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8/28/2021 Compendium of Clauses for a DBFOM Contract | Public Private Partnership

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Compendium of Clauses for a

DBFOM Contract

 Introduction to Compendium

1.Definitions 2. Interpretation 3. Effectiveness of the


4. Duration 5. Design and 6. Programme

Construction Certificates

7. Health, Safety and 8. Statutory Undertakers 9. Services Commencement

Security Certificate

10. Standard of Operations 11. Monitoring 12. Representatives

and Maintenance Performance

13. Notices 14. Liaison Procedures 15. Warranties

16. Change in Control 17. Assignment 18. Sub-Contracting

19. Disclaimers 20. General Project 21. Specific Project

Undertakings Undertakings

22. Quality & 23. Reports 24. Records


25. Information to be 26. Intellectual Property 27. Custody of Financial Model

provided by the Authority 1/2
8/28/2021 Compendium of Clauses for a DBFOM Contract | Public Private Partnership

28. Land 29. Consents and 30. Statutory Powers


31. Protestors and 32. Fossils, Antiquities 33. Employment Issues

Trespassers and Burial Grounds

34. Change 35. Change in Law 36. Delays to Completion and

Compensation Events

37. Relief Events 38. Force Majeure 39. Calculation of Payments

40. Payment Requests 41. Payments 42. Set-Off

43. Refinancing 44. Prepayment 45. Taxes

46. Rates 47. Indemnities 48. Insurance

49. PPP Co Default 50. Corrupt Gifts and 51.  Authority Default
Termination Fraud Termination

52. Non-Default 53. Effect of Termination 54.  Compensation on

Termination Termination

55. Handback 56.  Dispute Resolution 57. Confidentiality


58. Severability 59. Waiver 60. Amendments

61. Agency 62. Whole Agreement 63. Competition Act

64. Governing Law and Additional Contract  

Jurisdiction Definitions

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