor
13. What does the Professor realise which causes him to feel relieved?
a. The creature is distracted as it searches his bed.
b. The creature cannot see him.
c. The creature cannot hear him.
d. The creature means him no harm.
14. Circle the word which you think best describes the behaviour of the being in this story.
Explain your choice on the lines below (3)
a. Menacing
b. Friendly
c. Evil
d. Clever








Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation
Do as many of these questions as you can. Don’t worry if you don’t finish them

1. Which word is appropriate to fill in the gap in this sentence? “The shop would not
__________ my Scottish ten Pound note.”
a. Accept
b. Except
2. Which of these sentences is punctuated correctly?
a. The dog wagged it’s tail.
b. The dog wagged its tail.
3. How many mistakes are there in this sentence? “We where trying too decide if a coat was
neccesary in this whether.”
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
4. What is wrong with this sentence? “I left the bedroom quietly and walk to the office.”
a. Missing comma after ‘quietly’
b. Incorrect capital letter
c. ‘Quietly’ is incorrectly spelled
d. Inconsistent verb tenses
5. Which word is appropriate to complete this sentence? “Because his trousers were too
__________, he had to tie them up with string.”
a. Loose
b. Lose
6. Which word is appropriate to complete this sentence? “Yesterday Alastair Cook
___________ his team to victory in the test match.”
a. Lead
b. Led
7. Underline the incorrectly used word in this sentence: “I was shocked to find a burglar
standing in are kitchen.”
8. Which punctuation mark should follow ‘Norwich’ in this sentence? “My Great Aunt Joan
loves many things about Norwich its fine, medieval cathedral; the broad, sweeping vista of
the marketplace; and the excellent transport links to other towns in East Anglia.”
a. Question mark
b. Comma
c. Semi-colon
d. Colon
9. Which sentence is correct?
a. I was wearing a overcoat.
b. I was wearing an overcoat.
10. Which would you eat at the end of a meal?
a. Dessert
b. Desert
11. Which sentence is correct?
a. The old ladies were shocked by the sailor’s coarse language.
b. The old ladies were shocked by the sailor’s course language.

12. How many mistakes are there in this sentence? “My families new house is alot bigger than
are old won.”
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
13. How many words are missing capital letters in this sentence? “Since november i have spent
hours every day on the internet, browsing facebook and reading twitter.”
a. Five
b. Four
c. Three
d. Two
14. Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
a. “Stop!” the young man cried. “Don’t throw the marmite away.”
b. “Stop”! The young man cried. “Don’t throw the marmite away”.
15. Which word should fill in the gap? “I was ______________ on my bed, happily lost in a book,
when I was suddenly awoken by a loud bang.”
a. Lying
b. Laying
16. Write in the correct plural for the words listed below. The first has been done for you:
a. Family Families
b. Goose ______________________
c. Series ______________________
d. Toothbrush ______________________
e. House ______________________
f. Mouse ______________________
g. Church ______________________
h. Cactus ______________________
i. Formula ______________________
j. Woman ______________________
17. How many commas should the following sentence contain? “Tom whose hat was decorated
with a blue feather carried a large heavy bag.”
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
18. Which words in the list below are spelled correctly?
a. Trapeze
b. Soldier
c. Lesiure
d. Wallop
e. Hiccough
f. Handkerchief
g. Wierd
h. Lollipop
i. Thorugh
j. Misled

Part B: Original Writing

Spend 25 minutes on this section.

Allow 5 minutes at the end to check your spelling and punctuation very carefully

Choose one of the tasks below.

Aim to write 150 words: we are looking for writing which is interesting, with accurate
spelling and punctuation.

Complete the task on lined paper.

1. Write a short story which ends with the words, “At last, I knew the truth.”
2. Describe a surprising or unexpected event in your life.
3. Should children be allowed to go trick or treating at Hallowe’en? Write a short
speech in which you argue your point of view.



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