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Project HS Risk Assessment

Project Name: Sandvik Pvt Ltd

Activity: Hot work[Welding & grinding work]

Major Work Activity Potential Hazards Risk Possible Controls Controlled

Score Risk Score
Site Access Security M  All visitors to sign in/out and all person should YES
General and Adjacent Neighbors, Public and employee’s injuries have ID tags while entry on site.
Tenancy Specific Site  Security guard present when physical and
Access electrical system is jeopardized.
 Maintain complaints procedure records.
 Obtain relevant council approvals and display
at site entry.
 Safety Induction should be conducted.
 Health check-up should be done before
entering site.
Project HS Risk Assessment

Major Work Activity Potential Hazards Risk Possible Controls Controlled

Score Risk Score
Vehicle movement at site Vehicle license should be check. M  Driver license should be check. YES
Ensure no use of mobile phone while driving.  Speed limits should be only 10 kmph while
Improper horn entering in gate.
 Stopper must be use.
 Vehicle parking should be designed near entry
 PPEs. safety helmet, safety shoes should be
wear driver while entry in material gate.
 Horn should be proper.

Mobilization of Man Unskilled person, personal injury, property M  Medical& physical fit workers shall be YES
power damage deploying for this activity
 Safety induction & site safety rules &
regulation shall be done prior to enter the site
 Mandatory & required PPEs shall be used by
all workers
 Gate pass for all the worker & staff shall be
 Tool box talk shall be conduct before start the
 Take work permit before start the activity
Material Handling Improper Handling M  Work permit must be taken prior to start the YES
Fall of material  Ensure Training on manual material shifting
Fall of person to workers by concern supervisors.
Project HS Risk Assessment

Improper Communication  Ensure all the person will properly have

Minor injuries trained.
Serious injury  Ensure PPE`s like hand Gloves, shoulder pad.
 Keep safe access & egress clean, neat & tidy

 Proper stacking of materials

 Use of appropriate PPEs such as nose mask,
safety goggles, rubber hand gloves, safety
shoes, helmet, etc.

Storage of material Placing near access M  Ensure the material should be placed on the YES
Falling hazard safe area.
Improper communication  Ensure no material should be stacked in
Injuries access.
 Material storage related safety poster should
be display at location.
 Keep safe access & egress clean, neat.

 Proper stacking of materials [ Like- Brick

block, Marble Slab, tile]
 Fire extinguisher must be display in storage
 Proper illumination should be provided.
 PPEs- Safety helmet, Shoe, Shoulder pad,
Hand gloves.
 Ensure stand use for marble slab.
 Do not stack material in access.
Project HS Risk Assessment

Use of Welding machine, Improper use of Electrical tools H  All workmen trained to spot and report any YES
Grinding work. Fly particles defective plugs, discolored sockets or
Defective welding machine damaged cable/equipment to manager.
Non guarded rotating parts  Welding machine & grinding machine should
Eye injury be inspected.
Respiratory diseases  Ensure all tools should have inspected tag.
Electrical shock  Make sure socket outlets are protected by a
Electrical short circuit safety switch.
Improper earthing  Welding machine should be inspected by
Damaged electrical cable electrician properly.
Slip, trip hazard  Make sure turning off the equipment will not
harm another worker.
 Make sure all moving parts should have
stopped before touching the machine.

Hot work Combustible material at work place H  Hot work permit must be taken prior to start YES

Untrained person the work

Minor injuries  Ensure only trained person allow.
Fire hazard  Ensure TBT should be conducted prior to start
Fall of welding spot the work.
 Ensure combustible material should be
removed from work place.
 Use of fire blanket to avoid welding spot.
 Fire extinguisher must be available at work
 Sand and water bucket should be available at
work place.
 PPEs- Safety shoe, leather hand gloves, face
shield, apron, etc.
Working at height Fall of person/ fall of material from height. H  Work at height Training should conducted YES
Project HS Risk Assessment

Slip and trip hazard. before starting job.

Minor injuries  Only trained, authorized worker allowed to
work at height
 Use of fall prevention mechanism such as
safety harness, etc. wherever required.
 Use of fall protection devices such as
temporary work platforms or scaffolding,
wherever possible.
 Use of appropriate PPEs such as safety shoes,
hard hats, hand gloves etc.
 Securing or safe keeping, as appropriate, of
 tools, material, equipment, etc. to be used
while working.
 Climb with both hands. If you need a tool or
materials, climb first and then have someone
pass the item to you
 Make sure you place the scaffold on a firm,
level surface
 Training / briefing of workmen on working at
height and use of all the above.

Electrical Panel installation Untrained/ unskilled workers H  Ensure license holder electrician should be YES
Defective hand tools allowed.
Poor illumination  All electrical work should be done by
Electrical shock electrician only.
Slip and trip  Ensure TBT conducted before starting the
Fire hazard activity.
 Cut & joint cables should be avoided from the
site and ELCB/RCCB should be provided on
Project HS Risk Assessment

Sub D. B’s.
 Proper illumination should be providing.
 PPEs- Safety shoe, rubber hand gloves etc.
 Co2 type fire extinguisher should be available
near workplace.

Temporary Electrical cable Unsafe Electrical cable joints H  Cut & joint cables should be avoided from the YES
management Unsafe Electrical cable laying site and ELCB/RCCB should be provided at
Voltage fluctuation site.
Electrical Shock  Welding machines and grinding cables should
Electrical Short circuit not be mingling with each other.
Fire hazard  MCB/ELCB should be provided on the main
panel to avoid the short circuit.
 Electrical cable should overhead.
 Co2 type fire extinguisher should be available
near workplace.

This HS Risk Assessment takes into account only those potential hazards that exist at the time it was conducted. A revised Risk Assessment will be
required if there is a significant change in working conditions, at critical stages during construction, or when High Risk Construction Work is

Signed: …………………………………. Print Name: ………………………………………… Date: ………………………

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