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Cupertino Middle School

6th Grade Parent Info Night

CMS Student Support Team
Maralina Milazzo, Principal Erin Wiley, Counselor (A-L)

Jean Wang, Assistant Principal Andrea Cabello, Counselor (M-Z)

Jeanine Woodell, Assistant Principal

Wonderful Office Staff, 2 School Psychologists, 2 School Nurses, 2 MFT Interns,

Speech Pathologist, Teachers & Instructional Assistants
Counselor visits to 5th Grades
Faria- February 28

West Valley- March 3

Nimitz- March 7

Stocklmeir- March 8

Murdock-Portal- March 9

Montclaire- March 10

All other students- March 28, 2pm to 3pm @ CMS

CMS Daily Schedule- Modified Block
Monday, Tuesday, Friday Wednesday & Thursday- Block Days

Warning Bell 8:05am, Start 8:10am Wednesday- late start @ 9:30am

All 7 periods- 46 minutes each Periods 2,4,6 - 83 minutes each

Brunch- 20 minutes Thursday- school starts 8:10am

Lunch- 35 minutes Periods 1,3,5,7- 83 minutes each

4 minute passing period between each class Brunch- 20 mins, Lunch- 35 mins, 4 min
passing periods
School ends- 2:54pm
School ends- 2:54pm
A day in the life of a 6th grade student...
● Students have 4 to 6 teachers ● Students have 7 classes
○ Academic teachers in ○ Language Arts
teams of 6 ○ Reading
■ Most subjects ○ Social Studies
“blocked” together ○ Science
○ PE Teachers ○ Math
○ Band Teachers ○ Physical Education (PE)
○ Elective (Wheel or Band)
Electives - Wheel
● Year long course
● Taught by an Academic
teacher (blocked with
another class)
● Topics vary and are
teacher selected
● Topics will change 4 to 6
times during the year
Band- Year Long
Beginning Band:

● Open to all students

● Instrumentation determined
once school has started

Intermediate Band:

● 6th graders only

● MUST have 2 years school
band experience on same
○ No Strings or Piano

*Due to high demand, a waitlist may

need to be maintained
Elective Selection
● Elective Forms:
○ Elective forms sent home via the Student’s 5th grade classes
○ Students attending non-feeder schools will receive it via their 5th grade teachers after
next week
○ Newly registered students will receive it at time of registration

● Students will see what elective they received on their schedule in August
Students will use technology in
1:1 iPad their individual and
group learning everyday.

● District provided
● Purchase outright
● Purchase with a payment

Option selection made first week of school

Brunch & Lunch
● Purchase or bring food from home
(Elementary school funds transfer
& same pin as elementary school)
● Play basketball, volleyball, soccer,
touch football, wall ball, four
● Hang out with friends
● Indoor spaces available during rain
● Utilize resources- Library, office,
counselors, teachers
Basketball Musical Theater Origami

CMS Clubs
Pen Pal Art Club League of Legends

Chess Minecraft Interact

Java Wrestling Newspaper

Garden and Go Green Adopt A Soldier

Bookworm Mathcounts Soccer

History Karaoke Code With Us

Safe Space Figure Drawing Conditioning

Feminism Speech & Debate Sewing

Model U.N Science Olympiads FBLA

● Student determined TECH Challenge Drop-in
● Brunch/Lunch, After-School
Homework Club (M, W, TH 3-4pm)
● Drop-in
After School Sports
Try-Out Sports: Everyone makes the team:

● Girls Softball ● Cross Country

● Boys & Girls Volleyball ● Wrestling
● Boys & Girls Soccer ● Track & Field
● Boys & Girls Basketball

Check out the CMS website for more info on After-School Sports at Cupertino!
Try-out info is always in the Morning Announcements
- Multiple Teachers/

Academic Changes - Grades vs Standards

- Synergy- ParentVue &
- Tracking assignments/
time management
- Communication- one
teacher vs. team of
● Check the Backpack/ Binder
● Check the Planner/ Google
Classroom/ Teacher Websites
● Check completed Homework
● Balance school & extra

Organization curricular activities

The Key to Student Success!

Social/ Emotional
● New Friendships
● Peer Conflict
● Online Behavior/ Social Media

Counselors are available to help students navigate the

new world of Middle School
Back to School!
Back to School information received via mail early August

WEB- Where Everyone Belongs- Monday, August 7

● Optional 6th grade orientation

● Receive Schedule

Welcome Back Night- Thursday, August 10

● Food Trucks
● Tour campus
● Receive Schedule
Stay Connected
School & Individual Teacher Websites

Google Classroom/Drive

Email Blasts

Morning Announcements

Monthly Bear Bulletins

Follow us on Twitter: CupertinoMS

Synergy- ParentVue & StudentVue

Email: [email protected]

Conferences as needed
Parent Volunteers collected through PTA!
Donation Gathering
Lunch Activities
Special Skills
Get Involved at CMS!
Field Trips

We love our Parent Volunteers!

Join PTA, CMS Foundation, &
Counselors for Q & A
In the Library

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