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Republic of the Philippines


Tarlac State University is envisioned to be a premier university in Asia and the Pacific.

Tarlac State University commits to promote and sustain the offering of quality programs in higher and advanced education ensuring equitable access to education for people empowerment,
professional development, and global competitiveness.
Towards this end, TSU shall:
1. Provide high quality instruction trough qualified, competent, and adequately trained faculty members and support staff.
2. Be a premier research institution by enhancing research undertakings in the fields of technology and sciences and strengthening collaboration with local and international
3. Be a champion in community development by strengthening partnership with public and private organizations and individuals.


E - xcellence
Q – uality
U – nity
I - ntegrity
T – rust in God, Transparency & True Commitment
Y – earning for Global Competitiveness

TSU College of Arts and Social Sciences OBTL Plan in GE ELECT – Public Speaking & Persuasion 1|
College of Arts and Social Sciences
Department of English Language Studies

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning Plan in GE ELECT 1 – Public Speaking & Persuasion

Course Title Public Speaking & Persuasion Course Code GE ELECT 1

Credit Units 3 Course Pre-/Co-requisites
Course Description This course explores the theories and practice of speech communication behavior to promote communication competence in interpersonal, small group and public
speaking situations. It is designed to help students develop their public speaking skills central to success in academic, civic, business, and professional life, and in
other various situations. Students who complete this course will have performed demonstrative, informative and persuasive speeches which exhibit competence in
literacy, critical thinking, and extemporaneous delivery.

Course Intended After completing this course, STUDENTS MUST HAVE DEMONSTRATED
Learning Outcomes 1. adequate knowledge on the general principles of effective public speaking;
(CILO) 2. enhance their skills in creating speeches through correct organization and outlining;
3. effective oral communication skills in informal or formal speaking context;
4. understanding of the role of communication in interpersonal relationships;
5. demonstrate different styles of persuasion based from different audiences; and
6. confidence and competence in delivering and communicating information clearly and effectively in spoken form.

TSU College of Arts and Social Sciences OBTL Plan in GE ELECT – Public Speaking & Persuasion 2|

Courses Cre PS CT DML Com Col ICT IL Cit LC PSR

ELS 100 – Introduction to the English Language System 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
ELS 102 – Theories of Language and Language Acquisition 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
ELS 103 – History of the English Language 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
ELS 104 – English Phonology and Morphology 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
ELS 105 – English Syntax 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
ELS 106 – Semantics of English 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
ELS 107 – English Discourse 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
ELS 108 – Stylistics 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
ELS 109 – Introduction to Language, Society, and Culture 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
ELS 110 – Language of Literary Texts 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
ELS 111 – Language of Non-Literary Texts 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
ELS 112 – Computer-mediated Communication 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
ELS 199 – Language Research 1: Methodology 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
ELS 200 – Language Research II - Thesis 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Major 1 – Introduction to Pragmatics 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Major 2 – Psychology of Language 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Major 3 – Multimodal Communication 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Major 4 – Translation Studies 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Major 5 – Philippine English 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Cognate 1 – Business Communication 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Cognate 2 – Foundations of English Language Teaching 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Cognate 3 – ELT Approaches and Methods 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Cognate 4 – Instructional Materials Development and Evaluation 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Cognate 5 – English Language Testing and Assessment 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Cognate 6 – English Language Curriculum Development 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
FL 1 – Basic Foreign Language 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
FL 2 – Basic Foreign Language 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
FL 3 – Intermediate Foreign Language 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
FL 4 – Intermediate Foreign Language 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Codes: 3 To a Large Extent 2=To Some Extent 1= To a little Extent

Legend: (Note: Program Objectives as per CHED Memos shall be corresponded with the listed Graduate Attributes.)
Cre Creativity PS Problem Solving CT Critical Thinking DML Decision Making & Learning
Com Communication Col Collaboration ICT Information and Communications Technology IL Information Literacy Cit Citizenship LC Life and Career
PSR Personal and Social Responsibility

TSU College of Arts and Social Sciences OBTL Plan in GE ELECT – Public Speaking & Persuasion 3|

Directions: As a department, you are to prepare your course mapping grid that will identify soft skills emphasis in every course in the discipline. In this activity, you are to prioritize the 21 st
Century skills that you wish to develop in your students as they progress in the course. The level of emphasis may be coded as 3= to a large extent; 2= to some extent; 1 to a little extent.


1. Speaking and Listening 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2. Introduction to Speech Preparation 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3. Speech Preparation: Organizing & Outlining 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4. Strategies in Presenting the Speech 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
5. Persuasion and Varieties of Public Speaking 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Codes: 3 To a Large Extent 2=To Some Extent 1= To a little Extent

Legend: (Note: Program Objectives as per CHED Memos shall be corresponded with the listed Graduate Attributes.)
Cre Creativity PS Problem Solving CT Critical Thinking DML Decision Making & Learning
Com Communication Col Collaboration ICT Information and Communications Technology IL Information Literacy Cit Citizenship LC Life and Career
PSR Personal and Social Responsibility

TSU College of Arts and Social Sciences OBTL Plan in GE ELECT – Public Speaking & Persuasion 4|

TSU College of Arts and Social Sciences OBTL Plan in GE ELECT – Public Speaking & Persuasion 5|
Essential Learning
Week Content Standards Declarative Knowledge Functional Knowledge Intended Learning Suggested Teaching/Learning Assessment Tasks (ATs)
Outcomes (ILO) Activities (TLAs)
 Discuss the
similarities and
 Definition of Public Speaking
differences of
Demonstrate  Similarities and Differences of Public Speaking
understanding in Introduction & Public Speaking to Conversation to Conversation
 Interactive Discussion Students discuss orally the
1-2 explaining the definition Elements of Public  Developing Confidence and the Speech
 Brainstorming terms. (individually)
and the different Speaking  Speech Communication Process Communication
elements of public  Public Speaking in a Process.
speaking.  Improve the
Multicultural Setting
confidence in
Public Speaking.
 Discuss Ethics and
its importance to
 Importance of Ethics Public Speaking.
Demonstrate awareness Summative Assessment
Ethics and Public  Ethical Speaking Guidelines  Familiarize the  Interactive Discussion
3 in applying ethical (essay/identification test) on
principles in
Speaking  Plagiarism Guidelines in  Brainstorming Ethics and Public Speaking.
 Ethical Listening Guidelines Ethical Listening
and Speaking to
avoid Plagiarism.
 Importance of Listening  Explicate the
Demonstrate Summative Assessment
 Causes of Poor Listening listening process.  Interactive Discussion
4 understanding of the Listening (essay/identification test) on
 Becoming a Good Listener  Differentiate the  Brainstorming
listening process the listening process.
types of listening.
 Choosing a Topic
 Determining the General  Discuss the Summative Assessment
Demonstrate expanded
Purpose different ways on  Interactive Discussion (essay/identification test) on
5 and conceptual Selecting a Topic &
 Determining the Specific how to choose a  Brainstorming Selecting a Topic and
knowledge on selecting a Purpose
Purpose topic. Purpose.
topic and purpose.
 Creating the Central Idea
 Discuss the
 The Psychology of Audiences
Demonstrate importance of Summative Assessment
 Demographic Audience Analysis  Student collaboration
6 understanding in Audience Analysis (essay/identification test) on
Analyzing the Audience  Situational Audience Analysis
analyzing different and its different Analyzing the Audience.
 Adapting to the Audience
audiences. forms.
7  Library Research  Discuss the  Collaborative Summative Assessment
Demonstrate awareness Gathering Materials  Internet Research different ways of discussion of (essay/identification test) on

TSU College of Arts and Social Sciences OBTL Plan in GE ELECT – Public Speaking & Persuasion 6|
and understanding of the
importance of proper gathering
 Students identify
gathering of materials in  Interviewing materials by
structure class words Gathering Materials.
speech-making.  How to do Research utilizing different

 Discuss the
 Giving Examples different methods
Summative Assessment
Demonstrate familiarity Supporting Ideas  Using Statistics on how one can  Students report on the
8 (essay/identification test) on
with the different ways of  Citing Testimonies support ideas in  Reporters discuss the
Supporting Ideas.
supporting ideas.  Using Oral Citations speeches.


 Relay ways on  Collaborative
 Why Organization is Important Summative Assessment
how to organize discussion of
 Main Points (essay/identification test) on
9 Demonstrate awareness Organizing the Body of the body of  Students identify
 Supporting Materials Organizing the Body of the
and understanding of the Speech speech. structure class words
 Connectives Speech.
 Explain the
Summative Assessment
Demonstrate the process process on how
Beginning and Ending  The Introduction  Interactive Discussion (essay/identification test) on
10 on how to start and end a to start and end a
the Speech  The Conclusion  Brainstorming Beginning and Ending the
speech. speech.
 Discuss the
importance of
Demonstrate the Summative Assessment
 Preparation Outline creating outline  Interactive Discussion
11 significance of creating an Outlining the Speech (essay/identification test) on
 Speaking Outline before making  Brainstorming
outline. Outlining the Speech.
the speech.


 Apply the
 Using Language Accurately different ways on
Summative Assessment
Demonstrate familiarity Using Language  Using Language Vividly how to use  Interactive Discussion
12 (essay/identification test) on
with the different ways  Using Language Appropriately language in  Brainstorming Using Language.
one can use language.  Using Language Inclusively speeches.

13 Demonstrate the proper Delivery  Methods of Delivery  Apply the  Interactive Discussion Summative Assessment
ways of speech delivery.  The Speaker’s Voice different  Brainstorming (essay/identification test) on
 The Speaker’s Body techniques in Delivery of the Speech.
 Answering Audience Questions speech delivery.

TSU College of Arts and Social Sciences OBTL Plan in GE ELECT – Public Speaking & Persuasion 7|
 Discuss the
 Kinds of Visual Aids
importance of
Demonstrate the  Guidelines in Preparing Visual Summative Assessment
communication  Interactive Discussion
14 significance of Using Visual Aids Aids (essay/identification test) on
aids in delivering  Brainstorming
communication aids.  Guidelines in Presenting Visual Using Visual Aids.
a speech.
 Interact and
 Informative Speeches
effectively with
Demonstrate familiarity  Guidelines in Informative Summative Assessment
Speaking to Inform and other people to
regarding the nature of Speaking  Interactive Discussion (essay/identification test) on
15 Persuade improve proper
Persuasion in Public  Importance of Persuasion  Brainstorming Speaking to Inform and
ways of
Speaking.  Ethics of Persuasion Persuade.
 Psychology of Persuasion

 Interact and
 Persuasive Speeches on: communicate
Demonstrate mastery Summative Assessment
 Questions of Fact effectively with  Interactive Discussion
16 over the different kinds of Speaking to Persuade (essay/identification test) on
 Questions of Value other people  Brainstorming
Persuasive Speeches. Speaking to Persuade.
 Questions of Policy using persuasion.

 Apply the
 Building Credibility different
Demonstrate mastery Summative Assessment
 Using Evidence techniques on  Interactive Discussion
17 over Methods of Methods of Persuasion (essay/identification test) on
 Reasoning how to persuade  Brainstorming
Persuasion. Methods of Persuasion.
 Appealing to Emotions the audience.

Input Material/Resources
Demonstrate capability to Remedial instruction
accomplish additional Accomplish additional
18  Expanded Learning Opportunities Output Materials
learning tasks. tasks. N.B.: As per the need of a
It will be based on a
student arises
student’s expanded
assessment task.

Basic Readings Lucas, S. (2008). The Art of Public Speaking, 10th ed. USA. McGraw-Hill.
O’Hair, Rubenstein, & Stewart (2009). A Pocket Guide to Public Speaking, 3rd ed. USA. Bedford/St. Martins.
O’Keefe, D. (2002). Persuasion: Theory and Research, 2nd Ed. CA. Sage.

TSU College of Arts and Social Sciences OBTL Plan in GE ELECT – Public Speaking & Persuasion 8|
Perloff, R. (2008). The Dynamics of Persuasion: Communication and Attitudes in the 21 st Century. 3rd Ed.
McCroskey, J. (2006). An Introduction to Rhetorical Communication.
Walters, L. (1993). Secrets of Successful Speakers. New York. McGraw-Hill.
Bronwell, J. (2006). Listening: Attitudes, Principles, and Skills. 3rd Ed. Boston. Pearson.
Extended Readings Abrams, M. H. (1988). A glossary of literary terms, 5th ed. USA: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
Coates, J. (1986). Women, men and language: a sociolinguistic account of sex differences in language. NY: Longman Group UK Limited.
Gee, J. P. (1999). An introduction to discourse analysis. Great Britain: St. Edmundsbury Press Ltd.
Harris, M. (1979). Cultural materialism: The struggle for a science of culture. New York: Vintage. Retrieved October 4, 2011, from:
Reazon Systems, Inc. (2014a). iRubric: oral presentation. Retrieved, November 13, 2014, from
(2014b). iRubric: translation rubric. Retrieved, November 13, 2014, from
Spolsky, B. (1998). Sociolinguistics. USA: Oxford University Press.
Yule, G. (1997). The study of language. Great Britain: Cambridge University Press.
Williams, J. (2008). The Craft of Research. 3rd Ed. University of Chicago Press.
Course Assessment To be discussed by the Committee on Grading System
Recitation ………………………………10%
Quizzes/Homework ………………. 20%
Paper/Output/Performance ……20%
Portfolio………………………………….20 %
Term Examination ………………….30%
Course Policies Language of Instruction: The language of instruction is English. In the teaching and learning presentation, however, language samples may be in another language if
it is needed to exemplify an activity in this course.
Attendance: The university rule on a 54-hour attendance applies: 20% absence is considered failed or dropped, as the case may be.
There will be no make-up arrangements for oral presentations; hence, the instructor/professor lectures in the absence of the discussant.
Those who cannot come on the examination day are advised to take the test on the day prior to the schedule.
Homework, Written Reports and Reaction Papers: Course requirements must be turned in following the scheduled due dates. If a student cannot make it to class
on time, assessment items must be given to a classmate for submission. Failure to submit assessment items on time and without an adequate excuse (e.g.
a doctor’s certificate) will result in a reduced score for that assessment item.
Course Portfolio: The portfolio is a form of assessment for this class. Each student is expected to purchase a 40 or 60 leaf folder to use as a portfolio. All forms of in-
class outputs, homework, worksheets, readings, and other items are to be placed in the portfolio for assessment at the end of the semester. A Title Page
and a Contents Page must accompany the portfolio.
Honor, Dress and Grooming Code: Students are enjoined to wear the prescribed uniform of the college with their IDs worn at all times. Also, respect to
administrators, faculty and staff of the university as well as to classmates and other students shall be observed. Students are mandated to follow all school
policies and regulations.
Deficiencies: Incomplete grades must be attended to within a year.
Committee Cluster Leader: Mr. Rolien Mark M. Balisi
Members Members: Dr. Brendalyn A. Manzano

TSU College of Arts and Social Sciences OBTL Plan in GE ELECT – Public Speaking & Persuasion 9|
Prof. Lani B. Aguas
Prof. Vanessa P. Arador
Prof. Anna Maria Soccorro Y. Coloma
Prof. Rodel Macasaquit
Ms. Franchete O. Caingat

Consultation Faculty Member : Mr. Rolien Mark M. Balisi

Schedule Email Address :
Consultation Hours :
Time and Venue : TTH 10-12 English Department Faculty Room

Course Title: AY/Term of Effectivity: Prepared by: Recommending Approval: Pages:

Public Speaking & Persuasion 1st Semester Cluster Leader Department Chair 8





Vice President for Academic Affairs

TSU College of Arts and Social Sciences OBTL Plan in GE ELECT – Public Speaking & Persuasion 10 |

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