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14, 2018  · 
Entrance Part-1
In this we will cover eight entrances from Shikhi (E1) to Antriksh (E8)
1. Shikhi ( E1 ) - Shikhi means pointed end of Fire. This energy field gives insight or ideas which can ignite fire to
lighten our life path. If there is Entrance in this energy field then there could be fire Accidents and sudden losses
2. Prajanya (E2) - As the name suggest this energy field is responsible for growth and fertility of flora and fauna.
This zone is also responsible for conceiving of child. If there is Entrance in this energy field then there could be
birth of more girl child and over expenditures.
3. Jyant (E3) - This energy field gives feeling, energy and thoughts of Winning in every domain of life. After
winning we feel cheerful and if we feel cheerful then we will definitely win so it is vice Versa. This is very
auspicious entrance, it gives money, abundance and Growth.
4. Mahinder (E4) - As we all know inder is best Administrator and Manger this energy field is responsible for
enhancing social association and grant capability to manage People and situations. Entrance in this enegy field
gives top connections with Government and also give profits and benefits from political and government
5. Surya (E5) - This energy field is core or soul of every situation and domain. This energy field gives
farsightedness. Entrance in this field gives uncontrollable anger. Coz if core is distrurb in life then there is only
Bhatkav .
6. Satya (E6) - As name suggest this enegy field governs Truth and Reputation. If there is Entrance in this field
then person losses his reputation in society.
7. Bhrish (E7) - This energy field is responsible for the analytical abilities required for decision making. Over
analysis and under analysis both are imbalanced form of this enegy field. If there is Entrance in this field then
person become sensitive and he lacks analytical ability. His nature become very blunt and rude coz he not event
think before speak.
8. Antriksh (E8) - The personal space of every person inside a house is Governs by this energy field. If this energy
field is disturb then everybody in house can't give space to each other and just try to control each other which leads
to anger and suffocation. Moreover every process or thing need space to nurture and grow so entrance in this field
gives losses in investment, Accidents and thefts.

In this we will cover eight entrances from Anil (S1) to Mrigha (S8)
1. Anil ( S1 ) - As Akash enegy field give space and permission to manifest something
and Anil gives power and uplifting so things can manifest. Anil is uplifter and entrance
here weakens this energy field and its effect goes to male children under 14 years of age.
They dont listen to their parents
2. Pushah (S2) - As name suggest this energy field gives Poshan and Pushti so physical
power, courage and Power are attributes of this enegy field. If there is Entrance in this
field one can not take bold steps and decisions so he have to go for job.
3. Vitatha (S3) - Tathya means logic and Vetatha means going beyond logics so this is
powerful entrance making a person very claver and can easily use Saam, Daam, Dand,
Bhedh for his work done.
4. Grihaspatya (S4) - This is a controling energy field which defines boundries of Mann.
This enegy field also tells up to what extent you have to work to achive and this field
inspires you to extend your limits. Entrance here is Good for Industries, Factories and
5. Yama (S5) - As Grihaspatya defines boundries but Yama enegy field offers infinite
space of mind to think and do beyond limites or we can say Out of the Box but under
defiend Space. Entrance here attracts debts and resident are unable to use their
6. Gandharwa (S6) - Gandharwas are Protectors of "Somras", peak joyful state is also
govern by Gandharwa. They extract useful and Protect it. This useful is Som. Entrance
here leads to Poverty and attract losses coz person is unable to find what is useful and
what is waste.
7. Bhringraj (S7) - Bhringraj makes one Genius and Insightful. This energy field
separates unwanted and useless so the remaining is Useful and and free from clutter.
Entrance here increases unwanted expenditures, person don't get Success in spite of lots
of hardwork and efforts.
8. Mrigh (S8) - Mrigh energy field makes one curious to know or acquire some thing.
This field attracts the person towards something. Entrance here bring distraction as person
wants to know about everything and which leads to confusion and losses in wealth and

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