Pakmet Report On Sargodha Bhalwal Tornado

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Pakistan Journal of Meteorology Vol.

6, Issue 12

An Outbreak of Tornado on March 28, 2001: A Case Study

Nadeem Faisal1, Akhlaq Jameel1
Pakistan has the history of occurrence of severe weather phenomena in different parts of country - mainly in
northern and central parts of country. A tornado occurred at Chak Misran, Bhalwal in Sargodha district on the
evening of March 28, 2001 at about 1530 PST. This tornado reaches F2 intensity (120 miles/hour) and caused
considerable loss of lives, injuries and destruction across the path of the Tornado. A well marked low pressure area
was lying over Northern Areas of the Punjab, as evident on surface level charts of March 28, 2008 from 0000 UTC
to 0900 UTC, appreciable pressure gradient existed further north-westwards of he low pressure system. The system
was extended upto mid-tropospheric level (500 hpa). There was appreciable incursion of moisture from North
Arabian Sea and a cold air was penetrating into North Western parts of the country. Thunderstorms activity has
been reported by a number of meteorological observing stations of North Punjab. In this study effort has been made
to understand the synoptic feature of this particular event. Suggestions have also been presented to better forecast
the tornadoes and its preparedness.

Tornadoes, local storms of short duration, may be ranked as one of the most destructive natural
phenomena. Also called twisters, tornadoes are violent windstorms taking the form of rotating column of
air, or vortex extending downward from a cumulonimbus cloud. Tornadoes are usually in the form of
visible condensation funnel, whose narrow end touches the ground and is often encircled by a cloud of
debris. They are approximately 250 feet (75 m) across and travel a few miles (several kilometers) before
dissipating. Most tornadoes have wind speed between 40 mph (64 km h-1) and 110 mph (177 km h-1).
Some attain wind speed of more than 300 mph (480 km h-1), stretch more than a mile (1.6 km) across,
and stay on the ground for dozens of miles (more than 100 km). In a study of Nebraska tornadoes over a
22 year period, found that 95% of the tornadoes formed with the surface cold front, 1 % with the surface
warm front, 3 % indicated similar places of inception, and 1 % gave no clues as to the places of origin.
(Joseph G. Galway). Weightman (1933) found that tornadoes occurred under a great variety of
meteorological conditions: for example, with warm-front thunderstorms, hurricanes, ill-defined
discontinuities, the centre of lows, and the passage of the surface cold fronts. (Joseph G. Galway),
Tornadoes usually form in spring and summer season, but they can occur any time of the year. Tornadoes
are most likely to occur between 3 and 9 p.m. but have been known to occur at all hours of the day or
night. The average forward speed is 30 mph but may vary from nearly stationary to 70 mph.
Tornadoes are not very common in Pakistan. The phenomena which usually occur in plain areas of the
NWFP and Punjab are the same like tornado but of very low intensity and they usually cannot be
categorized as tornado. People of Pakistan generally do not know the name of tornado. They call it
“Bhanwar” “Chakkari” and “Wahwaraila” in their local languages. The intensity of tornado is measured
in Fujita Scale. Fujita scale classifies tornadoes into six categories of wind speed F0 to F5 based upon the
damages. F0 (light damage) with wind speed 40 – 72 mph to F5 (incredible damage) with wind speed 261
– 318 mph. This intensity is based on the damages caused by tornado on human built structure and
vegetation. The category of the tornado is determined by the meteorologists and engineers after making a
ground/aerial survey of the destruction and damages of the affected area. The scale was introduced in
1971 by Tetsuya "Ted" Fujita of the University of Chicago who developed the scale together with Allen
Pearson. Enhanced Fujita Scale has been introduced in 2007 in USA (Wikipedia).

Pakistan Meteorological Department.
An Outbreak of Tornado on March 28, 2001. Vol. 6

Synoptic Situation
On March 28, 2001, at about 1530 PST, a tornado of F2 intensity was produced in village Chak Misran,
Bhalwal in Sargodha district. A well marked low pressure area was formed over northern areas of the
Punjab on March 28, 2001 as evident in surface charts of 0000 to 0900 UTC. Appreciable pressure
gradient existed further north-westwards of the low pressure system. The system was extended upto mid-
tropospheric level (500 hpa). There was appreciable incursion of moisture from North Arabian Sea and
cold air was penetrating into northwestern parts of the country. Thunderstorms activity has been reported
by a number of meteorological observing stations of North Punjab.
Surface chart of 0000 UTC
At surface chart of 0000 UTC, a well marked low pressure area of 1000 hpa was seen over central
areas of the Punjab. Strong pressure gradient was observed in northwest and northeast of the low
pressure system. Cold air ridge penetrated into northwestern parts of the country. A southward flow
of wind was evident to the west of the system, penetrating up to the coastal areas which indicate a
cold air incursion to the system.

Figure 2: Surface Chart 28th March, 2001 Figure 1: Surface Chart 28th March, 2001

Surface chart of 0600 UTC

At surface chart of 0600 UTC, the system persisted over the area. The pressure gradient persisted
towards west of the system. Dry and cold continental air penetrated southwards from the west of the
system and picked up moisture from Arabian Sea.
Surface chart of 0900 UTC
The well marked low over central parts of Punjab was clearly evident on the surface chart of 0900
UTC. A number of stations in northern areas of the country showed rain and thunderstorm activity.
Strong pressure gradient was seen northwestwards of the system. Cold air ridge was penetrating into
northwestern parts of the country. A southerly trend of the isobars from the west of the system was
clearly seen on the chart, dipping into the Arabian Sea and picking up moisture to the system from
At 850 hpa level chart of 0000 UTC of March 28, 2001, the well marked low on the surface level was
clearly evident on central areas of the Punjab and neighborhood. Dry continental air was penetrating

Issue 12 Nadeem Faisal, Akhlaq Jameel

from the North to coastal areas of Balochistan and Sindh. Moisture incursion to this low pressure
system was clearly evident from 850 hap level chart.

40N 16
35N 12
30N 10



101800 101600 101600 101400 101200 101000 100800 100600 100600


30E 35E 40E 45E 50E 55E 60E 65E 70E 75E 80E 85E 90E

Figure 3: Surface Chart 28th March, 2001(0900 UTC)

Figure 4: 850 hpa level chart March 28, 2001 (0000) UTC) Figure 5: 850 hpa level chart March 28, 2001 (0000) UTC)

At 700 hpa level chart of 0000 UTC of March 28, 2001, the well marked low pressure at surface level
was clearly evident at this level too. The low at this level was slightly shifted northwestwards over
northeastern parts of Balochistan and adjoining Afghanistan. Cold air from north northwest was
sweeping downwards towards coastal areas of the country and picking up moisture from Arabian Sea
as evident from Fig -05.
At 500 hpa level of 0000 UTC of March 28, 2001, the surface level well marked low pressure was
extended up to mid-tropospheric level. The low was shifted further northwestwards as compared to
700 hpa level chart. Contours from north northwest were sweeping downwards up to the coastal areas
of the country as shown in Fig-06.

An Outbreak of Tornado on March 28, 2001. Vol. 6

Figure 6: 500 hpa level chart March 28, 2001 (0000 UTC) Figure 7: Satellite imagery (0938 UTC)

Right from surface to 18000 ft, charts depicted some what intense circulation over central Punjab
with centre near Sargodha area that acted as a vortex of southwest relatively warm-moist currents and
cold continental air from north-northwest. (Khan, A. H.). Consequently a squall line of thunderstorms
developed. A number of stations in North Punjab and Upper NWFP including Lahore, Sargodha,
Mianwali, Rawalpindi and Peshawar reported thundershowers in their respective synop messages of
0900 & 1200 UTC (Table-1). The vortex formation was further accentuated as the day progressed and
moist atmosphere absorbed maximum energy. Vortex formation further intensified during afternoon
as evident from the satellite imagery of 0938Z (Khan, A. H). A very thick cloud mass is visible
between longitude 71° E to 74 ° E and latitude 32° N to 35° N over Sargodha and surrounding area,
which indicate thunder storm activity over Sargodha and neighboring area (Fig-7).

Impact of the Tornado

Very heavy equipments and buildings were damaged by the Tornado. Steel electric poles were uprooted
and some of them were found far away from their original position. This reflects that poles were carried
away aloft quite high. Wind whirl pulled up heavy equipment like tractor trolleys and wheat thrasher
showing the spinning motion of the air and thrown far away from their original locations. Loss of 10 lives
with human and animal dead bodies and their dismembered parts were dispersed quite far off. Also
injuries to more than 100 persons were reported due to flying debris. It is a clear indicator that the
destruction was outcome of a tornado. (Khan, A.H.)

Forecasting of a Tornado
Even today’s advanced radar technology and other sophisticated equipments, it is very difficult to forecast
tornadoes, as they can form suddenly and unexpectedly. Being a small and short – lived phenomenon
tornadoes are among the most difficult weather features to forecast precisely. A forecaster can make
advance weather forecasts of weather conditions favorable for severe storms over a general area, but these
predictions cannot give the exact time a severe storm will be at a definite point. Specific warnings can be
made only after a storm is in progress and a report has been received on the type and location of the
storm. The forecaster can then determine the direction of the path of the storm to a very accurate degree
for the next few hours and warn people who may be affected. (Joseph G. Galway).

Issue 12 Nadeem Faisal, Akhlaq Jameel

However Doppler radars can detect air movement towards or away from the radar. Early detection of
increasing rotation aloft within a thunderstorm can allow life-saving warnings to be issued before the
tornado forms. A tornado watch is issued when meteorological parameters favor tornado development.
A severe thunderstorms watch is issued when meteorological parameters favor large hail and damaging
thunderstorm wind gusts. The average watch is valid for approximately six hours and is a parallelogram
that covers an area of approximately 59800 km2 (23000 n m2) (Richard W. Anthony and Preston W.
Leftwich, Jr.) Besides having all that modern equipment and radar technology available, there are some
environmental clues for a forecaster, which are as follows:
• Dark, often greenish sky
• Wall cloud
• Large hail
• Loud roar; similar to a freight train
Some tornadoes appear as a visible funnel extending only partially to the ground. Look for signs of debris
below the visible funnel.
Some tornadoes are clearly visible while others are obscured by rain or nearby low-hanging clouds.
There are some meteorological points which may be extremely helpful in forecasting of a tornado.
∗ There should be a cyclonic wind shear at surface level.
∗ At forecast time, pressure fall should be more than 6 hpa over that particular area.
∗ Narrow dew point ridge extends into area with dew point 13° C or higher.
∗ Sign of any lifting mechanism approaching e.g. Squall line, frontal system, thunderstorm area or
precipitation area.
∗ Widespread heavy rain is unfavorable for tornado formation.
∗ Location of threat area within favorable region (SE quadrant) of cyclone – especially for family
types of tornadoes.
∗ Large irregular 3 hourly pressure changes.
∗ Low level (850 hpa) moist southerly current of 30 knots or more into the area.
∗ Upper level (about 14000 ft.) westerly current of dry and cooler air into area.
∗ 700 hpa temperature advection pattern showing warm advection east of trough and cold advection
to west of trough.
∗ Strong 500 hpa temperature gradient to west of area.
∗ Cold air pocket at 500 hpa to west of area.
∗ Upper level (500 or 300 hpa) trough to west of threat area deepening or accelerating toward area
∗ An approaching 300 hpa jet maxima. (Joseph G. Galway)
Time of the day, season and geographical location of threat area should also be taken into consideration
by the forecaster.

Although tornadoes are not very common in Pakistan and people generally don’t know what
precautionary measures have to be adopted in case of an outbreak of tornado. Awareness of the capability
of destruction of the tornado needs to be developed in general public through electronic and print media.

An Outbreak of Tornado on March 28, 2001. Vol. 6

There are some precautionary measures taken into consideration in case of occurrence of any threatening
Before the Storm
• Develop a severe weather plan for home, work, school and when outdoors.
• Know the area where you live, and keep a highway map nearby to follow storm movement from
weather bulletins.
• Listen to radio and television for latest information.
• If planning a trip outdoors, listen to the latest forecasts and take necessary action if threatening
weather is possible.
If Warning is Issued or If Threatening Weather Approaches
• Occasionally, tornadoes develop so rapidly that advance warning is not possible but however the
amount of time between the issuance of a Tornado warning and the touchdown of a Tornado
ranges from 12 minutes to 55 minutes, providing critical time for emergency message to sound
from radio, television and tornado sirens(if available).
• In a home or building, move to a pre-designated shelter, such as a basement.
• If an underground shelter is not available, move to an interior room or hallway on the lowest floor
and get under a sturdy piece of furniture.
• Stay away from windows and doors.
• Opening windows allows damaging winds to enter the structure. Close the windows and
immediately go to a safe place.
• Get out of automobiles.
• Do not try to outrun a tornado in your car; instead, leave it immediately.
• Remain alert for signs of an approaching tornado. Flying debris from tornadoes causes most
deaths and injuries.
With these measures taken we can mitigate the would-be losses and damages.

The synoptic conditions on the surface charts of 0000 UTC to 0900 UTC and upper air charts of 850 hpa,
700 hpa and 500 hpa level, satellite imagery of 0900 UTC were thoroughly investigated and found that
synoptic situation as well as season and time of the formation of a tornado fulfill the criteria as mentioned
under the caption “forecasting of a tornado”. Tornadoes are not very common in Pakistan, hence the level
of its preparedness is insufficient and the March 28 Tornado resulted in substantial casualties. Most
people were and are still not aware of what to do in the event of Tornado. With the recent introduction
and operational use of various Numerical Weather Prediction models in PMD, the capacity of forecasting
& warning system has been enhanced, especially for major events. The preparedness program still need
improvement, the collaboration between public and private sector institution can provide excellent
warning and information to the

Authors are grateful to Khan Azmat Hayat, for providing access to data and information of Bhalwal
Tornado. Comments on manuscript offered by Sardar Sarfaraz & Muhammad Hanif contributed to
valuable improvement. We also wish to thank Ferdinand Valk for supplying the HRPT images.

Issue 12 Nadeem Faisal, Akhlaq Jameel

Charles A. Doswell and Harold E. Brooks, 2002: Lessons Learned from the Damage Produces by the
Tornadoes of 3 May 1999, Weather and Forecasting, volume 17, 611-618
Joseph G. Galway, 1992: Early Severe Thunderstorm Forecasting and Research by the United States
Weather Bureau, Kansas City, Missouri, 7, 568, 569, 577
Richard W. Anthony and Preston W. Leftwich, Jr., 1992: Trends in Severe Local Storm Watch
Verification at the National Severe Storms Forecast Centre, National Weather Service, National Severe
Storms Forecast Centre, Kansas City, Missouri, 7, 614
Weightman, R.H., 1933: Report on progress in studies regarding the occurrence of tornadoes. Bull,
Ame. Meteor. Soc., 14, 99-101
Khan. A. H, Tornado hits Chak Misran-A village of valley Soan-Skacer- Pakistan,

An Outbreak of Tornado on March 28, 2001. Vol. 6

Table 1: Significant weather on March 28, 2001

Progressive total since

Temperature (°C) Clouds (Oktas) Wind Weather

Relative Humidity %
Pressure MSL (hPa)

0300 hours GMT

Hour/ Station

Type and amount

Type and amount

Present weather
Total amount

Past weather
Speed (Kts)
Dew point
Wet Bulb

Dry Bulb

Lahore AP
0900Z 999.9 29.0 22.5 --- 19.1 55 SCCU4 --- 4 Trace E 12 96 5
1200Z 999.3 27.0 21.5 30.0 18.5 60 SCCU3 AC1 4 Trace E 15 611 5
0900Z 999.2 29.0 22.0 --- 18.9 52 SC2 AC5 7 0.0 NE 5 1 4
1200Z 998.8 24.0 17.0 --- 11.7 46 CBTRSC3 AC5 7 0.0 N 10 9 4
0900Z 1002.9 20.0 17.0 --- 14.9 73 CB1SC4 ACAS7 7 7.0 NE 12 9 95
1200Z 1000.3 20.0 16.0 23.5 13.0 64 SCCU3 AC5 7 14.0 N 16 9 2
0900Z 1005.5 16.5 14.5 --- 13.5 80 CBTSCCU AC4 7 20.0 NE 6 9 4
1200Z 1005.0 15.5 14.5 30.5 13.2 89 CB1SCCU4 ACAS7 7 21 SE 10 96 99
0900Z 1001.2 24.2 16.7 --- 11.1 --- CBTSCCU AC5 7 0.0 NW 16 --- ---
1200Z 1001.9 17.8 13.3 33.8 9.4 59 CB1SC4 ACAS7 8 3.0 W 40 17 99


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