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IT-Book 10

Information Technology (402)

Book 10
Answer Key-Part A

Unit 1: Communication Skills-II

Chapter 1: Methods of Communication

A. Select the correct option.

1. c 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. b
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Interpersonal 2. Visual 3. Small Group
4. Non-Verbal 5. Verbal 6. Pitch

4. Encoding

1. F
A. Select the correct option.
1. b
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Communication
2. c
Chapter 2: Communication Cycle

2. Desired goal
5. Specific
C. Write T for True and F for False.
2. T
3. b 4. b

3. Non-specific

3. F 4. T
5. b

5. T
D. Answer the following questions.
1. Communication cycle is a process where a sender conveys his messages to the
receiver and the receiver acknowledges the messages and send back the
response to it. A communication cycle includes resources such as email threats,
social media outlets, VoIP message outlet etc.
2. Principle of effective communication can be given as:
• Simple language: the language used in communication should be simple
and understandable by both the sender and the receiver.
• Definite: communication should be definite.
• Complete and concise: the provided communication should be complete
and to the point.
• Appropriate medium: A proper medium with several factors such as timings,
the distance between the sender and the receiver.
• Authentic: information given should be factual, avoiding misleading or false.
• Courteous: The sender should be polite and courteous while communicating
which helps in building a healthy relationship.
3. Importance of feedback includes:
• Feedback is an essential factor in the process of the communication cycle. It
is the response received by the sender once the message is clear and
understood by the receiver.

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•Based on the feedback from the receiver, the sender can evaluate the
effectiveness of the message.
• Feedback is a vital part of effective learning as it gives clear guidance to the
students how they can improve their knowledge and performance.
• It can enhance a student's confidence, self-awareness, and enthusiasm for
4. The following points should be taken into consideration to make descriptive
feedback effective as:
• Goal-oriented: Many a time, students are unaware of the learning aim, thus,
they should know what their learning aim is and how they can achieve it.
• Actionable: Students should apply their knowledge in order to avoid losing
interest in learning.
• User-friendly: the feedback should be given in an easy way to understand
the language, otherwise, the feedback provided will become worthless.
• Timely: The feedback needs to be given when someone is still striving for
their goals.
• Continuous: Feedback should be given continuously, along with instructions.

• Consistent: The students should be given consistent feedback.

A. Select the correct option.

1. b
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Obstacle
2. a
Chapter 3: Communication Barriers

2. Complicated
3. a

3. Listening
4. c 5. c

4. Face-to-Face 5. Feedback
C. Answer the following questions.
1. Two factors which are responsible for causing internal barriers during
communication are:
Poor listening skills: Poor listeners do not attend carefully to all the information
being given by the speaker which can be both verbal and non-verbal signals,
including intonation and body language.
The difference in perception and viewpoint: The receiver may not look at
things the same way as the person who is communicating, leading to the
disagreement between the sender and the receiver causing the communication
2. It is important to overcome communication barriers because they can hinder our
ability to communicate. Also, barriers can hamper productive and effective
communication which can lead to poor relationships, loss of trust,
misunderstanding, waste of time and energy with other such undesirable
3. Care that should be taken while giving the feedback:
• Keep it simple and appropriate to serve the purpose of communication.
• Use the correct language so that the receiver interprets it correctly.
• Avoid lengthy and complicated messages.

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Chapter 4: Effective Communication

A. Select the correct option.

1. a 2. c 3. c 4. c 5. c
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Point of view 2. Content 3. Non-verbal
4. Connected 5. Negative
C. Answer the following questions.
1. Key factors for effective communication are:
• Content: It refers to the language that has been used in the message
and interpreting the meaning of words differently. Some words have
different meanings depending on the context, which may confuse at
times. To make communication effective, construct proper sentences
and use the right words.

• Process: It refers to the way the message is delivered-the non-verbal
elements in the speech like the tone of voice, gestures, body language
and the state of mind can be identified during communication. Effective
communication happens only when the verbal message is consistent
with the tone and body language.
• Context: It refers to the situation or environment in which the message
is delivered, including the physical environment, cultural factors, and
developmental factors.
2. The content of a message is important because the transmitted content will be
received and understood by the receiver in a manner that was intended by the
sender. It also means that you want to say, what you say, and what the receiver
interprets, is consistent.
3. The 7 C's of effective communication are known as the seven principles of
communication which help us to focus our thoughts and ideas for effective
communication. The 7 C’s include the following:
• Clear: Constructing the message with clarity so that the message can be
conveyed effectively if the sender has clarity in his thoughts.
• Concise: To explain things in a brief yet comprehensive manner and adding
unnecessary details make our communication ineffective.
• Concrete: To make the communication believable and credible, in order to
create trust between the communicators.
• Correct: Accuracy is an important element of communication in order to
avoid miscommunication and mistrust, and creates a positive image in the
mind of the receiver.
• Coherent: A coherent message is logical and makes sense to the receiver.
Coherence deals with the fluency of communication. Without coherence, the
receiver of the message will lose track of what you want to convey.

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• Complete: A complete message will have all the information the receiver
needs to know. To ensure that a message is complete, it is essential to think
of the questions the receiver might have when he receives the message.
• Courteous: The message should convey respect for the receiver so that the
feelings and views of the receiver along with his knowledge, experience, and
age, must be considered. It shows respect for the receiver.

Chapter 5: Basic Writing Skills

A. Select the correct option.

1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. a
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Sentence 2. Predicate 3. Proofreading
4. Indefinite 5. Definite
C. Answer the following questions.
1. A phrase is a group of words that form a unit within a sentence but is incomplete
independently. A phrase lacks both the subject and the object. Following are the

different types of phrases:
• A noun phrase acts as a noun in a sentence. Example: We all love eating
ice cream.
• A verb phrase is a group of main verbs and helping verbs within a sentence.
Example: This jewelry may be worth millions of rupees!
• An adjective phrase is built around an adjective and consists of adjectives
and/or articles. Example: Radhika walked on the stage very gracefully.
• An adverbial phrase is built around an adverb by adding words before or are
it. Example: We strolled through the gardens very slowly.
• A prepositional phrase always begins with a preposition and is followed by a
noun. Example: All rooms below the deck are for sleeping.
2. ‘The’ is the definite article. It can be used with both countable nouns (singular
as well as plural) and uncountable nouns.
• The usage depends on the sound at the beginning of the next word. Use
‘a’ when the next word starts with a consonant sound.
• Its main use is to specify a person, place, or thing.
• It is used when the noun that follows is already known.
3. Difference in the usage of ‘a’ and ‘an’

Usage of ‘a’ Usage of ‘an’

1. Before a singular countable noun when it 1. ‘an’ performs a similar function as ‘a’. It
is mentioned for the first me Example: This is used before singular countable nouns
is a river. which begin with a vowel sound (a, e, i, o,
Examples: He has an axe.
2. The following words begin with vowel 2. The following words begin with
leers but have consonant sounds. consonant leers but have vowel sounds.
Therefore, they have the article ‘a’ before Therefore, they have the article ‘an’ before
them. Examples: an honour; an honest

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them. Examples: a union (The U at the man; (The H at the beginning of honour
beginning of union sounds like You.) and honest is silent.)

Brain Developer

Section 4: Short Answer Type Questions

1. Public communication takes place between two people. For example, two friends
talking face-to-face or two business colleagues using a telephone or an email.
2. Following are three basic methods used in the process of communication:
• Verbal
• Non-verbal
• Visual
3. Verbal communication is the most popular means of sharing information. People

use word to exchange their thoughts, feelings, or ideas with others. Language is
the most important tool for verbal communication.
4. Encoding refers to how the sender wishes to communicate the message, i.e.,
using spoken or written language, signs, or body language.
5. Verb is a word that shows an action or a state of being. It shows what someone
is doing, did, or will do.
Adverb is a word that modifies or describe a verb, an adjective, or another
adverb, expressing manner, place, time or degree.
6. An article is a word that is used to modify a noun. ‘A’, ‘An’, and ‘The’ are known
as the articles.
7. A sender is the person who expresses his opinion, idea, or message and sends it
to the receiver. A receiver is the person for whom the message is intended.
8. Simple language should be used to make the communication understandable by
both sender and receiver.

Section 5: Long Answer Type Questions

1. Feedback plays a vital role in learning where learning is an ongoing process.
• Proper feedback prevents from getting distracted and helps in remaining
aligned to the goal.
• It helps to focus on the improvement areas and learn continuously which
opens a new world of opportunities.
2. Difference between specific and non-specific feedback:
Specific feedback Non-specific feedback

• Specific feedback provides detailed • Non-specific feedback gives a

information about something vague response to the
particular. receiver.

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• It is beneficial as it gives the receiver • It may not be of much help as

something substantial to think about it does not guide the receiver
and work on areas which need properly to achieve the
improvement. desired goals.
• For example -It was impressive that • For example:-”Great job”,
you started with a question to hook here the remark is not specific
the listeners. I like it” and does not indicate what
went right that led to success.
3. Prejudice can cause miscommunication due to some personal grudges or due to
biases against a particular person leading to false assumptions and causing
miscommunication, for example, if you do not like somebody personally, even if
he is saying something in your favor, you may not believe him. The mistrust that
you have against that person has caused a barrier between the two of you.
4. Various measures can be taken to overcome all the communication barriers
• Use correct language to ensure that the receiver correctly interprets the
meaning of the message being conveyed.

• Be sensitive and empathetic and be confident of having the attention and
interest of the receiver.
• Use proper communication channels to prevent noise and other distractions.
• Be sensitive and empathetic and be confident of having the attention and
interest of the receiver.
The information being conveyed through the communication should be clear
because the message is the first step in any communication and it must be as
transparent as possible.
• In order to make it simple, avoid using complex words, sentences, and
confusing language.
• Effective message can be conveyed if the sender has clarity in his thoughts.
• The message should be easily understood by the receiver; this will happen
when the purpose of communication is clear.
• The message should have a single goal and not a mixture of ideas.
6. Three principles of communication are:
• Content: It refers to the language that has been used in the message and
interpreting the meaning of words differently.
• Process: It refers to the way the message is delivered-the non-verbal elements
in the speech like the tone of voice, gestures, body language and the state of
mind can be identified during communication.
• Context: It refers to the situation or environment in which the message is
delivered, including the physical environment, cultural factors, and
developmental factors.
7. Following Rules should be followed for writing a sentence:
• Use short sentences

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• Limit sentence content

• Arrange the sentences in a proper sequence
• Design sentences to emphasize on the topic
8. Adjective refers to a word that describes, modifies, or gives more information about
a noun or a pronoun. Examples: cold, happy, young, two, fun.

Section 6: Application Based Questions

1. Some tips to be followed by Aaryan while addressing the audience:
• He should deliver a formal oral communication to the intended audience with
clarity and usage of appropriate words.
• Maintain a rhythm to express one’s attitude and different array of emotions such
as surprise, happiness, curiosity, etc.
• His tone should help in creating an impact on the listeners while reflecting the
attitude and emotions.
• Always speak in a clear, slow and conversational tone in order to be an effective

• He can use different non-verbal prompts like body movements, gestures, facial
expressions, symbols, images, signal charts, and so on to express sentiments,
attitudes, or information.
2. If Priya wants to get immediate approval from her father other than phone, she
can use to send a message to her father. Here, the text message can act as a
channel between the sender and the receiver.

Unit 2: Self-Management Skills-II

Chapter 6: Stress Management and its Techniques

A. Select the correct option.
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. a
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Disease 2. Stressors 3. Stress Management
4. Fight or Flight 5. Cortisol

C. Answer the following questions.

1. Life is a chain of events marked by pain, anxiety, unmet expectations, failures,
fear, and anticipation of loss. The endless greed for materialistic pleasures,
achieving our goals, pressure from society or bitter past experiences create a
chaotic atmosphere in our lives. All this leads to a state of emotional disturbance
widely known as ‘Stress’.
2. Following are the factors that cause the stress:
• Threat • Dangerous • Irrational demands

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• Societal or peer • Unrealistic goals • Expectations


• Bad experiences • Financial loss • Discrimination

3. Stress management allows a person to react positively in stressful situations. It

provides ways to measure the different levels of stress so that the inflicted
person can resort to self-help or seek help from a professional. It also helps to
identify distinct stressors, which can either be good or bad. They can be self-
induced or be triggered due to external situations.
4. Following are the different types of stressors:
• Positive stressor
• Dangerous stressor (leads to stressful situations)
• Irrelevant stressor

Chapter 7: Ability to Work Independently

A. Select the correct option.
1. c
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Intrinsic
4. Independent
2. b 3. c

2. Seekers
5. External
C. Answer the following questions.
4. a 5. a

3. Self-regulation

1. Four elements that keep a person motivated are:

• Personal drive to achieve, the desire to improve, or to meet specific standards
• Commitment to personal or organisational goals
• Initiative or readiness to act on opportunities
• Optimism, which is the ability to continue and pursue goals in the face of
2. Advantages of working independently includes:
• Boosts self-confidence: Independent people are likely to be more confident
in handling problems affecting their lives.
• Makes the person self-reliant: An independent person is resourceful and
relies only on himself.
• Makes the person emotionally independent: Independent people
experience challenging life situations without involving other people.
3. Self-regulation is important for becoming independent:
• The self-regulation is important to become independent as we can say that
the fundamentals of being independent are the ability to work on your own,
with minimal direction, confidence, self-awareness, self-motivation, and self-
• It teaches how to respond to the difficulties and challenges that you might
face in your everyday lives. It also instills a sense of being in control of your
own learning and success.

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4. Self-regulation involves being able to control reactions to emotions like frustration

or excitement.

Brain Developer

Section 3: Application Based Questions

1. Arnita should possess the following skills in order to help the students become
self-motivated and charge of their learning.
● She should set high but realistic goals
● She should take an appropriate level of risk
● She should look for constant feedback in order to improve
● She should be committed to personal or organizational goals
● She should utilize opportunities

● She should continue to. Pursue goals despite setbacks
2. Rahul must do some of these stress management techniques to relax his mind
during exam time.
● He should do Meditation. It will bring positivity into his life and helps to restore
calm and peace in his life. Regular practice of meditation reduces stress, anxiety,
and depression. It is a natural and inexpensive way that provides immunity to
● Meditation will help him to change his perspective during difficult situations.
● Meditation will provide him a stronger sense of motivation.
● He should go for nature walk regularly take some time out of his busy schedule
to appreciate nature's beauty. The fluttering of leaves, the sound of water flowing,
soft breeze, brightly-coloured blossoms—all have a calming effect on his mind.
● Nature walk will him to calm his troubled mind.

Section 4: Short Answer Type Questions

1. Yoga is practiced for self-development, enlightenment of the soul, and spiritual
growth. It helps in relieving stress and uplifting our mood.
2. Some stress management techniques include physical exercise, yoga,
meditation, vacations with family and friends, and taking nature walks.
3. Stress can be defined as a reaction to any external stimuli that triggers
changes in one's personality.
4. External self-awareness requires understanding how other people perceive us.
It often surfaces in situations when people are the centre of attention.
5. Following are the two types of motivations:
• Intrinsic motivation
• Extrinsic motivation

Section 5: Long Answer Type Questions

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1. Stress management refers to a wide range of techniques that enable a person

to cope with psychological stress effectively. It covers all the tools and
mechanisms that alleviate 'chronic' stress, which could otherwise prove to be a
lethal disease. It includes a pool of techniques that assist individuals in
eradicating anxiety and negative thoughts and work on their well-being.
2. Stress does not always have a negative impact on us. It can sometimes be
useful and help us to accomplish great things. For instance, some challenges
are difficult to face and cause stress; and yet, they help us to push our limits.
This is known as 'eustress'. Eustress provides us with energy and motivation
to achieve our goals. Example: Suppose a child took a test and performed
well. To achieve this result, he might have planned his schedule, prioritised his
activities, set up a daily routine, etc. The situation was a bit stressful, but the
child managed to reduce the effects of stress by planning well.
External self-awareness Internal self-awareness
This type of self-awareness requires This type of self-awareness represents how
understanding how other people perceive we see our values, passion, aspirations,

attention. PS
us. External self-awareness often surfaces thoughts, feelings, behaviours, strengths,
in situations when people are the centre of weaknesses, and their impact on others

For example, while giving a presentation or For example, feeling nervous when you
talking to a group of friends.

self-awareness may be categorised as

'pleasers'. They are aware that their
realise that your teacher has caught you
People who have a high degree of external High job and relationship satisfaction,
personal and social control, and happiness
are some of the positive aspects of internal
actions and behaviours are being self-awareness, whereas anxiety, stress,
evaluated, so they often behave in a and depression are some of the negative
socially acceptable way. External self- aspects.
awareness can also cause people to
become distressed, anxious, or worried
about how others perceive them.

4. A seeker is someone who always wants to know more, to the point where their
mind becomes restless. If you're a seeker you're not just curious -- you are
defined by your curiosity. They do not know who they are, what they stand for,
or how others perceive them. They feel frustrated with their performance and
5. It is important to be self-aware because it influences our personal
development. When you are self-aware, you are more confident, innovative,
and empathetic. Your decision-making abilities and communication skills are
also enhanced. Those with enhanced self-awareness can work independently
and become more effective leaders. Thus, self-awareness is an essential
factor in achieving success and becoming independent.
6. Independent people experience challenging life situations without involving
other people. Emotional independence improves their relations with friends
and family and make them stronger.


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