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Name: Russel Elron T Monasterio

Course: BEED Generalist

Subject: PE2 Rythmic activities
Cn#: 5053
Professor: Jodel Cimagal
Activity: Reflection on PE2

When I was just only started to decide if I gonna enroll my self in college or not even though it
was the time that the virus had just started to spread all over the country and it was just fresh
back then and all of us had no idea of how virus can really affect us and that time we felt scared
of what the virus can do to us I knew that education will be going online, we all didn’t know of
how it was going to be before, or how we were going to learn on this kind of set up or the main
question is are we going to learn? Because we all knew that learning happens through face to
face set up because that what we used to. But letting my self treasured and experienced the set
up of online learning made me realize that there is another way of learning, even though we
are in our home we can learn, we can be educated. This subject made me more interested in
teaching because now I already know and accept the fact that if you are going to dream of
becoming a future educator you must have to be shameless, the thing that I’m not used to. But
PE 2 helped me boost my self confidence in doing a lot of activities especially on dancing and
honestly I’m not good in dancing, really. I’m man of busy, because I’m an employee, a student
and at the same time a tricycle driver because I have already my family to feed on, but all of
these was not becomed a barriers to me instead it motivated me to do my best at all times. And
PE 2 taught me so many things that was not being discovered in my self before and one of
those is I can’t believed that I could dance even though I was not being able to learned dancing
before because I thought that I don’t like dancing and here comes PE 2 realizes me that I would
loved dancing because dancing makes you feel great and fun, learning fundamentals of dancing
was not easy but I really had a great moment when we dance thanks to sir Jodel Cimagala for
taught us what we had to learn in rythmic activities. But honestly it got me so hard of doing all
of my requirements to all of my subjects including PE 2 especially now that we are in GCQ
status and the local government declared a lockdown. It got me so hard because my company
required us to report early in our work, and even though the lockdown was not yet declared we
were so busy in preparing on it that tend me to cut my time in doing my requirements to all of
my subjects, its hard to find time to do it because when I got home I’m so damned tired. But I
was being able to find time to do those requirements but I knew it was not going to be my very
best, I would just hope that my professors will understand my situation amidst of this pandemic
because I knew to my self that I can do even more better if there is no lockdown even I’m

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