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In Unit 5, you learn how to ...
use the simple past in statements and questions (review).
use time expressions to talk about the past.
use all, most, a lot of, a few, etc.
talk about memories of childhood, school, and your teenage years.
correct yourself with expressions like Wait, Actually, andI mean.

3 Before you begin..

Do you have memories like these? Do you remember

sleepovers with your friends? learning to swim?

na time you got into trouble? your first close friend?
Lesson AChildhood

Ramon That's a great baseball shirt, Ling.

Are you fronm Seattle?
Ling Um, kind of. I lived there, but
I wasn't born there.
Ramon Oh, yeah? Where were you born?
Ling In São Paulo, actualy.
Ramon São Paulo? Brazil?
Ling Yeah. My parents were born in
Hong Kong, but they moved to
São Paulo in 1986, just before
was born.
Ramon Wow. How long did you live there?
Ling Until 1 was six. Then we moved to
the U.S.
Ramon To Seatle?
Ling Yeah. We lived there for ten
years, and we came here to San
Francisco about three years ago.
Ramon Huh. So did you grow up bilingual?
Ling Well, we always spoke Chinese
at home. I couldn't speak English
until I went to school. And actually,
can still speak a little Portuguese.

Getting starte
AListen. Where was Ling born? Where does she live now? Practice the conversation.

H outBBOCan you complete the sentences? Use the conversation above to help you.
1. Ling's family left Hong Kong. 1986.
2. Ling lived in São Paulo. six years.
3. Her family stayed there she was six.
4. They moved to Seattle. they came to San Francisco.
5. They moved to San Francisco three years.
2 Grammar be born; Simple past (review); time expressionsni Giowing up
Where were you born? Where were your parents born?
was born in São Pauio They were born in Hong Kong
I wasn't born in Seate. They weren't born in the U.S.

Did you live there for a long time? How long did you live in São Paulo?
Yes, ( did). I lived there for six years We lived there until I was six. From 1986 to 1992.
No, (1 didn't). I didn't live there long We didn't leave until 1992. Then we came to the U.S.
Did she move here last year? When did they come here?
Yes, (she did). She moved in May They came here about three years ago.
No, (she didn't). She moved in 2002. They came when Ling was sixteen.

A Complete the sentences with time expressions so they Saying years

are true for you. Then compare with a partner. 1906 "Nineteen oh-six"
1. I learned to ride a bicycle in 1188 when w a s seven_ 1988 ="Nineteen eighty-eight"
2007 "Two thousand (and) seven"
2. My best friend was born. ago, in_
3. I played a musical instrument for. 2015 "Twentyfifteen
4. I went to elementary school until
5. My family last went on vacation together in when

B Complete the questions. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner.

1. Where. your mother born? 4. you and your best friend ever fight?
your father born there, too? you ever get in trouble?

2. Where you grow up? 5. Who took care of you when you. little?
-you born there? - your mother have a job?

3. Who your best friend in school?

How long you best friends?

3 Speaking naturally did you

Where did you go on vacation? What did you do? Did you have fun?

A Listen and repeat the questions above. Notice the ways of saying did you.

About B Listen and complete the questions about your childhood vacations.
Then ask and answer the questions with a partner.

When you were a child,.

1. Did you 4. How long did you .
2. Where did you . 5. Did you
3. Who did you 6. What did you .

Lesson B
Favorite classesS
1 Building language
A Listen. What languages did these peoplestudy in school?

What languages did you learn in school?

All the students in my high Well years ago, most people
school had to take English- learned RusSsian and only a
it was required. And I few people took English.
needed English to get studied both. (Warsaw)
into my university. (Toky0)
Keiko Mirka

I took Spanish last year, and A lot of my classmates dropped

most of my friends did, too. French after ninth grade. Almost
There are a lot of Spanish all of them except me. But then
speakers around here, so Jater, some of them had to take
it's kind of useful. evening classes because they
Brad (Los Angeles) Paul needed it for work. (Lagos)

Figure B Circle the correct expression to complete these sentences. Are they true for you?
it out
1. Most / Most of my friends are fluent in English. 2. A few I A few of people in my city know Russian.

2 Grammar Determiners
All children learn a language.
Most Canadians need French.
(of) the children inmy town take English. All of them.
Most of the people in my office know French. Most of us.
Some students take Spanish.
A few people are good at Latin.
Some of
A few of
the students in
my class take Greek.
my classmates got As.
Some of us.

A few of them
No students like exams. None of my friends failed the exams. None of them
A lot of people speak English well. A lot of the people in this city speak English. A lot of them

a k e true sentences using determiners. Compare with a partner.
_my friends studied English in junior high school. People usuall say everybody
junior high school students take English. and nobody, not all people
2. Today employees need a second language for their jobs. Or no people.
my friends speak two languages.
. college students major in languages.
the colleges here teach several different languages.
students take two languages in high school.
In my class,
- u s studied
two languages
Unit 5 Growing up
3 Building vocabulary
A Listen and say the subjects. Can you think of other subjects and categories?
Which subjects are you interested in? Tell the class
music social studies Science
choir history chemistry
geography physics
Lorchestra -economics - biology

mathematics physical
geometry education (PE)
gymnastics art

Word: B Complete the chart with different subjects. Then compare with a partner.
/ liked...
I like I don't like / didn't like ... ldlike to study.
algebra geography

4 Survey What were yOur best subjecisz

A Class activity Complete the questions with different subjects. Then ask your classmates the
questions. Keep a tally of the answers. If you are still in high school, talk about last year.

Yes No Yes NO

Didyou study chemistry_? Were your Classes hard ?

Were you go0d at Did you enjoy

Did you get good grades in. Did you hate.

B Tell the class your results. What interesting information do you learn?

"Most of us studied chemistry. Onty a few peopte were good at physics...."

5 Vocabulary notebook Ihated math!

See page 52 for a new way to log and learn vocabulary.

Lesson C
Well, actually,..
1 Conversation strategy Correcting things you say
A Can you think of possibie ways to complete these replies?
A How old were you when you moved here? A Who took you to school on your first day?
B I was seven. Actualy, no, I was . BMymom. No, wait, my took me.

Now listen. What does Ben remember about his first day of school?

Ben Look at these old photos. My mom sent

them to me.
Jessica Oh, is this you?
Ben Yeah, with my best friend. We were
in kindergarten together.
Jessica Oh, ... you were cute! Do you
remember much about kindergarten?
Ben Not really. Well, I remember my first day
of school. Actually, I don't remember
the day, butl remember on the way
home I missed my bus stop.
Jessica Oh, no!
Ben Yeah. And I kept riding around until
was the last kid on the bus.
Jessica So how did you get home?
Ben Well, the teacher, I mean, the bus driver
had to call and find out my address and
everylhing, and he took me home.
Jessica So that was when you were five?
Ben Yeah. Uh. no, wait...
four. I started school early
I was only
Notice how Ben corrects the things he says with expressions like
these: Well;, Actually; No, wait. Find examples in the conversation. "No, wait... Iwas onlyfour.

B Match the sentences with the corrections. Then compare with a partner.

1. I don't remember anything about my childhood. e a. Actually, no, I was 11 when I quit.
b. Well, they were OK, but I was always
2. I started gymnastics when I was five. scare
3. T hated swimming lessons. c. Well, most of them, not all of them.
4. I lived with my grandparents for a year.. d. No, wait. I was six.
5. I played piano until I was ten. e. Well, actually, I remember a few things.
6. All my friends were very nice. f. No, wait. Actually, it was two years.

C Pair work Tell a partner three things about your childhood, but make a few SELFSTUDY
mistakes. Correct the information with Wel; Actually; or No, uait. CHO
Unit 5 Growingup
2 Strategy plus Imean Well, the teacher,
You can use l mean to
I mean, the bus
correct yourself when you
driver, had to..
say the wrong word or
name. This is just one
use of mean.

A Complete the questions by correcting the underlined

words. Use the words on the right. Mean is one of the top 100 words. About 90%
of its uses are in the expression I mean.
When you were a child,...
stuffed animals
1. Did you read a lot of cartoons,
I mean, comicbooks_? checkers
2. Did you have a motorbike. I mean, a
3. How often did you visit your parents, I mean, your. friend
4. Did you go skiing in the winter, I mean,- mountain bike
5. Were you afraid of cats, I mean, . skating
6. Did you have an imaginary classmate, I mean,_ comic books
7. Did you collect animals, I mean, dogs
8. Were you good at playing chess. I mean, . ggandparents
About B Pair work Ask and answer the questions. Continue your conversations.
"Did you reada lot of cartoons, I mean, comic books?" "Yes, I did. My favorite was.

3 Listening and speaking I don't remember exactly.

A Listen to people talk about their childhood memories. Underline the words
they correct. Write the corrections on the lines.
1. When I was three, we moved to another city for a few years. four
2. I played softball until I was in sixth grade, and thenI
got interested in other sports, like football.
3. My mother made clothes for me and my brother. One time, she made me
some dark blue shorts. They were awful.
4. I met my best friend in 1996. We were in high school together.
5. All the kids teased me in school because I had an unusual name.
But one kid was really nice to me..

Aboutou B Pair work Take turns telling memories of growing up. Ask questions to find out
****| more information.

"I got into trouble one time." "Oh? What did you do?

4 Free talk In thepast

See Free talk 5 for more speaking practice
LessonD Teenage years
1 Reading
A Brainstorm the word teenager! What do you think of? Make a class list.

teennger: pervties, loud music, Fights with pavents

B Read the interview. Which of Jennifer's answers are funny? Which are interesting?

What's your best
Jennifer Wilkin teenage years?
memory from your
I guess it was a
trip I took every summer with
my youth group. It was a time to travel, be with
close friends, and be
away from my parents.

And your worst?

I think going to school was the worst. I'm not a
social type, and it gave
of anxiety. me all kinds
What's one thing
Jennifer works
in publishing. about school? you remember
I remember that
We asked her about everybody tried to be different,
her memories of but they tried to be the same, also.
being a teenager. What was your favorite
My favorite subject was subject?
analyzing my friends. psychology.
I loved

Did you enjoy being a teenager? Were you ever in

It was I
trouble! Why?
mostly OK, but I
had some difficulties, got detention lots of times because I was late
like for school
everyone else. When you're a every morning, but I never got
you're unsure of
teenager, real trouble.
What How did you
were the fashions then? spend your free time?
I was a
teenager in the '80s, and so the clothes Actually, I spent a lot of time driving around
in friends' cars,
were very colorful. I was a fashion
rebel, we drove by.
honking at people's houses as
though I always

wore black, and I

wore a I also spent time reading.
lot of cheap silver
jewelry. Often I wore playing with my dog and cat, or tormenting
vintage clothing. my younger sister.

What do
What kind of music did you miss about your
you listen to? teenage days?
My tastes were varied-I was a classical
violinist, but I listened to NOTHING! Except my jeans size.
wave music. I had all my "weird"
rock and new
What's one piece of advice
cassette you
tapes, andI was never without them. would give to today's
Get off your teenagers?
computer, and turn off the TV!

Unit 5 Growing up
C Add these missing sentences to the interview with Jennifer. Write the numbers
in the spaces.

I tried my best to look different.

0 Ihave no idea now why we did that!
9I hardly ever listened to the radio.
Iwas always happy to get home, though.
And you're fit in.
5 always trying to

2 Listening A long time ago

Listen to Colin talk about being a teenager in England many years ago. Complete
the sentences by circling a, b,or c.

1. Colin was a teenager a. in the 40s. b. in the "50s. C. in the 60s.

2. He quit school when he was a. 13. b. 14. C. 15.
3. His first job was a. in a factory. b. in a store. C. on a farm.
4. His main interest was a. music. b. buying clothes. c. watching TV.
5. His main regret is that he a. spent a lot of money. b. didn't take classes. c. didn't have fun.

3 Writing An interview
A Write five interview questions to ask a classmate about
when he or she was younger. Leave spaces for the answers.

1. Did you get along with your pavents?

2. Were you a good student?

B Exchange your questions with a classmate. Write answers to your classmate's questions.

1. Dia you get along with your pavents? Help note

Yes, I did. l was busy, sol didnt see
Linking ideas: except (for), apart trom
them much. We agreed on most things We agreed on most things except for the car
except for the car. We had a lot of
We didn't agree on much apart from my best
fights about that. friend. They liked her.

C Pair work Now read your partner's answers. Ask questions to find out more information.

VOcabulary notepooOK
I hated math
Learning tip Grouping vocabulary Talk about school
You can group new vocabulary in different ways to help you
remember it. For example, group things you can or can't do, The top 4 school subjects
or things you are interested in or not interested in. people talk about are:
1 math 3. physics
2. Science 4. history
People say math almost 10 times
1 Complete the chart with these school subjects.
more than mathematics.
biology chemistry English geography history
math physics P.E. art music

Im /I was
good at.. I'm
not/ I wasn't very good at.. Ican't/I couldn't all.

2 Now complete this chart. Use the school subjects above, and add more.

like / liked... I hate /hated... Im not/ I wasn'treally interested in..

On your own
Walk around a large bookstore, and look at Irave?
the different sections. How many subjects
do you know in English?


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