Starter Unit Test 3: Grammar

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Starter Unit test 3

Grammar 4 Underline the wrong word in each group.

1 Underline the correct alternative. 1 shoes shirt green
2 black white sweater
Jim: Hello, Mia. I’m Jim, and 1this/that is your 3 red jacket hat
new office. Come in and sit down. I’m 4 brown jeans shoes
sorry about all 2these/those boxes here. 5 green ring blue
Mia: That’s OK. What are they?
Jim: 3That/Those ones over there are full of our 4
old books and 4this/these ones here are full
of our new books.
Mia: Oh, right. 5 Complete the table with the words in the box.
Jim: Sit down here at the desk. 5This/That is cake coffee cola espresso
your computer, and 6those/these are your milk mineral water white bread
business cards. Do you have any questions? pizza sandwich tea
Mia: Yes. Who’s in 7those/these pictures on that
wall by the window?
Jim: They’re photos of all the workers here. Hot drinks Cold drinks Food
Look. 8This/Those one’s of me and Vera.                                     pizza       
Vera: Hello!                                                
Jim: Oh, hi Vera. Vera, 9that/this is Mia. Mia,                                                
this/that is Vera.                
Mia: Nice to meet you, Vera.
Vera: Is 11this/that your first day here? 9
Mia: Yes, it is…

2 Add one ’s to each line where necessary. 6 Complete the conversations with the words in
the box.
1 That’s Natalie^’s phone, John. egg else Espresso help Here How
mineral Still Sugar White With
2 Whose book is this? Is it the teacher?
3 What is Philip address, Maria? 1 A: Yes. Can I have a 1mineral water, please?
4 Emi has a black hat. Katerina hat is white. B: OK. 2                              or sparkling?
5 What is Sylvie surname? Is it Blanche? A: Sparkling, please.
6 This is Victor. He is my sister husband. B: OK.
7 Is that Francis jacket? A: 3                              much is that?
8 Toby is Penny and Derek son. B: Two euros.
9 What is James email address? 2 A: Can I 4                              you?
10 Kirsty surname is Bennett. B: Can I have an 5                              sandwich, please?
11 Those are Jo school shoes. A: OK. 6                              or brown bread?
B: Brown, please.
10 A: Anything 7                              ?
B: A coffee, please.
A: 8                              , Americano or cappuccino?
B: Americano, please.
Vocabulary A: 9                              milk?
3 Complete the objects. B: Yes, please.
A: 10                              ?
1pens 5 c    a    r B: No, thanks.
2 k    y    6 t    b       t A: OK. 11                              you are.
3 b    x    s 7 c       p    t    r
4 n       e    o    k 8 g          s    s 10

7 Total: 50

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