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Of Property
Application Form For Transfer

Name Mrs. Sandhya D. Kousadikar

Address: Flat No. 12, Archen Co-Op. Hsg. Society
Ltd. Sector-3/4, Vashi, Navi Mumbai


The Assistant Estate Officer,

Navi Mumbai.

Sub: Grant permission to transfer and assign the Leasehold rights
Flat No. 4, Archen Co-Op. Hsg. Society Ltd., in Sector 3/4, of Vashi Node, Navi Mumbai

1. 1 am the apartment/ shop owner/ Intending Lessee/Lessee of the

above mentioned property. A copy of
my Agreement to Lease/Deed of Apartment/Document indicating my right is enclosed.

2. lintend to transfer and assign my rights to Mr. Suresh Babu Hegde & Mrs. Shashi Suresh Hegde

residing at Flat No. 4, Archen Co-Op. Hsg. Society Ltd.,

in sector 3/4, of Vashi Node, Navi Mumbai
I request you to grant me requisite permission to transfer the above property.

3. Ido not owe any dues to the Corporation and have paid all the charges including the annual lease rent the
water infrastructure development charges and the service charges to the Corporation. I am enclosing the
photocopies of the relevant receipts.

4. Iundertake to paythe requisite transfer charges determined by the Corporation within 15days from receipt
of the demand letter.

5. Ihave not sold/mortgaged/encumbered orassigned or transferred by any means wholly of partly the said
6. Thereby declare that the transferee has unconditionally agreed to abide with the terms and conditions of
lease granted by the Corporation.I also undertake that after grant of permission to transfer by the
Corporation, the transferee shall also abide with condition of lease including the condition not to sell,
assign, mortgage or otherwise transfer wholly or partly the said premises without previous permission
the Corporation.

7. I say that I have not altered the use of the said land/premises and have not carried out any unauthorized

construction on the said/premises.

8. Thereby solemnly declare that I have not violated at any time any of the terms or conditions of the original

Agreement and the same is being used as per stipulation.

9. With a view to safeguard the interest of the Corporation against any contingent claim by any third persons

in respect of the said land/ premises, I hereby solemnly declare as follows:

a. In consideration of the transfer of the said premises and in pursuance of the said Corporation

having agreed to transfer the said premises in the name of the said purchaser, 1/my heirs,
executors, administrators shall at all time hereinafter remain liable for and shall fully and

effectually indemnifty and keep indemnified the said Corporation, its successors and asignees

against all losses and damages, costs, and expenses, claims, penalties or any other action

whatsoever which may be put to or may be incurred or suffered including the costs of

litigation, if any, by reason of the transfer of the said premises in the name of said purchaser

by the said Corporation.

b. I hereby further state that in case of any order passed for payment of any amount by the

Corporation in respect of the transfer of the land/premises in favour of the purchaser, I shallI
make good the said amount/ loss that may be sustained by the said Corporation.
C. , my legal heirs/successors do, hereby indemnify the Corporation in respect of any costs
incurred by the Corporation for restoration of the land/premises to its original permitted state

due to the unauthorized change of user/unauthorized construction, if any, carried out on the
said land/premises.
period of 3 months from the
10. undertake to execute Deed of Conveyance in favour of Transferee within a
Deed within seven days
date of permission and accordingly I will furnish the certified copy of Conveyance
after such registration.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Mrs. Sandhya D. Kousadikar

(Transferor / Seller)

Mr. Suresh Babu Hegde

L Mrs. Shashi Suresh Hegde


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