Filamer V IAC Digest

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The Defendants arguing that it was done beyond the scope of his janitorial duties.

iv. Employers need not have an official appointment for a driver's position in order
that the petitioner may be held responsible for his grossly negligent
Third Division act, it being sufficient that the act of driving at the time of the incident
Filamer v. IAC was for the benefit of the petitioner. Hence, the fact that Funtecha
GR No. 75112 was not the school driver or was not acting within the scope of
August 17, 1992 his janitorial duties does not relieve the petitioner of the burden
of rebutting the presumption that there was negligence on its
Gutierrez, J: part either in the selection of a servant or employee, or in the
supervision over him. The petitioner has failed to show proof of its
Facts: Funtecha was a working student of Filamer Christian Institute. Being having exercised the required diligence of a good father of a family
a part-time janitor and a scholar of petitioner Filamer, he was over its employees Funtecha and Allan.
considered an employee even if he was assigned to clean the
premises for just 2 hours every day.
What does supervision of employee include?
Allan Masa, the son of Filamer’s president Mr. Agustin Masa, was
the official driver of the school’s vehicle. Since Funtecha and Allan It includes the formulation of suitable rules and regulations for the
lived in the same house, Funtecha, holder of a student driver’s guidance of its employees and the issuance of proper instructions
license, requested Allan to take over the vehicle and drive it home. intended for the protection of the public and persons with whom the
Allan Masa turned over the vehicle to Funtecha only after driving employer has relations through his employees.
down a road, negotiating a sharp dangerous curb, and viewing that
the road was clear. A fast moving truck with glaring lights nearly hit Was there any showing that Filamer provided rules and regulations?
them so they swerved to the right to avoid collision. Upon swerving,
they heard a sound as if something had bumped against the vehicle, None.
but they did not stop to check. Unfortunately, their jeep swerved
towards the pedestrian, Potenciano Kapunan who was walking in his Therefore:
lane in the direction against vehicular traffic, and hit him.
Petitioner Filamer has an obligation to pay damages for injury arising
The heirs of Kapunan filed an action against Filamer for damages. In from the unskilled manner by which Funtecha drove the vehicle. The
its defense, Filamer alleged that Funtecha acted outside of his scope liability of Filamer is primary and solidary. It has, however, recourse
of his authority. Therefore, it was only Funtecha who was liable and against the negligent employee for whatever damages it has paid.
not Filamer.

Issue: Whether or not Filamer Christian Institute is liable for the acts of

Held: Yes, Filamer is liable for the acts of Funtecha.

Ratio: In learning how to drive while taking the vehicle home in the direction
of Allan's house, Funtecha definitely was not having a joy ride.
Funtecha was not driving for the purpose of his enjoyment or for a
"frolic of his own" but ultimately, for the service for which the jeep
was intended by the petitioner school. Therefore, the Court is
constrained to conclude that the act of Funtecha in taking over the
steering wheel was one done for and in behalf of his employer for
which act the petitioner-school cannot deny any responsibility by

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