ØÁ L Nu T Uz È: Federal Negarit Gazeta

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yxþT×eà ØÁ‰§êE ÄþäK‰sþÃêE ¶pBlþK

ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È


bxþT×eà ØÁ‰§êE ÄþäK‰sþÃêE ¶pBlþK 14th Year No. 59

አ‫ףם‬ኦ‫ـף‬ኛ ዓ‫ ُא‬qÜ_R %9 yÞZB twµ×C MKR b¤T «ÆqEnT ywÈ
አዲስ አበ‫ וֹ‬ነּሴ 09 qN 2‫ ְך‬ዓ.‫ו‬ ADDIS ABABA 25th August, 2008


xêJ qÜ_R 6)/2‫› ְך‬.M Proclamation No. 600/2008

የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ አዋጅ Driver’s Qualification Certification License

… ገጽ 4¹þ2)#7 Proclamation Page 4247

xêJ qÜ_R 6)/2‫ְך‬ PROCLAMATION NO. 600/2008.

የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ

በአሁኑ ወቅُ በ‫ר‬ው ֱይወُና ንብ‫ֶ ُנ‬ይ WHEREAS, the prevailing occurrence of traffic
በ‫א‬ድ‫נ‬ስ ֶይ ያֳው የ‫א‬ንገድ ُ‫ף‬ፊክ አደጋ አን accident against humanity and property mainly arises
ዱና ዋነኛው ‫א‬ንስኤ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ due to the deficiency of issuance of driving license
ፈቃድ አ‫ר‬ጣጥ ‫ץם‬ዓُ ጉድֳُ ያֳው በ‫ֲא‬ኑ እና procedure and it is necessary to thwart the existing
ይֱንን‫ ו‬ሁኔٍ በ‫ֳא‬ወጥ ብቃُ ያֶْውን situation to attain in having qualified drivers;
አ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ዎ٤ ‫ד‬ፍ‫ ُף‬አስፈֶጊ ֲኖ በ‫א‬ገኘً፣

በአገ‫ ץ‬አ‫שׂ‬ፍ ደ‫נ‬ጃ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to create a
‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ አ‫ר‬ጣጥ ‫ץם‬ዓُ ወጥነُ ያֳው፣ uniform, standard and effective system for the issuance
ደ‫נ‬ጃውን የጠበ‫ שׂ‬እና ውጤٍ‫ ד‬እንዲֲን ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ of qualification certification of driving license at
አስፈֶጊ ֲኖ በ‫א‬ገኘً፣ national level:

NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55

በኢُዮጵያ ፌዴ‫ֶף‬ዊ ዲ‫ז‬ክ‫תף‬ያዊ ‫ע‬ፐብֵክ
(1) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic
ሕገ ‫א‬ንግ‫ ُם‬አን‫שׂ‬ጽ $5 /1/ ‫ ُנטא‬የ‫ג‬ከ‫ֳـ‬ው
Republic of Ethiopia it is hereby proclaimed as
ٍውጇָ፡፡ follows:
ክፍָ አንድ PART ONE

1. አጭ‫ץ ץ‬ዕስ 1. Short Title

ይֱ አዋጅ “የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ In this Proclamation may be cited as the “Driver’s
ፈቃድ አዋጅ ‫שּׁ‬ጥ‫ ץ‬6)/2‫ـ ”ְך‬ብֹ ֵጠ‫שׂ‬ስ Qualification Certification License Proclamation No
ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ .600/2008”.

ÃNÇ êU nU¶T Uz¤È ±.œ.q.Ü *¹þ1

Unit Price Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001
gA 4‫ְך‬2)#8 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %9 ነሐሴ 09 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 59 25th August , 2008 …. page 4248

2. ُ‫ץ‬ጓ‫ה‬ 2. Definitions
In this Proclamation unless the context otherwise
በዚֱ አዋጅ ውስጥ የቃִ አገ‫וֹ‬ብ ֶַ ُ‫ץ‬ጉ‫ו‬ requires:
የ‫ג‬ያ‫ר‬ጠው ካֲָነ በስ‫ץשׂـ‬፣

1/ “‫ג‬ኒስَ‫ ֳُד ”ץ‬የُ‫ף‬ንስፖ‫ُץ‬ና ‫א‬ገ 1/ “Ministry” means the Ministry of Transport and
ናኛ ‫ג‬ኒስَ‫ ץ‬ነው፣ Communications;

2/ “‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣን” ‫ ֳُד‬የُ‫ף‬ንስፖ‫ֳוֹ ُץ‬

‫ָם‬ጣን ነው፣ 2/ “Authority” means the Transport Authority;

3/ “የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ”

‫ֹּלـ ץـזֳוֹ ֳُד‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ዎ٤ን ֳ‫א‬ን 3/ “driver’s qualification certification license”
ዳُ የ‫ג‬ያስ٤ָ በዚֱ አዋጅ ‫ُנטא‬ means a permit issued in accordance with this
የ‫רג‬ጥ ፈቃድ ነው፤ Proclamation to drive a motor vehicle;

4/ “የውጭ አገ‫א ץ‬ንጃ ፈቃድ” ‫ ֳُד‬በኢ

4/ “foreign license” means a motor vehicle driving
ُዮጵያ ፌዴ‫ֶף‬ዊ ዲ‫ז‬ክ‫תף‬ያዊ ‫ע‬ፐብ license issued by any foreign government
ֵክ እውቅና ያֳው የውጭ ሃገ‫א ץ‬ንግ recognized by the Federal Democratic Republic
‫ ُם‬የ‫ר‬ጠው የ‫א‬ንጃ ፈቃድ ነው፤ of Ethiopia;

5/ “የሕክ‫ו‬ና ‫ ֳُד ”והּـ‬የሕክ‫ו‬ና አገָ 5/ “medical institution” means any medical

ግֹُ ֳ‫א‬ስጠُ ፈቃድ የ‫רـ‬ጠው የሕክ institution duly licensed to carry out medical
‫ו‬ና ‫ והּـ‬ነው፤ examination;

6/ “ኢን‫ץـ‬ና‫ֹּל‬ናָ ‫א‬ንጃ ፈቃድ” ‫ֳُד‬ 6/ “international driving license” means any motor
‫א‬ስከ‫ ונ‬9 ‫שׂ‬ን 09)#2 ስዊስ ሃገ‫ ץ‬ጄኔቫ vehicle driver’s qualification certification
ֶይ በ‫ـ‬ፈ‫אנ‬ው የ‫וֹـ‬በ‫א ُס‬ንግ‫ٍُם‬ license issued in accordance with the United
የ‫א‬ንገድ ُ‫ף‬ፊክ ስ‫וו‬ነُ ‫ُנטא‬ Nations Convention on Road Traffic, signed in
የ‫רـ‬ጠ ‫א‬ንጃ ፈቃድ ነው፤ Geneva, Switzerland, on the 19th day of
September 1949;
7/ “‫ـ ֶָשׂ‬ሳ‫ ֳُד ”תּ‬ከፍ‫ـ‬ኛ ክብደً
ከነጭነً ከ7)$ ኪֹ ግ‫ וף‬የ‫ד‬ይበָጥ 7/ “light trailer” means any trailer having a
maximum loaded weight not exceeding 750
‫ـ‬ሳ‫ תּ‬ነው፤
8/ “የወٍደ‫ ץ‬የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ 8/ “military driver’s qualification certification
ፈቃድ” ‫ ֳُד‬በዚֱ አዋጅ በአን‫שׂ‬ጽ 06 license” means any motor vehicle driving
‫ ُנטא‬የ‫א‬ከֶከያ ‫ג‬ኒስَ‫ ץ‬የ‫ר‬ጠው license issued by the Ministry of National
የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ Defense pursuant to Article 16 of this
ነው፤ Proclamation;

9/ “የُ‫ף‬ፊክ ፖֵስ” ‫ ֳُד‬የُ‫ף‬ፊክ ደን 9/ “traffic police” means member of the Police

ብን ֳ‫ד‬ስከበ‫ ץ‬የ‫אـ‬ደበ የፖֵስ ٪ይָ Force assigned to enforce the observance of
‫ָוֹ‬ደ‫ וֹנ‬ነው፤ traffic rules;

0/ “የ‫ָרד‬ጠኛ ‫ ֳُד ”והּـ‬በሕግ እው

ቅና ያֳው ‫א‬ንግ‫ٍם‬ዊ ወይ‫ ו‬የግָ የአ 10/ “training institution” means any legally
‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ָטד ע‬ጠኛ ‫ והּـ‬ነው፤ recognized governmental or private driver’s
training institution;
gA 4‫ְך‬2)#9 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %9 ነሐሴ 09 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 59 25th August , 2008 …. page 4249

01/ “‫א‬ንገድ” ‫ֶֶـֳ ֳُד‬ፊ ክፍُ ካֲָነ 11/ “road” means any road, street, highway, rural
የግָ ‫א‬ንገድ በስ‫ֹּלـ ץשׂـ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ዎ٤ road or any other travel route, customarily used
በ‫וֳـ‬ዶ የ‫ג‬ጠ‫בשׂ‬በُ ጎዳና፣ የከ‫דـ‬ by vehicles other than private roads not open to
‫א‬ንገድ፣ አው‫ ף‬ጎዳና፣ የገጠ‫א ץ‬ንገድ all traffic;
ወይ‫ֳֶـא ו‬ፊያ ነው፤
12/ “motor vehicle” means any type of wheeled
02/ “‫ֹּלـ ץـזֳוֹ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ֳُד ”ע‬በ‫ה‬ካኒካָ
vehicle moving by mechanical or electrical
ወይ‫ ו‬በኤַክُ‫ע‬ክ ٪ይָ እየ‫ـ‬ን‫שׂ‬ሳ‫רשׂ‬
power for use on road;
በ‫א‬ንገድ ֶይ በ‫א‬ንኮ‫ף‬ኩ‫ ץ‬የ‫ְג‬ድ
‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬ዓይነُ ‫ֹּלـ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ነው፤
13/ “Licensing Body” means any government
03/ “ፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጪ አካָ” ‫ ֳُד‬ብቃً የ‫נـ‬ organ that gets recognition certificate from the
ጋገጠֳُ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ Authority to issue driver’s qualification
ፈቃድ እንዲ‫ר‬ጥ በ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ የእውቅና certification license.
‫ـץר‬ፍኬُ የ‫רـ‬ጠው ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬የ‫א‬ን
ግ‫ ُם‬አካָ ነው፡፡
3. Purpose
3. ዓֶ‫ד‬
The purpose of this Proclamation shall be:
የዚֱ አዋጅ ዓֶ‫ד‬፣

1/ አ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ዎ٤ በ‫ שּׂ‬٤ֹٍ ኖ‫ْק‬ው 1/ to ensure that drivers operate vehicles in

ደֱንነً በ‫ـ‬ጠበ‫ שׂ‬ሁኔٍ ‫ֹּלـ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ን appropriate condition by acquiring adequate
የ‫ג‬ያ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫נ‬ክ‫ֲא ס‬ኑን ‫נד‬ጋገጥ፤ driving skill to achieve safe transport service;

2/ በአገ‫ ץ‬አ‫שׂ‬ፍ ደ‫נ‬ጃ ደ‫נ‬ጃውን የጠበ‫שׂ‬ 2/ to set nation wide driving qualification standard
የ‫ֹּלד‬ከ‫ץ‬ከ‫ ץ‬ብቃُ ‫א‬ስፈ‫א ُץ‬ወ‫ר‬ን፣ and establish a system for the issuance of
ከ‫ד‬ጭበ‫ץ‬በ‫ץ‬፣ ከ‫ב‬ስና እና ከ‫ـ‬ንዛዛ driving license qualification certification free
አ‫ ץףט‬ነፃ የֲነ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ from forgery, corruption and bureaucratic red
‫נד‬ጋገጫ ‫ץם‬ዓُ ‫א‬ፍጠ‫ץ‬፤ tape;

3/ የ‫א‬ንገድ ُ‫ף‬ንስፖ‫ ُץ‬የُ‫ף‬ፊክ ፍ‫ُר‬ 3/ to ensure bilateral and multilateral agreements

ንና የ‫ֹּלד‬ከ‫ץ‬ከ‫ ץ‬ብቃُን የ‫ֳאג‬ከً relating to qualification of driving and
movements of traffic on any Ethiopian roads
የሁֳُዮ‫ֹּל‬ና ዓֳ‫ ו‬አ‫שׂ‬ፍ ስ‫וו‬ነِ٤
are observed by drivers.
በ‫ד‬ናْው‫ ו‬የኢُዮጵያ ‫א‬ንገዶ٤ ֶይ
በአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ዎ٤ ‫א‬ከበ‫ْף‬ውን ‫נד‬ጋገጥ
4. Scope of Application
4. የ‫ـ‬ፈጻ‫ג‬ነُ ወ‫ר‬ን
The Proclamation shall be applicable to driver’s
የዚֱ አዋጅ ድንጋጌዎ٤ በ‫ד‬ናْው‫ ו‬የኢُዮጵያ qualification certification license issued to drivers
‫א‬ንገዶ٤ ֶይ ‫ֹּלـ ץـזֳוֹ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ዎ٤ን ֳ‫ג‬ያ operating motor vehicles on any Ethiopian roads.
‫ֹּל‬ከ‫נ‬ክ‫ ס‬አ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ዎ٤ በ‫רג‬ጡ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ
‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃዶ٤ ֶይ ‫ـ‬ፈጻ‫ג‬ነُ ይኖ‫נ‬ዋָ፡፡

ክፍָ ሁֳُ PART TWO

‫ـ‬ግ‫ץוֹ‬ና ٪ֶፊነُ POWERS AND DUTIES

5. የ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ‫ـ‬ግ‫ץוֹ‬ና ٪ֶፊነُ 5. Powers and Duties of the Authority

‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ በֱግ የ‫רـ‬ጠው ‫ָם‬ጣን እንደ‫ـ‬ Without prejudice to of the powers vested in it by
ጠበ‫ֲ שׂ‬ኖ የ‫ג‬ከ‫ـ ִُـ‬ግ‫ُףוֹ‬ና ٪ֶፊነِ٤ law the Authority shall have the following powers
ይኖ‫ָٍס‬፤ and duties:
gA 4‫ְך‬2)$ ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %9 ነሐሴ 09 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 59 25th August , 2008 …. page 4250

1/ በፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጪው አካָ ‫ ֶُחא‬የ‫ג‬ገ‫וֹ‬ 1/ to set detail standards that ought to be complied
ْውን ዝ‫ץ‬ዝ‫א ץ‬ስፈ‫ِץ‬٤ ‫ד‬ውጣُ፣ with, by the Licensing Body;

2/ በዚֱ አዋጅ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ 6 ‫ֳ ُנטא‬ፈቃድ 2/ in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of this
Proclamations to issue recognition certificate to the
‫ר‬ጪው አካָ የብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ እውቅና Licensing Body, to supervise the Licensing Body to
‫ـץר‬ፍኬُ ‫א‬ስጠُ፣ ‫ـ‬ግ‫סוֹ‬ን በአግ‫שּוֹ‬ ascertain that its activities are undertaken as per the
እያከናወነ ‫ֲא‬ኑን ‫א‬ከٍ‫ָـ‬፣ ብቃُ recognition, incase of deficiency suspend or revoke
የֳַው ֲኖ ‫ת‬ገኝ የ‫רـ‬ጠውን የእውቅና the said recognition certificate;
‫ـץר‬ፍኬُ ‫ד‬ገድ ወይ‫נטא ו‬ዝ፣

3/ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫ָם‬ጠና ֳ‫רג‬ጡ 3/ to prepare the necessary curriculum arrangements

jointly with the appropriate technical and vocational
‫ ُדהּـ‬የ‫ג‬ያስፈָገውን የካ‫ע‬ኩֳ‫ ו‬ዝግ training organs for training the institution that
ጅُ ከَክኒክና ‫ב‬ያ ‫ָרד‬ጠኛ ‫ُדהּـ‬ provide driving qualification trainings;
ጋ‫ ץ‬በጋ‫ד ף‬ዘጋጀُ፣
4/ to determine, the quality, content and form of
4/ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ ደብ driver’s qualification certification license book;
‫ץـ‬ን ጥ‫ُף‬፣ ይዘُና ቅ‫ץ‬ጽ ‫א‬ወ‫ר‬ን፣

5/ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ የወ 5/ to have the list of drivers to whom driver’s
‫ר‬ዱ እና ጥፋُ የፈጸ‫ ב‬አ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫עץ‬ዎ٤ን qualification certification license have been
ዝ‫ץ‬ዝ‫ ץ‬በአገ‫ ץ‬አ‫שׂ‬ፍ ደ‫נ‬ጃ ‫א‬ያዝ፣ እና issued and driver offenders at national level;
6/ የዚֱ አዋጅ ድንጋጌዎ٤ በ‫ףם‬ ֶይ
6/ supervise for the proper implementation of the
‫א‬ዋֶْውን ‫א‬ከٍ‫ָـ‬፡፡
provisions of this Proclamation.

ክፍָ ‫מ‬ስُ PART THREE


6. ስֳ አ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ ‫א‬ስፈ‫ُץ‬ 6. Standards of Driver’s Qualification Certification


1/ ‫ד‬ናْው‫ ו‬የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ 1/ Issuance of driver’s qualification certification

ፈቃድ ‫רת‬ጥ በዚֱ አዋጅ ውስጥ የ‫ـ‬ደነገ license shall comply with the standards set in
ጉُን ‫א‬ስፈ‫ِץ‬٤ የ‫ג‬ያ‫ֲא ֶח‬ን the provisions of this Proclamation.

2/ ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬ፍቃድ ‫ר‬ጪ 2/ The Authority shall set standards that have to be
አካָ ‫ ֶُחד‬የ‫ג‬ገ‫וֹ‬ውን ‫א‬ስፈ‫ُץ‬ complied by any Licensing Body.
3/ The Authority shall give recognition certificate
3/ ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ በዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ
to the Licensing Body that qualifies the
/2/ ‫ ُנטא‬የ‫ג‬ያወጣውን ‫א‬ስፈ‫ُץ‬ standards to be set in accordance with sub
‫ֶًחא‬ን ‫ָאـ‬ክِ ֳፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጪው article 2 of this Article.
አካָ የእውቅና ‫ـץר‬ፍኬُ ይ‫ר‬ጣָ፡፡
4/ The Authority shall suspend or revoke the
4/ በዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ 2 ‫ُנטא‬ qualification certification license in case the
የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ እን Licensing Body entitled in accordance with the
ዲ‫ר‬ጥ ‫ָם‬ጣን የ‫רـ‬ጠው ፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጪ provisions of sub article 2 of this Article to
አካָ የዚֱን አዋጅ ድንጋጌዎ٤ በ‫ג‬ቃ issue driver’s qualification certification license
‫נ‬ን ‫ָא‬ኩ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ issues in contravention to the provisions of this
ፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጥِ ‫תּ‬ገኝ ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ፈቃዱን Proclamation.
‫ד‬ገድ ወይ‫נרא ו‬ዝ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
gA 4‫ְך‬2$1 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %9 ነሐሴ 09 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 59 25th August , 2008 …. page 4251

7. የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ ‫ו‬ድቦ٤ 7. Categories of Driver’s Qualification Certification


1/ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ 1/ Categories of driver’s qualification certification

አ‫א‬ዳደብ ከዚֱ አዋጅ ጋ‫ ץ‬በ‫ـ‬ያያዘው license shall be as prescribed under Schedule
‫ט‬ንጠ‫ ¡נ‬/ሀ/ በ‫ـ‬ዘ‫נ‬ዘ‫נ‬ው ‫ُנטא‬ /A/ attached with this Proclamation.
2/ Without prejudice to Schedule /A/ attached with
this Proclamation a holder of a higher driver’s
2/ በዚֱ አዋጅ በ‫ـ‬ያያዘው ‫ט‬ንጠ‫ ¡נ‬/ሀ/ ֶይ
qualification certification license within a
የ‫ֳאـ‬ከ‫ـ‬ው እንደ‫ـ‬ጠበ‫ֲ שׂ‬ኖ አንድ ‫ו‬ድብ
ውስጥ ከፍ‫ـ‬ኛውን የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋ
category of licenses shall be authorized to
ገጫ ፈቃድ የያዘ አ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬በዚያው ‫ו‬ድብ operate any vehicle requiring a lower driving
በአነስ‫ـ‬ኛ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ license within the same category.
ፈቃድ የ‫ג‬ነዳ ‫ד‬ንኛውን‫ֹּלـ ו‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ֹּלד ע‬ከ
‫ץ‬ከ‫ ץ‬ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
3/ where a holder of lower qualification certific-
3/ በአንድ ‫ו‬ድብ ውስጥ ከዝቅ‫ـ‬ኛ ወደ ከፍ ation license wants to change into higher within
‫ـ‬ኛ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ the same category, he shall take training and
የ‫שׂג‬ይ‫ ץ‬አ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ָם ע‬ጠናና ፈ‫ـ‬ና test.
‫א‬ው‫ר‬ድ አֳበُ፤
4/ Where a holder of driver’s qualification
4/ ‫ד‬ንኛውን‫ ו‬የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋ certification license wants to obtain a driver’s
ገጫ ፈቃድ የያዘ አ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬የֶַ ‫ו‬ድብ qualification certification license of a different
የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ ‫ד‬ግ category, he shall be required to take the
ኘُ ከፈֳገ ֳ‫ו‬ድ‫ שּ‬የ‫רג‬ጠውን ָዩ የን theoretical and practical training and the test
ድፈ ሀሳብና የ‫ـ‬ግ‫ָם ץוֹ‬ጠና እና ፈ‫ـ‬ና specified for such category of license.
‫א‬ው‫ר‬ድ አֳበُ፡፡

8. ስֳአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ָם ע‬ጠናና ስֳ٤ֹٍ ፈ‫ـ‬ና 8. Driver’s Training and Qualification Tests

‫ד‬ናْው‫ר ו‬ው የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ Any person to be eligible for a motor vehicle
ፈቃድ ֳ‫ד‬ግኘُ፤ driver’s qualification certification license shall:

1/ ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ በ‫ג‬ያወጣው ‫ץם‬ዓ‫ֱוُ ـ‬ 1/ take an integrated theoretical and practical

‫ ُנטא ُץ‬ንድፈ ሃ‫כ‬ብንና ‫ـ‬ግ‫ץוֹ‬ን driving training set by the Authority; and
ያዋሃደ ‫ָם‬ጠና ‫א‬ው‫ר‬ድ፣ እና
2/ pass the examination given upon the completion
2/ በዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ /1/ የ‫ֳאـ‬
of the training referred in sub article /1/ of this
ከ‫ـ‬ውን ‫ָם‬ጠና እንዳጠና‫ שׂשׂ‬የ‫רـ‬ጠ
ውን የ٤ֹٍ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈ‫ـ‬ና ያֳፈ
‫ֲא‬ን አֳበُ፡፡

9. የ‫ָרד‬ጠኛ ‫ והּـ‬ግዴٍዎ٤ 9. Obligations of Training Institutions

‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬የ‫ָרד‬ጠኛ ‫והּـ‬፤ Any training institution shall comply with the
1/ ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ የ‫ג‬ያወጣውን ‫א‬ስፈ‫חד ُץ‬
ֶُና እንደአግ‫ שּוֹ‬በ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ወይ‫ו‬ 1/ set by the Authority and possess, a certificate
በፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጪው አካָ የ‫רـ‬ጠ የ‫ו‬ስክ‫ץ‬ issued by the Authority or Licensing Body and
ወ‫ُשׂנ‬ና አግ‫וֹ‬ብ ‫ֳוֹ‬ው አካָ የ‫רـ‬ጠ commercial license issued by the concerned
የንግድ ‫ ףם‬ፈቃድ ‫א‬ያዝ፣ organ;
gA 4‫ְך‬2)$2 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %9 ነሐሴ 09 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 59 25th August , 2008 …. page 4252

2/ ‫ָם‬ጠና በ‫רג‬ጥበُ ጊዜ የُ‫ף‬ፊክ ደֱን 2/ ensure strict observance of traffic safety rules in
ነُ ደንቦ٤ በ‫ג‬ገ‫א וֹ‬ከበ‫ْף‬ውን ‫נד‬ጋ the course of the training;

3/ ‫ָם‬ጠናውን ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ‫וֹ‬ዘጋጀው ‫א‬ስፈ 3/ carryout the training in accordance with the
‫ד ُנטא ُץ‬ካְድ፣ እና standards set by the Authority;

4/ የ‫ָם‬ጠና ‫נא‬ጃዎ٤ን ‫א‬ያዝና በየጊዜው 4/ compile training data and submit periodical
reports to the Licensing Body.
ֳፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጪው አካָ ‫ע‬ፖ‫ד ُץ‬ድ‫נ‬ግ
10. Conditions of Driving for Training
0. የ‫ד‬ስ‫עדـ‬ያ ‫ֹּלـ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬አነዳድ ሁኔٍዎ٤
1/ Driving of a vehicle for the purpose of training
1/ የ‫ד‬ስ‫עדـ‬ያ ‫ֹּלـ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ֵ ע‬ነዳ የ‫ג‬٤ֳው may be conducted at a place arranged for such
አግ‫וֹ‬ብ ‫ֳוֹ‬ው አካָ ‫ת‬ፈ‫שׂ‬ድ ֳዚሁ purpose or, where authorized by the appropriate
‫ـ‬ብֹ በ‫ـ‬ዘጋጀ ቦٍ ወይ‫ ו‬አነስ‫ـ‬ኛ organ, on a road having law traffic movement
የُ‫ף‬ፊክ እንቅስቃሴ በ‫ג‬ኖ‫ץ‬በُ ‫א‬ን provided that:
ገድ ֶይ ֲኖ፤
a) a sign bearing the word “LEARNER” is
ሀ/ “ֳ‫ד‬ጅ” የ‫ָו ָג‬ክُ ከ‫ֹּלـ‬ከ‫ץ‬ affixed at the front and rear of the vehicle in
such manner that it is clearly visible to any
ካ‫ע‬ው ፊُና በስ‫ـ‬ኋֶ ‫ֳـ‬ጥፎ በ$ driver approaching from in front or following
‫ ُשׂץ ץُה‬ከፊֳُፊً ֳֶ behind at a distance of 50 meters; and
ወይ‫ו‬ ֳ‫ـ‬ከٍይ አ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬
በግָጽ የ‫ٍג‬ይ ‫ֲא‬ን፣ እና b) the learner is accompanied by an instructor
who shall sit next to him at all time of the
ֳ/ ‫ֹּלـ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ው በ‫ג‬ን‫שׂ‬ሳ‫שׂ‬ስበُ ጊዜ vehicle’s operation.
ሁִ ከֳ‫ד‬ጁ ጐን አ‫ָר‬ጣኝ ‫שׂא‬
‫א‬ጥ አֳበُ፡፡
2/ Where the vehicle used for training is a
2/ የ‫ד‬ስ‫עדـ‬ያ ‫ֹּלـ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ው ‫ֳוֹ‬ሁֳُ ወይ‫ו‬ motorcycle of two or three wheels:
‫מֳוֹ‬ስُ እግ‫ ץـז ץ‬ሳይክָ ‫ֲת‬ን፤
a) the sign bearing the word “LEARNER”
ሀ/ “ֳ‫ד‬ጅ” የ‫ָו ָג‬ክُ ከ‫ץـז‬ shall be affixed at the rear in such manner
ሳይክִ በስ‫ـ‬ኋֶ ‫ֳـ‬ጥፎ ከ$ that it is clearly visible to any driver
following behind at a distance of fifty 50
‫ـֳ ُשׂץ ץُה‬ከٍይ አ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬
በግָጽ የ‫ٍג‬ይ ‫ֲא‬ን፣
b) the learner shall be accompanied by an
ֳ/ ከֳ‫ד‬ጁ በስ‫ـ‬ኋֶ በ‫ ץـז‬ሳይክִ instructor who shall sit behind the learner
ኮ‫ץ‬٢ የ‫אשׂג‬ጥ አ‫ָר‬ጣኝ on the saddler; and
‫א‬ኖ‫ץ‬፣ እና
c) both the learner and the instructor shall
ּ/ ֳ‫ד‬ጁና አ‫ָר‬ጣኙ የአደጋ ‫א‬ከֶከያ wear helmets.
‫בּ‬ብ የ‫ג‬ጠ‫ֲא בשׂ‬ን አֳበُ፡፡

01. ስֳ ‫א‬ንዳُ ፈ‫ـ‬ና 11. Driving Test

በዚֱ አዋጅ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ 0 የ‫ـ‬ደነገገው ‫תּ‬ኖ‫וץ‬ Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 10 of

ֳፈ‫ـ‬ና ‫ֲת‬ን ֳ‫ד‬ጁ ብ٢ውን ‫שף‬ን ٤ֹ this Proclamation, the learner shall able to drive
‫ֹּלד‬ከ‫ץ‬ከ‫ ץ‬አֳበُ፡፡ alone in the case of a qualification test.
gA 4‫ְך‬2)$3 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %9 ነሐሴ 09 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 59 25th August , 2008 …. page 4253

02. ‫ـ‬ፈֶጊ ዕድ‫ה‬ና ُ‫ُץֱו‬ 12. Age and Education Requirements

የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ ֳ‫ד‬ግኘُ Any person applying for a driver’s qualification
የ‫ג‬ያ‫ֳא‬ክُ ‫ד‬ናْው‫ר ו‬ው፤ certification license shall:

1/ ֳ‫ ץـז‬ሳይክָ ወይ‫ֳ ו‬አውِ‫ָתּז‬ 1/ in the case of motorcycle or automobile

driver’s qualification certification license,
የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ
have completed at least fourth grade
‫ֲת‬ን፣ ‫תּ‬ያንስ የአ‫ـף‬ኛ ክፍָ ُ‫ُץֱו‬
education and attained the age of not less
ያጠና‫שׂשׂ‬ና እድ‫ה‬ው ከ08 ዓ‫ ُא‬ያֶነ‫ר‬፣ than 18 years;
2/ ֳٍክ‫ת‬፣ ֳፈሳ‫ ֹּל‬ወይ‫ֳ ו‬ሕዝብ ‫ָךֳֶאד‬ 2/ in the case of tanker, bus or taxi driver’s
‫ֹּלـ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ qualification certification license, have
ፈቃድ ‫ֲת‬ን፣ ‫תּ‬ያንስ የስ‫ו‬ን‫ـ‬ኛ ክፍָ completed at least eighth grade education and
ُ‫ ُץֱו‬ያጠና‫שׂשׂ‬ና እድ‫ה‬ው ከ!4 attained the age of not less than 24 years.
ዓ‫ ُא‬ያֶነ‫ר‬፣
3/ in the case of truck or special mobile
3/ ֳደ‫נ‬ቅ ጭነُ ‫ֹּלـ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ወይ‫ֳָ ו‬ዩ ‫ـ‬ን equipment driver’s qualification certification
‫שׂ‬ሳቃ‫עכא ֹּל‬ያ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋ license, have completed at least eighth grade
ገጫ ፈቃድ ‫ֲת‬ን፣ ‫תּ‬ያንስ የስ‫ו‬ን‫ـ‬ኛ education and attained the age of not less
ክፍָ ُ‫ ُץֱו‬ያጠና‫שׂשׂ‬ና እድ‫ה‬ው ከ! than 20 years;
ዓ‫ ُא‬ያֶነ‫ֲא ר‬ን አֳበُ፡፡

03. የጤንነُ ሁኔٍ 13. Physical Requirements

1/ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ 1/ Any applicant for a driver’s qualification

certification license shall be free from any
ֳ‫ד‬ግኘُ የ‫ג‬ያ‫ֳא‬ክُ ‫ד‬ናْው‫ר ו‬ው
physical disability or adverse health
‫ֹּלـ ץـזֳוֹ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬በ‫ג‬ገ‫דֳ וֹ‬ን‫שׂ‬ሳ‫שׂ‬ስ
condition that could make him unfit for the
ከ‫ג‬ያውክ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬ዓይነُ የአካָ ጉዳُ proper operation of a motor vehicle.
ወይ‫ ו‬የጤና ‫ٍא‬ወክ ነፃ ‫ֲא‬ን አֳበُ፡፡
2/ The physical fitness of an applicant to operate
2/ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬አ‫ָא‬ካ٤ በዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ a motor vehicle in accordance with the
አን‫שׂ‬ጽ /1/ ድንጋጌ ‫ץـזֳוֹ ُנטא‬ provisions of sub-article (1) of this Article
‫ֹּלـ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ֹּלדֳ ע‬ከ‫ץ‬ከ‫ ץ‬ብ‫ֲא שּׁ‬ኑ፣ ‫םֳוֹ‬ shall be certified by an examination
ָጣኑ ወይ‫ ו‬ፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጪው አካָ ከጤና conducted by a medical institution assigned
ጥበቃ ‫ג‬ኒስَ‫ ץ‬ወይ‫ צתּ ו‬ጋ‫ ץ‬በ‫אא‬ following the requirements set by the
ካከ‫ ץ‬በ‫ג‬ያወጣው ‫א‬ስፈ‫ ُנטא ُץ‬በ‫ג‬ Authority or Licensing Body in consultation
‫נא‬ጥ የሕክ‫ו‬ና ‫ והּـ‬በ‫ג‬ደ‫נ‬ግ ‫ףאץו‬ with the Ministry of Health or Health Bureau;
3/ Where the credibility of a medical examination
3/ ፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጪው አካָ በሕክ‫ו‬ና ‫והּـ‬ is doubtful, the Licensing Body may require
የ‫ ףאץו‬ውጤُ ‫וֹשׂـ‬ይነُ ֶይ ጥ‫ץ‬ጣ‫פ‬ a new examination to be conducted by
ካֳው በֶַ የሕክ‫ו‬ና ‫ והּـ‬ድጋ‫ג‬ another medical institution. And the latter
‫ ףאץו‬እንዲያደ‫ץ‬ግ ֵጠይቅ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ medical examination shall be final if it
confirms the former.
የኋֳኛው የሕክ‫ו‬ና ውጤُ ከፊ‫ـ‬ኛው ጋ‫ץ‬
የ‫ג‬ጣጣ‫ ו‬ከֲነ‫ ו‬የ‫א‬ጨ‫ ָךנ‬ይֲናָ፡፡
4/ Where the medical examination results of the
4/ በሁֳُ የሕክ‫ו‬ና ‫ ُדהּـ‬የ‫רـ‬ጠው የሕክ two medical institutions differ, the case shall
‫ו‬ና ውጤُ የ‫ֳـ‬ያየ ከֲነ ፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጪው be referred to a third medical institution
አካָ ֳ‫נא‬ጠው ‫מ‬ስ‫ـ‬ኛ የሕክ‫ו‬ና ‫והּـ‬ selected by the Licensing Body, and the
‫ָـ‬ኮ የ‫רג‬ጠው የሕክ‫ו‬ና ውጤُ የ‫א‬ጨ result of the third medical institution shall be
‫ ָךנ‬ይֲናָ፡፡ final.
gA 4‫ְך‬2)$4 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %9 ነሐሴ 09 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 59 25th August , 2008 …. page 4254

04. ስֳ አ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ 14. Application for Driver’s Qualification
‫ָאד‬ከ٢ Certification License

1/ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ ֳ‫ד‬ግ 1/ An application for driving license may be
ኘُ ֳፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጪው አካָ የ‫ץשׂג‬ብ ‫אד‬ submitted to the Licensing Body either in
ָከ٢ በግን‫ ץוֹ‬ወይ‫ ו‬በፖስٍ ወይ‫ו‬ person or through postal or electronic mails.
በኤַክُ‫צ‬ኒክ ‫ָא‬ዕክُ ֲֵን ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
2/ Any application for driver’s qualification
2/ ‫ד‬ናْው‫ ו‬የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ certification license shall be accompanied by
ፈቃድ ‫ָאד‬ከ٢ ከ‫ג‬ከ‫ ִُـ‬ጋ‫ـ ץ‬ያይዞ the following:
‫א‬ቅ‫נ‬ብ አֳበُ፤
a) certificate of education;
ሀ/ የُ‫ד ُץֱו‬ስ‫נ‬ጃ፣

ֳ/ የָደُ የ‫ו‬ስክ‫ ץ‬ወ‫ ُשׂנ‬ወይ‫ ו‬ፓስ b) birth certificate or passport or residence

ፖ‫ ُץ‬ወይ‫ ו‬በ‫שׂ‬በַ አስ‫ـ‬ዳደ‫ ץ‬የ‫ـ‬ identification card issued by kebele
‫ר‬ጠ የነዋ‫ע‬ነُ ‫ٍא‬ወ‫שּׂ‬ያ ደብ‫ץـ‬፣ administration;

ּ/ የጤንነُ ‫ ףאץו‬ውጤُ፣ c) the result of medical examination; and

‫א‬/ በአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ዎ٤ ‫ָרד‬ጠኛ ‫והּـ‬ d) a certificate evidencing that the

ֳ‫ָרא‬ጠኑ የ‫ג‬ያ‫נ‬ጋግጥ ‫ـץר‬ፍ applicant has been trained by driver’s
ኬُ፡፡ training institution.

15. Issuance of Driver’s Qualification

05. የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ
Certification License

1/ ፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጪው አካָ በዚֱ አዋጅ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ 1/ The Licensing Body shall, upon examining
04 ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ 1 ‫ ُנטא‬የ‫נשׂ‬በֳُን an application submitted pursuant to sub-
‫ָאד‬ከ٢ ‫ צוץא‬የዚֱ አዋጅ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ article /1/ of Article 14 of this Proclamation
8፣ 02 እና 03 ድንጋጌዎ٤ ‫ֶٍْחא‬ውን and ascertaining that the requirements of
ካ‫נ‬ጋገጠና አ‫ָא‬ካ٠ ከዚֱ አዋጅ ጋ‫ץ‬ Article 8, 12 and 13 of this Proclamation are
በ‫ـ‬ያያዘው ‫ט‬ንጠ‫ ¡נ‬/ֳ/ ‫שּׁ ףـ‬ጥ‫ ץ‬1 met and upon receipt of payment of the fees
የ‫ֳאـ‬ከ‫ـ‬ውን ክፍያ ከፈጸ‫ א‬በኋֶ አስፈ prescribed under item No. 1 of Schedule /B/
ֶጊ ‫א‬ስֹ የٍየውን ግዴٍ ወይ‫ ו‬ገደብ attached with this Proclamation issue, the
በፈቃዱ ֶይ አ‫ָא‬ክِ የ‫ـ‬ጠየ‫שׂ‬ውን applicant with the category of driver’s
‫ו‬ድብ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ qualification certification license requested,
ፈቃድ ይ‫ר‬ጠዋָ፡፡ with an indication thereon of any condition or
restriction it may have deemed necessary.
2/ የዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ /1/ ድንጋጌ
‫תּ‬ኖ‫וץ‬፤ 2/ Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article
(1) of this Article:
ሀ/ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬የአካָ ጉዳ‫ـ‬ኛ የ‫ֹּלـ‬ከ‫ץ‬
a) a driver’s qualification certification
ካ‫ע‬ን እንቅስቃሴ ֳ‫בּא‬ጣጠ‫ ץ‬ያֳበ
license may be issued to any handicap
ُን ጉድֳُ ֵያካክስֳُ የ‫ג‬٤ָ
person to operate a motor vehicle that is
ָዩ ‫עכא‬ያ የ‫ـ‬ገጠ‫ֳُא‬ን ‫זֳוֹ‬ equipped with special apparatus to
‫ֹּלـ ץـ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫אֳ ע‬ንዳُ የ‫ג‬ያስ compensate his physical deficiency with
٤ָ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ respect to maneuvering the movement of
ፈቃድ ֵ‫ר‬ጠው ይ٤ֶָ፣ a vehicle;
gA 4‫ְך‬2)$5 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %9 ነሐሴ 09 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 59 25th August , 2008 …. page 4255

ֳ/ የውጭ አገ‫ ץ‬ወይ‫ ו‬ኢን‫ץـ‬ና‫ֹּל‬ናָ b) where a person holding a foreign or

‫א‬ንጃ ፈቃድ ያֳው ‫ר‬ው ‫אـ‬ጣጣኙ international driving license applies for
‫ו‬ድብ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ an equivalent category, the Licensing
ፈቃድ እንዲ‫ר‬ጠው ‫ת‬ያ‫ֳא‬ክُና Body shall issue the requested license
ፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጪው አካָ፣ upon;

1/ ascertaining that the government

1/ ‫ר‬ጭው አገ‫ ץ‬የኢُዮጵያን የአ‫ֹּל‬
which issued the driving license
ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ
similarly recognizes Ethiopian
በ‫אـ‬ሳሳይ ‫ָא‬ኩ የ‫שׂג‬በָ driver’s qualification certification
‫ֲא‬ኑን ‫ת‬ያ‫נ‬ጋግጥ፣ license;
2/ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃዱ 2/ being satisfied that the license is
ُክክֳኛነُ በ‫ֳאג‬ከ‫ـ‬ው አካָ authenticated by the concerned body
‫נא‬ጋገጡንና ጸንِ የ‫בּג‬ይበُ ጊዜ
and is currently valid; and
ያֳֶፈ ‫ֲא‬ኑን ‫ת‬ያ‫ו‬ንበُ፣ እና
3/ receipt of the appropriate fees.
3/ ‫ـ‬ገ‫תּ‬ው ክፍያ ‫ת‬ፈጸ‫ ֳُו‬የ‫ـ‬
ጠየ‫שׂ‬ውን ፈቃድ ይ‫ר‬ጣָ፡፡
3/ Any driver’s qualification certification license
3/ በዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ‫ ُנטא‬የ‫רג‬ጥ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ו‬ to be issued pursuant to this Article shall:
የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ፤

ሀ/ ጥ‫ُף‬፣ ይዘُና ቅ‫ץ‬ጽ በ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ የ‫ג‬ a) being determined by the Authority as to

ወ‫ר‬ን ֲኖ፣ ֳ‫ד‬ጭበ‫ץ‬በ‫ ץ‬ድ‫ץ‬ጊُ ያָ‫ـ‬ the quality, content and form, have such
ጋֳጠ እንዲֲን የ‫ג‬ያስ٤ֳው አ‫ץףט‬ features that could make it not
እንዲኖ‫נ‬ው ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ፣ እና vulnerable to acts of forgery; and
ֳ/ የ‫ֳוֹ‬ፈቃዱ ፎِግ‫ף‬ፍ የ‫ֳـ‬ጠፈበُና b) bear the photograph, the signature and
የአው‫ף‬ጣُ አ‫ףָך‬ውና የጽሑፍ ፊ‫דץ‬ው thumb mark of the holder.
ያ‫נ‬ፈበُ ‫ֲא‬ን አֳበُ፡፡

16. Military Driver’s Qualification Certification

06. ስֳወٍደ‫ ץ‬የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ License

1/ የአገ‫א ץ‬ከֶከያ ‫ג‬ኒስَ‫ ץ‬በ‫א‬ከֶከያ 1/ The Ministry of National Defense is hereby

٪ይָ ውስጥ ֳ‫ג‬ያገֳግִ ‫ـףט‬ኞ٤ የወ authorized to issue military driver’s
ٍደ‫ ץ‬የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ qualification certification license to defense
የ‫א‬ስጠُ፣ የ‫ד‬ደስ፣ የ‫ד‬ገድና የ‫נרא‬ዝ personnel and to renew, suspend or revoke
‫ָם‬ጣን በዚֱ አዋጅ ‫רـ‬ጥָٍِ ֲኖ‫ו‬፤ the same; provided, however, that:

ሀ/ ፈቃዱ “ֳኦፊስዬָ ወٍደ‫ף‬ዊ ጉዳይ ብ٢” a) such licenses shall bear the legend “FOR
የ‫א ָג‬ግֳጫ የ‫ـ‬ጻፈበُ ֲኖ የወٍደ‫ץ‬ OFFICIAL MILITARY USE ONLY”
‫ֳא‬ያ ‫שּׁ‬ጥ‫ַר ץ‬ዳዎ٤ የ‫ـ‬ደ‫נ‬ጉ‫ْוֹ‬ውን and be used exclusively to operate
የ‫א‬ከֶከያ ٪ይָ ‫ֹּלـ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ዎ٤ ֳ‫א‬ንዳُ defense vehicles bearing military
ብ٢ የ‫ג‬ያገֳግָ ይֲናָ፣ identification number plates;

ֳ/ የአገ‫א ץ‬ከֶከያ ‫ג‬ኒስَ‫ ץ‬የ‫רـ‬ጠውን b) the Ministry of National Defense shall

‫ָם‬ጣን በ‫ֶ ףם‬ይ ‫ת‬ያውָ የዚֱን observe and enforce the provisions of
አዋጅ ድንጋጌዎ٤ ‫א‬ከ‫ָـ‬ና ‫ד‬ስፈጸ‫ו‬ this Proclamation in exercising its
አֳበُ፣ authority;
gA 4‫ְך‬2)$6 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %9 ነሐሴ 09 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 59 25th August , 2008 …. page 4256

ּ/ ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ የዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ c) the Authority may investigate, at any time,
1/ֳ/ ድንጋጌ ‫א‬ጠበ‫שּׁ‬ን ֳ‫נד‬ጋገጥ ከፈ the administrative processes and records of
ቃድ አ‫ר‬ጣጡ ጋ‫ ץ‬የ‫ـ‬ያያዙ የአገ‫א ץ‬ከֶ the Ministry of National Defense relating to
ከያ ‫ג‬ኒስَ‫ ץ‬አ‫צףר‬٤ና ‫ר‬ነዶ٤ን በ‫ד‬ን such licensing, in order to ensure the
ኛው‫ ו‬ጊዜ ֳ‫ ץאץאא‬ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ compliance with the requirements of sub-
article 1(b) of these Article.
2/ የወٍደ‫ ץ‬የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ
ፈቃዶ٤ በዚֱ አዋጅ የ‫ـ‬ደነገጉُን ‫םא‬ፈ 2/ Military driver’s qualification certification
license may be converted to civil driver’s
‫ِץ‬٤ና ደ‫נ‬ጃዎ٤ የ‫ג‬ያ‫ֲת ִח‬ንና ‫ـ‬ገ
qualification certification license where they
‫תּ‬ው ክፍያ ‫ת‬ፈጸ‫ ו‬በ‫ת‬ቪָ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬
fulfill the requirements and standards
ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃዶ٤ ֳֵወጡ provided for under this Proclamation and
ይ٤ִֶ፡፡ upon payment of the appropriate license fees.

07. የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ ይዞ 17. Carrying and Producing of Driver’s
ስֳ‫א‬ገኘُና ስֳ‫ד‬ሳየُ Qualification Certification License

1/ ‫ד‬ናْው‫ֳוֹ ו‬ፈቃድ ‫ֹּלـ ץـזֳוֹ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ 1/ The holder of a driver’s qualification

በ‫ד‬ንኛው‫א ו‬ንገድ ֶይ በ‫ג‬ያን‫שׂ‬ሳቅስ certification license shall carry the license at
በُ ጊዜ ሁִ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ all times while operating a motor vehicle on
ፈቃዱን ይዞ ‫א‬ገኘُ አֳበُ፡፡ any road.

2/ የُ‫ף‬ፊክ ፖֵስ ‫ד‬ናْው‫ר ו‬ው በ‫א‬ንገድ ֶይ 2/ Any traffic police may request any person
‫ֹּלـ ץـזֳוֹ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ת ע‬ያን‫שׂ‬ሳቅስ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ operating a vehicle on any road to produce
ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃዱን እንዲያሳየው ‫א‬ጠየቅ his driver’s qualification certification license.

08. የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድን ስֳ‫ד‬ 18. Correction and Replacement of Driver’s
ሳ‫ונ‬ና ስֳ‫ـא‬ካُ Qualification Certification License

1/ በአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ ֶይ 1/ Where the holder of a driver’s qualification

ከ‫ר‬ፈ‫א ُס‬ግֳጫዎ٤ ‫א‬ካከָ የ‫ـ‬ሳሳ‫ـ‬ certification license becomes aware of an
ነገ‫א ץ‬ኖ‫ס‬ን እንዳወ‫ שׂ‬አ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ው የብ error in the particulars entered in the license,
ቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃዱን ֳእ‫ד ُוץ‬ቅ‫נ‬ብ he shall immediately present the license to
the Authority for correction.. In such case,
አֳበُ፡፡ ይֱ‫ֲת ו‬ን ስֱ‫ ًـ‬ያጋጠ‫א‬ው
he shall be required to pay the appropriate
በፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጭው አካָ ጥፋُ ‫ו‬ክንያُነُ
fees unless the error was totally attributable
ብ٢ ካֲָነ በስ‫ـ ץשׂـ‬ገ‫תּ‬ውን ክፍያ to the fault of the Licensing Body.
‫ֳוֹ‬ፈቃዱ ይፈጽ‫ָד‬፡፡
2/ Where a driver’s qualification certification license
2/ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፊቃድ የጠፋ፣ የ‫ـ‬ is lost, damaged, unreadable or the matters
በֶ₪፣ የ‫ד‬ይነበብ ወይ‫ ו‬በ‫א‬ግֳጫዎ٠ ֶይ የ‫ـ‬ expressed under it are not changed according to
‫ֳא‬ከًُ ጉዳዮ٤ የ‫ֳـ‬ወጡ እንደֲነ ‫ֳוֹ‬ፈቃዱ changes introduced, the holder of the license shall
‫ُו‬ክ ፈቃድ እንዲ‫ר‬ጠው ወዲያው ֳፈቃድ forthwith submit an application to the Licensing
‫ר‬ጭው አካָ ‫ָאד‬ከُ አֳበُ፡፡ Body for a replacement.

3/ በዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ /2/ ‫ُנטא‬ 3/ Where an application. pursuant to sub-article /2/ of
this Article, is presented to the Licensing Body, it
‫ָאד‬ከ٢ ‫ץשׂת‬ብֳُ አ‫ָא‬ካ٠ ‫ـ‬ገ‫תּ‬ውን
shall issue to the applicant a replacement driver’s
ክፍያ እንዲፈጽ‫ ו‬ካስደ‫נ‬ገ በኋֶ ‫ُו‬ክ የአ qualification certification license after the
‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ ይ‫ר‬ጠ appropriate fees are made.
4/ A person who has recovered a driver’s qualification
4/ ‫ُו‬ክ የ‫רـ‬ጠበُን የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋ certification license for which a replacement has
ገጫ ፈቃድ ‫ָא‬ሶ ያገኘ ‫ר‬ው ‫ـ‬ጨ‫ עד‬የֲነው been issued shall promptly submit the extra
ፈቃድ እንዲ‫נר‬ዝና እንዲወገድ ወዲያው driver’s qualification certification license to the
ֳፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጭው አካָ ‫ד‬ስ‫נ‬ከብ አֳበُ፡፡ Licensing Body for cancellation and removal.
gA 4‫ְך‬2)$7 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %9 ነሐሴ 09 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 59 25th August , 2008 …. page 4257

09. የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ ጸንِ 19. Validity and Renewal of Driver’s Qualification
ስֳ‫בּג‬ይበُ ጊዜና ስֳ‫ד‬ሳደስ Certification License

1/ የ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ו ו‬ድብ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ 1/ A driver’s qualification certification license of

ጋገጫ ፈቃድ ጸንِ የ‫בּג‬የው ከ‫רـ‬ጠበُ any category shall be valid for a period of
‫שׂ‬ን አንስِ ֳአ‫ ُף‬ዓ‫ ُא‬ይֲናָ፡፡ four years from the date of its issuance.

2/ Any driver’s qualification certification license shall

2/ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ be renewed for a period of four years, at each time
ፈቃድ በዚֱ አዋጅ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ 03 ‫ُנטא‬ of its renewal, upon presentation of medical
የ‫ـ‬ደ‫נ‬ገ የጤንነُ ‫ ףאץו‬ውጤُ ‫ץשׂת‬ examination result conducted in accordance with
ብና ‫ـ‬ገ‫תּ‬ው ክፍያ ‫ת‬ፈጸ‫ ו‬በእያንዳንዱ Article 13 of this Proclamation and payment of the
ዕድሳُ ወቅُ ֳአ‫ ُף‬ዓ‫ ُא‬ይٍደሳָ፡፡ appropriate fees.

3/ The holder of the driver’s qualification certification

3/ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃዱ ‫ֳוֹ‬ቤُ license shall present his license to the Licensing
ፈቃዱን ֳፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጭው አካָ ‫ שף‬ወይ‫ו‬ Body for renewal either in person or through his
በሕጋዊ ወኪִ አ‫ד‬ካኝነُ በ‫ד‬ቅ‫נ‬ብ ֵያሳድስ duly authorized agent; provided, however, that a
ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ ֲኖ‫ֳ ו‬ሁֳُ ‫ـ‬ከٍٍይ ጊዜ በወኪָ driver’s qualification certification license may not
አ‫ד‬ካኝነُ ‫ד‬ሳደስ አይፈ‫שׂ‬ድ‫ו‬፡፡ be for two consecutive times presented for
renewal through an agent.

4/ የዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ፅ 1 ‫תּ‬ኖ‫וץ‬ 4/ Notwithstanding the provisions of sub article
የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ ‫ֳוֹ‬ቤُ /1 of this Article, where the holder of the
እድ‫ה‬ው ከ$5 /ሃ‫ו‬ሳ አ‫ו‬ስُ/ ዓ‫ ُא‬በֶይ driver’s qualification ratification license is
ከֲነ፣ ፍቃዱ በየሁֳُ ዓ‫ٍא ُא‬ደስ አֳበُ፡፡ above 55 /fifty five/ years of age, the license
shall be renewed every two years.
5/ ከዚֱ አዋጅ ጋ‫ ץ‬በ‫ـ‬ያያዘው ‫ט‬ንጠ‫ ¡נ‬/ֳ/
የ‫ֳאـ‬ከ‫ـ‬ው ቅጣُ እንደ‫ـ‬ጠበ‫ֲ שׂ‬ኖ 5/ Where the holder of driver’s qualification
certification license fails to renew his license as
በዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ /1/ ‫ُנטא‬ per the provisions of sub-article (1) of this Article
የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃዱን በ% within 60 days (sixty days), the holder of the
/ስָሳ/ ‫שׂ‬ን ውስጥ ሳያሳድስ የ‫ נשׂ‬አ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ license can only renew the license after paying the
ካ‫ ע‬የ‫ـ‬ግ‫ ץוֹ‬ፈ‫ـ‬ና ‫ـ‬ፈُኖ ‫ת‬ያָፍ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ appropriate fines as per Schedule /B/ attached with
‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃዱ ይٍደስ this Proclamation and upon taking and passing the
ֳָٍ፡፡ driving qualification test

!. የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ ስֳ‫ד‬ገድና 20. Suspension and Revocation of Driver’s
‫נרא‬ዝ QualificationCertification License

1/ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ የ‫רـ‬ጠው 1/ Where based on the traffic offence records of a
‫ר‬ው በፈጸ‫א‬ው የُ‫ף‬ፊክ ደንብን የ‫ֳֶـא‬ፍ license holder or on other sufficient grounds,
ጥፋُ ‫נ‬ከ‫ץ‬ድ ወይ‫ ו‬በֶַ አጥጋ‫ו תּ‬ክንያُ it is proved that either his physical fitness or
ֶይ ‫אـ‬ስ‫ ِץ‬የጤንነُ ሁኔٍው ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫א‬ን driving skill is deficient, the Licensing Body
ዳُ ٤ֹٍው አጥጋ‫ תּ‬አֳ‫ֲא‬ኑ ‫נת‬ጋገጥ
may suspend the driver’s qualification
ፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጪው አካָ የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋ
certification license or require him to
ገጫ ፈቃዱን ‫ד‬ገድ ወይ‫ֳוֹ ו‬ፈቃዱ የጤና ‫ץו‬
undergo medical examination or order him to
‫ ףא‬እንዲያደ‫ץ‬ግ ወይ‫ ו‬የ٤ֹٍ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ
ፈ‫ـ‬ና እንዲወስድ ወይ‫ ו‬ሁֳًን‫ ו‬እንዲፈጽ‫ו‬
take driving qualification test or both.
ֵያስገድደው ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
gA 4‫ְך‬2)$8 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %9 ነሐሴ 09 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 59 25th August , 2008 …. page 4258

2/ በዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ /1/ ‫ُנטא‬ 2/ The Licensing Body may revoke the driver’s
የ‫ـ‬ካְደው የጤና ‫ ףאץו‬ወይ‫ ו‬የ٤ֹٍ qualification certification license where the
‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈ‫ـ‬ና ውጤُ የ‫ֳוֹ‬ፈቃዱ የጤና medical examination or the driving
ሁኔٍ ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫א‬ንዳُ ٤ֹٍ አጥጋ‫תּ‬ qualification test conducted pursuant to sub-
አֳ‫ֲא‬ኑን የ‫ג‬ያ‫ֳא‬ክُ ‫ֲת‬ን ወይ‫ו‬ article (1) of this Article shows that the
‫ֳוֹ‬ፈቃዱ ያֳበ‫ו שּׂ‬ክንያُ የ‫ףאץו‬ physical fitness or driving skill of the license
holder is unsatisfactory or where he has,
ወይ‫ ו‬የፈ‫ـ‬ና ውጤًን በ( ‫שׂ‬ናُ ውስጥ
without good cause, failed to produce the
ֵያ‫ץשׂ‬ብ ካָ٢ֳ ፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጪው አካָ
medical examination or qualification test
ፈቃዱን ֵ‫ץר‬ዘው ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ result within 90 days.
3/ በዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ /1/ እና /2/ የ‫ـ‬ደነ 3/ Without prejudice to the provision of sub-article
ገገው እንደ‫ـ‬ጠበ‫ֲ שׂ‬ኖ ‫ג‬ኒስَ‫ ס‬በአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ው (1) and (2) of this Article, the Ministry shall issue
የጥፋُ ‫ע‬ከ‫ץ‬ድ ‫ ُנטא‬የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ directive which enable to suspend or revoke the
‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃዱን ֳ‫ד‬ገድ ወይ‫נראֳ ו‬ዝ driver’s qualification certification license based on
የ‫ג‬ያስ٤ָ ዝ‫ץ‬ዝ‫עאא ץ‬ያ ያወጣָ፡፡ the offence record of the driver.

4/ በዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ /1/ እና /2/ 4/ Any person aggrieved by the decision given
‫ ُנטא‬በ‫רـ‬ጠው ውሳኔ ቅ‫ ץ‬የ‫רـ‬ኘ ‫ד‬ን pursuant to sub-article (1) and (2) of this Article
may, within 30 days from receipt of the decision,
ኛው‫ר ו‬ው ውሳኔው በደ‫רנ‬ው በ" ‫שׂ‬ናُ appeal to the Ministry. The decision of the
ውስጥ ֳ‫ג‬ኒስَ‫ ס‬ቅ‫ٍפ‬ውን ֵያ‫ץשׂ‬ብ Ministry shall be the final.
ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ የ‫ג‬ኒስَ‫ וס‬ውሳኔ የ‫א‬ጨ‫ָךנ‬

!1. ክ ָ ከ ֶ 21. Prohibitions

በዚֱ አዋጅ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ 0 የ‫ـ‬ደነገገው እንደ‫ـ‬ጠበ‫שׂ‬ Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 10
of this Proclamations;
1/ no person shall, without having the proper
1/ ‫ד‬ናْው‫ר ו‬ው ‫ـ‬ገ‫תּ‬ው የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ driver’s qualification certification license
‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ ሳይኖ‫נ‬ው ‫ד‬ንኛውን‫ו‬ drive a motor vehicle on any road;
‫ֹּלـ ץـזֳוֹ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬በ‫א‬ንገድ ֶይ ‫א‬ንዳُ
2/ no owner or possessor of any motor vehicle
2/ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬የ‫ֹּלـ ץـזֳוֹ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ֳוֹ ע‬ቤُ shall allow any person to drive his vehicle
ወይ‫ֳוֹ ו‬ይዞٍ ‫ـ‬ገ‫תּ‬ው የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ without verifying that the person is a holder
ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃድ ያֳው ‫ֲא‬ኑን of the proper driver’s qualification
ሳያ‫נ‬ጋግጥ ‫ֹּלـ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ውን ֶַ ‫ר‬ው እንዲ certification license.
ነዳ ‫א‬ፍ‫שׂ‬ድ የֳበُ‫ו‬፡፡

ክፍָ አ‫ُף‬ PART FOUR


22. None Applicable Laws

!2. ‫ـ‬ፈፃ‫ג‬ነُ የ‫ד‬ይኖ‫ْף‬ው ሕጎ٤
Any law inconsistent with this Proclamation shall
ይֱን አዋጅ የ‫ג‬ቃ‫נ‬ን ‫ד‬ናْው‫ֱ ו‬ግ ‫ـ‬ፈጻ
not be applicable.
‫ג‬ነُ አይኖ‫נ‬ው‫ו‬፡፡
gA 4‫ְך‬2)$9 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %9 ነሐሴ 09 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 59 25th August , 2008 …. page 4259

!3. የ‫א‬₪ጋገ‫ע‬ያ ድንጋጌ 23. Transitory Provision

‫שׂ‬ደ‫רـ ָת ו‬ጥ‫ـ‬ው የነበ‫ ס‬የ‫ֹּלـ ץـזֳוֹ‬ Driving licenses issued prior to the coming into
ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫א ע‬ንጃ ፈቃዶ٤ ስֳ‫ֳג‬ force of this Proclamation shall remain valid
ወጡበُ ሁኔٍና ጊዜ የ‫ג‬ኒስَ‫עםא ץ‬ያ until the Ministry issued a directive as to the
ቤً በ‫עאא‬ያ እስኪያወጣ ድ‫נ‬ስ ፀን‫ـ‬ው manner and time of such change.

24. Penality
!4. ቅጣُ
1/ Any person who violates this Proclamation
1/ ይֱን አዋጅ ‫ֶָـ‬ፎ የ‫ـ‬ገኘ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ו‬ shall be punished in accordance with the
‫ר‬ው አግ‫וֹ‬ብ ‫ֳוֹ‬ው ֱግ ይ‫שׂ‬ጣָ፡፡ appropriate law.

2/ የዚֱ አዋጅ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ! ድንጋጌ እና የዚֱ 2/ Without prejudice to the provision of Article
አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ /1/ እንደ‫ـ‬ጠበ‫שׂ‬ 20 and sub-article (1) of this Article of this
ֲኖ ጥፋُ የፈጸ‫ א‬አ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬በዚֱ Proclamation, a driver who commits an
አዋጅ በ‫ـ‬ያያዘው ‫ט‬ንጠ‫ ¡נ‬/ֳ/ እና offence shall be punished as per schedule /B/
/ּ/ የ‫ֳאـ‬ከ‫ـ‬ው ቅጣُ ይጣָበָٍ፡፡ and /C/ attached herewith this Proclamation

3/ በ‫ـ‬ጣֳበُ የገንዘብ ቅጣُ ጥፋ‫ـ‬ኛ አይደ

ֳሁ‫ ו‬የ‫ ָג‬አ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬በ" /‫ֶט‬ሳ/ ‫שׂ‬ን 3/ A driver, inspite of his objection to the fine
fails to appeal to the Ministry or the body
ውስጥ ֳ‫ג‬ኒስَ‫ ס‬ወይ‫ג ו‬ኒስَ‫ס‬
assigned by the Ministry and reverse the
ֳ‫ג‬ወክֳው አካָ አቅ‫ץ‬ቦ ֳ‫ץָךד‬
decision within 30 days (thirty days), shall
ካָ٢ֳ ֳፈቃድ ‫ר‬ጪው አካָ ገንዘ‫שּ‬ን
pay the fine to the Licensing Body.
ገ‫ד תּ‬ድ‫נ‬ግ አֳበُ፡፡

4/ አ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ው በ‫ـ‬ጠ‫רשׂ‬ው ጊዜ የ‫ـ‬ጣֳበ 4/ The driver’s qualification certification license

ُን የገንዘብ ቅጣُ ገ‫ תּ‬ሳያደ‫ץ‬ግ ‫ץשׂתּ‬ shall be canceled incase the driver fails to
የአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬ብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋገጫ ፈቃዱ pay the fine within the specified time.

!5. የጥፋُ ‫ע‬ከ‫ץ‬ድ አያያዝ 25. Offence Recording

ֳቅጣُ አፈጻጸ‫ ָוֹת ו‬በአ‫ֹּל‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬የ‫ـ‬ፈ For the purpose of punishment for offences
ጸ‫ ֶָשׂ א‬ጥፋُ ֳአንድ /1/ ዓ‫ ُא‬እና committed by drivers, the record of petty offences
ከ‫וֹ‬ድ ጥፋُ ֳሶስُ /3/ ዓ‫ ُא‬በ‫ע‬ከ‫ ץ‬ድነُ shall be valid for 1 year (one year) and the record
ይያዛָ፡፡ of aggravated offences shall be valid for 3 years
(three years) respectively.

26. Power to Issue Regulation

!6. ደንብ የ‫ד‬ውጣُ ‫ָם‬ጣን
For the proper implementation of this
አዋጁን በአግ‫ֶ ףם שּוֹ‬ይ ֳ‫ד‬ዋָ የ‫ג‬ኒስُ Proclamation the Council of Ministers has the
‫צ‬٤ ‫ו‬ክ‫ ץ‬ቤُ ደንብ የ‫ד‬ውጣُ ‫ָם‬ጣን power to issue regulation.
gA 4‫ְך‬2)% ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %9 ነሐሴ 09 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 59 25th August , 2008 …. page 4260

!7. አዋጁ የ‫ג‬ፀናበُ ጊዜ 27. Effective Date

ይֱ አዋጅ በፌዴ‫ ָף‬ነጋ‫ ُע‬ጋዜጣ ٍُ‫ז‬ This Proclamation shall enter into force up on the
date of Publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.
ከወጣበُ ‫שׂ‬ን ጀ‫ צו‬የፀና ይֲናָ፡፡
Done at Addis Ababa, this 25th day of August, 2008
አዲስ አበ‫ וֹ‬ነּሴ 09 ‫שׂ‬ን 2‫ ְך‬ዓ.‫ו‬



gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %9 ነሐሴ 09 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 59 25th August , 2008 4261
…. page

Federal Negarit Gezeta No. 59 25th August, 2008 Page 4261

No. Category of driver’s qualification Type of Vehicle Operated
certification permit
1 Motorcycle driver’s qualification Motorcycle with two or three wheels
certification permit
2 Automobile driver’s qualification Automobile with a capacity of up to 12 seats and light
certification permit trailer
3 Taxi driver’s qualification
certification permit
a) Category – T1 a) Motorcycle with three wheels engaged in
taxi transport service
b) Category – T2 b) Except motorcycle, Motor vehicle with a
capacity of up to 12 seats and engaged in
taxi transport service
4 Public transport vehicles driver’s
qualification certification permit
a) Category - P1 a) Motor vehicle with a capacity of up to 24
seats and engaged in public transport service
b) Category - P2 b) Motor vehicle with a capacity above 24 seats
and engaged in public transport service
5 Truck driver’s qualification
certification permit
a) Category – D1 a) Truck up to 7,000 kgs gross weight
b) Category – D2 b) Truck up to 28,000 kgs gross weight with light
c) Category – D3 c) Above 28,000 kg. gross weight Truck with
6 Tanker Driver’s qualification
certification permit
a) Category - F1 a) Tanker with loading capacity of 18,000.
b) Category – F2 b) Tanker with trailer or Semi-Trailer
with loading capacity above 18,000. liters
7 Special mobile equipment driver’s
qualification certification permit
a) Category - S1 a) Special mobile equipment with weight is not
more than 5,000 kgs
b) Category - S2 b) Special mobile equipment with weight is not
more than 10,000 kgs
c) Category - S3 c) Any special mobile equipment
gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %9 ነሐሴ 09 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 59 25th August , 2008 4262
…. page

Federal Negarit Gezeta No. 59 25th August, 2008 Page 4262


No. Types of petty offences For the first
1 Drive a Vehicle without possession of his driver’s qualification
certification license Birr 100.00
2 A holder of driver’s qualification certification license appears for
renewal after expiring period Birr 150.00
3 Drive a vehicle without renewing driver’s qualification certification
licenses on time Birr 200.00


Fines and measure For

No. Types of aggravated offences the First Time
1.1 A holder of driver’s qualification license drives a vehicle out of
the category issued to him Birr 1,000.00
1.2 A holder of driver’s qualification license allows a person
without driving certification permit to drive the vehicle under Birr 3,000.00
his possession
1.3 Drving a Vehicle without having a driver’s qualification license.
Birr 5,000.00
gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %9 ነሐሴ 09 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 59 25th August , 2008 4263
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Federal Negarit Gezeta No. 59 25th August, 2008 Page 4263


No Types of offence Frequency Fines and measure

Birr 500.00
For the second time
1 petty offence
Birr 1,500.00
For the third time
suspend the license for one year
For the fourth time
revoke the license
For the fifth time

In contravention to the

provisions stated under Birr 1,500.00

schedule “B” No 2/1/

For the
In contravention to the
2 Aggravate offence second
provisions stated under Birr 4,500.00
schedule “B” No 2/2/

In contravention to the

provisions stated under Birr 7,500.00

schedule “B” No. 2/3/

suspend the license for one year
For the third time

For the fourth time revoke the license

gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %9 ነሐሴ 09 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 59 25th August , 2008 4264
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