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Training & Development - MCQs with answers

1. Training is most effective in resolving:

 Skill gaps
 Attitudinal problems
 Poor motivation
 Attendance issues
2. The term which describes long term training which includes a combination of both
on-the-job and in-class training is:
 Mentorship
 Computer based training
 Vestibule training
 Apprenticeship
3. Which item is NOT an example of an indirect training cost?
 Overtime
 Increased scrap
 Room and food charges
 Low productivity

Training and Development 2017

4. The phrase "transfer of training" refers to:
 Moving training schedules around to accommodate production concerns
 Freely sharing written training material with colleagues
 Acquiring and evaluating skills during a training course
 Implementing and maintaining new knowledge and skills back in the

5. Labour Market adjustment services refers to the stakeholder interests of:

 Supply side training such as anticipated shortages for particular trades
 Skill mismatches
 Those who have difficulty entering or reentering the workforce
 Those who have suffered a job loss
6. A key principle of adult learning suggests that adults:
 Are keenly open to change
 Tend to be problem centred
 Do not need theoretical knowledge, just practical applications
 Prefer a relaxing "lecture style" training delivery
7. The evolution of training activities has moved towards:
 Specific on the job requirements using technology as the learning coach
 Time and motion studies
 Needs driven by productivity and efficiency concerns
 Identifying opportunities to build intellectual capital
8. The motivational component of self efficacy:
 Is when a person believes they can manipulate their environment and control
their fate
 Is when a person believes they can learn the knowledge and skills and do the
 Relates to the ability to use fine motor skills
9. The diagnostic process of needs assessment often starts with:
 A job analysis
 A gap analysis
 A concern
 An organizational audit

Training and Development 2017

10. A potential advantage of centralizing the training function is that:
 Control and economies of scale
 Customization and ownership
 Local budget control
11. One of the differences between pedagogy and androgogy is that:
 Adult motivation is primarily intrinsic not extrinsic
 Adults are keenly receptive to change
 Adults are oriented to learning using a subject centred approach
12. Interpretive analysis:
 Focuses on the processes used to achieve organizational goals
 Uses talk (accounts, stories, metaphors) as the primary data collection method
 Is a method of job analysis
13. Large scale training initiatives such as sexual harassment or health and safety
training, are likely the result of needs analysis at:
 The job analysis level
 The organizational analysis level
 The personnel analysis level
14. When structuring training objectives, the trainer should:
 Give trainees a clear understanding of what to expect
 Isolate all learning objectives in a single learning domain
 Encourage trainees to evaluate whether they can omit certain course

15.An example of a technical barrier to effective performance is:

 Group norms
 Poor job design
 Ineffective feedback
16. Training works best under which of the following conditions:
 The task is easy and perfection is not required
 Correct performance is critical
 The task is infrequently performed

Training and Development 2017

17. Which of the following matching pairs is correct?
 Affective - heart; cognitive - head
 Cognitive - heart; affective - head
 Psychomotor - hand; affective - head
 Psychomotor - head; affective – heart
18. The cognitive domain hierarchy of learning starts with:
 Knowledge
 Receiving
 Perception
 Motivation
19. Bloom's Taxonomy divides specific learning objectives into these three categories of
educational objectives:
 Knowledge, comprehension and application
 Cognitive, affective and psychomotor
 Receiving, responding and valuing
20. Considering the principles of adult learning, adults should:
 Be graded on a curve, the normative approach of comparing learners with one
another for the purposes of ranking
 Be evaluated against attainment of specific criteria and not compared publicly
to their peers
 Be evaluated on personal progress against historical mastery levels, critieron
related evaluation

21. This learning objective "Develop a lesson plan or outline" is, at the highest level,
primarily under the domain and the level.
 Cognitive - synthesis
 Psychomotor - guided response
 Cognitive - comprehension
22. The interaction style that refers to learners expecting the trainer to be primarily
responsible for the learning that occurs is:
 Collaboration
 Dependence
 Independence

Training and Development 2017

23. Examples of areas of quantifiable change for a level four results evaluation
 Work climate and attitudes
 Turnover and productivity
 Feelings and decision making skills
24. Evaluation of training programs to determine how the process
and outcomes can be improved is:
 Summative evaluation
 Formative evaluation
 Net cost analysis
25. Evaluation of training programs should happen:
 Only at the end
 By predetermining the evaluation criteria at the planning stage
 For high cost programs only
Training and Development Answers –Multiple
1. skill gaps
2. Apprenticeship
3. Room and food changes
4. Implementing and maintaining new knowledge and skills back in the
5. Those who have difficulty entering or reentering the workforce
6. Tend to be problem centered
7. Specific on the job requirements using technology as the learning coach
8. Is when a person believes they can learn the knowledge and skills and do the
9. A concern
10. Control and economics of scale
11. Adult motivation is primarily intrinsic not extrinsic
12. Uses talk
13. The organizational analysis level
14. Give trainees a clear understanding of what to expect
15. Poor job design
16. Correct performance is critical
17. Affective-heart; cognitive-head
18. Knowledge
19. Knowledge, comprehension, application
20. Be evaluated against attainment of specific criteria and not
compared publicly to their peers
21. Cognitive-synthesis
22. Dependence
23. Turnover and productivity
24. Summative evaluation
25. Be predeterminingTraining and Development
the evaluation criteria at 2017
the planning stage
26.The following is (are) the benefit(s) of training.

(A) Increased productivity

(B) Reduced accidents

(C) Reduced supervision

(D) All of the above

(Ans: D)

27.The following training aims to provide broad training to enable the trainee to take up
a wide variety of tasks within his field of specialisation

(A) Demonstration

(B) On-the-job training

(C) Apprenticeship

(D) All of the above

(Ans: C)

28.Demonstration type of training method is used to train

(A) Workers

(B) Supervision

(C) Managers

(D) All of the above

(Ans: A)

29.The following is not a part of lower level management

(A) Worker
Training and Development 2017
(B) Foreman
(C) Supervisor

(D) Inspector

(Ans: A)

30-A homogenous group of men from the plant constitutes an ideal conference

(A) 8-10

(B) 12-15

(C) 18-20

(D) 22-25

(Ans: B)

31.The following method is used to give to trainees the important information in

permanent form for immediate of future use

(A) Lecture methods

(B) Conference

(C) Written instructional method

(D) Training within the industry (TWI)

(Ans: C)

Training and Development 2017

32.Training within the industry (TWI) scheme imparts training in

(A) Job instructions

(B) Job rotation

(C) Job method

(D) On job training

(Ans: D)

Training and Development 2017

33.The following is not a on the job training method

(A) Understudies

(B) Job rotation

(C) Management by objectives (MBO)

(D) Case study method

(Ans: D)

34.The following is vertical expansion of the job

(A) Job rotation

(B) Job enrichment

(C) Management by objectives (MBO)

(D) All of the above

(Ans: B)

35. is widely used for human relations and leadership training

(A) Business games

(B) Role playing

(C) Case study method

(D) Job rotation

(Ans: B)

36-The following is (are) the benefit(s) of training.

(A) Increased productivity

(B) Reduced accidents

(C) Reduced supervision

Training and Development 2017
(D) All of the above

(Ans: D)
37-The following training aims to provide broad training to enable the trainee to take up a wide
variety of tasks within his field of specialisation
(A) Demonstration

(B) On-the-job training

(C) Apprenticeship

(D) All of the above

(Ans: C)

38-Demonstration type of training method is used to train

(A) Workers

(B) Supervision

(C) Managers

(D) All of the above

(Ans: A)

39-The following is not a part of lower level management

(A) Worker

(B) Foreman

(C) Supervisor

(D) Inspector

(Ans: A)

40.-A homogenous group of ____ men from the plant constitutes an ideal conference group
(A) 8-10

(B) 12-15

(C) 18-20

(D) 22-25

(Ans: B)

41-The following method is used to give to trainees the important information in permanent
form for immediate of future use
(A) Lecture methods Training and Development 2017

(B) Conference

(C) Written instructional method

(D) Training within the industry (TWI)

(Ans: C)

42-Training within the industry (TWI) scheme imparts training in

(A) Job instructions

(B) Job rotation

(C) Job method

(D) All of the above

(Ans: D)

43-The following is not a on the job training method

(A) Understudies

(B) Job rotation

(C) Management by objectives (MBO)

(D) Case study method

(Ans: D)

44-The following is vertical expansion of the job

(A) Job rotation

(B) Job enrichment

(C) Management by objectives (MBO)

(D) All of the above

(Ans: B)

45-_____ is widely used for human relations and leadership training

(A) Business games

(B) Role playing

(C) Case study method

(D) Job rotation

(Ans: B)
Training and Development 2017
47. From where does an organisation's competitive advantages

A. . Core skills, capabilities.

B. Strategic planning.
C. Opportunities.
D. Research and development.

48.Which strategic question is synonymous with the vision of the


E. . What business should we be in?

F. How do we get there?
G. What are our strengths?
H. How do we know if we are on course?

49.Strategies are destiny-shaping decisions concerning

I. the development and release of new products and services.

J. the choice of technologies on which products are based.
K. the way products and services are marketed and priced.
L. . the ways in which the organisation responds to rivals.

50.Managing strategy involves the craft of

M. deciding on bold courses of action that pulls the enterprise in new

N. . balancing stability and consistency over time with changes when
O. defending established products to make it difficult for rivals to imitate.
P. stimulating the creativity of managers and engineers to improve.

51.Benchmarking is a process of

Q. establishing financial performance objective.

R. . using quantitative measures to compare one organisation's
outcomes to others.
S. having a manager take time out for training after a bad quarter's
T. setting forth a strategy to improve performance relative to competitors.
Training and Development 2017

52.What analysis is conducted when managers perform a situational audit?

U. Cost minimization analysis.
V. Industry driving forces analysis.
W. . SWOT analysis.
X. Competitive forces analysis.

2. What is the strategy of branching beyond the core capabilities

that define product technologies and markets of current lines of

A. . Diversification.
B. Outsourcing.
C. Clustering.
D. Scanning.

3. When control systems are used to their fullest, they

A. catch individuals who are inefficient.

B. . lead to continuous improvement.
C. produce conformity to standards.
D. provide merit rewards for high performers.

4. What is meant when it is said that an organisation needs reinvention?

A. They need new managers and a reorganisation.

B. They need to go back to what worked well in the past.
C. They need to cut some activities and keep the traditional ones.
D. . They need to let go of the past and change their future.

5. Strategy is defined as a process of planning ways of grouping people

and tasks into departments, and providing for coordination among them.

A. a workable fit between an organisation's capabilities/limitations, and its

B. . environment to achieve a favourable position within the
competitive marketplace.
C. policies to promote consistency in handling customer fulfilment actions.
D. None of the above.

6. What is the role of a plan in crafting a strategic vision via an interactive

group process?
Training and Development 2017
A. It is the "roadmap" that the group steadfastly follows.
B. It is the desired outcome of the process.
C. It is the main component in the evaluation of the present state.
D. . It is the bridge between the present state and the future state.
7. When a group deliberates a planned vision, whose needs typically
are the object of the exercise?

A. The needs of stockholders.

B. The needs of customers.
C. The needs of employees.
D. . The needs or requirements of all stakeholders.

8. In group process development of a strategic plan, what does the "radar

screen" show?

A. Competitive rivals
B. Strength-weakness gaps
C. . Vision-reality gaps
D. Market "niche" opportunities

9. When a group develops a "radar chart" (resembling a spider web with a

shaded area outward from the middle) what does the non-shaded area
toward the outer ring of the circle represent?

A. The elements of the vision.

B. Accomplishments to date.
C. . Gap improvements yet to be made.
D. A rival's competitive advantage.

10. What should managers do to control performance in situations where

output quantification is difficult?

A. Abandon attempts for a control system; control systems must have

measures to work.
B. Develop some approximate measure; a poor measure is preferable to
none at all.
C. Change the goals and tasks to allow for quantification of outputs.
D. . Measure or assess behaviours rather than attempt quantitative
assessments of output.

11. Which is an example of behaviour measurement, as opposed to output

measurement? Training and Development 2017

A. Having a quality technician count the number of defective parts per

1000 produced.
B. Having an industrial engineer time the length of time it takes to produce
a component.
C. Having shipping track the percentage of on-time shipments.
D. . Surveying customers to see if clerks in a retail store are courteous
to customers.

12. "The knowledge that someone who knows and cares is paying close
attention to what we do and can tell us when deviations are occurring"
describes what kind of organisational process or practice?

A. Electronic surveillance.
B. Organisational learning.
C. Management by information.
D. . A control system.

13. Why would an organisation's management commit to using the

Baldrige framework and processes?

A. . To continuously improve by identifying the gaps

between current and desired performance.
B. To earn bragging rights that will attract more customers.
C. To imitate the practices that made large Japanese firms the envy of the
D. To make sure they are not left behind in applying one of the current
management fads.

14. The application of the Six Sigma methodology is intended to

A. reward high achievers.

B. . reduce variability.
C. increase output.
D. simplify command and control.

15. Which philosophy of control is exemplified by the focus of adding value to

the market?

A. . competitive team orientation.

B. command and control orientation
C. conformance orientation
D. autocratic control orientation

Training and Development 2017

16. How do employees feel about controls through organisational
culture, as opposed to formal control systems?

A. . They generally conform more to cultural controls, and

also paradoxically feel they have more autonomy than with
formal controls.
B. They generally conform more to formal controls, and also prefer
them to the intrusion of cultural controls.
C. They conform more to cultural controls, but dislike them more than
formal controls.
D. They generally conform more to formal controls, but prefer cultural

17. is defined as the provision of guidelines or processes

for handling recurring transactions and events in a standardized
or consistent way.

A. A strategy
B. A structure
C. . A system
D. The chain of command

18. Who should answer the strategic question, "What business are we in?"

A. . Every manager.
B. Top management.
C. Line supervisors.
D. Stakeholders.

19. Which of the following strategic questions task senior managers

with influencing their company's destiny?

A. What are our internal strengths and weaknesses?

B. What external opportunities and threats do we face?
C. What business are we in?
D. . What business should we be in?

Training and Development 2017

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