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City of San Fernando, Pampanga


L earning M odule

Basic Occupational
Health and Safety (Lecture)

Prepared by: Engr. Russel Renz C. De Mesa, MP, MSEM

August 27, 2021

School of Engineering
Basic Occupational Health and Safety (Lecture) – Learning Module

Course Overview
Basic Occupational Health and Safety (Lecture)
Course Code CPE22
Cr. Units/hours 3 units Lec/3 Hours
This course tackles key Occupational Health and Safety (OSH)
concepts, principles and practices that are foundational knowledge
requirements applicable in almost all industries. Specifically, it
assists learners in identifying the key elements in the OSH situation
both here and abroad; determine existing and potential safety and
Course Description health hazards; identify the range of control measures; discuss
pertinent provisions of Philippine laws that refer to occupational
safety and health; explain key principles in effectively
communicating OSH; Identify components of effective OSH
programs and demonstrate some skills in identifying hazards and
corresponding control measures at the workplace.

 Have an overview of the BOSH Course and the importance

of safety and health
 Define OSH and its three major fields – Occupational
Safety, Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene
Specific Course
 Identify work hazards and risks and recommend control
measures to reduce or eliminate work-related accidents and
 Acquire basic knowledge & skills on OSH, such as safe
work practices, that will enable you to plan/develop your
company’s Safety and Health program.

The primary method of instruction will be online presentations

coupled with student learning module. The module will be
enhanced through small group discussions online of relevant
topics and presentations and/or discussions before and in the
class. Key components of topics will be reinforced using
Method of Instruction quizzes. Presentations and discussions attempt to relate concepts
presented to our own lives, society in general, and/or the
environment when possible. Internet assignments, article
summaries, and homework assignments made up of critical
thought questions, thinking like a scientist and science,
technology, and society questions will also be used.

Basic Occupational Health and Safety (Lecture) – Learning Module

Topic Outline
Week 1 Week 10 Week 11
Introductory Personal Protective OSH Programming
Concepts Equipment Part 2 Part 1

Week 2
Week 9 Week 12
Unsafe/Unhealty Personal Protective OSH Programming
Acts and Equipment Part 1 Part 2

Week 3 Week 8 Week 13 Week 18

Industrial Hygiene Occupational Health Training of Personnel Plant Visit Simulation
Part 1 Part 2 on OSH Part 1

Week 4 Week 7 Week 14 Week 17

Industrial Hygiene Occupational Health Training of Personnel OSH Legislation Part
Part 2 Part 1 on OSH Part 2 2

Week 5 Week 6 Week 15 Week 16

Control Measures for Control Measures for Training of Personnel OSH Legislation Part
OSH Hazards Part 1 OSH Hazards Part 2 on OSH Part 3 1

Requirements and Outputs:

 3 Major Exams (prelims, midterms, finals)

 Weekly Learning Assessment

Basic Occupational Health and Safety (Lecture) – Learning Module

U nlocking your P otentials

Welcome to your guide through Basic Occupational Health and Safety (Lecture)!
We are happy at Colegio de Sebastian-Pampanga as you are to take another subject in
college. You may be feeling great excitement and a little apprehension for this next level
and that is usual and normal. Your classmates probably have the same feeling. As you
have been oriented as to how online/modular learning works, we will further guide you
through this online distance course. Read on for more tips on getting your distance
learning adventure off to a good start.

Helpful Tips:

1. Start by clearing your space, this is a mentally and physically setting aside the
tasks that await you for the day. Organizing your table and arranging your
materials will be a good start.
2. Make sure to have patience in repeating and reading lessons. Rehearsal is a key
component to memory.
3. Integrate concepts with physical movement to ease the learning process. You
can use the suggested gestures or even modify them and make your own.
4. Daily lessons may take up 30 minutes to an hour of your day on this subject or
probably one-half day in a week, but these hours/days are well spent for you to
learn the basics of the core subjects in elementary and an experience to see your
5. Your teacher is always online during the scheduled class hour and you may want
to connect with your teacher via the online classes.
6. Make sure to practice academic honesty in doing assignments and projects at
7. Parental/guardian support maybe necessary when understanding other
8. Use common values in making decisions and choices.
9. Communicate and establish support system among your classmates and peers.
10. Take breaks and be active when necessary to avoid boredom. It will be essential
to be engaging and to insert active imaginations in lessons.

Basic Occupational Health and Safety (Lecture) – Learning Module

Week 1 Introductory Concepts

Learning Objectives:

Working on this module should help you to:

 Have an overview of the BOSH Course and the importance of safety and health
 Define OSH and its three major fields – Occupational Safety, Occupational Health
and Industrial Hygiene
 Identify work hazards and risks and recommend control measures to reduce or
eliminate work-related accidents and illness
 Acquire basic knowledge & skills on OSH, such as safe work practices, that will
enable you to plan/develop your company’s Safety and Health program.

By the end of this subjects, you should be able to:

 Understand the National Laws and Regulations on OSH

 Be aware of the Philippine Statistics on accidents/injuries and illnesses and the
reporting requirements of the Department of Labor and Employment
 Understand the causes of accidents, identify existing/potential safety and health
hazards and risks at work, and the mechanisms to prevent these hazards and risks
 Describe the effects of OSH hazards on the worker
 Enumerate the effects of occupational illnesses/accidents to the workers,
workplace, community, and society
 Determine the appropriate control measures to prevent hazards and risks
 Conduct a simulated safety and health audit through a site/plant visit
 Describe the roles/functions of the supervisor in promoting an OSH-friendly
environment in his/her organization
 Describe the components of a health and safety program
 List and describe the benefits of an OSH-friendly environment, the different
government organizations and non-governmental organizations, private and
academic institutions that promote, regulate OSH and how they can network with
 Develop a personal re-entry plan

These objectives can be attained by understanding OSH, why we need to learn key
concepts in prevention and how we can respond to existing and potential hazards that
affect the human body, personal lives, families and communities.

Basic Occupational Health and Safety (Lecture) – Learning Module

What is Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)?

Occupational safety and health is a discipline with a broad scope involving three major
fields – Occupational Safety, Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene.

 Occupational safety deals with understanding the causes of accidents at work

and ways to prevent unsafe act and unsafe conditions in any workplace. Safety
at work discusses concepts on good housekeeping, proper materials handling
and storage, machine safety, electrical safety, fire prevention and control,
safety inspection, and accident investigation.
 Occupational health is a broad concept which explains how the different
hazards and risks at work may cause an illness and emphasizes that health
programs are essential in controlling work-related and/or occupational
 Industrial hygiene discusses the identification, evaluation, and control of
physical, chemical, biological and ergonomic hazards.

In its broadest sense, OSH aims at:

 the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and
social well-being of workers in all occupations;
 the prevention of adverse health effects of the working conditions;
 the placing and maintenance of workers in an occupational environment adapted
to physical and mental needs;
 the adaptation of work to humans (and NOT the other way around).

In other words, occupational health and safety encompasses the social, mental and
physical well-being of workers, that is, the “whole person”.

Successful occupational health and safety practice requires the collaboration and
participation of both employers and workers in health and safety programs, and involves
the consideration of issues relating to occupational medicine, industrial hygiene,
toxicology, education, engineering safety, ergonomics, psychology, etc.

Occupational health issues are often given less attention than occupational safety
issues because the former are generally more difficult to confront. However, when health
is addressed, so is safety - a healthy workplace is by definition also a safe workplace.
The reverse, though, may not be true - a so-called safe workplace is not necessarily also
a healthy workplace. The important point is that both health and safety issues must be
addressed in every workplace.

Basic Occupational Health and Safety (Lecture) – Learning Module

The terms hazard and risk are often interchanged. Because you will be encountering
these throughout the course it is a must that you understand the difference between them.

Hazard – a source or situation with a potential to cause harm in terms of injury, ill health,
damage to property, damage to the environment or a combination of these.

Risk – a combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event with

specified period or in specified circumstances and the severity of injury or damage to the
health of people, property, environment or any combination of these caused by the event.

The hazards affecting the workplace under each major area should be detected,
identified, controlled and, at best, prevented from occurring by the safety and health
officer of the company. Occupational safety and health should be integrated in every step
of the work process, starting from storage and use of raw materials, the manufacture of
products, release of by-products, use of various equipment and ensuring a non-
hazardous or risk-free work environment.

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