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Product specification
IRB 6660
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Product specification
IRB 6660-100/3.3
IRB 6660-130/3.1
IRB 6660-205/1.9
Document ID: 3HAC028207-001
Revision: U

© Copyright 2004-2017 ABB. All rights reserved.

The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and should not
be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors
that may appear in this manual.
Except as may be expressly stated anywhere in this manual, nothing herein shall be
construed as any kind of guarantee or warranty by ABB for losses, damages to
persons or property, fitness for a specific purpose or the like.
In no event shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from
use of this manual and products described herein.
This manual and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without ABB's
written permission.
Keep for future reference.
Additional copies of this manual may be obtained from ABB.
Original instructions.

© Copyright 2004-2017 ABB. All rights reserved.

ABB AB, Robotics
Robotics and Motion
Se-721 68 Västerås
Table of contents

Table of contents
Overview of this product specification ............................................................................................. 7

1 Description 9
1.1 Structure ......................................................................................................... 9
1.1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 9
1.1.2 The Robot .............................................................................................. 12
1.2 Standards ........................................................................................................ 17
1.2.1 Applicable standards ............................................................................... 17
1.3 Installation ....................................................................................................... 19
1.3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 19
1.3.2 Operating requirements ............................................................................ 20
1.3.3 Mounting the manipulator ......................................................................... 21
1.4 Calibration and references .................................................................................. 26
1.4.1 Calibration methods ................................................................................. 26
1.4.2 Fine calibration with Calibration Pendulum ................................................... 28
1.4.3 Absolute Accuracy calibration ................................................................... 29
1.4.4 Robot references .................................................................................... 31
1.5 Load diagrams .................................................................................................. 33
1.5.1 Introduction to Load diagrams ................................................................... 33
1.5.2 Load diagrams ........................................................................................ 34
1.5.3 Maximum load and moment of inertia for full and limited axis 5 (center line down)
movement .............................................................................................. 40
1.5.4 Wrist torque ........................................................................................... 42
1.6 Mounting of equipment ....................................................................................... 43
1.6.1 General ................................................................................................. 43
1.6.2 Mounting of hip load ................................................................................ 45
1.7 Robot motion .................................................................................................... 49
1.7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 49
1.7.2 Performance according to ISO 9283 ............................................................ 53
1.7.3 Velocity ................................................................................................. 54
1.7.4 Stopping distance/time ............................................................................. 55
1.8 Customer connections ....................................................................................... 56
1.8.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 56
1.9 Cooling fan for axis 1 and 2 motor ........................................................................ 60
1.9.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 60
1.10 Maintenance and Troubleshooting ........................................................................ 61
1.10.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 61

2 Variants and options 63

2.1 Introduction to variants and options ...................................................................... 63
2.2 Manipulator ...................................................................................................... 64
2.2.1 Protection type ....................................................................................... 65
2.3 Equipment ....................................................................................................... 69
2.4 Floor cables ..................................................................................................... 71
2.5 Process ........................................................................................................... 72
2.6 Connector Kits .................................................................................................. 73

3 Accessories 75
3.1 Introduction to accessories ................................................................................. 75

Index 77

Product specification - IRB 6660 5

3HAC028207-001 Revision: U
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Overview of this product specification

Overview of this product specification

About this product specification
It describes the performance of the manipulator or a complete family of manipulators
in terms of:
• The structure and dimensional prints
• The fulfilment of standards, safety and operating requirements
• The load diagrams, mounting of extra equipment, the motion and the robot
• The specification of variant and options available

Product specifications are used to find data and performance about the product,
for example to decide which product to buy. How to handle the product is described
in the product manual.

It is intended for:
• Product managers and Product personnel
• Sales and Marketing personnel
• Order and Customer Service personnel


Reference Document ID
Product specification - Controller IRC5 3HAC047400-001
IRC5 with main computer DSQC1000.
Product specification - Controller software IRC5 3HAC048264-001
IRC5 with main computer DSQC1000 and RobotWare 5.6x.
Product specification - Controller software IRC5 3HAC050945-001
IRC5 with main computer DSQC1000 and RobotWare 6.
Product manual - IRB 6660 3HAC028197-001
Product specification - Robot user documentation, IRC5 with RobotWare 3HAC052355-001


Revision Description
- - New product specification
A - New robot variant, IRB 6660-205/1.9, added
B - Changes for Calibration data
- Work range
- Explanation of ISO values (new figure and table)
- Stopping distance
- User documentation on DVD

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Product specification - IRB 6660 7
3HAC028207-001 Revision: U
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Overview of this product specification

Revision Description
C - General update for 9.1 release
D - Foundry Plus 2
E - Updated Foundry Plus 2 text
- ISO-Cube
F - Text for Standards updated
G - Some ISO-data adjusted/added and minor corrections
H • Table for ambient temperature adjusted
• Minor corrections
J • Machinery directive updated
• Minor corrections/update
K • Base plate drawing updated
• Info regarding performance for IRB 6660-205/1.9 added.
• Drawing for reference holes updated
• Minor corrections/update
L • New variant, IRB 6660-100/3.3 added
• Minor corrections/update
M • Minor corrections/update

N • Text for ISO test adjusted

• Minor corrections/update
P • Text for Foundry Plus updated.
• Minor corrections/update
Q • Measures for working range IRB 6660-100/3.3 added
• Minor corrections/update
R • Axis Calibration method added

S • Air connection type on axis 3 (R2) changed from R1/2” to M22x1.5,

24 ° seal. See Customer connections/Parallel communication.
T Published in release R17.1. The following updates are done in this revision:
• Restriction of load diagram added.
U Published in release R17.2. The following updates are done in this revision:
• Updated list of applicable standards.
• Clarify only 435-83 IRB 6660-205/1.9 can be ordered with Foundry
Plus 2. See Variants and options on page 63.

8 Product specification - IRB 6660

3HAC028207-001 Revision: U
© Copyright 2004-2017 ABB. All rights reserved.
1 Description
1.1.1 Introduction

1 Description
1.1 Structure

1.1.1 Introduction

Robot family
The IRB 6660 is one of ABB Robotics generation of high payload, high performance
industrial robots.
Based on the famous IRB 6600 robot family, the very high wrist torque, the service
friendly modular built up and the very high availability, significant for ABB’s robots,
the IRB 6660 robot family goes even further, towards the excellence as a flexible
tooling in automatic manufacturing.
With a focus on the very high robot performance, simple service and low
maintenance cost, the IRB 6660-130/3.1 and IRB 6660-100/3.3 are the most
profitable alternatives in automation of Press Tending applications and IRB
6660-205/1.9 is adapted for Pre-machining and cleaning of aluminium castings.

Software product range

We have added a range of software products - all falling under the umbrella
designation of Active Safety - to protect not only personnel in the unlikely event
of an accident, but also robot tools, peripheral equipment and the robot itself.

Operating system
The robot is equipped with the IRC5 controller and robot control software,
RobotWare. RobotWare supports every aspect of the robot system, such as motion
control, development and execution of application programs, communication etc.
See Product specification - Controller IRC5 with FlexPendant.

Safety standards valid for complete robot, manipulator and controller.

Additional functionality
For additional functionality, the robot can be equipped with optional software for
application support - for example gluing and welding, communication features -
network communication - and advanced functions such as multitasking, sensor
control etc. For a complete description on optional software, see the Product
specification - Controller software IRC5.

Performance IRB 6660-205/1.9

IRB 6660-205/1.9 is designed for pre-machining process applications.
The maximum allowed acceleration is lower than on traditional robots and all servo
gains are higher in order to increase the robot stiffness. The IRB 6660-205/1.9
includes friction compensation capabilities by default.

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Product specification - IRB 6660 9
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1 Description
1.1.1 Introduction

If upgrading an IRB 6660-205/1.9 with RobotWare 5.15 or later, it is recommended

to test the default motion tuning, delivered with the robot, before considering any
modification of the tuning for the actual installation, as further increasing the servo
gains may risk oscillations.
The new tuning is availble from November 2012, in RW 5.15.

Protection type Foundry Plus 2

Robots with the option Foundry Plus 2 are designed for harsh environments where
the robot is exposed to sprays of coolants, lubricants and metal spits that are
typical for die casting applications or other similar applications.
Typical applications are spraying insertion and part extraction of die-casting
machines, handling in sand casting and gravity casting, etc. (Please refer to Foundry
Prime robots for washing applications or other similar applications). Special care
must be taken in regard to operational and maintenance requirements for
applications in foundry are as well as in other applications areas. Please contact
ABB Robotics Sales organization if in doubt regarding specific application feasibility
for the Foundry Plus 2 protected robot.
The robot is painted with two-component epoxy on top of a primer for corrosion
protection. To further improve the corrosion protection additional rust preventive
are applied to exposed and crucial areas, e.g. has the tool flange a special
preventive coating. Although, continuous splashing of water or other similar rust
formation fluids may cause rust attach on the robots unpainted areas, joints, or
other unprotected surfaces. Under these circumstances it is recommended to add
rust inhibitor to the fluid or take other measures to prevent potential rust formation
on the mentioned.
The entire robot is IP67 compliant according to IEC 60529 - from base to wrist,
which means that the electrical compartments are sealed against water and solid
contaminants. Among other things all sensitive parts are better protected than the
standard offer.
Selected Foundry Plus 2 features:
• Improved sealing to prevent penetration into cavities to secure IP67
• Additional protection of cabling and electronics
• Special covers that protect cavities
• Well-proven connectors
• Nickel coated tool flange
• Rust preventives on screws, washers and unpainted/machined surfaces
• Extended service and maintenance program
The Foundry Plus 2 robot can be cleaned with appropriate washing equipment
according to the robot product manual. Appropriate cleaning and maintenance is
required to maintain the protection, for example can rust preventive be washed off
with wrong cleaning method.

Available robot versions

The option Foundry Plus 2 might not be available for all robot versions.

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10 Product specification - IRB 6660
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1 Description
1.1.1 Introduction

See Variants and options on page 63 for robot versions and other options not
selectable together with Foundry Plus 2.

Manipulator axes


Product specification - IRB 6660 11

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1 Description
1.1.2 The Robot

1.1.2 The Robot

The IRB 6660 is available in three versions.
Robot Type Handling capacity (kg) Reach (m)
IRB 6660 130 kg 3.1 m
IRB 6660 100 kg 3.3 m
IRB 6660 205 kg 1.9 m

Manipulator weight

Robot type Weight

IRB 6660-130/3.1 1910 kg
IRB 6660-100/3.3 1950 kg
IRB 6660-205/1.9 1730 kg

Other technical data

Data Description Note

Airborne noise level The sound pressure level out- < 69 dB(A) Leq (acc. to Machinery
side the working space. directive 2006/42/EG)

Power consumption at max load

Type of IRB 6660 (all variants)

-100/3.3 -130/3.1 -205/1.9
ISO Cube 1000 m/s 1.2 kW 1.6 kW 2.2 kW
ISO Cube Max. velocity 2.3 kW 3.1 kW 3.6 kW
Press tending cycle 1000 m/s 3.1 kW - -
Press tending cycle Max. velocity 4.7 kW 3.9 kW -

E1 E2

E4 E3

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12 Product specification - IRB 6660
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1 Description
1.1.2 The Robot

Pos IRB 6660-130/3.1 and -100/3.3 IRB 6660-205/1.9

A 1000 mm 630 mm

Dimensions IRB 6660-130/3.1


Pos Description
A Forklift width 750 mm
B Max working range
C Mechanical stop
D Max working range
E R710, Radius for motor axis 3
R750, Right fork lift pocket

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Product specification - IRB 6660 13
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1 Description
1.1.2 The Robot

Dimensions IRB 6660-100/3.3

1211 (C)

1131 (D) 1755,5 200

3092 (B)



726 300
170 584 (A) 600 (A)


Pos Description
A Forklift width 750 mm
B Max working range
C Mechanical stop
D Max working range
E R710, Radius for motor axis 3
R750, Right fork lift pocket

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14 Product specification - IRB 6660
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1 Description
1.1.2 The Robot

Dimensions IRB 6660-205/1.9


Pos Description
A Forklift width 750 mm
B Max working range
C Max working range
D R710, Radius for motor axis 3
R750, Right fork lift pocket

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1 Description
1.1.2 The Robot

Chip protection, IRB 6660-205/1.9


Type Description
Chip protec- The protection prevents chips created at applications as for instance, de-
tion (B) burring, sawing and milling to be accumulated on the robot and secure its
movable functionality.
Mandatory for IRB 6660-205/1.9.
See Figure above. Not available for IRB 6660-130/3.1

16 Product specification - IRB 6660

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1 Description
1.2.1 Applicable standards

1.2 Standards

1.2.1 Applicable standards


The listed standards are valid at the time of the release of this document. Phased
out or replaced standards are removed from the list when needed.

Standards, EN ISO
The product is designed in accordance with the requirements of:
Standard Description
EN ISO 12100:2010 Safety of machinery - General principles for design - Risk as-
sessment and risk reduction
EN ISO 13849-1:2015 Safety of machinery, safety related parts of control systems -
Part 1: General principles for design
EN ISO 13850:2015 Safety of machinery - Emergency stop - Principles for design
EN ISO 10218-1:2011 Robots for industrial environments - Safety requirements -Part
1 Robot
ISO 9787:2013 Robots and robotic devices -- Coordinate systems and motion
ISO 9283:1998 Manipulating industrial robots, performance criteria, and related
test methods
EN ISO 14644-1:2015 i Classification of air cleanliness
EN ISO 13732-1:2008 Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Part 1
EN 61000-6-4:2007 + EMC, Generic emission
IEC 61000-6-4:2006 +
(option 129-1)
EN 61000-6-2:2005 EMC, Generic immunity
IEC 61000-6-2:2005
EN IEC 60974-1:2012 ii Arc welding equipment - Part 1: Welding power sources
EN IEC 60974-10:2014 ii Arc welding equipment - Part 10: EMC requirements
EN IEC 60204-1:2006 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part
1 General requirements
IEC 60529:1989 + A2:2013 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)
i Only robots with protection Clean Room.
ii Only valid for arc welding robots. Replaces EN IEC 61000-6-4 for arc welding robots.

European standards

Standard Description
EN 614-1:2006 + A1:2009 Safety of machinery - Ergonomic design principles - Part 1:
Terminology and general principles

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1 Description
1.2.1 Applicable standards

Standard Description
EN 574:1996 + A1:2008 Safety of machinery - Two-hand control devices - Functional
aspects - Principles for design

Other standards

Standard Description
ANSI/RIA R15.06 Safety requirements for industrial robots and robot systems
ANSI/UL 1740 Safety standard for robots and robotic equipment
CAN/CSA Z 434-14 Industrial robots and robot Systems - General safety require-

18 Product specification - IRB 6660

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1 Description
1.3.1 Introduction

1.3 Installation

1.3.1 Introduction

The IRB 6660 should be mounted on to the floor (no tilting allowed around X-axis
or Y-axis). A tool or an end effector with max. weight of 100, 130 or 205 kg including
payload, can be mounted on the robot tool flange (axis 6). SeeLoad diagrams on
page 33.

Extra loads
For IRB 6660-130/3.1 and IRB 6660-100/3.3 can an extra load of 20 kg be mounted
on to the upper arm, at a payload of maximum 130 or 100 kg, for IRB 6660-205/1.9
can an extra load of 15 kg be mounted on to the upper arm, at a payload of
maximum 205 kg. An extra load of 500 kg can also be mounted on to the frame.
See Mounting of equipment on page 43.

Working range limitation

The working range of axis 1 can be limited by mechanical stops as options. See
Equipment on page 69, working range limit. All main axes can also be limited by
using EPS (Electronic Position Switches (option).

Product specification - IRB 6660 19

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1 Description
1.3.2 Operating requirements

1.3.2 Operating requirements

Protection standards

Robot version/ Protection standard IEC60529

All variants, manipulator IP67

Explosive environments
The robot must not be located or operated in an explosive environment.

Ambient temperature

Description Standard/Option Temperature

Manipulator during op- Standard + 5°C a) (41°F) to + 50°C
eration (122°F) b)
For the controller Standard/Option See Product specification - Control-
ler IRC5 with FlexPendant
Complete robot during Standard - 25°C (- 13°F) to + 55°C (131°F)
transportation and
For short periods (not Standard up to + 70°C (158°F)
exceeding 24 hours)

a) At low environmental temperature < 10 o C is, as with any other machine, a

warm-up phase recommended to be run with the robot. Otherwise there is a risk
that the robot stops or run with lower performance due to temperature dependent
oil- and grease viscosity.
b) Max ambient temperature in a high speed press tending cycle, + 40°C.

Relative humidity

Description Relative humidity

Complete robot during transportation and storage Max. 95% at constant temperature
Complete robot during operation Max. 95% at constant temperature

20 Product specification - IRB 6660

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1 Description
1.3.3 Mounting the manipulator

1.3.3 Mounting the manipulator

Maximum Load
Maximum load in relation to the base coordinate system.
Floor Mounted
Force Endurance load (in operation) Max. load (emergency stop)
Force xy ± 7.6 kN (IRB 6660 - 100/3.3) ± 12.8 kN (IRB 6660 - 100/3.3)
± 8.5 kN (IRB 6660 - 130/3.1) ± 16.1 kN (IRB 6660 - 130/3.1)
± 7.9 kN (IRB 6660 - 205/1.9) ± 14.9 kN (IRB 6660 - 205/1.9)
Force z 18.5 ± 3.7 kN (IRB 6660 - 100/3.3) 18.5 ± 7.4 kN (IRB 6660 - 100/3.3)
18.8 ± 8.4 kN (IRB 6660 - 130/3.1) 18.8 ±12.8 kN (IRB 6660 - 130/3.1)
18.0 ± 4.4 kN (IRB 6660 - 205/1.9) 18.0 ±7.7 kN (IRB 6660 - 205/1.9)
Torque xy ± 24.4 kNm (IRB 6660 - 100/3.3) ± 33.4 kNm (IRB 6660 - 100/3.3)
± 25.6 kNm (IRB 6660 - 130/3.1) ± 37.2 kNm (IRB 6660 - 130/3.1)
± 19.6 kNm (IRB 6660 - 205/1.9) ± 32.4 kNm (IRB 6660 - 205/1.9)
Torque z ± 7.6 kNm (IRB 6660 - 100/3.3) ± 14.5 kNm (IRB 6660 - 100/3.3)
± 10.3 kNm (IRB 6660 - 130/3.1) ± 19.3 kNm (IRB 6660 - 130/3.1)
± 7.1 kNm (IRB 6660 - 205/1.9) ± 14.7 kNm (IRB 6660 - 205/1.9)


Note regarding Mxy and Fxy

The bending torque (Mxy) can occur in any direction in the XY-plane of the base
coordinate system.

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1 Description
1.3.3 Mounting the manipulator

The same applies to the transverse force (Fxy).


When using Base spacers (option 571-1) the Torque xy on the floor is 28 kNm
for Endurance load in operation and 42 kNm for Max. load at emergency stop.
The other values above are the same as without Base spacers.

Fastening holes robot base



Recommended screws for fastening the ma- M24 x 140 8.8 with 4 mm flat washer
nipulator to the base
Torque value 725 Nm

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22 Product specification - IRB 6660
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1 Description
1.3.3 Mounting the manipulator


Only two guiding sleeves shall be used. The corresponding holes in the base
plate shall be circular and oval according to the next two Figures.

Regarding AbsAcc performance, the chosen guide holes according to Figure above
and last Figure in this chapter are recommended.

Base plate drawing

The following figure shows the option base plate (dimensions in mm).
2x R525


B 487,01

(Ø 8 455


F 12x M24 A E
2x 450

Ø1 A







2x 50x45º



(2 3x
) 45
0.3 Common Zone
E, F, G, H



A-A 45
Ø 45P7 º B-B

47 +0
0 ,5

3x R1

5 2,

0,25 c

) (2x R22,5)

3x 90º 1,6



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Product specification - IRB 6660 23
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1 Description
1.3.3 Mounting the manipulator

E, F, G, H Common tolerance zone (accuracy all over the base plate from one contact
surface to the other)

358 (2x)

861 (2x)
Ø16 (5x)

Ø22 (16x)

923 (4x)
813 800




137 150

45 27 (4x)
0 0

947 (2x)
37 (2x)
87 (2x)

630 (2x)

991 (2x)
450 (2x)
293 (2x)

813 (2x)




831 840,9
708,9 699,5

625 (2x)

R50 (12x) 4x Ø18.

325 (2x)

241,1 250,5
119 109,1

0 0
790 (2x)

874,6 (2x)
290 (2x)

706 (2x)


Pos Description
A Color: RAL 9005
Thickness: 80-100 µm
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24 Product specification - IRB 6660
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1 Description
1.3.3 Mounting the manipulator


Pos Description
A Guide sleeve protected from corrosion

Product specification - IRB 6660 25

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1 Description
1.4.1 Calibration methods

1.4 Calibration and references

1.4.1 Calibration methods

This section specifies the different types of calibration and the calibration methods
that are supplied by ABB.

Types of calibration

Type of calibration Description Calibration method

Standard calibration The calibrated robot is positioned at calibration Axis Calibration or Cal-
position. ibration Pendulum i
Standard calibration data is found on the SMB
(serial measurement board) or EIB in the robot.
For robots with RobotWare 5.04 or older, the
calibration data is delivered in a file, calib.cfg,
supplied with the robot at delivery. The file
identifies the correct resolver/motor position
corresponding to the robot home position.
Absolute accuracy Based on standard calibration, and besides CalibWare
calibration (option- positioning the robot at synchronization posi-
al) tion, the Absolute accuracy calibration also
compensates for:
• Mechanical tolerances in the robot
• Deflection due to load
Absolute accuracy calibration focuses on pos-
itioning accuracy in the Cartesian coordinate
system for the robot.
Absolute accuracy calibration data is found
on the SMB (serial measurement board) in the
For robots with RobotWare 5.05 or older, the
absolute accuracy calibration data is delivered
in a file, absacc.cfg, supplied with the robot at
delivery. The file replaces the calib.cfg file and
identifies motor positions as well as absolute
accuracy compensation parameters.
A robot calibrated with absolute accuracy has
a sticker next to the identification plate of the
To regain 100% absolute accuracy perform-
ance, the robot must be recalibrated for abso-
lute accuracy!


i The robot is calibrated by either Calibration Pendulum or Axis Calibration at factory. Always use
the same calibration method as used at the factory.
Information about valid calibration method is found on the calibration label or in the calibration
menu on the FlexPendant.
If no data is found related to standard calibration, Calibration Pendulum is used as default.

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26 Product specification - IRB 6660
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1 Description
1.4.1 Calibration methods

Brief description of calibration methods

Axis Calibration method
The following routines are available for the Axis Calibration method:
• Fine calibration
• Update revolution counters
• Reference calibration
The calibration equipment for Axis Calibration is delivered as a toolkit.
The calibration is described in the product manual for the robot.

Calibration Pendulum method

Calibration Pendulum is a standard calibration method for calibration of many of
ABB robots.
Two different routines are available for the Calibration Pendulum method:
• Calibration Pendulum II
• Reference calibration
The calibration equipment for Calibration Pendulum is delivered as a complete
toolkit, including the Operating manual - Calibration Pendulum, which describes
the method and the different routines further.

CalibWare - Absolute Accuracy calibration

To achieve a good positioning in the Cartesian coordinate system, Absolute
Accuracy calibration is used as a TCP calibration. The CalibWare tool guides
through the calibration process and calculates new compensation parameters.
This is further detailed in the Application manual - CalibWare Field 5.0.
If a service operation is done to a robot with the option Absolute Accuracy, a new
absolute accuracy calibration is required in order to establish full performance.
For most cases after motor and transmission replacements that do not include
taking apart the robot structure, standard calibration is sufficient. Standard
calibration also supports wrist exchange.

Product specification - IRB 6660 27

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1 Description
1.4.2 Fine calibration with Calibration Pendulum

1.4.2 Fine calibration with Calibration Pendulum

Fine calibration can be made using the Calibration Pendulum, see Operating
manual - Calibration Pendulum.



Calibration Position
Calibration of all axes All axes are in zero position
Calibration of axis 1 and 2 Axis 1 and 2 in zero position
Axis 3 to 6 in any position
Calibration of axis 1 Axis 1 in zero position
Axis 2 to 6 in any position

28 Product specification - IRB 6660

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1 Description
1.4.3 Absolute Accuracy calibration

1.4.3 Absolute Accuracy calibration

Requires RobotWare option Absolute Accuracy, please see Product specification
- Controller software IRC5/RobotWare for more details.

The calibration concept

Absolute Accuracy (AbsAcc) is a calibration concept, which ensures a TCP absolute
accuracy of better than ± 1 mm in the entire working range.
Absolute accuracy compensates for:
• Mechanical tolerances in the robot structure
• Deflection due to load
Absolute accuracy calibration is focusing on positioning accuracy in the cartesian
coordinate system for the robot. It also includes load compensation for deflection
caused by the tool and equipment. Tool data from robot program is used for this
purpose. The positioning will be within specified performance regardless of load.

Calibration data
The user is supplied with robot calibration data (compensation parameters saved
on the manipulator SMB) and a certificate that shows the performance (Birth
certificate). The difference between an ideal robot and a real robot without AbsAcc
may reach up to 8 mm, resulting from mechanical tolerances and deflection in the
robot structure.
If there is a difference, at first start-up, between calibration data in controller and
the robot SMB, correct by copying data from SMB to controller.

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1 Description
1.4.3 Absolute Accuracy calibration

Absolute Accuracy option

Absolute Accuracy option is integrated in the controller algorithms for compensation
of this difference and does not need external equipment or calculation.
Absolute Accuracy is a RobotWare option and includes an individual calibration
of the robot (mechanical arm).
Absolute Accuracy is a TCP calibration in order to reach a good positioning in the
Cartesian coordinate system.


Production data
Typical production data regarding calibration are:
Robot Positioning accuracy (mm)
Average Max % Within 1 mm
IRB 6660-130/3.1 0.5 mm 1.14 mm 98 %
IRB 6660-100/3.3
IRB 6660-205/1.9

30 Product specification - IRB 6660

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1 Description
1.4.4 Robot references

1.4.4 Robot references

The holes shown in figure below are used for measuring the robot position when
integrated in a production cell.
The holes are not available for option Foundry Plus.

° (x

R= 315


Ø 24 (x1)
Ø 24 (x4)

Ø 12H8 12 (x4) Ø12H8 12 (x1)





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1 Description
1.4.4 Robot references

Tool flange




Robot Radius X (mm) for references on tool flange

IRB 6660-130/3.1 R=87,5
IRB 6660-100/3.3 R=87,5
IRB 6660-205/1.9 R=87,5

32 Product specification - IRB 6660

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1 Description
1.5.1 Introduction to Load diagrams

1.5 Load diagrams

1.5.1 Introduction to Load diagrams



It is very important to always define correct actual load data and correct payload
of the robot. Incorrect definitions of load data can result in overloading of the
If incorrect load data and/or loads are outside load diagram is used the following
parts can be damaged due to overload:
• motors
• gearboxes
• mechanical structure


In the robot system is the service routine LoadIdentify available, which allows
the user to make an automatic definition of the tool and load, to determine correct
load parameters. Please see Operating Manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant, art. No.
3HAC16590-1, for detailed information.


Robots running with incorrect load data and/or with loads outside diagram, will
not be covered by robot warranty.

The load diagrams include a nominal payload inertia, J0 of 15 kgm 2 , and an extra
load of 20 kg (IRB 6660-130/3.1 and IRB 6660-100/3.3) and 15 kg (IRB 6660-205/1.9)
at the upper arm housing.
At different moment of inertia the load diagram will be changed. For robots that
are allowed tilted, wall or inverted mounted, the load diagrams as given are valid
and thus it is also possible to use RobotLoad within those tilt and axis limits.

Control of load case by "RobotLoad"

To easily control a specific load case, use the calculation program ABB RobotLoad.
Contact your local ABB organization for more information.
The result from RobotLoad is only valid within the maximum loads and tilt angles.
There is no warning if the maximum permitted armload is exceeded. For over load
cases and special applications, contact ABB for further analysis.

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1 Description
1.5.2 Load diagrams

1.5.2 Load diagrams

IRB 6660-130/3.1

80 kg

90 kg

0,80 100 kg

0,70 110 kg

0,60 115 kg

0,50 120 kg
Z- (m)

125 kg

130 kg
135 kg
140 kg



0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70


L- (m)


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34 Product specification - IRB 6660
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1 Description
1.5.2 Load diagrams

IRB 6660-130/3.1“ Vertical Wrist” (±10 o )

10° 10°

L- (m) Z

0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6


150 kg
135 kg
120 kg
105 kg
90 kg
Z- (m)






For wrist down (0 o deviation from the vertical line).

Without extra arm load With 20 kg arm load

Max load 170 kg 150 kg
Zmax 0.414 m 0.496 m
Lmax 0.133 m 0.282 m

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1 Description
1.5.2 Load diagrams

IRB 6660-100/3.3


1,00 75 kg


0,80 80 kg

Z- (m)

85 kg

0,50 90 kg

95 kg

100 kg
105 kg

0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70

L- (m)


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36 Product specification - IRB 6660
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1 Description
1.5.2 Load diagrams

IRB 6660-100/3.3“ Vertical Wrist” (±10 o )

10° 10°

L- (m)

0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1,00 1,10 1,20 1,30 1,40 1,50 1,60 1,70 1,80 1,90


0,20 120 kg

105 kg 90 kg
75 kg



Z- (m)

1,00 55 kg










For wrist down (0 o deviation from the vertical line).

Without extra arm load With 20 kg arm load

Max load 132 kg 125 kg
Zmax 0.448 m 0.484 m
Lmax 0.103 m 0.119 m

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1 Description
1.5.2 Load diagrams

IRB 6660-205/1.9


75 kg


100 kg

0.60 125 kg

0.50 150 kg
Z- (m)

175 kg
205 kg





0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70

L- (m)


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1 Description
1.5.2 Load diagrams

IRB 6660-205/1.9“ Vertical Wrist” (±10 o )

10° 10°

L- (m) Z

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4


205 kg

175 kg

150 kg

125 kg

100 kg

Z- (m)





For wrist down (0 o deviation from the vertical line).

Without extra arm load With 15 kg arm load

Max load 220 kg 205 kg
Zmax 0.442 m 0.442 m
Lmax 0.582 m 0.574 m

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1 Description
1.5.3 Maximum load and moment of inertia for full and limited axis 5 (center line down) movement

1.5.3 Maximum load and moment of inertia for full and limited axis 5 (center line
down) movement



Total load given as: Mass in kg, center of gravity (Z and L) in meter and moment
of inertia (Jox, Joy, Joz ) in kgm 2 . L= ÷(X 2 + Y 2 ), see Figure below.

Full movement of axis 5

Axis Robot Type Maximum moment of inertia

5 IRB 6660-130/3.1 Ja5 = Load x ((Z + 0,200) 2 + L 2 ) + max (J0x, J0y) ≤ 250
kgm 2
IRB 6660-205/1.9 Ja5 = Load x ((Z + 0,200) 2 + L 2 ) + max (J0x, J0y) ≤ 250
kgm 2
IRB 6660-100/3.3 Ja5 = Load x ((Z + 0,200) 2 + L 2 ) + max (J0x, J0y) ≤ 250
kgm 2
6 IRB 6660-130/3.1 Ja6 = Load x L 2 + J0Z ≤ 185 kgm 2
IRB 6660-205/1.9 Ja6 = Load x L 2 + J0Z ≤ 185 kgm 2
IRB 6660-100/3.3 Ja6 = Load x L 2 + J0Z ≤ 185 kgm 2


Pos Description
A Center of gravity.

Jox, Joy, Joz Max. moment of inertia around the X, Y and Z axes at center of gravity.

Limited axis 5, center line down

Axis Robot Type Maximum moment of inertia

5 IRB 6660-130/3.1 Ja5 = Load x ((Z + 0,200) 2 + L 2 ) + max (Jox, Joy) ≤ 275
kgm 2
IRB 6660-205/1.9 Ja5 = Load x ((Z + 0,200) 2 + L 2 ) + max (Jox, Joy) ≤ 275
kgm 2
IRB 6660-100/3.3 Ja5 = Load x ((Z + 0,200) 2 + L 2 ) + max (Jox, Joy) ≤ 275
kgm 2

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1 Description
1.5.3 Maximum load and moment of inertia for full and limited axis 5 (center line down) movement

Axis Robot Type Maximum moment of inertia

6 IRB 6660-130/3.1 Ja6 = Load x L2 + Joz ≤ 250 kgm 2
IRB 6660-205/1.9 Ja6 = Load x L2 + Joz ≤ 250 kgm 2
IRB 6660-100/3.3 Ja6 = Load x L2 + Joz ≤ 250 kgm 2


Pos Description
A Center of gravity.

Jox, Joy, Joz Max. moment of inertia around the X, Y and Z axes at center of gravity.

Product specification - IRB 6660 41

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1 Description
1.5.4 Wrist torque

1.5.4 Wrist torque

The table below shows the maximum permissible torque due to payload


Note! The values are for reference only, and should not be used for calculating
permitted load offset (position of center of gravity) within the load diagram, since
those also are limited by main axes torques as well as dynamic loads. Also arm
loads will influence the permitted load diagram. For finding the absolute limits
of the load diagram, please use the ABB RobotLoad. Please contact your local
ABB organization.

Robot type Max wrist torque axis Max wrist torque axis Max torque valid at
4&5 6 load
IRB 6660-130/3.1 1037 Nm 526 Nm 105 kg
IRB 6660-100/3.3 918 Nm 472 Nm 75 kg
IRB 6660-205/1.9 1177 Nm 620 Nm 200 kg

42 Product specification - IRB 6660

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1 Description
1.6.1 General

1.6 Mounting of equipment

1.6.1 General

Extra loads can be mounted on the upper arm housing and on the frame. Definitions
of distances and mass are shown in Figure below. The robot is supplied with holes
for mounting extra equipment (see Figures in next chapter).

Upper arm
Allowed extra load on upper arm housing plus the maximum handling weight (see
Figure below):
M1 ≤ 20 or 15 kg with distance a ≤ 500 mm, center of gravity in axis 3 extension.


Pos Description
A Center of gravity for permitted extra load ≤ 20 kg for IRB 6660-130/3.1
Center of gravity for permitted extra load ≤ 15 kg for IRB 6660-205/1.9
Center of gravity for permitted extra load ≤ 20 kg for IRB 6660-100/3.3


Pos Description
A Center of gravity 20 kg or 15 kg

Frame (Hip Load)

Permitted extra load on frame JH = 200 kgm 2

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1 Description
1.6.1 General

Recommended position JH = JH0 + M4 x R 2
(see Figure below) where:
JH0 is the moment of inertia of the equipment
R is the radius (m) from the center of axis 1
M4 is the total mass (kg) of the equipment including
bracket and harness (≤ 500 kg)


Pos Description
A View from above
B View from the rear
R 710 mm

44 Product specification - IRB 6660

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1 Description
1.6.2 Mounting of hip load

1.6.2 Mounting of hip load

The extra load can be mounted on the frame. Holes for mounting see Figure below.
When mounting on the frame all the three holes (2x2, Ø16) on one side must be

Holes for mounting hip load on frame


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1 Description
1.6.2 Mounting of hip load

Holes for mounting extra equipment on upper arm


Robot variant A B C D
1. IRB 6660-130/3.1 1497.5 mm 190 mm 490 mm 128 mm
1. IRB 6660-100/3.3 1497.5 mm 190 mm 490 mm 128 mm
2. IRB 6660-205/1.9 885 mm 190 mm 490 mm 128 mm


Pos Description
A R750 Right fork lift pocket
B Mounting hole, upper arm M12 depth 20 (4x)

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1 Description
1.6.2 Mounting of hip load


Robot Tool Flange


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1 Description
1.6.2 Mounting of hip load

Pos Description
A Minimum thread length for screws in M12-hole is 9 mm.
B Ø 12 H7 Depth 15
C Ø 100 H7 Depth 8 min

For fastening of Gripper tool flange to Robot tool flange every other one of the bolt
holes for 6 bolts quality class 12.9 shall be used (see Figure above).

48 Product specification - IRB 6660

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1 Description
1.7.1 Introduction

1.7 Robot motion

1.7.1 Introduction

Type of Motion

Axis Type of motion Range of movement

IRB 6660-130/3.1 and IRB 6660-205/1.9
IRB 6660-100/3.3
1 Rotation motion + 180° to - 180° + 180° to - 180°
2 Arm motion + 85° to - 42° + 85° to - 42°
3 Arm motion + 120° to -20° + 120° to -20°
4 Wrist motion + 300° to - 300° + 300° to - 300°
5 Bend motion + 120° to - 120° + 120° to - 120°
6 Turn motion + 360° to - 360° default + 360° to - 360° default
Max. ± 150 Revolutions a Max. ± 96 Revolutions a

a. The default working range for axis 6 can be extended by changing parameter
values in the software. Option 610-1 “Independent axis” can be used for resetting
the revolution counter after the axis has been rotated (no need for “rewinding” the
Robot Type Handling capacity (kg) Reach (m)
IRB 6660-130/3.1 130 3.1


1211 (A) 763
1131 (B) 1505.5 200
3005 (C)










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1 Description
1.7.1 Introduction

Note Description
(A) Max. working range
(B) Mechanical stop
(C) Max. working range

Positions at wrist center

Pos No. see X Position (mm) Z Position (mm) Axis 2 Angle (de- Axis 3 Angle (de-
Figure above grees) grees)
A 1805,5 2374,5 0 0
B 763 2544 -42 -20
C 904 1306 -42 28
D 770 194 50 120
E 1065 -518 85 120
F 3102 807 85 15
G 2596 2415 50 -20

Robot Type Handling capacity (kg) Reach (m)

IRB 6660-100/3.3 100 3.3

1211 (A) 997

1131 (B) 1755,5 200




3092 (C)











Note Description
(A) Max. working range
(B) Mechanical stop
(C) Max. working range
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50 Product specification - IRB 6660
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1 Description
1.7.1 Introduction

Positions at wrist center

Pos No. see X Position (mm) Z Position (mm) Axis 2 Angle (de- Axis 3 Angle (de-
Figure above grees) grees)
A 2055,5 2374,5 0 0
B 997 2629 -42 -20
C 1125 1189 -42 28
D 645 -23 50 120
E 940 -734 85 120
F 3343 742 85 15
G 2834 2501 50 -20

Robot Type Handling capacity (kg) Reach (m)

IRB 6660-205/1.9 205 1.9


Note Description
(A) Max. working range

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1 Description
1.7.1 Introduction

Note Description
(B) Max. working range

Positions at wrist center

Pos No. see X Position (mm) Z Position (mm) Axis 2 Angle (de- Axis 3 Angle (de-
Figure above grees) grees)
A 1193 1794,5 0 0
B 575 1903,2 -42 -20
C 751,5 1162,7 -42 28
D 632,2 351,1 50 120
E 793,3 -37,9 85 120
F 1932,4 914,8 85 15
G 1579,6 1833 50 -20
H 1043,4 2083,2 0 -20
K 997,3 -60,4 85 107,4

52 Product specification - IRB 6660

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1 Description
1.7.2 Performance according to ISO 9283

1.7.2 Performance according to ISO 9283

At rated maximum load, maximum offset and 1.6 m/s velocity on the inclined ISO
test plane, with all six axes in motion. Values in the table below are the average
result of measurements on a small number of robots. The result may differ
depending on where in the working range the robot is positioning, velocity, arm
configuration, from which direction the position is approached, the load direction
of the arm system. Backlashes in gearboxes also affect the result.
The figures for AP, RP, AT and RT are measured according to figure below.


Pos Description Pos Description

A Programmed position E Programmed path
B Mean position at program D Actual path at program execution
AP Mean distance from pro- AT Max deviation from E to average path
grammed position
RP Tolerance of position B at re- RT Tolerance of the path at repeated
peated positioning program execution

IRB 6660 130/3.1 100/3.3 205/1.9

Pose accuracy, AP a (mm) 0.05 0.05 0.18
Pose repeatability, RP (mm) 0.11 0.10 0.07
Pose stabilization time, PSt (s) 0.69 1.41 0.18
Path accuracy, AT (mm) 1.88 2.07 2.47
Path repeatability, RT(mm) 0.88 1.08 0.61

a. AP according to the ISO test above, is the difference between the teached
position (position manually modified in the cell) and the average position obtained
during program execution.
The above values are the range of average test results from a number of robots.

Product specification - IRB 6660 53

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1 Description
1.7.3 Velocity

1.7.3 Velocity

Maximum axis speeds

Robot Type Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 Axis 4 Axis 5 Axis 6

IRB 6660-130/3.1 110°/s 130°/s 130°/s 150°/s 120°/s 240°/s
IRB 6660-100/3.3 110°/s 130°/s 123°/s 150°/s 120°/s 240°/s
IRB 6660-205/1.9 130°/s 130°/s 130°/s 150°/s 120°/s 190°/s

There is a supervision function to prevent overheating in applications with intensive

and frequent movements.

Axis Resolution
0.001° to 0.005°.

54 Product specification - IRB 6660

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1 Description
1.7.4 Stopping distance/time

1.7.4 Stopping distance/time

Stopping distance/time for emergency stop (category 0), program stop (category
1) and at mains power supply failure at max speed, max streched out and max
load, categories according to EN 60204-1. All results are from tests on one moving
axis. All stop distances are valid for floor mounted robot, without any tilting.
Robot type Category 0 Category 1 Main power failure
Axis A B A B A B
IRB 6660-130/3.1 1 33 0.6 52 0.9 36 0.6
IRB 6660-100/3.3 2 25 0.4 42 0.7 30 0.4
3 31 0.4 45 0.7 35 0.5
IRB 6660-205/1.9 1 31 0.46 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
2 18 0.25 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
3 24 0.34 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

A Stopping distance in degrees
B Stop time (s)

Product specification - IRB 6660 55

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1 Description
1.8.1 Introduction

1.8 Customer connections

1.8.1 Introduction

Customer connection in terms of Customer Power (CP), Customer Signals (CS)
and Air is an option. The cables and hoses are integrated in the robot and starts
at the robot base and ends on the upper arm housing, see Figure below.

Parallel and field bus communication, Can/DeviceNet (only IRB 6660-130/3.1 and -100/3.3)
The table shows the available type of wire/media with Can/DeviceNet.
Type At terminals At Connection Cable/part Allowed capacity
in cabinet point. Base or area
axis 4
Customer Power (CP)
Utility Power 2+2 2+2 0,5 mm 2 250 VAC, 5 A rms
Protective earth 1 0,5 mm 2 250 VAC
Customer Signals (CS)
Singnals twisted pair 14 14 (7x2) 0,24 mm 2 50 V DC, 1 A rms
Signals twisted pair and 4 4 (2x2) 0,24 mm 2 50 V DC, 1 A rms
separate shielded
Customer bus (CBus)
Bus signals At bus board 2 0,14 mm 2 Can/DeviceNet
Bus signals At bus board 2 0,24 mm 2 50 V DC, 1 A rms
Signals twisted pair 6 6 (3x2) 0,14 mm 2 50 V DC, 1 A rms
Servo motor signals
Servo motor power At drive 3 1,5 mm 2 600 VAC, 12 A rms
600 VAC
Protective earth At drive 1 1,5 mm 2 50 V DC, 1 A rms
Signals twisted pair for re- - 6 0,23 mm 2 50 V DC, 1 A rms
Brake - 2 0,23 mm 2 50 V DC, 1 A rms
Temperature control/PTC - 2 0,23 mm 2
Water, Air (PROC 1) 1 12,5 mm Max. air pressure
inner dia- 16 bar/230 PSI.
meter Max. water pres-
sure 10 bar/145

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56 Product specification - IRB 6660
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1 Description
1.8.1 Introduction

Parallel and field bus communication, Profibus (only IRB 6660-130/3.1 and -100/3.3)
The table shows the available type of wire/media with Profibus.
Type At terminals At Connection Cable/part Allowed capacity
in cabinet point. Base or area
axis 4
Customer Power (CP)
Utility Power 2+2 2+2 0,5 mm 2 250 VAC, 5 A rms
Protective earth 1 0,5 mm 2 250 VAC
Customer Signals (CS)
Signals twisted pair 16 16 (8x2) 0,24 mm 2 50 V DC, 1 A rms
Signals twisted pair and 4 4 (2x2) 0,24 mm 2 50 V DC, 1 A rms
separate shielded
Customer bus (CBus)
Bus signals At bus board 2 0,14 mm 2 Profibus 12Mbit/s
Signals twisted pair 6 6 (3x2) 0,14 mm 2 50 V DC, 1 A rms
Servo motor signals
Servo motor power At drive 3 1,5 mm 2 600 VAC, 12 A rms
Protective earth At drive 1 1,5 mm 2 600 VAC
Signals twisted pair for re- - 6 0,23 mm 2 50 V DC, 1 A rms
Brake - 2 0,23 mm 2 50 V DC, 1 A rms
Temperature control/PTC - 2 0,23 mm 2 50 V DC, 1 A rms
Water, Air (PROC 1) 1 12,5 mm Max. air pressure
inner dia- 16 bar/230 PSI.
meter Max. water pres-
sure 10 bar/145

Parallel communication (only IRB 6660-205/1.9)

The table shows the available type of wire/media for parallel communication +
application interface connection to manipulator (option 455-5).
Type Connection Connection Cable/part Allowed capacity
point at ter- point at base area
minals in and upper arm
cabinet house
Customer Power (CP)
Utility Power 2 0,5 mm 2 250 VAC, 5 A rms
Servo motor power 6 2,5 mm 2 600 VAC, 16 A rms
Protective earth 1 0,5 mm 2 250 VAC600 VAC
Protective earth 2 2,5 mm 2
Customer Signals (CS)
Signals twisted pair 16 (8x2) 0,24 mm 2 50 V DC, 1 A rms

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1 Description
1.8.1 Introduction

Type Connection Connection Cable/part Allowed capacity

point at ter- point at base area
minals in and upper arm
cabinet house
Signals twisted pair and 4 (2x2) 0,24 mm 2 50 V DC, 1 A rms
separate shielded
Water, Air (Proc 1) 1 12,5 mm Max. air pressure
inner dia- 16 bar/230 PSI.
meter Max. water pres-
sure 10 bar/145

Type Connection Connection Cable/part Allowed capacity

point at ter- point at base area
minals in and upper arm
cabinet house
Customer Power (CP)
Utility Power 4 4 0,5 mm 2 250 VAC, 5 A rms
Protective earth 1 0,5 mm 2 250 VAC
Customer Signals (CS)
Signals twisted pair 16 (8+2) 16 (8x2) 0,24 mm 2 50 V DC, 1 A rms
Signals twisted pair and 4 (2+2) 4 (2x2) 0,24 mm 2 50 V DC, 1 A rms
separate shielded
Water, Air (Proc 1) 1 12,5 mm Max. air pressure
inner dia- 16 bar/230 PSI.
meter Max. water pres-
sure 10 bar/145

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58 Product specification - IRB 6660
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1 Description
1.8.1 Introduction


Pos Description
A R2.CAIR M22x1.5, 24° seal
B IRB 6660-130/3.1 and -100/3.3: R2.CP/CS/CBUS/Servo motor signals
IRB 6660-205/1.9: R2.CP/CS

Option 458-1 Connector kit upper arm, offers a kit with customer connectors. This
must be assembled by the customer.

Product specification - IRB 6660 59

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1 Description
1.9.1 Introduction

1.9 Cooling fan for axis 1 and 2 motor

1.9.1 Introduction

Option 87-1, 88-1

To be used to avoid overheating of motors and gears in applications with intensive
motion (high average speed and /or high average torque and/or short wait time)
of axis 1 and/or axis 2.
Valid protection for cooling fan is IP54. Fan failure stops the robot.
To determine the use of cooling fans for axis 1 and/or axis 2 motor use the “Gearbox
Heat Prediction Tool” in RobotStudio. Reliable facts for the decision of need for
fan or not will be achieved by entering the ambient temperature for a specific cycle.
Please contact your local ABB organization.
Not together with IRB 6660-205/1.9

60 Product specification - IRB 6660

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1 Description
1.10.1 Introduction

1.10 Maintenance and Troubleshooting

1.10.1 Introduction

The robot requires only minimum maintenance during operation. It has been
designed to make it as easy to service as possible:
• Maintenance-free AC motors are used.
• Oil is used for the gear boxes.
• The cabling is routed for longevity, and in the unlikely event of a failure, its
modular design makes it easy to change.

The maintenance intervals depend on the use of the robot, the required maintenance
activities also depends on selected options. For detailed information on maintenance
procedures, see Maintenance section in the Product Manual.

Product specification - IRB 6660 61

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2 Variants and options
2.1 Introduction to variants and options

2 Variants and options

2.1 Introduction to variants and options

The different variants and options for the IRB 6660 are described in the following
sections. The same option numbers are used here as in the specification form.

Related information
For the controller see Product specification - Controller IRC5.
For the software options see Product specification - Controller software IRC5.

Product specification - IRB 6660 63

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2 Variants and options
2.2 Manipulator

2.2 Manipulator


Option IRB Type Handling capacity (kg) Reach (m)

435-78 6660 130 3.1
435-83 6660 205 1.9
435-117 6660 100 3.3

Manipulator color

Option Description Note

209-1 ABB Orange standard
209-2 ABB White standard
209-202 ABB Graphite White standard Standard color
209-4 --192 Colors according to RAL-codes


Notice that delivery time for painted spare parts will increase for none standard

Continues on next page

64 Product specification - IRB 6660
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2 Variants and options
2.2.1 Protection type

2.2.1 Protection type

Protection types

Option Protection type Note

287-4 Standard IP 67
Not valid for IRB 6660-205/1.9.
287-3 Foundry Plus 2 See Protection type Foundry Plus 2 on page 10 for a com-
plete description of protection type Foundry Plus 2.
Mandatory for IRB 6660-205/1.9.
Not valid for IRB 6660-130/3.1, IRB 6660-100/3.3.

Protection type Clean Room


The illustration above is a sample of an IPA certified lable.

Robots with the option Clean Room are classified for clean room class according
to ISO 14644-1.
The Clean Room robots are protected with a paint appropriate for clean room
applications. The paint has been tested regarding outgassing of Volatile Organic
Compounds (VOC) and been classified in accordance with ISO 14644-8.
Classification of airborne molecular contamination, see below:
Parameter Outgassing amount
Area Test dur- Tem- Per- Total detec- Normed based Classification in ac-
(m 2 ) ation perat- formed ted on 1 m 2 and 1s cordance with ISO
(s) ure test (ng) (g) 14644-8
( o C)
4.5E-03 3600 23 TVOC 2848 1.7E-07 -6.8
4.5E-03 60 90 TVOC 46524 1.7E-04 -3.8

Classification results in accordance with ISO 14644-8 at different test temperatures.

See Variants and options on page 63 for options that are not selectable together
with the option Clean Room.

Protection type Foundry Plus 2

Robots with the option Foundry Plus 2 are designed for harsh environments where
the robot is exposed to sprays of coolants, lubricants and metal spits that are
typical for die casting applications or other similar applications.
Typical applications are spraying insertion and part extraction of die-casting
machines, handling in sand casting and gravity casting, etc. (Please refer to Foundry
Prime robots for washing applications or other similar applications). Special care
must be taken in regard to operational and maintenance requirements for
applications in foundry are as well as in other applications areas. Please contact
Continues on next page
Product specification - IRB 6660 65
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2 Variants and options
2.2.1 Protection type

ABB Robotics Sales organization if in doubt regarding specific application feasibility

for the Foundry Plus 2 protected robot.
The robot is painted with two-component epoxy on top of a primer for corrosion
protection. To further improve the corrosion protection additional rust preventive
are applied to exposed and crucial areas, e.g. has the tool flange a special
preventive coating. Although, continuous splashing of water or other similar rust
formation fluids may cause rust attach on the robots unpainted areas, joints, or
other unprotected surfaces. Under these circumstances it is recommended to add
rust inhibitor to the fluid or take other measures to prevent potential rust formation
on the mentioned.
The entire robot is IP67 compliant according to IEC 60529 - from base to wrist,
which means that the electrical compartments are sealed against water and solid
contaminants. Among other things all sensitive parts are better protected than the
standard offer.
Selected Foundry Plus 2 features:
• Improved sealing to prevent penetration into cavities to secure IP67
• Additional protection of cabling and electronics
• Special covers that protect cavities
• Well-proven connectors
• Nickel coated tool flange
• Rust preventives on screws, washers and unpainted/machined surfaces
• Extended service and maintenance program
The Foundry Plus 2 robot can be cleaned with appropriate washing equipment
according to the robot product manual. Appropriate cleaning and maintenance is
required to maintain the protection, for example can rust preventive be washed off
with wrong cleaning method.

Available robot versions

The option Foundry Plus 2 might not be available for all robot versions.
See Variants and options on page 63 for robot versions and other options not
selectable together with Foundry Plus 2.

Protection type Foundry Prime 2

Robots with the option Foundry Prime are designed for water jet cleaning of casts
and machined parts, and similar very harsh, but proven robotic application
environments. Applicability in other applications cannot be guaranteed without
prior testing, previous experience or professional judgment by ABB. Please contact
ABB Robotics Sales organization if in doubt regarding specific application feasibility.
The manipulator can withstand surrounding solvent based detergents which must
be approved by ABB. In addition, the manipulator can withstand indirect spray
from jet pressure (max. 600 bar) and 100% humidity (gaseous mixture only).
The manipulator can work in an environment with a cleaning bath temperature <
60 o C, typically used in a washing application with moderate robot speed.
Surrounding temperature can not be higher than specified for the option.

Continues on next page

66 Product specification - IRB 6660
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2 Variants and options
2.2.1 Protection type

If fluids that may cause rust formation, for example water, are continuous splashing
the robot or are used in the vicinity of the robot it is strongly recommended to add
rust inhibitor to the fluid or take other measures to prevent potential rust formation
on the robots unpainted areas, joints, or other unprotected, surfaces.
The robot is protected by well-proven sealings for gears and bearings, pressurized
motors and electronic compartment, and detergent resistant painting system in
three layers (two layer epoxy paint under a protective layer of clear coat). Non
painted surfaces has rust preventive coating (Mercasol), and motors (IRB 4400)
are sealed with a sealing compound.
As the robot is designed for very harsh environments, an extended service and
maintenance program is required. Special care must be taken when replacing parts
or performing other maintenance and service that breaks the paint surface as the
paint surface act as a protective barrier. For detailed information of the maintenance
program, see chapter Maintenance in the product manual. It is highly recommended
to sign a Service Agreement with ABB due to difficult and severe environmental
The Foundry Prime robot can be cleaned with appropriate washing equipment
according to the product manual. Appropriate cleaning and maintenance are
required to maintain the Foundry Prime protection, for example can the rust
preventive be washed off with wrong cleaning method.

General detergent requirements:
• Washing detergent with max pH <9.0, if not stated otherwise
• Washing detergent must be approved by ABB
• ABB maintain a list of approved cleaners/detergents, see 3HAC037554-001
• The washing detergent must:
- be cleaned continuously
- contain rust inhibitor
- be checked regulalry for pH value and concentration
- not use other additives than water without prior testing
• The user must follow the recommendations regarding detergent concentration
anf pH value
• No other additive than water is guaranteed without prior testing or consultation
with ABB. Other additives than water may have a harmful effect on the life
time of the robot and its components.
Please contact your local ABB organization for an updated list of approved washing

Available robot versions

The option Foundry Prime might not be available for all robot versions.
See Variants and options on page 63 for robot versions and other options not
selectable together with Foundry Prime.

Continues on next page

Product specification - IRB 6660 67
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2 Variants and options
2.2.1 Protection type


Option Type Description

438-1 Standard warranty Standard warranty is 12 months from Customer Delivery
Date or latest 18 months after Factory Shipment Date,
whichever occurs first. Warranty terms and conditions
438-2 Standard warranty + 12 Standard warranty extended with 12 months from end
months date of the standard warranty. Warranty terms and con-
ditions apply. Contact Customer Service in case of other
438-4 Standard warranty + 18 Standard warranty extended with 18 months from end
months date of the standard warranty. Warranty terms and con-
ditions apply. Contact Customer Service in case of other
438-5 Standard warranty + 24 Standard warranty extended with 24 months from end
months date of the standard warranty. Warranty terms and con-
ditions apply. Contact Customer Service in case of other
438-6 Standard warranty + 6 Standard warranty extended with 6 months from end
months date of the standard warranty. Warranty terms and con-
ditions apply.
438-7 Standard warranty + 30 Standard warranty extended with 30 months from end
months date of the standard warranty. Warranty terms and con-
ditions apply.
438-8 Stock warranty Maximum 6 months postponed start of standard war-
ranty, starting from factory shipment date. Note that no
claims will be accepted for warranties that occurred be-
fore the end of stock warranty. Standard warranty com-
mences automatically after 6 months from Factory
Shipment Date or from activation date of standard war-
ranty in WebConfig.


Special conditions are applicable, see Robotics Warranty


68 Product specification - IRB 6660

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2 Variants and options
2.3 Equipment

2.3 Equipment


Option Type Description

213-1 Safety lamp A safety lamp with an orange fixed light can be
mounted on the manipulator. The lamp is active in
MOTORS ON mode. The safety lamp is required on
a UL/UR approved robot.
159-1 Fork lift device Lifting device on the manipulator for fork-lift handling.
87-1 Cooling fan for For in use recommendations see Cooling fan for
axis 1 motor (IP 54) axis 1 and 2 motor on page 60.
Not together with IRB 6660-205/1.9
Not together with Foundry Plus.
88-1 Cooling fan for For in use recommendations see Cooling fan for
axis 2 motor (IP 54) axis 1 and 2 motor on page 60.
Not together with IRB 6660-205/1.9
Not together with Foundry Plus.
37-1 Base plate Can also be used for IRB 6600 and IRB 7600.
See Installation, for dimension drawing.
430-1 Upper arm covers See Figure below. Included in protection Foundry

Upper arm covers


Pos Description
A Option 430-1 Included in option 287-3 Foundry Plus

Resolver connection, axis 7

Option Description Note

864-1 On base Used together with first additional drive, option 907-

Continues on next page

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2 Variants and options
2.3 Equipment

Electronic Position Switches (EPS)

The mechanical position switches indicating the position of the three main axes
are replaced with electronic position switches for up to 7 axes, for increased
flexibility and robustness. For more detailed information, see Product
specification - Controller IRC5 with FlexPendant and Application manual - Electronic
Position Switches.

Foundry Plus Cable Guard

The manipulator cables are equipped with an additional protection of aluminized
leather against e.g. aluminium spitz and flashes and chips from machining. Process
cable option 455-1 has the same protection.
Option Description Remark
908-1 Foundry Plus Cable For extra protection of cables.
Guard Requires option 287-3 Foundry Plus.
Not together with IRB 6660-130/3.1 and IRB 6660-

Working Range Limit

To increase the safety of the robot, the working range of axis 1 can be restricted
by extra mechanical stops.
Option Type Description
29-2 Axis 1, 7.5 degrees Two stops which allow the working range to be re-
stricted in increments of 7,5°.

All axes can also be limited by using Electronic Position Switches, EPS (option).

Standard calibration method

Option Type Description

1999-1 Axis calibration Preferred standard calibration method. Robust, high
performance axis calibration using only mechanical
calibration stops and software.
1999-2 Calibration Pendulum Previous standard calibration method only to be used
in special cases if customers would like to harmonize
calibration with already installed base.


The calibration methods are not interchangeable.

70 Product specification - IRB 6660

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2 Variants and options
2.4 Floor cables

2.4 Floor cables

Manipulator cable length

Option Lengths
210-2 7m
210-3 15 m
210-4 22 m
210-5 30 m

Product specification - IRB 6660 71

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2 Variants and options
2.5 Process

2.5 Process

Connection to

Option Connection to Description

16-1 Cabinet The signals CP/CS are connected to 12-pole screw
terminals, Phoenix MSTB 2.5/12-ST-5.08, in the
controller. The cable between R1.CP/CS and the
controller is supplied.


Option Type Description

455-7 Parallel, bus and servo Includes CP, customer signals, CAN/DeviceNet and
communication + air Profibus + one air hose, at upper arm housing.
Only available together with IRB 6660-130/3.1 and
IRB 6660-100/3.3.

Connection to Parallel/CAN/DeviceNet and Profibus

Following information specifies the cable length for Parallel, CAN/DeviceNet and
Profibus for connection between manipulator and cabinet.
Option Lengths
94-1/90-2/92-2 7m
94-2/90-3/92-3 15 m
90-4 22 m
94-4/90-5 30 m

Connection to first additional drive

Following information specifies the cable length for connection to the first additional
drive, for example servo driven gripper.
Option Lengths
786-1 7m
786-2 15 m
786-3 22 m
786-4 30 m

Process module

Option Type Description

768-1 Empty cabinet small See Product specification - IRC5 Chapter 2
768-2 Empty cabinet large See Product specification - IRC5 Chapter 2
715-1 Installation kit See Product specification - IRC5 Chapter 2

72 Product specification - IRB 6660

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2 Variants and options
2.6 Connector Kits

2.6 Connector Kits

The kit consists of connectors, pins and sockets. For technical description, see
Connection kits.
Option Type Description
558-1 R2.CP/CS For the Customer Power/Customer Signal connector
on the manipulator upper arm. Sockets for bus
communication are included.
459-1 R1.CP/CS and PROC1 For the Customer Power/Customer Signal connector
and one Process connector on the manipulator base.
Sockets for bus communication are included.

Product specification - IRB 6660 73

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3 Accessories
3.1 Introduction to accessories

3 Accessories
3.1 Introduction to accessories

There is a range of tools and equipment available.

Basic software and software options for robot and PC

For more information, see Product specification - Controller IRC5 and Product
specification - Controller software IRC5.

Robot peripherals
• Motor Units 1

1 Not applicable for IRC5 Compact controller.

Product specification - IRB 6660 75

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Index O
options, 63
Absolute Accuracy, calibration, 27 product standards, 17
accessories, 75
C safety standards, 17
calibration standards, 17
Absolute Accuracy type, 26 ANSI, 18
standard type, 26 CAN, 18
calibration, Absolute Accuracy, 27 EN, 17
Calibration Pendulum, 28 EN IEC, 17
CalibWare, 26 EN ISO, 17
standard warranty, 68
E stock warranty, 68
Electronic Position Switches, 70
EPS, 70 V
variants, 63
fine calibration, 28 W
warranty, 68

Product specification - IRB 6660 77

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3HAC028207-001, Rev U, en
ABB AB, Robotics
Robotics and Motion
S-721 68 VÄSTERÅS, Sweden
Telephone +46 (0) 21 344 400

ABB AS, Robotics

Robotics and Motion
Nordlysvegen 7, N-4340 BRYNE, Norway
Box 265, N-4349 BRYNE, Norway
Telephone: +47 22 87 2000

ABB Engineering (Shanghai) Ltd.

Robotics and Motion
No. 4528 Kangxin Highway
PuDong District
SHANGHAI 201319, China
Telephone: +86 21 6105 6666

ABB Inc.
Robotics and Motion
1250 Brown Road
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Telephone: +1 248 391 9000

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