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Name: Tingkasan, Niveen A.

Grade 11, STEM D

Date: August 11, 2017


II. AUTHOR: Antonio Enriquez

1. Chu – The protagonist of the story, who has a weak character and doesn’t change till the
end. Chu holds grudge towards the death of his dog named Leal so, he accuses Thomas Dayrit
who killed his dog for asocena. Chu is already contented with his dog Leal that he would do
anything for his dog and risk his life just to find his dog that went missing.

2. Tomas Dayrit – The antagonist in the story, he is a static character. Tomas Dayrit has a strong
characteristics, defensive, insensitive about the feeling of others. He was been accused that he
killed the dog of Chu named Leal for asocena. Who fought with Ingo. He is a huge man, dark
and nearly bald, with broad shoulders and his idea of fun was to get into a fight. He was an

Ilocano, one of the few who had come south to this small coastal barrio in Zamboanga.

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3.Chu’s father – The foil character in the story. He is a static character, sensitive, defensive, a
farmer. Caring to his child. He is the father of the child hijo or known as chu. He is the one who

accuses Tomas Dayrit as a killer of chus dog. Who fought with Tomas Dayrit because of their
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4. Chu’s mother– The foil character in the story. She is emotional, caring, and weak. She is the

mother of the child named chu, who tried to stop her husband not to cause any trouble with
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Tomas Dayrit unfortunately ingo did not listen to her advice and get into a fight.
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5. Ñor pedro – The foil character, he is a static character, kind, sweet, caring, a farmer, owns a
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puppies. He is the one who promised Ingo a puppy that he will gave to chu as a present to
recover the death of Leal that will serve as a replacement for his dog.
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In Antonio’s short story Asocena, its setting plays a vital role as it reflects the mood of major

characters and their actions, while contributing to its overall atmosphere. The short story has a
different settings; first is Labuan, Coastal barrio , Zamboanga City, above the kaingin, where
chus family live in and where leal chase the big monkeys in the cornfield. second are the sun was

still very young in the morning, earlier that morning, went around the bank and on the top of the
river, where chu started to find his dog and unluckily he did not find it and disappointed, and
where ingo fought with Tomas Dayrit and where chu had been waiting to cry since early this
morning. Third settings are at the house, across the stream below the shed, where the river
narrowed, near the sea, coconut lot, coming out onto the long shoreline of the beach, a little after
midday and the sun was high in the sky, along the beach, two o’clock, where Tomas and gangs
are drinking tuba and got fought with Ingo. Fourth settings are the sunlight came into the half
drawn, under the house, bamboo gate, law-an woods, the path was ful of pies de gallo grass,
squat nipa palm house on the top of the hill. Where ingo and chu went to nor house to get the
promised puppy that nor will give to ingo. The settings in the story are house the orchard behind,
in this morning, the river bed at the mountains, front back yard down in the brush below the

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Instructor: Mr. James P. Pantaleon
small forest, this are the setting that ingo and his son visits his friend to get the puppy, where chu
went while he is waiting his father, and where the house of Pedro.
In Emily Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights, its setting plays a vital role, as it reflects the mood of major
characters and their actions, while contributing to its overall atmosphere. The novel has three main
settings; first is moors, second is Wuthering Heights and third is Thrushcross Grange. Moors symbolize
wilderness, freedom as nobody owns them, and everyone can freely move anytime, while name Wuthering
Heights depicts weather around this house is stormy and gloomy and its characters are cruel and
extremely passionate. Thrushcross Grange, on the other hand, is contrary to Wuthering Heights, because
its weather is calm, while its inhabitants are dull and weak

(Conflict - a struggle between two opposing forces. The conflict may be between two people or it may be
between a person and some other force, regardless, every story revolves around conflict. Write all of the
conflicts that are observed in the story. Refer to the handout “KEY ELEMENTS OF LITERATURE”
for the types of conflict. )

The type of conflict in the story “Asocena” is human vs. Human. Chu wants his dog to come

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back but when he knew that Thomas killed his dog for Asocena and Thomas denied that he killed

his dog for Asocena. Another conflict is Chu’s father was asked to eat the asocena and he refuse
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to it knowing that it is chu’s dog but Tomas insisted that it is not a dog meat but a goat meat, he

doesn’t have trust with Tomas words and at the end they fought each other.
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Another type conflict in the story “Asocena” is human vs. Self. When chu’s dog died his
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weakness are shown through his emotional expression, he doesn’t talk that much, he doesn’t
even eat at all, and most of the time he cried and get sad that he remind the lost of his dog.
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Exposition: (Exposition is at the base of the mountain or the beginning of the story. This is where the

author sets up the story including characters, and setting.)

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Rising Action: (The Rising Action occurs as you begin to move throughout the story. This is where
conflicts start to build just like when you climb a mountain you are moving further along.)



Climax: (The Climax is the turning point of the story. You have reached the top of the mountain and you
cannot go any further, you have to turn and go down. This point in the story is when things finally start to
move in a different direction and it may not always be a positive direction.)

Falling Action: (Falling Action occurs after the climax as things start to work themselves out in the
story. You are coming down the mountain just as you are coming down from the excitement of the climax.)

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World 02:37:52 GMT -05:00
Instructor: Mr. James P. Pantaleon
Resolution: (The Resolution is the solution to the problem as you have reached the bottom of the
mountain. The solution might not be what you want, but the conflict has been resolved.)

Exposition: Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a girl named Cinderella. She lived with her
evil step- mother and two evil step-sisters.
Exposition Introduced:
Characters: Cinderella, step-mother, and step-sisters. Settings: (time) long ago, (place) land far away

Rising Action: Everyday, the evil step-mother made Cinderella work all day long and into the night.
One day, an invitation to a ball was sent to all the young maidens of the kingdom, but the evil step-
mother would not allow Cinderella to go to the ball and locked her in her room. Cinderella thought all
hope was lost until her fairy godmother appeared. Dressed in a beautiful 1 or more characters gown and
glass slippers, face a crisis. Cinderella rushed off to attend the ball.
The plot thickens.

Climax: Cinderella ran away as fast as she could. Although Prince Charming looked for her, all he found

was a glass slipper. Cinderella held her breath as Prince Charming gently slipped the glass slipper onto

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her foot. Prince Charming took Cinderella by the hand and made her his bride.

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Point of highest emotion or tension and turning point of the story.

Falling Action: Cinderella went to live with Prince Charming in the beautiful castle on the hill.
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Resolution of character’s crisis

Resolution: Cinderella and Prince Charming lived happily ever after.


All loose ends tied up.

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(Explain the theme (the central message) of the story. Discuss the author’s broader underlying
message, the general concept(s) that the author is dealing with through the story.)

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SAMPLE THEME:evidences

There are two main themes in the story Cinderella. First theme is kindness defeats wickedness. The

kindness & patience Cinderella owns overcame the evil soul of her stepmother & stepsisters in the end.
Another theme is envy and jealousy. Cinderella’s stepmother was always envious with her. It is shown in
the third paragraph, that no matter how splendid and elegant her stepsisters’ clothes are, they were still

clumsy, lumpy, and ugly, and always would be. So, that’s why Cinderella was given her stepsisters’
second-hand dresses by her mother to make Cinderella look ugly.

This study source – 21st Century
111downloaded Literature fromfrom
by 100000789681668 the Philippines and on the05-20-2021
World 02:37:52 GMT -05:00
Instructor: Mr. James P. Pantaleon

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