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Self Esteem Test

I got 17/30 and according to the test if the score is below 15 probably a person
has a low self-esteem. What I like of myself is that for being a hardworking in
terms of work and I have that personality that even there were many negative
vibes in my work place i could really handle those negative impressions from
others even up to now. I have that attitude of being so focus to my everyday task
and I don’t even getting bothered with the negativity that surround’s in my work
place i am just focusing on what I am doing because I love to see my work being
done. I have that mentality of i don’t care if my boss appreciate my work or not or
if there are someone of my colleague will tell me that I am good, it is just because
perhaps I have the passion to really work hard especially that I have already my
family who i need to care for and most especially giving me more motivation to
really pursue what i need to pursue to improve our standards of living. But there
were sometimes that I got to feel hurt if there are rumors specifically if it is talk
about my performance to my duties and responsibilities in my job that really
affects me especially in my emotions because of the reason that we are just
human. I am not really strong enough to what I could think before I started and
decided to be independent way back when i was at age of 18 even up to now that
i have already my family there were so many questions and doubts if i can really
make my dream come true and if I can really give the good life to my family most
especially to my children in their future. But what really amaze me of myself is
that because of i could turned all of the negativity to positivity, what i mean is I
turned those negative to motivation for me to move forward and continue to
work for the future to live successfully with the humble guidance of God.

Temperament Test

My temperament guide is SANGUINE. It says that sanguine is a spontaneous and a

pleasure-seeking people or individual that i recognized in some part of my
personality because of being a member in the reserved force of the Armed Forces
of the Philippines and I was being in my active duty way back 2010 to 2012 as a
reservist of the Philippine Army assigned in 2002nd ready reserve battalion 2nd
ready reserve infantry division under the supervision of 1105 th community
defense center 11th regional community defense group Army reserved command
where base at tugbok mintal besides University of the Philippines Davao City. We
are not who the government pays or compensated, we don’t receive money in
our duty nor honorarium there were some of us being compensated because they
applied of being a CADRE or call to active duty reservist which last only for two
years in the service of being part of the regular forces and will be back to the
status of reservist after that two years. So in short most of us members of the
reserved force were doing active duty voluntarily. Way back when i was started to
dream of what I want to be in the next 10 years of my life I wanted to be a soldier
but in some reasons I couldn’t make it but the passion of being so in particular in
terms of public service passion continued to flow into my vain that is why I
decided to be a reservist at least a part of my dream will come true and in the
reserved forces we are doing humanitarian assistance to those people who had
calamities in their hometowns like flood and we are also helping those
government and non-government organizations in different fields by assisting
them in their humanitarian activity like tree planting, cleaning up drive program
and we are also part of the security forces who maintained peace in the city. By
means of this I received pleasure from other people and it is so nice when you see
the happiness in their eyes and beautiful smile in their faces I feel so much
pleasure because it always remind me of how it is really important of what we are
doing. Way back 2011 when storm sendong hits the city of iligan and Cagayan i
was assigned there together with my comrades in the unit to do a humanitarian
assistance that’s mission gives me a lot of pleasure because i really proved more
to myself that I really love public service. And I am also being a sociable person
because I really love to know what are the cultures of other people and it looks
like very interesting to me when I got know what are their beliefs, traditions and
others, in short I am quite friendly because I believe that being socialize you can
gain more knowledge from other people where you might use in the future and I
am also a little bit strict and sensitive when it comes to serious issues and also
when it comes to my job that bound with my responsibilities.

Love Language Test

My love language is Act of Service which I also recognized as a part of my
personality because I really give so much effort for the women that I loved. I tend
to show my intension through actions than telling flowering words to the women
that i wanted to court because i believed of the saying that actions speaks louder
than words and I wanted her to see how I give so much important to her but I am
not that typical type of a person that shows very romantic because i am not that
kind of a guy who is doing a very fantastic dinner for a girl or making the sky full of
lights and printed messages of how much he love the girl because i think for me it
is over acting and also I have no money to do that because it looks like so much
expensive when in do that. By only doing simple things like carrying her sling bag
or assisting her when we are about to cross a street or treat her to a simple
dinner but it doesn’t matter where you brought her, it is the bonding of being
together and seeing her very happy even to a simple place where you and her
enjoy the connection with each other because in the end it is not about the
fantastic dinner or the sky lightning it is how you give importance to each other
and how the feelings develop with each other and I am very thoughtful person
because I really care about health and in that way by giving care to the woman I
loved gives so much points and chances that you will be together being husband
and wife in the future.

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