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-versus- CIVIL CASE NO.




COMES NOW the petitioner, assisted by the undersigned counsel and

unto this Honorable Court, respectfully manifests that:

During the scheduled hearing of this case last September 13, 2011 the
testimony of the petitioner was concluded and thereafter she manifested that
she would present another witness.

Petitioner will no longer present another witness in the above-entitled

case considering that the testimony of her intended witness will be merely
corroborative hence, she respectfully offers for admission of the following
documentary exhibit, to wit:

Exhibit A = Petition dated December 21, 2010 consisting of four pages;

Exhibit A-1 = second page;
Exhibit A-2 = 3rd page;
Exhibit A-3 =4th page;
Exhibit A-4 = signature of the petitioner;

As part of the testimony and evidence of the petitioner.

Exhibit B = Certificate of Marriage between the parties in this case

which is Annex A of the petition;
Exhibit B-1 = the date of marriage October 20, 1996;

To show the fact and date of marriage between parties and to form part
of the testimony of the petitioner.

Exhibit C = Certificate of Live Birth of the petitioner which is Annex B of

the petition;
Exhibit C-1 = the date of birth of the petitioner which is April 16, 1980;

NOTE: The original copy of Exhibits B and C were presented in court

and the machine copies were compared as faithful
reproduction of the original.

As part of the testimony of the petitioner and to show that at the time
of her marriage with the respondent she was only 16 years old and therefore
lacks the essential requisites of legal capacity to marry under Article 2,
paragraph 1 in relation to Article 35, paragraph 1 of the New Family code of
the Philippines which provides that marriage contracted by any party below 18
years of age even with the consent of parents shall be void from the

Exhibit D = Return of Service of Process Server Freddie Fernando dated

January 10, 2011;

Exhibit E = Order of the Court dated March 8, 2011;

As part of the testimonial and documentary evidence of the petitioner
and to show that the respondent despite receipt of the copy of the summons
and complaint in the above-entitled case failed to file any responsive pleadings
and to show that the Public Prosecutor was directed to conduct an
investigation and submit his report thereon.

Exhibit F = Notice of Appearance of the Solicitor General;

Exhibit F-1 = the Letter of Authority from the Solicitor General
deputizing the City Prosecutor of to appear in this case for
and in behalf of the Office of the Solicitor General.

To show compliance with the legal requirement and to prove that during
the hearing/trial the interest of the State was duly represent.

Exhibit G = Judicial Affidavit of petitioner consisting of 6 pages;

Exhibit G-1 to G-5 = succeeding pages;
Exhibit G-6 = signature of the petitioner;

NOTE: During the preliminary conference the judicial affidavit of the

petitioner was marked as Exhibit H. We moved that the
same be remarked to Exhibits G, G-1 to G-6, to avoid
confusion and double marking.
To constitute as and to form part of the testimony of the petitioner.

Exhibit H = Investigation Report dated May 17, 2011;

As part of the testimonial and documentary evidence of the petitioner
and to prove that the Public Prosecutor, in compliance with the Order of this
Court conducted an investigation and thereafter found no evidence to show
that the instant complaint was filed as a result of any collusion between the
parties herein and that the evidence presented are not fabricated.

NOTE: During the preliminary conference the above-enumerated exhibit

was marked as Exhibit G. We pray that the same be remarked to Exhibit H to
avoid confusion and double marking of exhibits.

Exhibit I = Affidavit of collateral witness is dispensed with;

PREMISES CONSIDERED, it is respectfully prayed that petitioner’s

manifestation be noted, her motion be granted and the above-enumerated
documentary exhibits and the purposes for which they are being offered be
admitted by this Honorable Court in support of petitioner’s petition and upon
their admission and with the testimony of the petitioner and her documentary
evidence, she now rests her case and submits the same for favorable
resolution by this Honorable Court.
Respectfully submitted,

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