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MODULE # 1 Post-test


Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. Financial accounting is concerned with

a. General- purpose reports on financial position and financial performance.
b. Specialized reports for inventory management and control.
c. Specialized reports for income tax computation and recognition.
d. General- purpose reports on changes in stock prices and future estimates of market position.

2. The primary focus of financial accounting has been on meeting the needs of which of the following groups?
a. Managers of an entity
b. Present and potential creditors of an entity
c. National and local taxing authorities
d. Independent auditors

3. It is a “global phenomenon” intended to bring about transparency and a higher degree of comparability in financial
reporting, both of which will benefit the investors and are essential to achieve the goal of one uniform and globally
accepted financial reporting standards.
b. Borderless accounting
c. World trade
d. Information technology

4. Accounting is a service activity and its function is to provide quantitative information, primarily financial in nature,
about economic entities, that is intended to be useful in making economic decision. This accounting definition is given

a. Financial Reporting Standards Council

b. AICPA Committee on Accounting Terminology
c. American Accounting Association
d. Board of Accountancy

5. Once an accounting standard has been established

a. The standard is continually reviewed to see if modification is necessary.
b. The standard is not reviewed unless the SEC makes a compliant.
c. The task of reviewing the standard to see if modification is necessary is given to the PICPA.
d. The principle of consistency requires that no revisions ever be made to the standard.

6. The process of establishing financial accounting standards

a. Is a democratic process in that a majority of practicing accountants must agree with a standard
before it becomes implemented.
b. Is a legislative process based on rules promulgated by government agencies.
c. Is based solely on economic analysis of the effects each standard will have if it is
d. Is a social process which incorporates political actions of various interested users groups as
well as professional research and logic.

7. Which accounting process is the recognition or non-recognition of business activities as accountable events?

a. Identifying
b. Measuring
c. Recording
d. Communicating

8. It is the body authorized by law to promulgate rules and regulations affecting the practice of the accountancy professions
in the Philippines.
a. Board of Accountancy
b. Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountant
c. Securities and Exchange Commission
d. Financial Reporting Standards Council

9. The basic purpose of accounting is

a. To provide the information that the managers of an economic entity need to control its
b. To provide information that the creditors of an economic entity can use in deciding whether to
make additional loans to the entity.
c. To measure the periodic income of the economic entity.
d. To provide quantitative financial information about an entity that is useful in making rational
economic decision.

10. Financial accounting can be broadly defined as the area of accounting that prepares
a. General purpose financial statements to be used by parties internal to the entity only.
b. Financial statements to be used by investors only.
c. General purpose financial statements to be used by parties both internal and external to the
d. Financial statements to be used primarily by management.

11. The purpose of the International Financial Reporting Standards is to

a. Issue enforceable standards which regulate the financial accounting and reporting of
multinational entities.
b. Develop a uniform currency in which the financial transactions of entities throughout the
world would be measured.
c. Promote uniform accounting standards among countries of the world.
d. Arbitrate accounting disputes between auditors and international entities.

12. The International Accounting Standards Board was formed to

a. Enforce IFRS in foreign countries
b. Develop worldwide accounting standards
c. Establish accounting standards for multinational entities
d. Develop accounting standards for countries that do not have their own standard-setting bodies
13. What is the law regulating the practice of accountancy in the Philippines?
a. R.A. No. 9298
b. R.A. No. 9198
c. R.A. No. 9928
d. R.A. No. 9892

14. It is the accounting standard setting body created by PRC upon recommendations of the Board of Accountancy to assist
the Board of Accountancy in carrying out its powers and functions under R.A. No. 9298
a. Accounting Standards Council
b. Auditing and Assurance Standard Council
c. Philippine Accounting Standards Board
d. Financial Reporting Standard Council

15. The “communicating” process of accounting includes all of the following, except
a. Recording
b. Classifying
c. Summarizing
d. Interpreting

MODULE 2 Post-test
Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
All answers shall be submitted on or before AUGUST 14, 2020 (Friday)

1. Which of the following is not one of the fundamental criteria for recognition?
a. Timeliness
b. Measurability
c. Relevance
d. Reliability

2. When a large number of individuals, using the same measurement method, demonstrate that a high degree of
consensus can be secured among independent measurers, then the result exhibits the characteristic of
a. Verifiability
b. Neutrality
c. Relevance
d. Reliability

3. The assumed continuation of a business entity in the absence of evidence to the contrary is an example of the
accounting concept of
a. Accrual
b. Consistency
c. Comparability
d. Going concern

4. Accounting for inventories by applying the lower-of-cost-or- market is an example of the application of
a. Conservatism
b. Comparability
c. Consistency
d. Materiality

5. Important constraints underlying the qualitative characteristics of accounting information are

a. historical cost and going concern
b. materiality, conservatism, and cost-effectiveness
c. consistency, comparability, and conservatism
d. verifiability, neutrality, and representational faithfulness

6. The secondary qualitative characteristics of accounting information are

a. relevance and reliability
b. comparability and consistency
c. understandability and decision usefulness
d. materiality and conservatism

7. The branch of accounting that is concerned primarily with providing information for internal users is called
a. Auditing
b. managerial accounting
c. financial accounting
d. income tax accounting

8. Financial information exhibits the characteristic of consistency when

a. accounting procedures are adopted which smooth net income and make results consistent
between years
b. extraordinary gains and losses are shown separately on the income statement
c. accounting entities give similar events the same accounting treatment each period
d. expenditures are reported as expenses and netted against revenue in the period in which they
are paid

9. The primary current source of generally accepted accounting principles for nongovernmental operations is the
a. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
b. Securities and Exchange Commission
c. Financial Accounting Standards Board
d. Governmental Accounting Standards Board

10. Accountants prepare financial statements at arbitrary points in time during a company's lifetime in accordance with
the accounting concept of
a. Matching
b. Comparability
c. Accounting periods
d. Materiality

11. When financial reports from two different companies have been prepared and presented in a similar manner, the
information exhibits the characteristic of
a. Relevance
b. Reliability
c. Comparability
d. Consistency

12. A conceptual framework of accounting should

a. lead to uniformity of financial statements among companies within the same industry
b. eliminate alternative accounting principles and methods
c. guide the AICPA in developing generally accepted auditing standards
d. define the basic objectives, terms, and concepts of accounting

13. Historical cost has been the valuation basis most commonly used in accounting because of its
a. Timelessness
b. Conservatism
c. Reliability
d. Accuracy

14. The financial statements that are prepared for the business are separate and distinct from the owners according to the
a. going-concern principle
b. matching principle
c. economic entity assumption
d. full disclosure principle

15. Which of the following statements concerning the objectives of financial reporting is correct?
a. The objectives are intended to be specific in nature.
b. The objectives are directed primarily toward the needs of internal users of accounting
c. The objectives were the end result of the FASB's conceptual framework project.
d. The objectives encompass not only financial statement disclosures, but other information as

16. According to the FASB's conceptual framework, the process of reporting an item in the financial statements of an
entity is
a. Realization
b. Recognition
c. Matching
d. Allocation

17. The overriding qualitative characteristic of accounting information is

a. Relevance
b. Understandability
c. Reliability
d. Decision usefulness

18. Recording the purchase price of a chalkboard eraser (with an estimated useful life of 10 years) as an expense of the
current period is justified by the
a. going-concern assumption
b. materiality constraint
c. matching principle
d. comparability principle

19. What accounting concept justifies the use of accruals and deferrals?
a. Going concern assumption
b. Corporate form of organization
c. Consistency characteristic
d. Arm's-length transactions

20. The process of establishing financial accounting standards

a. is a democratic process in that a majority of practicing accountants must agree with a standard
before it becomes implemented.
b. is a legislative process based on rules promulgated by government agencies.
c. is based solely on economic analysis of the effects each standard will have if it is implemented.
d. is a social process which incorporates political actions of various interested user groups as well
as professional research and logic.

Module 3 – Post test

Basis for the Preparation of FS


1. An entity can rectify inappropriate accounting policies either by disclosure of the accounting policies used or by notes or
explanatory material.
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe True
d. Maybe False

2. Which statement is correct about the types of comparability?

I. Intra-comparability is the comparability of Financial Statements of the same entity.
II. Inter-comparability is the comparability of Financial Statements between different entities.
a. I only
b. II only
c. Both I and II
d. Neither I nor II

3. The following are considered as identifiable intangible assets in the balance sheet except
a. Computer Software
b. Franchise
c. Goodwill
d. Trademark

4. Under PAS 1, paragraph 7, the holders of instruments classified as equity are simply known as
a. Owners
b. Entity
c. Proprietor
d. Shareholders

5. Which of these classifications are needed for a liability to be considered under current liability?
I. Expected to be settled beyond the entity’s normal operating cycle
II. Held for purpose of trading
III. Due to be settled after 12 months
IV. For which the entity does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement beyond 12 months
(settlement by the issue of equity instrument does not impact classification).
a. I and II only
b. I and III only
c. II and IV only
d. I, II and III only

6. Which of the following does not comprise a set of financial statements?

a. Statement of Financial Position at the end of the period
b. Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income, changes in equity and cash flow
for the period
c. Report of the entity’s sources of funding
d. Comparative information in respect of the preceding period and notes, comprising significant
accounting policies and other explanatory information

7. The information which must be provided so as to properly identify each component of a set of Financial Statements does
not include:
a. The country in which the entity operates
b. The presentation currency used
c. The name of the reporting entity
d. The level of rounding used

8. The main purpose of the statement of changes in equity is:

a. To show how each component of an entity’s equity has altered during an accounting period
b. To show an entity’s total equity at the end of an accounting period
c. To show an entity’s assets, liabilities and equity at the end of an accounting period
d. To show an entity’s income, expenses and profit for an accounting period

9. The notes to the financial statements should provide information:

a. As required by international standards, if not presented elsewhere in the financial statements
b. Which is relevant to an understanding of the financial statements
c. About the entity's accounting policies
d. All of the above

10. The main financial performance statement is:

a. The statement of financial position
b. The statement of changes in equity
c. The statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
d. The statement of cash flows

11. Gains and losses on foreign currencies are reported:

a. On two-separate lines
b. Net – in a separate line
c. Within revenue
d. Within expense

12. Reimbursement of provisions should be:

a. Netted against the provision in the Statement of Profit or Loss
b. Shown as an asset in Statement of Financial Position
c. Shown as separate lines in the Statement of Profit or Loss
d. None of the above

13. The judgement on whether additional items are presented separately is based on an assessment of:
1. The nature and liquidity of assets
2. The function of assets
3. The amounts, nature and timing of liabilities
4. The space available in the financial statements

a. 1, 2 and 3 only
b. 1, 2 and 4 only
c. 1 and 2 only
d. 2, 3 and 4 only

14. As a minimum, the face of the Statement of profit or loss shall include line items that present the following amounts for
the period:
1. Revenue
2. Finance Cost
3. Share of the income of associates, and joint ventures accounted for using equity
4. Pre-tax gain(or loss) recorded on the disposals of assets, or settlement of liabilities
attributable to discontinuing operations
5. Tax expense
6. Profit or Loss

a. 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 only
b. 1 to 6 all inclusive
c. 1, 2, 5 and 6 only
d. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 only

15. Environmental reports and value-added statements are:

a. Outside the scope of IFRS
b. Never provided with financial statement
c. An integral part of financial statements
d. None of the above

16. Users’ knowledge of business and accounting is assumed to be:

a. Negligible
b. Comprehensive
c. Reasonable
d. Understanding

17. A fair presentation also requires an undertaking to:

I. Select policies in accordance with IAS 8
II. Provides relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information
III. Provide additional disclosures
IV. Provide an audit report
a. I, and II only
b. I, III, and IV only
c. I, II, and III only
d. II only

18. When the departure from a Standard creates a continuing impact:

a. A return to the Standard is required
b. This must be disclosed in each period
c. A deferred tax asset is created
d. All of the above

19. Accounts produced on a going-concern basis suggest the business will continue in operation for:
a. One decade
b. Six months
c. One year
d. The foreseeable future

20. Consistency entails:

a. No new standard is being produced
b. No changes in accounting policies
c. No changes in accounting estimates
d. The ability to compare the figures of different periods

MODULE # 4 Post-test

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. Which of the following should be disclosed in the financial statements as contingent liability?
a. The entity has accepted liability prior to year-end for unfair dismissal of an employee and is to pay damages.
b. The entity has received a letter from a supplier complaining about an old unpaid invoice.
c. The entity is involved in a legal; case which it may possibly lose, although this is not probable.
d. The entity has not yet paid claims under sales warranties.

2. A retail store received cash and issued a gift certificate that is redeemable in merchandise. When the gift certificate was
issued, a
a. Deferred revenue account should be decrease
b. Deferred revenue account should be increase
c. Revenue account should be decreased
d. Revenue account should be increase

3. Which of the following must be included on the face of statement of financial position?
a. Number of shares authorized
b. Contingent Asset
c. Contingent Liability
d. Investment Property

4. Appropriation for plant expansion is reported under

a. Plant, Property, and Equipment
b. Current assets
c. Retained Earnings
d. Intangible Assets

5. Which of the following statements is true?

I. Financial flexibility is a company’s ability to respond and adapt to financial adversity and unexpected needs and
II. On the balance sheet, an adjunct account reduces either an asset, a liability, or an owners’ equity account.

a. Statement A is true and Statement B is false.

b. Statement A is false and Statement B is true.
c. Both Statements are true.
d. Both Statements are false.
6. It refers to the availability of cash over the longer term to meet maturing obligations?
a. Liquidity
b. Solvency
c. Profitability
d. Both a and b

7. It is the ability of the entity to meet currently maturing obligations

a. Profitability
b. Solvency
c. Liquidity
d. Maturity

8. The following are considered as characteristics of an asset, except

a. The cost of the asset can be measured reliably
b. The asset provides future economic benefits
c. The asset is the result of the future events
d. The asset is controlled by the entity

9. These are probable future economic benefits obtained or controlled by an entity as a result of past transactions
or events.
a. Liabilities
b. Assets
c. Equity
d. None of the above

10. Which of the following should not be considered as a current asset in the balance sheet?
a. Installment notes receivable due over 18 months in accordance with normal trade practice.
b. Prepaid taxes which cover assessments of the following operating cycle of the business.
c. Equity or debt securities purchased with cash available for current operations.
d. The cash surrender value of a life insurance policy carried by a corporation, the beneficiary, on its president.

11. Which of the following is a limitation of the balance sheet?

a. Many items that are of financial value are omitted.
b. Judgments and estimates are used.
c. Current fair value is not reported.
d. All of these

12. What is the appropriate treatment for a contingent asset in the financial statements of an entity?
a. Disclosure of information in the notes but not recognized in the financial
b. Recognition in the financial statements and a note disclosure.
c. Recognition in the financial statements but no further disclosure in the notes.
d. Not recognized in the financial statements and neither disclosed in notes.

13. If an entity expects and has the discretion to refinance on a long-term basis, the notes payable should be
reclassified as
a. Current Liabilities
b. Noncurrent Asset
c. Non-current Liabilities
d. Current liabilities
14. Which of the following is not an acceptable presentation of current liabilities?
a. Listing current liabilities in the order of maturity
b. Listing current liabilities according to amount
c. Offsetting current liabilities against assets that are to be applied to their
d. Showing current liabilities in the order of liquidation preference

15. Non-current liabilities often referred to as:

a. Other long-term provisions
b. Long-terms debts
c. Other long-term financial liabilities
d. Other non-current non-financial liabilities

16. All are classified as current liabilities, except:

a. Deferred tax liability
b. Short-term borrowing
c. Current provisions
d. Trade and other payables

17. Which of the following is not a component of contributed capital under equity section?
a. Ordinary shares
b. Treasury shares
c. Preference share
d. Share premium

18. The trading securities and other investments in quoted equity instrument is an example of what line item under
current assets?
a. Financial assets at fair value
b. Financial assets at book value
c. Other current assets
d. Noncurrent assets

19. Which is not true about the Statement of Financial Position in the given choices?
a. Biological Assets should be reported in the statement of financial position
b. The number of shares authorized for issue should be reported in the statement of
financial position or the statement of changes in equity or in the notes
c. Provision should be recognized in the statement of financial position
d. A revaluation surplus on a noncurrent asset in the current year should be recognized in
the income statement

20. The analysis of the statement of financial position is useful in assessing the liquidity, which is the ability to
a. Satisfy short-term obligations.
b. Maintain profitable operations.
c. Maintain past levels of preferred and ordinary dividends
d. Survive major economic downturn.

Module 4 Post-test Set B


Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Angel Company provided the following account balances at year-end:

Accounts receivable 1,600,000

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 500,000
Financial assets at amortized cost 1,300,000
Cash 1,100,000
Inventory 3,000,000
Equipment and furniture 2,500,000
Accumulated Depreciation 1,500,000
Patent 400,000
Prepaid Expenses 100,000
Equipment held for sale 1,800,000

What total amount should be reported as current assets at year-end?

a. 8,100,000
b. 6,300,000
c. 8,000,000
d. 7,600,000

Accounts receivable 1,600,000
Financial assets at fair value 500,000
Cash 1,100,000
Prepaid Expenses 100,000
Equipment held for sale 1,800,000
current assets at year-end 8,100,000

2. The following data pertains to Jerome Company on December 31, 2021:

Cash, including sinking fund of P500,000 with trustee 2,000,000
Notes receivable (P200,000 pledged) 1,200,000
Accounts receivable – unassigned 3,000,000
Accounts receivable – assigned 800,000
Notes receivable discounted(without recourse) 700,000
Equity of assignee in accounts receivable assigned 500,000
Inventory, including P600,000 cost of goods in transit purchased FOB destination.
The goods were received on January 3, 2022
Allowance for doubtful accounts 100,000

How much current assets should be shown in the

balance sheet on December 31, 2021? Solution:
a. 7,900,000
b. 8,000,000 Cash (2M-500k) 1,500,000
c. 7,400,000 Notes receivable 1,200,000
d. 7,700,000 Notes receivable discounted 700,000 500,000
Accounts receivable – unassigned 3,000,000
Accounts receivable – assigned 800,000
Inventory (2,800,000-600k) 2,200,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts (100,000)

Current assets, Dec 31 7,900,000

3. At year-end, the current assets of Hazel Company revealed cash and cash equivalents of
P700,000, accounts receivable of P1,200,000 and inventories of P600,000. The examination of
accounts receivable disclosed the following:

Trade accounts 930,000

Allowance for doubtful accounts ( 20,000)
Claim against shipper for goods lost in transit 30,000
Selling price of unsold goods sent by Hazel
On consignment at 130% of cost and not
Included in ending inventory 260,000
Total accounts receivable 1,200,000

What total amount should be reported as current assets at year-end?

a. 2,412,000
b. b. 2,440,000
c. 2,240,000
d. 2,500,000

CCE 700,000
Trade Accounts 940,000
Inventory 800,000
Current assets at year-end 2,440,000

4. Kaila Company trial balance reflected the following account balances at December 31, 2021:
Accounts receivable 1,600,000
Trading securities 500,000
Accumulated depreciation on equipment and furniture 1,500,000
Cash 1,100,000
Inventory of merchandise 3,000,000
Equipment and furniture 2,500,000
Patent 400,000
Prepaid expenses 100,000
Land held for future business site 1,800,000

In Kaila Company’s December 31, 2021 balance sheet, the current assets total is
a. 8,100,000
b. 7,300,000
c. 6,700,000
d. 6,300,000


Accounts receivable 1,600,000

Trading securities 500,000
Cash 1,100,000
Inventory of merchandise 3,000,000
Prepaid expenses 100,000
Current assets 6,300,000

5. The following is Kaila Company’s June 30, 2021, trial balance:

Cash overdraft 100,000
Accounts receivable, net 350,000
Inventory 580,000
Prepaid expenses 120,000
Land classified as “held for sale” 1,000,000
Property, plant and equipment, net 950,000
Accounts payable and accrued expenses 320,000
Common stock 250,000
Additional paid-in capital 1,500,000
Retained earnings 830,000
3,000,000 3,000,000
Checks amounting to P300,000 were written to vendors and recorded on June 29, 2021, resulting in cash
overdraft of P100,000. The checks were mailed on July 9, 2021. Land classified as held for sale was sold for
cash on July 15, 2021. Kaila issued its financial statements on July 31, 2021.

In its June 30, 2021 balance sheet, what amount should Kaila report as current assets?
a. 2,250,000
b. 2,050,000
c. 1,950,000
d. 1,250,000

Cash (300k-100k) 200,000
Accounts receivable, net 350,000
Inventory 580,000
Prepaid expenses 120,000
Land classified as “held for sale” 1,000,000
Current assets 2,250,000

6. Presented below are account balances and related information on December 31, 2021 for Jerome Company:
Cash and cash equivalents 3,700,000
Accounts receivable 1,500,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts ( 200,000)
Inventory 2,000,000
Prepaid insurance 300,000
 The cash and cash equivalents include the following:
Cash in bank, net of bank overdraft of P300,000
Maintained in a separate bank 1,000,000
Cash set aside by the Board of Directors for the
Purchase of a plant site 2,000,000
Petty cash 10,000
Cash withheld from wages for income tax of employees 190,000
General cash 500,000
 The accounts receivable balance includes past due account in the amount of P100,000 on which a loss of
50% is anticipated. The account should be written off.
 The merchandise inventory includes goods held on consignment amounting to P150,000 and goods of
P200,000 purchased and received on December 31, 2021. Neither of these items have been recorded as a
 The prepaid-insurance includes cash surrender value of life insurance of P50,000.

The adjusted balance of current assets should be

a. 5,400,000
b. 5,100,000
c. 5,300,000
d. 5,200,000

CCE 2,000,000
A/R 1,400,000
AFDA (150,000) 1,300,000
Inventories (2M-150k) 1,850,000
Prepaid Exp 250,000
Current assets 5,400,000

7. Jerome Company’s December 31, 2021 balance sheet reported the following current assets:
Cash 4,000,000
Accounts receivable 7,500,000
Inventory 4,000,000
Deferred tax asset 1,200,000
Equipment used and held for resale 300,00
An analysis of the accounts receivable disclosed the accounts receivable comprised the following
Trade accounts receivable 5,000,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts (500,000)
Selling price of Jerome Company’s unsold goods sent to Tar Company on
consignment at 150% of cost and excluded from Jerome’s ending
inventory 3,000,000

At December 31, 2021, the total current assets should be

a. 16,000,000
b. 15,700,000
c. 14,500,000
d. 14,800,000

Cash 4,000,000
Accounts receivable 4,500,000 (3M on consignment not included)
Inventory (2M+ (3M/150%)) 6,000,000
Equipment used and held for resale 300,000
Current assets 14,800,000

8. The following trial balance of Jerome Company at December 31, 2021 has been adjusted except for income tax

Cash 2,000,000
Accounts receivable, net 20,000,000
Prepaid taxes 4,000,000
Inventory 12,000,000
Property, plant & equipment 35,000,000
Accounts payable 20,000,000
Common stock 30,000,000
Retained earnings 18,000,000
Foreign currency translation adjustment 5,000,000
Revenues 40,000,000
Expenses 30,000,000
108,000,000 108,000,000

During 2021, estimated tax payments of P4,000,000 were charged to prepaid ta7xes. Jerome has not yet
recorded income tax expense. The tax rate is 35%. Included in accounts receivable is P6,000,000 due from a
customer. Special terms granted to this customer require payment in equal semiannual installments of
P1,000,000 every June 1 and December 1.

In the December 31, 2021 balance sheet, what amount should be reported as total current assets?
a. 34,500,000
b. 28,500,000
c. 35,500,000
d. 30,500,000


Cash 2,000,000
A/R (20M-4M non current) 16,000,000
Prepaid taxes (4M - 3.5M tax exp) 500,000
Inventory 12,000,000
Current assets 30,500,000

9. An analysis of Joshtine Company’s liabilities disclosed the following

Accounts payable, after deducting debit balances

In suppliers’ accounts amounting to P100,000 4,400,000
Accrued expenses 1,500,000
Credit balances of customers’ accounts 500,000
Stock dividend payable 1,000,000
Claims for increase in wages and allowance by
Employees of the company, covered in a
pending lawsuit 400,000
Estimated expenses in redeeming prize coupons
Presented by customers 600,000

How much should be presented as total current liabilities on the balance sheet?
a. 6,700,000
b. 6,600,000
c. 7,100,000
d. 7,700,000
Accounts payable (4.4M + 100k) 4,500,000
Accrued expenses 1,500,000
Credit balances of customers’ accounts 500,000
Estimated expenses 600,000
Current Liabilities 7,1000,000

10. The trial balance of Joshtine Company reflected the following liability account balances at December 31,
Accounts payable 1,900,000
Bonds payable 3,400,000
Deferred tax liability 400,000
Dividends payable 500,000
Income tax payable 900,000
Note payable, due January 31, 2022 600,000
Discount on bonds payable 200,000

The deferred tax liability is based on temporary differences that will reverse equally in 2022 and 2023.

In Joshtine’s December 31, 2021 balance sheet, the current liabilities total was
a. 7,100,000
b. 4,300,000
c. 3,900,000
d. 4,100,000

Accounts payable 1,900,000
Dividends payable 500,000
Income tax payable 900,000
Note payable, due January 31, 2022 600,000
Current liabilities 3,900,000

11. The trial balance of Angel Company reflected the following liability account balances on December 31, 2021:
Accounts payable 5,000,000
Bonds payable, due December 30, 2022 10,000,000
Premium on bonds payable 500,000
Deferred tax liability 2,500,000
Dividends payable 4,500,000
Income tax payable 1,500,000
Note payable – bank 4,000,000

The bank note payable matures on June 30, 2022. On March 1, 2022, the entire balance of the bank payable
was refinanced on a long-term basis. Angel’s financial statements were issued on March 31, 2022.

In its December 31, 2021, Angel Company should report current liabilities at
a. 21,500,000
b. 24,000,000
c. 25,500,000
d. 28,000,000

Accounts payable 5,000,000
Bonds payable, due December 30, 2022 10,000,000
Premium on bonds payable 500,000
Dividends payable 4,500,000
Income tax payable 1,500,000
Note payable – bank 4,000,000
Current Liabilities 25,500,000

12. The following information about Manchester Company is available at December 31, 2021:
Employee income taxes withheld 900,000
Cash balance at first state Bank 2,500,000
Cash overdraft at Harbor Bank 1,300,000
Accounts receivable with credit balance 750,000
Estimated expenses of meeting warranties on merchandise previously sold The
Estimated damages as a result of unsatisfactory performance on a contact
Accounts payable 3,000,000
Deferred serial bonds, issued at par and bearing interest at 12%, payable in
semiannual installments of P500,000 due April 1 and October 1 of each year,
the last bond to be paid on October 1, 2027. Interest is also paid
semiannually. 5,000,000
Stock dividend payable 2,000,000
December 31, 2021 balance sheet should report current liabilities at

A. 8,100,000
b. 7,950,000
c. 9,100,000
d. 7,350,000

Employee income taxes withheld 900,000
Cash overdraft at Harbor Bank 1,300,000
Accounts receivable with credit balance 750,000

Estimated expenses of meeting warranties on merchandise previously sold

Estimated damages as a result of unsatisfactory performance on a contact
Accounts payable 3,000,000

Accrued Interest (5,000,000 x 12% x 3/12) 150,000

Current Liabilities 8,100,000
13. Joshtine Company had the following liabilities at December 31, 2021:
Account payable 550,000
Unsecured note, 8%, due July 1, 2022 4,000,000
Accrued expenses 350,000
Contingent liability 450,000
Deferred tax liability 250,000
Senior bonds, 7%, due March 31, 2022 5,000,000

The contingent liability is an accrual for possible loss on a P1,000,000 lawsuit filed against Joshtine. Joshtine’s
legal council expects the suit to be settled in 2022 and has estimated that Joshtine will be liable for damages in
the amount of 450,000

The deferred tax liability is not related to an asset for financial reporting and is expected to reverse in 2022

What amount should Joshtine report in its December 31, 2021 balance sheet for current liabilities?
a. 10,350,000
b. 10,150,000
c. 9,900,000
d. 4,900,000

Account payable 550,000
Unsecured note, 8%, due July 1, 2022 4,000,000
Accrued expenses 350,000
Senior bonds, 7%, due March 31, 2022 5,000,000
Current Liabilities 9,900,000

14. Tricia Company provided the following data at year-end:

Accounts payable, including cost of goods

Received on consignment of P150,000 1,350,000
Accrued taxes payable 125,000
Customers’s deposit 100,000
Manila Company as guarantor 200,000
Bank overdraft 55,000
Accrued electric and power bills 60,000
Reserve for contingencies 150,000

What total amount should be reported as current liabilities?

a. 1,840,000
b. 1,740,000
c. 1,650,000
d. 1,540,000

Accounts payable (1350-150on consignment) 1,200,000
Accrued taxes payable 125,000
Customers’ deposit 100,000
Bank overdraft 55,000
Accrued electric and power bills 60,000
Current Liabilities 1540000
15. The following information pertains to Kaila Company on December 31 of the current year:
Property, plant and equipment 35,000,000
Accounts receivable 20,000,000
Prepaid insurance 2,500,000
Short-term note payable 3,000,000
Cash 5,000,000
Bonds payable 40,000,000
Total assets 101,500,000
Land 20,000,000
Accounts payable 8,000,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts 1,000,000
Merchandise inventory 13,000,000
Available for sale securities – to be held indefinitely 7,000,000
Wages payable 2,000,000
Total liabilities 56,000,000
Premium on bonds payable 3,000,000

The December 31 working capital is

a. 46,500,000
b. 33,500,000
c. 26,500,000
d. 35,500,000


Accounts receivable 20,000,000

Prepaid insurance 2,500,000
Short-term note payable 3,000,000
Cash 5,000,000
Accounts payable 8,000,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts (1,000,000)
Merchandise inventory 13,000,000
Wages payable 2,000,000
39,500,000 13,000,000

16. Rosalie Corporation is located in London but does business throughout Europe. The company builds and sells
equipment used in manufacturing pharmaceuticals. On December 31, 2021, Rosalie has trading securities
valued at £42,000; goodwill valued at £300,000; prepaid insurance valued at £24,000; patents valued at
£140,000; and a customer list valued at £260,000. On Rosalie Corporation’s statement of financial position at
December 31, 2021, what amount should be reported as intangible assets?
a. 742,000
b. 766,000
c. 700,000
d. 440,000

GW 300k
Pantents 140k
CList 260k

17. The accounts and balances shown below were taken from Kaila Company’s trial balance on December 31,
2021. All adjusting entries have been made.

Wages Payable, P250,000; Cash, P175,000; Bonds Payable, P600,000; Dividends Payable, P140,000;
Prepaid rent, P136,000; Inventory, P820,000; Sinking Fund Assets, P525,000; Trading securities,
P153,000; Premium on Bonds Payable, P48,000; Stock Investment in Subsidiary, P1,020,000; Taxes
Payable, P228,000; Accounts Payable, P248,000; Accounts Receivable, P366,000; Property Plant &
Equipment, P1,200,000; Patents- net, P150,000; Accumulated Depreciation-PPE, P400,000; Land held
for future business site, P900,000.

How much should be reported in Kaila’s December 31, 2021 balance sheet as current and non-current assets,
a. 1,650,000 and 2,375,000
b. 1,650,000 and 3,395,000
c. 1,800,000 and 2,225,000
d. 1,800,000 and 3,795,000

Cash 175000 PPE 1200000

Prepaid Rent 136000 Land 900000
Inventory 820000 Sinking Fund 525000
T. Sec. 153000 SI in Subsidiary 1020000
A/R 366000 Patent 150000
Current A. 1650000 Accum Dep’n (400000)
Non Current A. 3395000

18. Jostin Company’s adjusted trial balance at December 31, 2021 includes the following accounts balances:

Ordinary share capital, P3 par P3,000,000

Subscription Receivable due 2022 300,000
Share premium 4,000,000
Treasury shares, at cost 250,000
Net unrealized loss on available for sale securities 100,000
Reserve for uninsured earthquake losses 750,000
Accumulated profits 1,000,000
Ordinary shares subscribed 500,000
Reserve for treasury share 250,000
What amount should Jostin report as total owners’ equity in its December 31, 2021 balance sheet?
a. 8,400,000
b. 8,900,000
c. 9,150,000
d. 9,200,000

OSC 3000000
OSS 500,000
SP 4,000,000
Reserve for uninsured earthquake losses 750,000
Reserve for treasury share 250,000
Accumulated profits 1,000,000
Net unrealized loss on available for sale securities 100,000
Treasury shares, at cost (250,000)

19. Facundo Corporation’s post-closing trial balance at December 31, 2021 was as follows:

Facundo Corporation
Post-Closing Trial Balance
December 31, 2021
Debit Credit
Accounts payable P 495,000
Accounts receivable P 963,000
Reserve for depreciation 360,000
Reserve for doubtful accounts 54,000
Premium on ordinary shares 1,800,000
Gain on sale of treasury shares 450,000
Bonds payable 720,000
Building and equipment 1,980,000
Cash 396,000
Dividends payable on preference shares 7,200
Ordinary share capital (P1 par value) 270,000
Inventories 1,116,000
Land 684,000
Available-for-sale securities at fair value 513,000
Trading securities at fair value 387,000
Net unrealized loss on available-for-sale
securities 45,000
Preference share capital (P50 par value) 900,000
Prepaid expenses 72,000
Donated capital 800,000
Share warrants outstanding 208,000
Retained earnings 415,800
Treasury shares – ordinary, at cost 324,000
Totals P6,480,000 P6,480,000

At December 31, 2021, Facundo had the following number of ordinary and preference shares:

Ordinary Preference
Authorized 900,000 90,000
Issued 270,000 18,000
Outstanding 252,000 18,000
The dividends on preference shares are P0.40 cumulative. In addition, the preference share has a preference in
liquidation of P50 per share.

Based on the above and the result of your audit, determine the following as of December 31, 2021:

1. Share premium/Additional paid-in capital

a. P3,213,000 c. P3,050,000
b. P3,258,000 d. P2,600,000

Prem OS 1800000
Gain OSOPS 400000
Donated C. 800000
SWOutstanding 208000

2. Total contributed capital

a. P4,428,000 c. P3,770,000
b. P4,220,000 d. P1,170,000

PS 900000
OS 270000
SP 3258000

3. Unappropriated retained earnings

a. P415,800 c. P91,800
b. P739,800 d. P37,800

Total RE 415800
App for TS (324000)
Unappropriated 91800

4. Total equity
a. P4,266,800 c. P4,888,800
b. P4,519,800 d. P4,474,800

Total CC 4428000
Total RE 415800
Less: TS (324000)
NULoAFS (45000)

20. Tricia Industries provided the following balances on December 31, 2021
Accounts payable 1,400,000
Accrued taxes 55,000
Ordinary share capital 7,700,000
Dividends – ordinary share 4,400,000
Dividends – preference share 1,600,000
Mortgage payable ( 500,000 due in 6 months) 6,000,000
Notes payable, due on January 14, 2023 2,300,000
Preference share capital 3,250,000
Premium on notes payable 125,000
Income summary – credit balance 9,090,000
Retained earnings – January 1 8,080,000
Unamortized issue cost on note payable 65,000
Unearned rent income 35,000

What is the amount of retained earnings for the year ended?

a. 2,080,000
b. 11,170,000
c. 17,170,000
d. 22,120,000

Beg RE 8080000
Et Income 9090000
Div OS (4400000)
Div PS (1600000)

Conceptual Framework
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. The financial statements that are prepared for the entity are separate and distinct from the owners according
to the
a. Going concern principle
b. Matching principle
c. Economic entity assumption
d. Accounting period assumption

2. It is a “global phenomenon” intended to bring about transparency and a higher degree of comparability in
reporting, both of which will benefit the investors and are essential to achieve the goal of one uniform and
accepted financial reporting standards.
b. Borderless accounting
c. World trade
d. Information technology
3. The purpose of the International Financial Reporting Standards is to
a. Issue enforceable standards which regulate the financial accounting and reporting of
multinational entities.
b. Develop a uniform currency in which the financial transactions of entities throughout the
world would be measured.
c. Promote uniform accounting standards among countries of the world.
d. Arbitrate accounting disputes between auditors and international entities.

4. Financial accounting is the area of accounting that emphasizes reporting to

a. Management
b. Regulatory bodies
c. Internal auditors
d. Creditors and investors
5. The theory of accounting which best describes the accounting equation expressed “asset = liabilities +
equity” is
a. Entity theory
b. Fund theory
c. Proprietary theory
d. Residual equity theory
6. What is the law regulating the practice of accountancy in the Philippines?
a. R.A. No. 9298
b. R.A. No. 9198
c. R.A. No. 9928
d. R.A. No. 9892
7. The primary focus of financial accounting has been on meeting the needs of which of the following groups?
a. Managers of an entity
b. Present and potential creditors of an entity
c. National and local taxing authorities
d. Independent auditors

8. Many accountants are employed in entities in various capacity as accounting staff, chief accountant or
These accountants are said to be engaged in
a. Public accounting
b. Private accounting
c. Government accounting
d. Financial accounting

9. The conceptual framework specifically mentions two underlying assumptions, namely

a. Accrual and going concern
b. Accrual and accounting entity
c. Going concern and time period
d. Time period and monetary unit

10. These users are interested in information about the profitability and stability of an entity in order to assess
ability of the entity to provide remuneration, retirement benefits and employment opportunities.
a. Customers
b. The public
c. Government and their agencies
d. Employees

11. These users require information on risk and return on investment and hence an entity’s ability to pay
a. Investors
b. Employees
c. Lenders
d. Customers

12. This accounting concept justifies the usage of accruals and deferrals
a. Going concern
b. Materiality
c. Consistency
d. Stable monetary unit
13. Once an accounting standard has been established
a. The standard is continually reviewed to see if modification is necessary.
b. The standard is not reviewed unless the SEC makes a compliant.
c. The task of reviewing the standard to see if modification is necessary is given to the
c. The principle of consistency requires that no revisions ever be made to the standard.

14. As independent or external auditors, CPAs are primarily responsible for

a. Preparing financial statements in conformity with GAAP
b. Certifying the accuracy of financial statements
c. Expressing an opinion as to the fairness of financial statements
d. Filing financial statements with the SEC

15. Which of the following terms best describes financial statements whose basis of accounting recognizes
and other events when they occur?
a. Accrual basis of accounting
b. Going concern basis of accounting
c. Cash basis of accounting
d. Invoice basis of accounting

16. These users are interested in information that enables them to determine whether amounts owing to them
will be
paid when due.
a. Suppliers and trade creditors
b. Lenders
c. Banks
d. Finance entities

17. The process of establishing financial accounting standards

a. Is a democratic process in that a majority of practicing accountants must agree with a
standard before it becomes implemented.

b. Is a legislative process based on rules promulgated by government agencies.

c. Is based solely on economic analysis of the effects each standard will have if it is
d. Is a social process which incorporates political actions of various interested users groups
as well as professional research and logic.

18. It is the accounting standard setting body created by PRC upon recommendations of the Board of
Accountancy to
assist the Board of Accountancy in carrying out its powers and functions under R.A. No. 9298
a. Accounting Standards Council
b. Auditing and Assurance Standard Council
c. Philippine Accounting Standards Board
d. Financial Reporting Standard Council

19. The accrual basis of accounting is based primarily on

a. Conservatism and revenue realization
b. Conservatism and matching
c. Consistency and matching
d. Revenue realization and matching

20. The basic purpose of accounting is

a. To provide the information that the managers of an economic entity need to control its
b. To provide information that the creditors of an economic entity can use in deciding
whether to make additional loans to the entity.
c. To measure the periodic income of the economic entity.
d. To provide quantitative financial information about an entity that is useful in making
rational economic decision.
21. The primary measurement basis currently used to value assets in external financial statements of an entity
a. The current market price if the assets currently held by an entity were sold on the open
b. The current market price if the asset held by an entity were purchased on the open market.
c. The present value of the cash flows the assets are expected to generate over their
remaining useful lives.
d. The market price of the assets held by an entity at the date the assets were acquired.

22. Which underlying concept serves as the basis for preparing financial statements at regular intervals?
a. Accounting entity
b. Going concern
c. Accounting period
d. Stable monetary unit

23. Which of the following statements best describes the term “going concern”
a. When current liabilities of an entity to continue in operation for assets
b. The ability of the entity to continue in operation for the foreseeable future
c. The potential to contribute to the flow of cash and cash equivalents to the entity
d. The expenses of an entity exceed its income

24. The overall objective of financial reporting is to provide information

a. That is useful for decision making
b. About an entity’s assets, liabilities and owners’ equity
c. About an entity’s financial reporting performance during a period
d. That allows owners to assess management’s performance

25. The International Accounting Standards Board was formed to

a. Enforce IFRS in foreign countries
b. Develop worldwide accounting standards
c. Establish accounting standards for multinational entities
d. Develop accounting standards for countries that do not have their own standard-setting

26. Under generally accepted accounting principles

a. Income and expenses, assets and liabilities are measured based on the occurrence of
changes in the economic resources and obligations.
b. Assets and liabilities are measured on the basis of their liquidation value.
c. Income and expenses are recognized on the basis of cash receipts and payments, including
depreciation of property, plant and equipment.
d. Financial position and financial performance are measured on the basis of cash received
and cash paid.
27. Financial accounting is concerned with
a. General- purpose reports on financial position and financial performance.
b. Specialized reports for inventory management and control.
c. Specialized reports for income tax computation and recognition.
d. General- purpose reports on changes in stock prices and future estimates of market
28. These users are interested in information in order to regulate the activities of an entity, determine taxation
and provide a basis for national statistics.
a. Government and their agencies
b. Major organization of users
c. Bureau of Internal Revenue
d. Department of Finance
29. Which of the following is listed in the Framework as underlying assumptions regarding financial
a. The financial statement are reliable.
b. Any changes in accouting policy are neutral.
c. The financial statements are prepared under the accrual basis.
d. The entity can be viewed as a liquidating concern.
30. The conceptual framework is intended to establish
a. Generally accepted accounting principles in financial reporting entities.
b. The meaning of “present fairly in accordance with GAAP”
c. The objectives and concepts for use in developing standards of financial accounting and
d. The hierarchy of sources of GAAP.
31. A conceptual framework of accounting should
a. Lead to uniformity of financial statements among entities within the same industry.
b. Eliminate alternative accounting principles and methods.
c. Guide the PICPA in developing generally accepted auditing standards.
d. Define the basic objectives, terms, and concepts of accounting.
32. It is the body authorized by law to promulgate rules and regulations affecting the practice of the
professions in the Philippines.
a. Board of Accountancy
b. Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountant
c. Securities and Exchange Commission
d. Financial Reporting Standards Council
33. The principles which constitute the ground rules for financial reporting are termed “generally accepted
principles”. To qualify as “generally accepted,” an accounting principle must
a. Usually guide corporate managers in preparing financial statements, which will be
understood by widely scattered shareholders.

b. Guide corporate managers in preparing financial statements, which will be used, for
collective bargaining agreement with trade unions
c. Guide an entrepreneur of the choice of an accounting entity like single proprietorship,
partnership or corporation.
D. Receive substantial authoritative support.

34. Managerial accounting is the area of accounting that emphasizes

a. Reporting financial information to external users
b. Reporting to the SEC
c. Combining accounting knowledge with an expertise in data processing
d. Developing accounting information for use within an entity
35. Which of the following best describes “financial performance” of an entity?
a. The revenue, expenses and net income or loss for a period of an entity.
b. The assets, liabilities and equity of an entity
c. The total assets minus total liabilities
d. The total cash inflows minus cash outflows

36. Generally accepted accounting principles

a. Are accounting adaptations based on the laws of economic science.
b. Derive their credibility and authority from legal ruling and court precedents.
c. Derive their credibility and authority from the national government through the SEC.
d. Derive their credibility and authority from general recognition and acceptance by the
accountancy profession.

37. During the lifetime of an entity accountants produce financial statements at arbitrary points in time in
with which basic accounting concept.
a. Accrual
b. Periodicity
c. Unit of measure
d. Continuity
38. These users are interested in information about the continuance of an entity, especially when they have a
term involvement with or are dependent on the entity.
a. Customers
b. Employees
c. Trade unions
d. Suppliers

39. Continuation of an accounting entity in the absence of evidence to the contrary is the basic concept of
a. Accounting entity
b. Time period
c. Going concern
d. Accrual

40. Proper application of accounting principles is most dependent upon the

a. Existence of specific guidelines
b. Oversight of regulatory bodies
c. External audit function
d. Professional judgment of the accountant

Quiz - Balance Sheet

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Unearned rent would normally appear on the balance sheet as a
a. plant asset.
b. current liability.
c. long-term liability.
d. current asset.

2. The accounts and balances shown below were gathered from Paynter Corporation's trial
balance on December 31, 2021. All adjusting entries have been made.
Wages Payable ........................................... 25,600
Cash .................................................... 17,700
Mortgage Payable ........................................ 151,600
Dividends Payable ....................................... 14,000
Prepaid Rent ............................................ 13,600
Inventory ............................................... 81,800
Sinking Fund Assets ..................................... 52,400
Short-Term Investments .................................. 15,200
Premium on Bonds Payable ................................ 4,600
Stock Investment in Subsidiary .......................... 102,400
Taxes Payable ........................................... 22,800
Accounts Payable ........................................ 24,800
Accounts Receivable ..................................... 36,600
The amount that should be reported as current liabilities on Paynter Corporation's balance sheet
a. 87,200.
b. 91,800.
c. 73,200.
d. 238,800.
Wages payable 25600
Dividends Payable 14000
Taxes Payable 22800
A/P 24800
Current Liabilities 87200

3. Balance sheet analysis is useful in assessing a firm's liquidity, which is the ability to
a. satisfy short-term obligations.
b. main profitable operations.
c. maintain past levels of preferred and common dividends.
d. survive a major economic downturn.

4. Neptune Corporation's trial balance contained the following account balances at December 31,
Accumulated Depreciation--Equipment ..................... 45,000
Short-Term Investments .................................. 15,000
Prepaid Insurance ....................................... 3,000
Cash .................................................... 33,000
Inventory of Merchandise ................................ 90,000
Equipment and Furniture ................................. 54,000
Patent .................................................. 12,000
Accounts Receivable (net) ............................... 48,000
Land Held for Future Business Site ...................... 75,000
On Neptune's December 31, 2021, balance sheet, the current assets total should be
a. 189,000.
b. 201,000.
c. 219,000.
d. 243,000.
Cash 33000
Short term Investments 15000
Prepaid insurance 3000
Inventory of Merchandise 90000
A/R 48000
Current Assets 189000

5. Baggins Company prepared a draft of its 2021 balance sheet. The draft statement reported total
assets of 437,500. Included in this total assets figure were the following items:
Treasury stock of Baggins Company at cost, which approximates
market value on December 31 ................

Unamortized patents ..................................... 5,600
Cash surrender value of life insurance on corporate executives
.............................................. 6,850
Unrealized holding losses on available-for-sale
securities ............................................ 4,200
At which amount should Baggins' total assets be correctly reported in the December 31, 2021,
balance sheet?
a. 420,850
b. 421,300
c. 425,050
d. 425,500
Assets 437500
Treasury at cost (13000)
Total asset 424500

6. Which of the following would not be reported in the stockholders' equity section of the balance
a. Retained earnings appropriated for future plant expansion
b. Dividends declared on preferred stock
c. Paid-in capital in excess of par value
d. Deficit in retained earnings

7. Blues Corporation's trial balance included the following account balances at December 31,
Accounts Payable ........................................ 45,000
Bonds Payable, due 2022 ................................. 75,000
Discount on Bonds Payable, due 2022 ..................... 9,000
Dividends Payable January 31, 2022 ...................... 24,000
Notes Payable, due January 31, 2025 ..................... 60,000
What amount should be included in the current liability section of Blues' December 31, 2021,
balance sheet?
a. 135,000
b. 153,000
c. 195,000
d. 234,000
A/P 45000
Bonds payable 75000
Discount on bonds payable -9000
Dividends payable 24000
Current Liabilities 135000

8. Which of the following best describes contributed capital?

a. The amount that would be distributed to the stockholders in a liquidation of the
b. The amount of capital provided by stockholders' investments.
c. The amount of capital provided by stockholders' investments and undistributed
d. The value of the common and preferred stock.

9. Which of the following would not be classified as a current liability on a classified balance
a. Unearned revenue.
b. Deferred income tax liability.
c. The currently maturing portion of long-term debt.
d. Accrued salaries payable to management.

10. Seahawk Company's adjusted trial balance at December 31, 2021, includes the following
account balances:
Common Stock, 3 par .................................... 300,000
Additional Paid-In Capital .............................. 400,000
Treasury Stock, at cost ................................. 25,000
Net Unrealized Holding Loss on Available-For-Sale
Securities ............................................ 10,000
Retained Earnings--Appropriated for Uninsured Earthquake
Losses ................................................ 75,000
Retained Earnings--Unappropriated ....................... 100,000
What amount should Seahawk report as total owners' equity in its December 31, 2021, balance
a. 840,000
b. 860,000
c. 890,000
d. 910,000
Common stock 300000
Addl Paid in capital 400000
Treasury Stock -25000
NUHL on AFS -10000
RE appropriated 75000
RE Unappropriated 100000
Total owners’ equity 840000

11. Martin Corporation was organized on January 3, 2021. Martin was authorized to issue 50,000
shares of common stock with a par value of 10 per share. On January 4, Martin issued 30,000
shares of common stock at 25 per share. On July 15, Martin issued an additional 10,000 shares
at 20 per share. Martin reported income of 33,000 during 2021. In addition, Martin declared a
dividend of .50 per share on December 31, 2021. The
amount reported on Martin Corporation's December 31, 2021, balance sheet as stockholders'
equity was
a. 400,000.
b. 550,000.
c. 950,000.
d. 963,000.
Common stock30000 @25 750000
Addl paid in capital10000 @ 20 200000
Income 33000
Div Declared (20000)
stockholders equity 963000

12. Which of the following is not a long-term investment?

a. Stock held to exert influence on another company.
b. Land held for speculation.
c. Trademarks.
d. Cash surrender value of life insurance.

13. Pending litigation would generally be considered a(n)

a. nonmonetary liability.
b. contingent liability.
c. estimated liability.
d. current liability.

14. The accounts and balances shown below were gathered from Paynter Corporation's trial
balance on December 31, 2021. All adjusting entries have been made.
Wages Payable ........................................... 25,600
Cash .................................................... 17,700
Mortgage Payable ........................................ 151,600
Dividends Payable ....................................... 14,000
Prepaid Rent ............................................ 13,600
Inventory ............................................... 81,800
Sinking Fund Assets ..................................... 52,400
Short-Term Investments .................................. 15,200
Premium on Bonds Payable ................................ 4,600
Stock Investment in Subsidiary .......................... 102,400
Taxes Payable ........................................... 22,800

Accounts Payable ........................................ 24,800

Accounts Receivable ..................................... 36,600
The amount that should be reported as current assets on Paynter Corporation's balance sheet
a. 151,300.
b. 164,900.
c. 217,300.
d. 267,300.

Cash 17700
Prepaid rent 13600
Inventory 81800
Short term investments 15200
A/R 36600
Current Assets 164900

15. The December 31, 2021, balance sheet of Madden Inc., reported total assets of 1,050,000 and
total liabilities of 680,000. The following information relates to the year 2022:
• Madden Inc. issued an additional 5,000 shares of common stock at 25 per
share on July 1, 2022.
• Madden Inc. paid dividends totaling 80,000.
• Net income for 2022 was 110,000.
• No other changes occurred in stockholders' equity during 2022.
The stockholders' equity section of the December 31, 2022, balance sheet would report a
balance of
a. 400,000.
b. 525,000.
c. 685,000.
d. 835,000.
equity 370000
contributed (addl) 125000
Income 110000
dividends Payable -80000
Stockholders equity 525000

16. Which of the following characteristics may result in the classification of a liability being changed
from current to noncurrent?
a. Violation of a subjective acceleration clause.
b. Violation of an objective acceleration clause.
c. A demand provision for payment.
d. Refinancing on or before the balance sheet date.

17. Eagle Co. prepared a draft of its 2021 balance sheet. The draft statement reported current
liabilities totaling 200,000. However, none of the following items were included in this
preliminary total at December 31, 2021:
Accounts payable ........................................ 30,000
Bonds payable, due 2022 ................................. 50,000
Discount on bonds payable, due 2022 ..................... 6,000
Dividends payable on January 31, 2022 ................... 16,000
Notes payable, due 2023 ................................. 40,000
At which amount should Eagle's current liabilities be correctly reported in the December 31,
2021, balance sheet?
a. 230,000
b. 290,000
c. 296,000
d. 302,000
Reported Liab 200000
A/p 30000
Bonds payable 50000
Disocunt on bonds payable (6000)
Dividends Payable 16000
Current Liabilities 290000

18. Accrued revenues would normally appear on the balance sheet as

a. plant assets.
b. current liabilities.
c. long-term liabilities.
d. current assets.

19. Mejarus Co.'s adjusted trial balance at December 31, 2021, includes the following account
Common Stock, 3 par .................................... 360,000
Additional Paid-In Capital .............................. 480,000
Treasury Stock, at cost ................................. 30,000
Net Unrealized Loss on Available-for-Sale Securities .... 12,000
Retained Earnings: Appropriated for Uninsured Earthquake
Losses ................................................ 90,000
Retained Earnings: Unappropriated ....................... 120,000
What amount should Mejarus report as total stockholders' equity in its December 31, 2021,
balance sheet?
a. 1,008,000
b. 1,032,000
c. 1,068,000
d. 1,092,000
Common Stock 360000
Addl paid in capital 480000
Treasury Stock -30000
UL on AFSS -12000
RE: AFUEL 90000
RE: UA 120000
Total stockholders equity 1008000

20. Which of the following would not be classified as a current asset on a classified balance sheet?
a. Investment securities (trading).
b. Short-term investments.
c. Prepaid expenses.
d. Intangible assets.

21. Maryk Electronics Inc. reported the following items on its December 31, 2021, trial balance:
Accounts Payable ........................................ 108,900
Advances to Employees ................................... 4,500
Unearned Rent Revenue ................................... 28,800
Estimated Liability Under Warranties .................... 25,800
Cash Surrender Value of Officers' Life Insurance ........ 7,500
Bonds Payable ........................................... 555,000
Discount on Bonds Payable ............................... 22,500
Trademarks .............................................. 3,900
The amount that should be recorded on Maryk's balance sheet as total liabilities is
a. 696,000.
b. 700,500.
c. 703,500.
d. 741,000.

22. The accounts and balances shown below were gathered from Paynter Corporation's trial
balance on December 31, 2021. All adjusting entries have been made.
Wages Payable ........................................... 25,600
Cash .................................................... 17,700
Mortgage Payable ........................................ 151,600
Dividends Payable ....................................... 14,000
Prepaid Rent ............................................ 13,600
Inventory ............................................... 81,800
Sinking Fund Assets ..................................... 52,400
Short-Term Investments .................................. 15,200
Premium on Bonds Payable ................................ 4,600
Stock Investment in Subsidiary .......................... 102,400
Taxes Payable ........................................... 22,800
Accounts Payable ........................................ 24,800
Accounts Receivable ..................................... 36,600
Paynter Corporation's working capital is

a. 62,500.
b. 73,100.
c. 77,700.
d. 125,700.
Total Current Asset:
Cash 17,700
Prepaid Rent 13,600
Inventory 81,800
Short-Term Investments 15,200
Accounts Receivable 36,600
Total Current Liabilities.:
Wages Payable -25,600
Dividends Payable -14,000
Taxes Payable -22,800
Accounts Payable -24,800
Working Capital 77,700

23. Which of the following would not be considered an element of working capital?
a. Investment securities (current)
b. Organization costs
c. Accrued interest on notes payable
d. Work in process inventories

24. Daria Company reported the following accounts at year-end;

Inventory, including inventory expected in the
Ordinary course of operations to be sold
Beyond 12 months amounting to P700,000 1,000,000
Accounts receivable 1,200,000
Prepaid insurance 100,000
Financial asset held for trading
Equity investment at fair value through other
Comprehensive income
Cash 300,000
Deferred tax asset 150,000
What total amount should be reported as current assets at year-end?
a. 2,800,000
b. 2,550,000
c. 3,600,000
d. 2,100,000
Inventory 1,000,000
Trade receivables 1,200,000
Prepaid insurance 100,000
Financial assets held for trading 200,000
Cash 300,000
Total current assets 2,800,000

25. At year-end, the current assets of Hazel Company revealed cash and cash equivalents of
P700,000, accounts receivable of P1,200,000 and inventories of P600,000. The examination of
accounts receivable disclosed the following:
Trade accounts 930,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts ( 20,000)
Claim against shipper for goods lost in transit 30,000
Selling price of unsold goods sent by Hazel
On consignment at 130% of cost and not
Included in ending inventory 260,000
Total accounts receivable 1,200,000
What total amount should be reported as current assets at year-end?
a. 2,412,000
b. 2,440,000
c. 2,240,000
d. 2,500,000
Cash and cash equivalent 700,000
Trade and other receivables (1,200,000 minus 260,000) 940,000
Inventories (600,000 + 200,000) 800,000
Total current assets 2,440,000
1. Sales 260,000
Accounts Receivable 260,000
2. Inventory (260,000 / 130%) 200,000
Cost of goods sold 200,000

26. Jewel Company reported the following current assets at year-end:

Cash and cash equivalents 3,200,000

Accounts receivable 1,420,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts ( 120,000)
Inventory 2,800,000
Deferred charges 200,000
Employees’ account – current 240,000
Advances to subsidiary 260,000
Claim against shipper for goods lost in transit 200,000
Total current assets 8,200,000
What total amount should be reported as current assets?
a. 7,740,000
b. 7,780,000
c. 7,940,000
d. 8,200,000
Cash 3,200,000
Accounts receivable 1,420,000
Allowance for uncollectible accounts ( 120,000)
Receivable from employees 240,000
Claim receivable 200,000
Inventory 2,800,000
Total current assets 7,740,000

27. Gumamela Company provided the following data at year-end:

Accounts payable, including cost of goods
Received on consignment of P150,000 1,350,000
Accrued taxes payable 125,000
Customers’s deposit 100,000
Manila Company as guarantor 200,000
Bank overdraft 55,000
Accrued electric and power bills 60,000
Reserve for contingencies 150,000
What total amount should be reported as current liabilities?
a. 1,840,000
b. 1,740,000
c. 1,650,000
d. 1,540,000
Accounts payable (1,350,000 – 150,000) 1,200,000
Accrued taxes payable 125,000
Customers’ deposit 100,000
Bank overdraft 55,000
Accrued electric and power bills 60,000
Total current liabilities 1,540,000

28. Burma Company disclosed the following liabilities:

Accounts payable, after deducting debit balances
In suppliers’ accounts amounting to P100,000 4,000,000
Accrued expenses 1,500,000
Credit balances of customers’ accounts 500,000
Stock dividend payable 1,000,000
Claims for increase in wages and allowance by
Employees, covered in a pending lawsuit 400,000
Estimated expenses in redeeming prize coupons 600,000
What total amount should be reported as current liabilities?
a. 6,700,000
b. 6,600,000
c. 7,100,000
d. 7,700,000
Accounts payable (4,000,000 + 100,000) 4,100,000
Accrued expenses 1,500,000
Credit balances in customers’ accounts 500,000
Estimated liability for coupons 600,000
Total current liabilities 6,700,000

29. Gracia Company reported the following current assets at year-end:

Cash including sinking fund of P500,000 with trustees 1,500,000

Accounts receivable 2,500,000
Inventory, including P200,000 cost of goods in transit
Purchased FOB point of destination 2,000,000
Advances to officers collectible currently 400,000
Dividend receivable 100,000
Total current assets 6,500,000
What total amount should be reported as current assets?
a. 5,400,000
b. 5,300,000
c. 5,800,000
d. 5,900,000
Cash (1,500,000-500,000) 1,000,000
Trade and other receivables 3,000,000
Inventory (2,000,000-200,000) 1,800,000
Total current assets 5,800,000
30. Caticlan Company provided the following data on December 31, 2020:

Cash, including sinking fund of P500,000 for bond

Payable due on June 30, 2021
Notes receivable 1,200,000
Note receivable discounted 700,000
Accounts receivable – unassigned 3,000,000
Accounts receivable – assigned 800,000
Equity of assignee in accounts receivable assigned 500,000
Inventory, including P600,000 cost of goods in transit
Purchased FOB destination. The goods were
Receive on January 3, 2021 2,800,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts 100,000
What total amount of current assets should be reported on December 31, 2020?
a. 7,900,000
b. 8,400,000
c. 7,400,000
d. 7,700,000
Cash 2,000,000
Notes receivable 1,200,000
Notes receivable discounted ( 700,000)
Accounts receivable – unassigned 3,000,000
Accounts receivable – assigned 800,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts ( 100,000)
Inventory (2,800,000 – 600,000) 2,200,000
Total current assets 8,400,000

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