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The Great Reset:

A Mass Ritual in Motion

M any of you will no doubt by now have made up your minds as

to whether I am revealing hidden truths or have simply lost
my mind.
I do fully recognize that when a conspiracy author/researcher such as
myself starts throwing around numbers to prove their point, the average
person rolls their eyes and clicks off the page. And if you happen to fall into
that category, I would advise you to just go ahead and close this window.
However, before you go, know that numbers are of extreme impor-
tance in occult philosophy and ritual, as I have detailed at length in my
four books.
So, like it or not, here are the numbers.

The Dawning
T hose of you who are familiar with my work know that I have ex-
plained in hopefully-not-too-excruciating detail what the Great Age
is, and, more pertinently, when it ends – to be more precise, when it ends
according to the dark occult beliefs of the Cryptocracy, whose opinion is
really the only one that matters considering they control the entire planet
and all its resources. (And for those of you unfamiliar with my work who
The Great Reset: A Mass Ritual in Motion

might think I’m joking or have watched one too many James Bond mov-
ies, feel free to get off the ride right now.)
The Great Age or Great Year is created by the cycle of precession and
is approximately 26,000 years in length. It is a scientific, astronomical,
geophysical fact, and I’m not going to say much else about it here because
I’ve written about it ‘til I’m blue in the face and I’m tired of thinking about
it. Read my books or Google it.

These two images hopefully give you some idea about the Great Age. Or, not.

To make this quick and easy, the current Great Age, according to the
Masters of the Universe, comes to a close this year, 2021. Last year was the
final full year of the dying Great Age, this year is the Year of Transition, and
next year, 2022, is Year Zero, the first full year of the New Great Age. The
subtitle of my third book, Black Jack, is “The Dawning of the New Great Age
of Satan”, which, along with unprecedented current events including but
not limited to the global pandemic, gives you some idea what we’re in for.

Coming Full Circle

N ow is the reset of the Great Age, the transition from one Great Year
to the next. Call it the Great Reset.

The Great Reset: A Mass Ritual in Motion

And, wouldn’t you know it, that’s exactly the name the World Eco-
nomic Forum has chosen for their current global initiative, which was of-
ficially announced by none other than HRH The Prince of Wales.

“In May 2020, the WEF and the Prince of Wales’s Sustainable Markets Initiative launched ‘The
Great Reset’ project, a five-point plan concerned with enhancing sustainable economic growth
following the global recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. ‘The Great Reset’
will be the theme of WEF’s Annual Meeting in January 2021.” Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever.

“In order to secure our future and to prosper, we need to evolve our
economic model and put people and planet at the heart of global value
creation,” the prince stated in his announcement of The Great Reset. “If
there is one critical lesson to learn from this crisis [COVID-19], it is that
we need to put nature at the heart of how we operate. We simply can’t
waste more time.”
Leaving aside the feel-good blather intended to make us think the
elite actually care about average folk as anything other than slave labor
and potential human sacrifices, time is indeed running out. In fact, it has
run out for the Old Great Age, and the elite are busy ushering in the New
Grand Cycle and feverishly dedicating it to The Dark Lord.
The WEF’s Great Reset Initiative is ostensibly about making the world
a more equitable place, but in reality it is a key aspect of the Cryptocracy’s
in-plain-sight, in-your-face mass ritual welcoming the New Great Age of
Satan. We are transitioning from the Age of Christianity to the Age of the
Adversary. This ain’t your daddy’s New World Order.

The Great Reset: A Mass Ritual in Motion

Eyes to See
Y es, you may be thinking, but I’m not going to read your stupid books. So
convince me we’re in the middle of a global public ritual.
I get it. The cycle of precession is basically the earth wobbling slowly
on its axis. Who really cares when one full wobble is completed and the
next one begins?
The Global Elite plan practically everything—their false flags and oc-
cult rituals in particular—according to the stars, selecting astrologically
auspicious occasions for their undertakings in order to secure the bless-
ings of the Dark Powers and the success of their sinister pursuits. We are
presently at a once-in-26,000-years moment. Do you not believe that the
occult-obsessed rulers of this world have been planning towards this pre-
cise point in history for a very long time? Of course they have.
To wit, I have previously explained how Lafayette Square, directly ad-
jacent the White House in Washington, DC—and the scene of mass pro-
tests last year that grabbed headlines worldwide—is a gargantuan sigil,
connoting the end of the Great Age. Further, I have detailed how this sigil
was invoked in the mass consciousness during the summer of 2020 as part
of a series of ongoing End-of-the-Great Age public rituals.
What we are currently being subjected to, and have been relentless-
ly subjected to over the last five decades with increasing frequency, is
one hidden-in-plain-view occult ritual after another. Of course they are
cloaked in “real world” events that the average citizen has little reason to
question. Of course they are invisible to the general public, suffering as
they do from complete symbolic illiteracy.
Ode to Odin
S peaking of invisible rituals, you probably thought that this guy, Jake An-
geli, one of the most recognizable characters among the horde that invad-
ed the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6th, was just some jackass in a fur hat.

33-year-old ‘QAnon Shaman’ Jake Angeli. That’s 33 as in the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry.
The Great Reset: A Mass Ritual in Motion

One of Mr. Angeli’s highly-visible tattoos, pictured above right, is of

a symbol referred to as the valknut, which has been used by some white
supremacists, but, even more pertinently in this situation, has also been
associated with the Norse god Odin.

Above is a screen grab from a video showing Mr. Angeli sitting at the central rostrum in the
chair of the presiding officer of the Senate. A MAGA nut in a fur hat, or the Horned God as-
suming his place in the Seat of Power? At right is a 16th-century depiction by Olaus Magnus of
Odin holding a scepter and seated on a throne.

The name Odin is derived from the reconstructed Proto-Germanic

masculine theonym *Wōđanaz and translated as “lord of frenzy” or “lead-
er of the possessed”—very fitting given the events of January 6th, which by
the way was a Wednesday, the day of the week named for Odin. Odin is
frequently portrayed with a beard and wielding a spear named Gungnir.

Left and center: Lee Lawrie, Odin (1939). Library of Congress John Adams Building, Washington,
D.C. Right: Does that look like the tip of a typical flag staff to you? Me either. That’s a spearhead.

Others in the “Horned God” family (left to right): unnamed, from Enkomi; Moloch; Baphomet.
The Great Reset: A Mass Ritual in Motion

Our National Temple

O ne must keep in mind, also, that this entire affair occurred in the U.S.
Capitol, thus renamed from “Congress house” in 1793 by Thom-
as Jefferson while serving as Secretary of State under President George
Washington, intentionally invoking the famous Temple of Jupiter Opti-
mus Maximus on the Capitoline Hill, one of the Seven Hills of Rome.
In 1833, Representative Rufus Choate stated, “We have built no na-
tional temples but the Capitol”, which is located in, of course, the Dis-
trict of Columbia, a historical name used to refer to the Americas and
the New World. Eventually Columbia was the name applied to the female
personification of the United States, although some hidden-history theo-
rists claim that “Columbia” is in fact a secret reference to the constellation
Columba, The Dove, which sits directly adjacent to Sirius, the Dog Star,
and is thus an allusion to both Sirius and Isis, the Egyptian goddess with
whom the constellation has a long association.

A Day of Revelry
A modern-day Temple of Jupiter in the District of Isis? You decide,
but here’s one thing for certain: the date of the Capitol Siege, Janu-
ary 6th, is the traditional date of Dionysian Revels, which gave rise to the
more well-known Roman Bacchanalia. During the revels, followers of the
Greek god Dionysus would, among other things, dress up as satyrs and
run wildly through the streets—very similar to what occurred on Capitol
Hill that fateful Wednesday.

Left: Dashwood. Right: Franklin.

The Great Reset: A Mass Ritual in Motion

In the notorious Hellfire Clubs that sprung up in Britain and Ireland

during the eighteenth century, Dionysus was one of the most popular
deities, and one can still see statues of the god left behind in the Hellfire
Caves—one of which was named Franklin’s Cave after Benjamin Franklin,
a friend of the founder of the original Hellfire Club, Sir Francis Dashwood.

Left: Terracotta head of Dionysus, 1st century B.C. Right: Bacchanalia, c.1615 oil painting
by Peter Paul Rubens.

A Special Number
S o, then, we have a stand-in for Odin sitting in the seat of power in
the National Temple on the Day of Dionysian Revels … and you
thought it was just a bunch of MAGA lunatics gone wild. One might
even be tempted to view it as a black mass of sorts, and perhaps that’s an
accurate interpretation.
In any case, in the days following the siege, the Capitol was trans-
formed into a heavily-defended fortress, with over 25,000 National
Guard troops from all 50 states and four U.S. territories being sum-
moned to Washington, DC, to provide protection for the Presidential
inauguration and preclude future acts of insurrection.
All 50 states … that seems very symbolic, designed to send a mes-
sage. Speaking of which, sometimes a number is just a number, and
sometimes not.
The figure most frequently cited for the number of National Guard
troops deployed to DC is 25,600, which I find very interesting, con-
sidering that I wrote about this exact number in my fourth book, THE
END, published by TrineDay in 2020.

The Great Reset: A Mass Ritual in Motion

Google it and see for yourself: 25,600. All over the place.

I’m not going to repeat everything I’ve written on this number here, or
belabor the point, but here’s the main takeaway: this is not some random
number—it directly relates to the number of years in the Great Age. It is the
product of 42 x 402 (recall that 40 is a Biblical supernumber), or 16 x 1600.
The White House sits essentially dead center of the 10-mile square
that Washington, DC, is laid out in. Without getting into the details, the
location of the White House corresponds to the Great Celestial Cross in
the heavens. This cross plays a central role in tracking the passage of the
Great Age, and in determining when it begins, and ends.
The address of the White House is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and
the north-south cross street is 16th Street. In case you weren’t paying
attention, that’s 1600 and 16. These same numbers can be found in the
Book of Revelation, with reference to the River of Blood (that flows from
the winepress of God’s wrath), which is 1600 stadia in length and as high
as a horse’s bridle (16 hands, a standard measure of the day).
The number of years associated with the Great Age are thus not only
encoded in the streets of Washington, DC (which is a giant star map, but
that’s a whole subject unto itself), and found in the Biblical account of
the Apocalypse/End of Days, but now we find this same number, 25,600,
embedded in the headlines across the country, and around the world, in
the very Year of Transition, at the time of the Great Reset.
In closing, then, if you want to believe that 25,600 is just a number, that
it’s all coincidence, you go right ahead. And do yourself a favor—the next
time you see something written by me, don’t even bother to start reading.

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