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*X86562* Reg. No.

Question Paper Code : X86562

M.E./M.Tech. Degree Examinations, April/may 2021
Second Semester
Computer Science and Engineering
CP5291 – Security practices
(Common to M.E. Mobile and Pervasive Computing)
(Regulations 2017)

Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer all questions

Part – A (10×2=20 Marks)

1. What is the role of encryption in cryptography ?

2. Write down the purpose of fault tolerance and resilience in cloud computing

3. How does firewall ensure network security ?

4. Define availability in terms of network.

5. List down any four intrusion detection systems.

6. Write down the significance of access control in data security.

7. What is cyber forensics ?

8. State the significance of e-discovery.

9. Classify conflicts in policies.

10. Name any four physical security threats.

Part – B (5×13=65 Marks)

11. a) Explain in detail intrusion detection and prevention mechanisms.

b) Discuss in detail about the security issues in web applications and web services.
X86562 *X86562*

12. a) Explain with real-time examples possible internet security threats and
elaborate on internet security mechanisms.
b) List down various types of attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks and discuss
about various techniques to ensure security in WSN.

13. a) Illustrate how policy-driven system management is implemented.

b) Discuss in detail about how identity and user management system could
provide data security.

14. a) Write short notes on :

i) Satellite encryption. (7)
ii) Password based authentication system. (6)
b) Elaborate on how Cyber forensics is related to Incidence response.

15. a) How does privacy enhancing technologies provide privacy on internet ?

b) What is Storage Area Network ? Discuss in detail about SAN security and the
SAN security devices.

Part – C (1×15=15 Marks)

16. a) Consider a scenario where an IT manager of a company spread across locations

in the country with people or different roles spread across, is assigned a task
of implementing a security management system. As a security expert suggest
various alternatives for the implementation by considering factors such as
organization structure and the system architecture.
b) Design privacy policies to provide security pertaining to a banking firm and a
Loan processing agency which is supposed to recommend loans on verification
of the Customer information such as account details, transactions made and
loans availed. Consider the roles bank manager, Loan officer, Customer.
Provide necessary security system designs and architecture.


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