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1. For you, continue with the expansion or just continue the current business? Why?
 Personally, I would continue with the expansion because development is a symbol
of progress for many businesses. It opens up new possibilities, attracts more
customers, and increases sales. Expansion may also give the impression that the
company is more financially viable. Larger companies are also seen as more
trustworthy and stable than their smaller competitors by financial institutions.

2. If given the chance to help, what advice will you give to Miss Tamayo?
 Most companies face a small problem at some stage, and that is whether or not to
grow. If you attempt to grow too fast, you can find yourself unable to satisfy can
demand, which can damage your credibility. However, if you decide not to
expand right now, your rivals can move ahead of you and capture the ground you
were eyeing.

Miss Tamayo will need a strong base to keep her company from collapsing. This
can be done in a variety of ways.
1) She has to figure out what their value proposition is – whether their
offerings are innovative and valuable in their target markets.
2) Cash flow – Since expansion can be costly, she must ensure that she can
afford it while still making a profit. She can finance the expansion in a
variety of ways. She may, for example, seek additional funding from
investors or invest her own profits.
3) Examine the requirements – Coming up with a plan of action can be
extremely beneficial at this stage. She should think about how she’s
going to expand, how it'll take shape, and what she wants to accomplish
with this plan. She should also set aside a certain amount of time for this
expansion; otherwise, she will find herself spending much more time
than necessary.
4) Make plans to hire more people – She has to think about this ahead of
time so she can plan for the hiring of new workers and paying their
salaries. Alternatively, she might consider recruiting freelancers to help
with some of the extra responsibilities. While this is a smart idea in
many situations, she must consider whether these workers would be
useful to her long term.
5) Carry out market study – Although she may have the financial means
to grow, she must consider whether she has a sufficient share of the
market to do so. To find out, she must conduct market research to
determine if there are sufficient customers to justify an expansion.
6) Marketing Adaptations – She must consider how to draw customers to
certain areas of her market. She has to adapt her marketing to suit a
variety of markets. It entails figuring out where her clients are and how
to get in touch with them. These modifications should have been
considered during the planning stage, so she knows how much to
increase the marketing budget. This is also a good time to see if her
rivals are entering these markets as well. If they are, she may want to
reconsider her options.

When it comes to expanding her company, she has a lot to think about. However, if she can
adequately plan her expansion and is confident in her financial outlook, there is no reason why
she can't move on with her expansion plans.

Growing a business in a new market can be a frightening, but exciting, process with numerous
financial rewards. When going through the acquisition process, it's important to have faith that
all will work out.

Question 1

Should I grow my business? Advantages and disadvantages of growing your business. (n.d.). NI
Business Info. Retrieved from:

Quain, S. (2018, November 8). The Advantages eof Expanding Business. Chron. Retrieved from:

Question 2

7 Things to Consider When Expanding Your Business. (2018, November 14). StrategyDriven.
Retrieved from:

Carr, R. (2009, June). Five Things to Consider When Expanding Your Company. Entrepreneur's
Organizaiton. Retrieved from:

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