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Supply Chain Management Strategy Week 5 Sourcing Solutions

How would you position MTC to be viewed as a strategic supplier for the major hospital groups?
Provide us with a general overview of how you believe that key strategic suppliers should act.

Strategic suppliers are those that account for a considerable amount of business (60-80%),
demonstrate loyalty to their partners (exclusivity, limited distribution), are easy to do business
with, and provide both growth and profitability. They typically represent about 6-10 suppliers.

What are typical activities that hospitals might look for in a strategic partner?

In other words, put yourself in the position of MTCs customer.

1.Short term Realignment of sales representative functions ,supply chain optimization through
inhouse sterilization and office reduction 2.Mid term Introduce RFID methodology for inventory
management with smart kiosks 3.Long Term Migrating to a shared supply chain model with
collaboration towards a lean and forward stocking locations(FSL).

What are initiatives that MTC might consider working on with hospitals that are strategic
partners? Name your top three.

1. Enable greater collaboration among all trading partners in the devices supply chain
manufacturers , their customers and the third party logistics providers that support them.

2.Enable greater collaboration among all trading partners in the devices supply chain
manufacturers ,their customers and the third party logistics providers that support them

3.Increase collaboration with trading partners.

What should MTC do about their off-site sterilization? Perform a make-versus-buy analysis. Be
sure to include the top three reasons for keeping the sterilization off-site as well as the top three
reasons to bring it in-house. Justify your judgement for either option.

SHORT TERM BENEFITS( Inhouse sterilization)

1.Better adherence to regulatory compliance Ability to address a fair amount of ambiguity of their
nature of having to be applied to differently designed facilities. 2.Need to expedite Easily
accomplished in case of emergencies as there is virtually no transportation delay. Motivating
quality assurance personnel from one part to another is similar. 3.In house expertise Inhouse
experts or consultants who know the process should be performed and improved. Calculated
investments can be done in that process through better technology to make it more efficient. 
Risks and mitigations 1.New process not currently performed inhouse Mitigate through detailed
planning, infrastructure and personnel development. 2.High initial cost of investment: Mitigate by
quicker delivery to customers by saving on transportation and better quality of sterilization. .
Generate additional revenue through higher sales and achieve lower costs due to elimination of
continuous transportation costs. Achieve lower costs due to elimination of continuous
transportation costs. 3.Direct Regulatory impact on sterilization Mitigation by staying of all
requirements from regulators like US department of health and human services. Having periodic
self assessment and the independent audits.

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