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Chapter 1


Background of the study

Criminality is one of the major problem encountered by any Police

authorities, thousands of crimes are committed every day, and hundreds are

occurring right now in the world. Someone somewhere will be killed, robbed, and

raped until you read this article to it’s the end. Without a doubt, crime can be

seen as the plague of society. No matter what is done, nothing can really stop it.

In global perspective, one of the highest of criminal activity involves murder,

whether it be self-inflicted, homicidal, or accidental. Unfortunately, a life where

murder doesn’t exist seems to only be possible in a perfect world, but that does

not yet exist, either. The murder rates around the world are astonishing, and the

hope is that these values will decline over the years until murder is a rarely.

Located in Central America, 90.4 deaths for every 100,000 people (National

The Philippines is currently experiencing increased police presence and

intensified policing programs with President Duterte’s declaration of wars against

criminality and illegal drugs front lined by the Philippine National Police (PNP).

While the country’s index crime rate is reportedly declining because of these

heightened policing programs, this does not necessarily translate to a more

positive Filipino public perception toward the police and other local law

enforcement authorities. Using the Crime Risk Perceptions Survey of 1,200


household in Metro Manila ,this study attempted to probe the individual and

contextual level variables that potentially influence the Filipino perception toward

the local authorities-police and local community brigade or barangay tanod. The

findings of the paper showed that perceived insecurity exhibited negative impact

on perceived satisfaction of respondent toward the performance of local

authorities across all the five models(Canare,2016).

General Santos City an explosion went off in front of a drug store in General

Santos City on Sunday, leaving 7 people hurt, police said. Police said they were

verifying reports 2 individuals on board a motorcycle dropped off bag near the

area before the explosion occurred. The wounded are being treated at a nearby

hospital, police said (

The main objectives of this study is to determine the significant relationship

between the extend of criminality and response of authorities

Statement of the problem

The main concern of this study was to determine whether there is a

significant relationship between problems encountered about criminality and the

response of the authorities at General Santos City for the year 2018.

Specifically, this study aimed to provide answers to the following questions:

1. What is the extent of Criminality in General Santos city?

2. What is the level of response of the authorities?

3. What inflication can be draw based frp, the result of the study?

Theoretical frame work

Theories of criminality are derived from distinct images of human behavior.

A theory’s scientific value is a function of the validity of these images Six types of

monistic criminality theory are distinguishable on the basis of their imagery.

Integrative theories, which evoke a complex image to unite data underlying

diverse monistic theories, are more useful than pluralistic theories which

preserve images. Criticisms of differential association as an integrative theory are

avoided by a differential identification theory of criminality (Glaser, 1956).

Conceptual Framework

This study aimed to find out whether a significant response of the

authorities against the extent of criminality in General Santos City. The

conceptual framework 0-0-presents the two variables involved in this study.

Objectively, the extent of criminality in General Santos City and response of

authorities is the independent variable and the dependent variable is the

authorities’ response. Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable





Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Significance of the study

This study is believed to the significant benefits of the following:


Criminologist They study the social and psychological factors that cause

people to commit crimes and researcher which approaches to rehabilitation work

and don’t work.

Pnp personnel are committed to ensuring public safety and reducing the

fear and the incidence of the crime in the community.

DILG clarifies the safe Philippines emergency response and monitoring

system is primarily for surveillance but is an integrated system to improve police

response time as well as to deter and reduce crime.

Community that is the beneficiary of our improved police service.

Researcher The researcher study could provide the response of authorities

of criminality.

Scope and limitation of the study

This study is limited only to the authorities and immediate response to

lessen criminality in General Santos City. This study did not include the personal

problems encountered by the authorities.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined operationally for better understanding on

this study.

Extent of criminality in General Santos City is the one major problem

encountered by Philippine national police personnel.

Response of the Authority his means immediate response of authorities with in

the city of General Santos City


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