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Figure D: WIDA Performance Definitions Listening and Reading, Grades K–12

Within sociocultural contexts for processing language…

Discourse Dimension Sentence Dimension Word/Phrase Dimension

Linguistic Complexity Language Forms and Conventions Vocabulary Usage

Level 6 - Reaching
English language learners will process a range of grade-appropriate oral or written language for a variety of academic purposes and audiences. Automaticity in language
processing is reflected in the ability to identify and act on significant information from a variety of genres and registers. English language learners’ strategic competence in
processing academic language facilitates their access to content area concepts and ideas.

At each grade, toward the end of a given level of English language proficiency, and with instructional support, English language learners will process…

• Rich descriptive discourse with complex • A variety of complex grammatical structures • Technical and abstract content-area
Level 5 sentences • Sentence patterns characteristic of particular language
Bridging • Cohesive and organized, related ideas content areas • Words and expressions with shades of
across content areas meaning across content areas

• Connected discourse with a variety of • Complex grammatical structures • Specific and some technical content-area
Level 4 sentences • A broad range of sentence patterns language
Expanding • Expanded related ideas characteristic of characteristic of particular content areas • Words or expressions with multiple meanings
particular content areas across content areas

• Discourse with a series of extended • Compound and some complex grammatical • Specific content-area language and expressions
Level 3 sentences constructions • Words and expressions with common
Developing • Related ideas specific to particular • Sentence patterns across content areas collocations and idioms across content areas
content areas

• Multiple related simple sentences • Compound grammatical structures • General content words and expressions,
Level 2 • An idea with details • Repetitive phrasal and sentence patterns across including cognates
Emerging content areas • Social and instructional words and expressions
across content areas

• Single statements or questions • Simple grammatical constructions (e.g., • General content-related words
Level 1 • An idea within words, phrases, or chunks commands, Wh- questions, declaratives) • Everyday social, instructional and some
Entering of language • Common social and instructional forms and content-related words and phrases
Figure E: WIDA Performance Definitions Speaking and Writing, Grades K–12

Within sociocultural contexts for language use…

Discourse Dimension Sentence Dimension Word/Phrase Dimension

Linguistic Complexity Language Forms and Conventions Vocabulary Usage

Level 6 - Reaching
English language learners will use a range of grade-appropriate language for a variety of academic purposes and audiences. Agility in academic language use is reflected
in oral fluency and automaticity in response, flexibility in adjusting to different registers and skillfulness in interpersonal interaction. English language learners’ strategic
competence in academic language use facilitates their ability to relate information and ideas with precision and sophistication for each content area.

At each grade, toward the end of a given level of English language proficiency, and with instructional support, English language learners will produce…

• Multiple, complex sentences • A variety of complex grammatical structures • Technical and abstract content-area language,
Level 5 • Organized, cohesive, and coherent matched to purpose including content-specific collocations
Bridging expression of ideas characteristic of • A broad range of sentence patterns • Words and expressions with precise meaning
particular content areas characteristic of particular content areas across content areas

• Short, expanded, and some complex • Compound and complex grammatical • Specific and some technical content-area
sentences structures language
Level 4
• Organized expression of ideas with • Sentence patterns characteristic of particular • Words and expressions with expressive
emerging cohesion characteristic of content areas meaning through use of collocations and
particular content areas idioms across content areas

• Short and some expanded sentences with • Simple and compound grammatical structures • Specific content language, including cognates
emerging complexity with occasional variation and expressions
Level 3
• Expanded expression of one idea or • Sentence patterns across content areas • Words or expressions with multiple meanings
emerging expression of multiple related used across content areas
ideas across content areas

• Phrases or short sentences • Formulaic grammatical structures • General content words and expressions
Level 2 • Emerging expression of ideas • Repetitive phrasal and sentence patterns across • Social and instructional words and expressions
Emerging content areas across content areas

• Words, phrases, or chunks of language • Phrase-level grammatical structures • General content-related words
Level 1 • Single words used to represent ideas • Phrasal patterns associated with familiar social • Everyday social and instructional words and
Entering and instructional situations expressions


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