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Προς τους οιομενους δυο δεικνυσθαι θεους εκ του την Θεοποιον δωρεαν του Πνευματος, ης
υπερκειται κατ ουσιαν ο Θεος, ουκ αγενητον μονον Θεωσιν, αλλα και Θεοτητα υπο των αγιων

Περι Θειων Ενεργειων και της κατ αυτας μεθεξεως

To Those Who Think Two Gods are shown forth on the basis of the divinizing gift of the Spirit,

( the God of which is transcendent, according to his essence),

not only is theosis called unbegotten, by the saints, but the divinity is also {called unbegotten},


Concerning Divine Energies, and the corresponding participation in them.

Ει μεν τις εστιν ο προς τοσαυτην εκτραπεις τολμαν υπ απονοιας, ως τοις των πατερων αντιταττεσθαι
λoγοις, πορρω που παντως ουτος εσται της κατά χριστιανους ασφαλους θεολογιας.

If someone has been turned aside to such a degree that he dares, {being }driven by senselessness, to
align himself in opposition to the words of the Fathers, this person will be utterly removed far from the
theology which is safe according to Christians.

Και ει μη τουτω σεπτα δοκει και δια θαυματος γιvεται τα της εκεινων διδασκαλιας, πως αρ ημιν και
μετριως γουν εν επαινω γενοιτο τα της αυτου;

And except he thinks they {their sayings} are {to be }revered,

(and the matters {truths} of their {the Father’s} teaching happens marvelously),

how is it possible what comes from that teacher can be reasonably held in praise in our eyes?

Ποθεν δ αξιοπιστος αυτος εσται τους αγιους ουκ ηγουμενος πιστους;

And for what reason will that person be deemed worthy of trust, {who does} not think the saints are

Ει δε προς την υπο των πατερων κηρυττομενην αληθειαν ως προς ορθην και απαρεγκλιτον σταθμην
αγειν προθυμειται τους λογους,

But if he is eagerly zealous to believe the truth as proclaimed by the Fathers, as correct, straight and
inflexibly true
ταυτη και ημεις συν θεω ποδηγουμενοι και τω αδιαστροφω ταυτης εναρμονιως χρωμενοι κανονι,

we being led together by the same {truth}, with God, and harmoniously using the unperverted canon

την τε καθ ημων επενηνεγμενην διαλυσωμεν γραφην και τους ημίν ματην εγκαλουντας εν πολλοις της
ευθειας εκπεσοντας,

will reconcile the scripture which has been brought in for our consideration and those among us who
accuse in vain, who have fallen in many ways from what is straight,

το γε εις ημας ηκον, επανακαλεσομεθα προς αυτην.

As this, at any rate is appropriate for us, we will ourselves recall {them} to {the truth}.

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