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Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

award of the Degree of



Name - Chiranjeevi K V
Reg. No - MB190828

Under the guidance of

Dr. Vincent Rajkumar

Associate Professor


Bengaluru City University

I hereby declare that “A Study on welfare measures in BESCOM” is the result of the project
work carried out by me under the guidance of Dr.Vincent Rajkumar in partial fulfillment for
the award of Masters Degree in Business Administration by Bengaluru City University.

I also declare that this project is the outcome of my own efforts and that it has not been
submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any other degree or Diploma or

Place: Bangalore Name : Chiranjeevi K V

Date: Register Number: MB190828


This is to certify that the Project Report title A Study on welfare measures in BESCOM”
Submitted by Chiranjeevi K V to Bengaluru City University, Bangalore for the award of Degree
of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION is a record of work carried out by him/her
under my guidance.

Place: Bangalore
Date: Signature

It gives me a great pleasure to acknowledge with thanks the assistance and contribution of many
individuals who have been actively involved at various stages of this project to make it success.

I express my sense of gratitude to Dr. Anitha Ramachander Director and principal, and
Mrs. Sumanagala Talur, co-ordinator Department of MBA, ADARSH INSTITUTE OF
this precious opportunity to execute the project work.

I would also like to express my heart full thanks gratitude to my mentor guide Dr. Vincent
Rajkumar, associate Professor, ADARSH INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, BANGALORE, for their inspiring guidance and generous
help given to me though out the preparation of the project.

I cannot conclude this acknowledgement without mentioning the affection of various professors
they have been constant support during the study period and helped me patted me for this
venture. I whole heartedly thank them.

(To be given by the Institution on its letterhead)

This is to certify that the Project report entitled……………………………............................

………………………… an original work of Mr./Ms…………………………………...;

bearing University Register Number……………...and is being submitted in partial fulfillment

for the award of the Masters Degree in Business Administration of Bengaluru City University.
The report has not been submitted earlier either to this University /Institution for the fulfillment
of the requirement of any course of study. Mr/Ms…………………… guided by
Mr./Ms. /Dr…………………………………who is the Faculty Guide as per the regulations of
Bengaluru Central University.



Chapter no. Particulars Page no.

1 Introduction 8-21

2 Methodology 22-26

3 Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and

Challenges (SWOC) of the Research

4 Outcomes of the study 30-32

5 Experiences, learnings and Conclusion 33-36


Week Date Work Carried Out Signature Of Faculty


1 3-10-2020 Introduction of the


2 5-10-2020 Methodology

3 7-10-2020 SWOC Analysis of

the Research

4 9-10-2020 Outcomes of the


5 10-10-2020 Conclusion


Human resource management (HRM) is the set of effective activities within an organization that
concentrate on transforming human being into useful resources. The activities include searching
at right candidate, identify their knowledge, skills and attitude towards a specific job, observing
the performance of the employees, employee motivation, effective communication,
administration and training for increasing productivity and efficiency.

HRM is a deliberate and widespread approach to managing people and the workplace culture and
environment. Effective human resource managing people and the workplace culture and
environment. Effective human resource management enables employees to contribute effectively
and productively to the overall company direction and the accomplishment of the organizations
goals and objectives.

Employee welfare and safety at the workplace is of the work place organization ensuring that
employees are exposed to a risk level which do not affect their physical emotional and mental
health. Also the organization do not encourage any activity which will disturb the work life of
the employees .Employees are trained appropriately about the work and about all precautionary
measures that will prevent accidents at the work place.


Power is a type of vitality and the arrangement of physical wonders related with the nearness and
movement of electric charge. Power is surrounding us, whatever electronic things utilized as a
part of everything power is utilized. The electric power is utilized from toasters to autos, power
is otherwise called central type of vitality where we can see in positive and in addition in
negative structures which happens normally [Lightning]. Power is a piece of our lives where we
require power to work the electronic things, tremendous machines and so forth.

It all begins with molecules as little particles, these particles are the essential building pieces of
everything around us, similar to tables, seats or even our own particular body. The molecules are
comprised of littler components like protons, electrons and neutrons. The power is shaped by the
development of electrical and magnetically drive moves the electrons starting with one molecule
then onto the next by this the electrical current is framed.


The power is an essential responsibility proposed for every one particular of over nearness and it
has been accomplished since a crucial individual require. In the present age the power assumes
the most imperative part and to make the living conditions agreeable in extraordinary the power
assumes basic part. The certifiable correspondences for socio financial improvement of the
nation requires the cell phones, TVs, radio's and so on.

Electricity is one of the most important forms of energy. We cannot see, hear or smell electricity,
but we know about it by what it does. Electricity produces light and heat and it provides power
for household appliances and industrial machinery. Electric power also enables us to have
telephones, computers, films, television, and radio etc. Most of the electricity that we use daily
consists of a flow of tiny particles called electrons. Electrons are the smallest unit of electricity.
They are much too tiny to be seen, even with a microscope. Everything around us, including our
bodies, contains electrons. Therefore, everything can be thought of as partly electrical. Some of
the effects of electricity can be thought of as partly electrical. Some of the effects of electricity
may be seen in nature. For example, lightening is a huge flash of light caused by electricity.
Almost all the worlds electricity is produced at power plants by large machines called generators.
Most of these plants burn coal or oil to make steam, which provides the energy to run the
generators. Thick wires carry electricity from the plant to all the places such as houses, schools,
colleges, farms, factories and other places where people need it. Electricity is a handy source of
energy, but it must be used with great care. Faulty wiring or an overloaded socket can cause a
fire. An electricity supply even with one voltage can kill a person if he/she touches a bare wire
with wet hands or while standing on a wet floor.

BESCOM HISTORY: The erstwhile Mysore State had the enviable and glorious position of
establishing the first major hydroelectric generating station for commercial operations at
Shivanasamudra as early as 1902. The art at that time was still in its infancy, even in the
advanced countries. The longest transmission line, at the highest voltage in the world, was
constructed to meet the power needs of mining operations at Kolar Gold Fields. The State of
Karnataka, with availability of cheap electric power, and other infrastructure facilities, was
conducive for increased tempo of industrial activity. It became necessary to augment the power-
generating capacity by harnessing the entire potential of the Sharavathi Valley. The first unit of
89.1 MW was commissioned in 1964 and completed in 1977. The demand for power saw a
phenomenal increase in the mid sixties and onwards with the setting up of many public sector
and private industries in the State. As power generation in the state was entirely dependent on
monsoon and was subject to its vagaries, the state government set up a coal based power plant at
Raichur. The present installed capacity of the power plant at Raichur is 1260 MW. To augment
the energy resources of the State, the Kalinadi Project with an installed capacity of 810 MW at
Nagahari Power House and 100MW at Supa Dam Power House, with an energy potential of
4,112 Mkwh, were set up. The transmission and distribution system in the state was under the
control of the Government of Karnataka (then Mysore) till year 1957. In the year 1957,

MSEB was formed and the private distribution companies were amalgamated with Karnataka
Electricity Board. Till the year 1986, KEB was a profit-making organization. However, in the
subsequent years, like other State Electricity Boards in the country, KEB also started incurring
losses, mainly due to the increase in agricultural consumption and due to the implementation of
the socio-economic policies of the government. To improve the performance of the power sector
and in tune with the reforms initiated by Government of India, the Government of Karnataka
came out with a general policy proposing fundamental and radical reforms in the power sector.
Accordingly an Act, namely the Karnataka Electricity Reforms Act was passed by the Karnataka
Legislature. The Reform has mandated major restructuring of the Karnataka Electricity Board
and its Corporatization. As part of corporatization, Karnataka Electricity Board ceased to exist
and Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited was constituted from 1st August 1999.
As a part of the reforms, the distribution sector was further divided into 4 companies viz.
Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited – BESCOM; Hubli Electricity Supply Company
Limited - HESCOM; Mangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited – MESCOM; Gulbarga
Electricity Supply Company Limited - GESCOM. These companies came into existence from 1st
In the year 1999, Karnataka embarked on a major reform of the power sector. As a first step,
Karnataka Electricity Board (KEB) was dissolved and in its place, the Karnataka Power
Transmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL) was incorporated. This was followed by the
constitution of Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) in November 1999.
Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited is a registered company under the
Companies Act, 1956 was incorporated on 28-7-1999 and is a company wholly owned by the
Government of Karnataka with an authorised share capital of Rs. 1000 crores. KPTCL was
formed on 1-8-1999 by carving out the Transmission and Distribution functions of the erstwhile
Karnataka Electricity Board. KPTCL is headed by a Chairman and Managing Director at the
corporate office. He is assisted by four functional Directors. The Board of KPTCL consists of a
maximum of twelve directors. Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited is mainly
vested with the functions of Transmission and Distribution of power in the entire State of

BESCOM Karnataka: It operates under a license issued by Karnataka Electricity Regulatory

Commission. KPTCL purchases power from Karnataka Power Corporation Limited, which
generates and operates major power generating projects in the state consisting of Hydel, Thermal
and other sources. KPTCL purchases power from KPC at the rate fixed by the State Govt. from
time to time. KPTCL also purchases power from Central Government owned generating stations
like National Thermal Power Corporation, Neyvelli Lignite Corporation and the Atomic Power
Stations at Kalpakkam and Kaiga. The approximate share of power from these generating
stations is around 16%. KPTCL serves nearly 109 lakh consumers of different categories spread
all over the State covering an area of 1.92 lakh square kilometres. To transmit and distribute
power in the State, it operates nearly 684 sub-stations, 28,000 Kms of transmission lines with
voltages of 33 KV and above, nearly 13,000 Kms of 11 KV lines, 1,50000 distribution
transformers and 3,57000 Kms of LT lines. One Rural Electric Co-operative Society is
functioning in Hukkeri taluk, Belgaum district which purchases bulk power from KPTCL and
redistributes it to the consumers within the taluk. To enable easier operation of the system,
KPTCL has been divided into five zones, each headed by a Chief Engineer, fifteen Circles, each
headed by a Superintending Engineer, fifty seven divisions, each headed by a Executive
Engineer and over two hundred and seventy sub- divisions, each headed by a Assistant Executive
Engineer. Maintenance of power supply and day to day functioning are being looked after by the
above officers. The annual turnover of the organisation was nearly Rs.4000 crores during the
year 2000-01. KPTCL Unbundled.

Government vide order No.69 BSR 2001 Bangalore, dated 15/02/2002 has unbundled KPTCL
and formed four distribution companies. Consequent to this the function of distribution of power
has been totally separated from KPTCL. KPTCL is now vested with the responsibility of
transmitting power all over the State and construction and maintenance of Stations and lines of
66KV and above. KPTCL will purchase power from various power producers and sell it to the
distribution companies. The four newly formed independent distribution companies, which were
registered on 30/04/2002, are Bangalore Electricity Supply Company, Mangalore Electricity
Supply Company, Hubli Electricity Supply Company and Gulbarga Electricity Supply Company.
They have started functioning from 01/06/2002. These companies are in charge of distribution of
power within their jurisdiction.

BESCOM Districts, which are serviced by BESCOM:

Bangalore Urban

Bangalore Rural





BESCOM covers an area of 41,092 Sq. Kms. with a population of over 139 lakhs. The company
has three operating zones – Bangalore Metropolitan Area Zone, Bangalore Rural Area Zone and
Chitradurga Zone.

This work aims to study the welfare schemes practiced and safety measures provided for the
employees. Safety and welfare are two areas that play a significant role in the achieving
productivity and job satisfaction in any organization. As a result of accidents the organization
loses a number of man hours and this loss affects the productivity.

Employee welfare and safety at the workplace is of the work place organization ensure that
employees are exposed to a risk level which do not affect their physical emotional and mental
health .Also the organization do not encourage any activity which will disturb the work life of
the employees. Employees are trained appropriately about the work and about all precautionary
measures that will prevent accidents at the work place.


The main scope of the study is to give the view about different activities conducted in
organization. In this study only BESCOM organization in Bangalore is covered and not any
other organization. The organization and welfare safety measures adopted and how the company
serves the employees, people, environment, society and nation. To study the extent of risk in the
job exploring the security measures

Employee welfare and safety at the workplace is of the work place organization ensuring that
employees are exposed to a risk level which do not affect their physical emotional and mental

Employees at the BESCOM like lineman are exposed to high risk due to working condition.
They need more training and have to be aware of safety measures that prevent them from
accidents .For example they should be aware of how to use gloves helpmates, perks, work boots,
work pants, anti-cut gloves and also look towards the welfare of the employee working in the
organization to protect themselves from fire and smoke.

The present study is aimed at observing the satisfaction level of the employees with respect to
the safety and welfare measures adopted by BESCOM organization .It not only consider the
giving the awareness of the employees about safety measures at the workplace undertaken by the
BESCOM organization that its employees work under safe condition but also the utilization of
same by employees.


Board of

Technical Financial Company Vigilance TA Internal Communicatio

Director advisor Secretary and audit n and reforms
QC co-
General Finance officers
Manager controller

Superintending controller
Electrical engg

Figure: BESCOM Hierarchy

The study has been undertaken is one of BESCOM organization which has good system that
ensures the safety of the employees. Therefore the study tried to disclose how employee is
continuously motivated and focused to do duties with welfare measures given by the
organization and safety measures adopted and practiced by the BESCOM organization.
Employee welfare include anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of the labor
and is provided over and above wages .welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the
labor high so as to retain the labor for longer duration .The welfare measures need not be only a
monetary it should be in any kind form such that facilities, amenities which makes employees
happy and satisfied it results in higher productivity of the organization.


Employee welfare refers to providing facilities, amenities and it is an action or activity done for
development, intellectual and social of employee and these welfare facilities are paid, these
facilities are given to employee to conduct their work in healthy and good.


 To provide better standard of life to the workers

 To make employee satisfied and happy
 To win over labor loyalty and increase their morale
 To have constant labor force
 To reduce labor turnover
 To improve productivity of organization
 To develop efficiency of worker


 Welfare incorporates different offices, administration and enhancements gave to

specialist to improving their wellbeing, productivity financial advancement, proficiency.
 Welfare measures are in extra to customary wages and other monetary advantages
accessible to laborers because of arrangement and aggregate dealing.
 Work welfare conspire and adoptable and ever changes new welfare current ones every
now and then.
 The Company gives better physical and psychological well-being to specialist and along
these lines brief a solid situation.
 Work gets steady work constrain by giving welfare office.

Safety in the organization means having workplace free from injury accidents and hazards.

Employee safety refers to protection of workers from the danger of industrial accidents this is
primarily a management activity which is concerned with reducing controlling and eliminating
hazards from industrial units.


Employees at the BESCOM like lineman are exposed to high risk due to working condition.
They need more training and have to be aware of safety measures that prevent them from
accidents .For example they should be aware of how to use gloves helpmates, perks, work boots,
work pants, anti-cut gloves and also look towards the welfare of the employee working in the
organization to protect themselves from fire and smoke. The present study is aimed at observing
the satisfaction level of the employees with respect to the safety and welfare measures adopted
by BESCOM organization .It not only consider the giving the awareness of the employees about
safety measures at the workplace undertaken by the BESCOM organization to ensure that its
employees work under safe condition but also the utilization of same by employees.


An accident may be defined as a sudden mishap that interrupts the operation of an activity.


(a) Electrical: Resulting generally from any of the following causes.

(1)BESCOM Any person or animal coming in accidental contact with snapped overhead

(ii)Any person or animal coming in contact with a metallic line support, stay wire,
unauthorized energisation of fencing, frame of electrical apparatus, etc., through which there is
leakage of current due to failure of insulation, damaged insulators, etc.,
(iii)Coming in contact with live overhead conductors during renewal of blown out fuses,
replacing street lamps, cutting across live underground cable or touching live overhead
conductors with metallic rods, etc.,

(iv)Climbing up poles or towers and coming in contact with live overhead electrical conductors,
maliciously, out of ignorance or with the deliberate intention of committing suicide.

(b)Mechanical: Mechanical injury resulting from an electrical shock, such as person being
thrown off line support due to electrical shock sustained.

(c)Non-electrical: Non Electrical injury due to reasons such as fall from a pole, structure, tower
or roof trusses, etc., hurt caused while handling heavy machinery, while driving vehicles, etc.

(d) Miscellaneous: Other causes such as fires, drowning, explosions, etc.


(a) Those over which we have limited control, like floods, landslides, earthquakes, fires,
lightning and other acts of nature.

(b) Those due to improper or defective equipment and failure to provide adequate protective

(c) The human elements or 'Human Factor' is by far the greatest cause of serious accidents.

Statistics prove that more than ninety percent of Industrial accidents are not due to defective
equipment but due to failure on the part of workman and those in authority to observe safety
rules and adopt safety devices for accident prevention.

“Failure under Human factor” can be more clearly divided into the following classification:

(a) Failure on the part of workmen to observe safety rules made for their protection.

(b) Failure on the part of Foremen or others having responsibility over workmen to properly
instruct those under their supervision as to their duties and insistence upon workmen to observe
safety rules.

Based on the employee risk quotient safety and safeguards, BESCOM employee can be divided
into 3type:-

 Employee explore to low risk: Top level management and officer staff.
 Employee explore to moderate risk: Inspector, meter readers, testing staff like that.
 Employee explore to high risk: Employee engaged in physical job of insulation
maintenance and repair, lineman, field engineering.

Other employee’s welfare problems in BESCOM:

1. Working hours: 49 percent of the workers reportedly work for 8 to 12 hours a day; 32
percent work for 19 to 26 hours a day and nearly 25 percent employees work for more than 15
hours a day. Working more than 11 hours in day, it really increases the stress of employees. And
they can’t even give more time to family members.
2. Women safety: There are many problems to women at workplace like sexual harassment, no
separate washrooms assigning the hard jobs more working hours etc this thing will reduce the
interest on job to women’s.
3. Lack of training: If BESCOM employees not trained with special guidelines than it cause
more effect on their lives. Because the work of BESCOM is highly risk.
4. No proper claiming of insurance and many: If in case of any employee died when he was
working than BESCOM should provide complete need of his family members with claiming of
insurance, provident fund, and providing job to family members. In case it was not happened in
time then the employee family will struggle more in their needs.
5. Work stress: if top level management put more work load on lower level employee by
assigning risky jobs with no proper training and working for more hours increase stress in
employees and they reduce the interest on work.

Employee Welfare– Why is Employee Welfare Important?

Employee welfare work assumes great importance because of the following reasons:

1. Lack of strong trade union movement: In the absence of strong trade unions and effective
leaders, welfare work helps the workers in the BESCOM to stand on their own feet, think
properly and systematically of their interests, progress hand in hand and participate in the nations

2. Poverty: Poverty is one of the main reasons behind the provisions of employee welfare
activities. Indian workers in majority are poor, and are, therefore, unable to provide a healthy
living for their families and good education for their children.

3. Basic needs to women employees: There should be basic needs like separate wash rooms,
security, and not providing risk work to women in BESCOM.

4. Safety measures to employees: BESCOM must and should provide well Maintained
equipment to employees because electrical work causes my deaths and accidents to employees.

5. Lack of healthy recreation: Due to lack of healthy recreation, the workers indulge in crime
and other wrong activities. The employer should provide means of healthy recreation in order to
maintain their efficiency.

6. Training to employees: Work with electricity is highly risk. The BESCOM employees must
train well and providing them safety measures. If in case small mistake as taken place at work it
will cause the high risk to employees

7. Work based on qualification and age: Because of electricity work is highly risk so that the
employees above the age 45 BESCOM should not provide risk works to them. And BESCOM
should assign the work to employees on basic of their efficiency qualification and ability.
8.Cost of living: Now a days the cost of living is more high so that if organization provide them
with some welfare measures like increasing in salary increments quarters and food facilities in
work place it will help them in many way to balance the cost of living.

9. Corruption: If BESCOM provide complete needs for employees than they will never think
about to do corruption. Employees will work sincerely.


1) Employees would start working sincerely and honestly.

2) It would improve the productivity and efficiency of the employees.

3J the attachment and belongingness among the employees would be developed.

4) Employees would be healthy and they would be mentally and physically fit to perform in the
best manner. Thus; it promotes a healthy work environment.

5) Employees can enjoy stable, developed, dedicated employees, moreover, employees will work
with interest and with full involvement.

6) Reduce the corruption in BESCOM.

7) Absenteeism, labor turnover such problems of the employees would not arise in the

8) Employees would come forward to share additional responsibilities towards the work.

9) It will improve the standard of living of the employees.

10) Work environment, work culture will be developed in the organisation.

11) It enhances the goodwill and reputation and thereby image of the company.

12) No chance for industrial dispute in the company. Healthy, harmonious relation between
employer and employees will be developed.
Information regarding BESCOM’s role in their personal lives revealed the following:

1. Housing loan

15 percent of the respondents said they were provided housing loans by BESCOM; 68 percent
did not receive any such loans and 17 percent said they were not entitled. Among employees
who were provided housing loans by BESCOM, 84 percent were completely satisfied, 12 percent
were partly satisfied and four percent were dissatisfied.

2. Education loan

11 percent of the respondents said they were provided education loans by BESCOM; 71 percent
did not receive any such loans and 18 percent said they were not entitled to education loans.
Among employees who were provided education loans, 82 percent were completely satisfied, 10
percent were partly satisfied and seven percent were dissatisfied.

3. Health insurance cover

18 percent of the respondents said they were provided health insurance cover by BESCOM; 65
percent did not receive any such cover and 17 percent said they were not entitled. Among
employees who were provided health insurance cover, 76 percent were completely satisfied, 19
percent were partly satisfied and five percent were dissatisfied.

4. Financial support

42 percent of the respondents said that department supported them in times of family
needs/crises. In 90 percent of the cases, it was in the form of financial help/compensation; for
nine percent it was in the form of counseling and for five percent, health facilities were provided
by the department.

5. Encouragement

Only 10 percent of the respondents said they were given opportunities in the department to come
up with new or innovative ideas to act upon. These included Assistant Executive Engineers (20
percent) and Assistant Engineers /Junior Engineers (19 percent). This probably reflects that
heads of the offices are getting more encouragement from the department compared to their


PROBLEM STATEMENT – “Study of employees welfare measures taken by BESCOM”

A. Objectives of the study:

1. To understand the employees welfare measures under taken by BESCOM.
2. To find the approach used by BESCOM to solve the problem in employees welfares.
3. To propose measures that can cut down worry in the staff of BESCOM so they can serve
open to their definitive fulfillment.

B. Review of Literature:

Effective measure to improve their morale and self-worth by various labor welfare measures
both the statutory and voluntary. Safety and welfare measures are inevitably to any
organization where workers are involved.

Peter Hasle and Hans Jorgen Limborg (1995):

The scientific literature regarding preventive occupational health and safety activities in
small enterprises has been reviewed in order to identify effective preventive approaches and
to develop a future research strategy.

Rabinson, Clegg (2000):

Is studied identified the key behavior which founded to be associated with employee
welfare safety measures the behavior include belief in organization, desire to make thing
N M Joshi:
stated that welfare activity comprises of all effort which employers take for the advantages
of their employees over and above the wages paid or standard of working behavior allotted
by the industry or by the company over and above provisions of the social legislation.

C. Data collection:

Secondary data

It comprises of the information that is gathered from

l. Company magazines

2. Company sites

3. Compilation of records containing information of earlier years held by the organization.

D. Limitation of the study

The study limits to the BESCOM and the sample was selected based on respondent’s staff
and connivance method of sampling is being used. The study limits only to identification of
employees measures in BESCOM and their approach to solve the problem.
* Findings based on this study cannot be used by other organizations.
* Sometimes while making survey employees were not responded properly.
* Some employees are not being able to fill up the questionnaire themselves.
* Organisation was not allowing disclosing some of their information.

E. Data analysis and interpretation

Nature of work
It was found that the entire employee had more than one kind of work. Maintenance of lines
(75 percent), addressing consumer grievances (56percent), revenue collection (51 percent),
action on prevention of theft (43percent), receiving applications from consumers (23
percent), preparing estimates and reading meters, issuing bills (22 percent) were the major
job responsibilities served by BESCOM employees.

Hours of duty
49 percent of the employees reportedly work for 8 to 12 hours a day; 29 percent work for 13
to 16 hours a day and nearly 23 percent employees work for more than 16 hours a day. In
Turkur Circle almost half the number of employees (47 percent) are working 24X7;this was
followed by South Circle (29 percent) and Davangere (26 percent).Among employees who
worked for more than 16 hours in a day, the proportion was higher among Assistant
Executive Engineers (43 percent) and Assistant Engineer/Junior Engineer (31
percent).Respondents said the nature of work is like that because electricity is an essential
service and hence they have to be available for work most of the day.

Vehicle allowance

56 percent of the respondents were regularly getting vehicle allowance every month while the
rest were not getting any vehicle allowance. On an average, vehicle allowance received was Rs.
500 a month. However, a majority (88 percent) of the respondents said it was not sufficient to
discharge their duties for the whole month. An additional amount of Rs. 1,000 as vehicle
allowance was needed, according to the respondents.

Travel allowance

55 percent of the respondents were regularly getting travel allowance every month, while the rest
were not getting any. On an average, travel allowance received was Rs. 650 per month. More
than 86 percent of the respondents said their travel allowance was not sufficient to discharge
their duties for the whole month. Among the employees, 67 percent Assistant Executive
Engineers found the travel allowance sufficient. But the majority of other employees sought
additional travel allowance. Median of additional amount needed by employees was found to be
Rs. 1,500.


Nearly 82 percent of the respondents said that all required materials were available at their Sub-
division/O&M offices; 92 percent reported receiving materials from the Division Store while six
percent received materials from the Central Store. After making a request for required materials,
11 percent of the respondents received materials within a day; 21 percent in two to three days,
while 67 percent of them received materials in after four days.

More than two-fifths (44 percent) of the respondents said that all the supplied materials were of
good quality, while 51 percent said only some materials were of good quality.

Around 85 percent of the respondents said they were able to convey their message to higher
officers regarding the poor/average quality of the materials supplied. Among respondents who
did not convey such a message, 86 percent said it would be of no use even if the message is
conveyed and the remaining 14 percent did not know whom to contact.

Safety tools

Almost all (97 percent) the respondents said they received safety tools from BESCOM. Among
them, the proportion of employees receiving various safety tools is depicted in pie chart
88% 93%

38% 94%


Fig: Details of safety tools received by BESCOM staff

In each office, only 44 percent of the respondents said that safety tools have been provided to all
employees in their office. Among them, 89 percent overseers/meter readers /operators, eight (8)
percent mechanics (Grade 1/Grade 2) and 10 percent linemen/assistant linemen/junior linemen
did not receive any safety tools.

While 65 percent of the employees said safety tools were of good quality, the rest said the quality
was average. Among the employees who found the material of average/poor quality, 91 percent
said they were able to convey their message to higher officers. Among the employees who did
not convey their message, 90 percent said that it was of no use even if the message was conveyed
to higher officers and the remaining 10 percent did not know whom to contact about poor quality
of materials.

When they were asked to give suggestions regarding the items given to them, 78 percent of them
asked for supply of good quality item.


Apart from the induction training programmed that the employees underwent at the time of
joining the department, 91 percent of them underwent other training programmers as well in the
last three years
* Around 10 percent of them underwent one more training programmed, 86 percent underwent
two to five training programmers and about four percent of them underwent more than five
training programmers.

Median of duration of each training programmed was three days.

* Almost all (98 percent) were satisfied with the various training programmers and three-fourths
of them felt that all training programmers attended were very useful for them.


SWOC analysis is a strategic planning method used to research external and internal factors
which affect company success and growth. Firms use SWOC analysis to determine the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges of their firm, products, and
competition. An analysis of such kind is of great to the business. It helps us to understand
aims, goals, and ambitions. At the same time, you get a clear image of the pros and cons
related to the business.

SWOC analysis in welfare measures in BESCOM


Increase work efficiency: If BESCOM provides good welfare schemes to employees then
they will work sincerely and efficiently and they will give more important to their jobs.
Increase in productivity: Employees work happily and effectively if they get good welfare
schemes its lead to the increase in productivity.

Reduce the corruption: Employees work sincerely when they get good welfare schemes and
employees will never think about to do the corruption.

Reduce the deaths: Electricity work is highly risk. If BESCOM provide well maintained
materials and good training to employees its will reduce the death of employees.

Woman employees safety: By providing separate washrooms and easy works to employees and
other welfare measures to women’s at work place it will help to employees to work without any


The cost of welfare programs is massive: By providing basic needs like food, shelter, and
direct money assistance and other welfare benefits to employees it will cost massively to the

Lack of training: Employees in BESCOM must be very well trained. If the organisation failed
to give the correct guild lines and training its will lead to a heavy risk to employees.

Failing in updating the equipment: Some time BESCOM failed to update the equipment and
materials which used by lineman. Because of funds were not releasing by government its will
really cause on employees life.

Accidents in rainy season: main problem of employees in BESCOM to work in rainy season.
This also a main weakness for besom and employees in BESCOM.

Increase in standard of living: if employees get good welfare schemes then it will be useful to
them to balance the life easily. And it will lead to increase the standard of living of employees.

To know the ability of employees : It is a best opportunity to organisation to know the ability
and skills by providing them proper training and guidance and its will be easy to organisation to
take decision on work.

Overcome the stress: Assigning the work on employees skills and providing them weekly
holidays, organisation trips etc to employees its helps to employees to overcome the stress.


Strikes from employees: The main challenge facing by BESCOM is strikes from employees.
Because of employees not getting proper welfare and some time not providing on time.
Employees will make shrikes and its effects on productivity.

Corruption: Another thing which is challenges for organizations is avoiding the corruption.
BESCOM must take strict auctions on the employees who will do the corruption in organisation.

Safety measures: Employees in BESCOM like lineman’s they should have complete safety
measures like gloves, helmets, walky talkies, and forever guideline to avoid the accidents.

Miss utilization of welfare from employees: Employees will miss utilize the welfare which is
providing from BESCOM like taking more holidays, charging more on travel allowance, miss
utilization of quarters, this cost more on organisation. This also a main challenge for BESCOM.

Avoiding the deaths rate: Main challenges to the BESCOM to aviod the deaths of employees
by taking advanced equipments and proper guidelines.
Chapter 4


Through collection of secondary Data we find the current scenario of welfare measures in
BESCOM. Which helps in predicting the future of welfare measures in BESCOM?

Data analysis and interpretation:

The research is about the future prospective of welfare measures in BESCOM, the most of the
interactions made with the Temporary employees of BESCOM, who are well knowledgeable
about the welfare measures in BESCOM and pros and cons of the welfare measures in BESCOM
in and depth.

Interpretations & suggestions of the BESCOM by the temporary employees:

I understand the information they had suggested me that to know more about the welfare
measures in BESCOM a little bit in & out, to study more regarding the topic refer the daily news
papers and magazines and daily updates of BESCOM website.

Quality of safety tools and materials:

The BESCOM are trying to give more effective and well maintained and good quality of safety
tools and materials by BESCOM in terms of all over zones covered by company. They are
maintain the services by giving the good quality equipments durable is very important to them
and also long lasting duration is very essential to them and giving more value for the lives of

Women welfare system:

BESCOM provide good welfare measures to women's employees by providing separate

washrooms, work for home, maternity and paternity leaves, childcare, reduce or flexible hours of
duty, and not assigning risky work to women’s.

Basic welfare needs:

After collection of secondary data 87% of employees said that they were getting good basic
needs like quarters, food at work place, travel allowance, leaves when employees falls sick, and
organisation trips etc.

Gender and age group:

Among the BESCOM staff interviewed, 96 percent were male. Average age of respondents was
40 years. Because electricity work is highly risk and maximum work done by only men
employees and employees must be healthy and younger age.


The efficiency of welfare measures of employees in besom is very high compare to others
companies like Mescom Hescom etc therefore it is a good implementation in the providing
welfare schemes to employees.
Inspections of safety equipments:

(i) Monthly, by the T&P holder.

(ii) Quarterly, by the Assistant Executive Engineer,

(iii) Once in six months, by the Division Officer for its being in good condition.

Professional support:

BESCOM providing every good professional support like giving proper guidelines, training from
experts, reducing the risky tasks, apprenticeships programs, increments and increasing in salary,
bonus etc.

No reduction in salary at Corona time:

At present situation maximum organization reducing salary of employees to overcome

economical crisis. But BESCOM providing complete salary to employees without any reduction
this is best welfare providing by BESCOM at this scenario.

Measures taken to avoid death rate:

BESCOM has taken measures steps to aviod the death rate. Like providing high quality
equipment, proper safety tools, training program, avoiding work in rainy seasons, and walky
talkies etc.

Financial and retirement plans:

BESCOM providing many financial support to employees like educational loans, pension plans,
stock options or equity, performance bonus, life insurance, health insurance, retirement plan to
employees this help them more in many ways.

Apart from the induction training programmed that the employees underwent at the time of
joining the department, 91 percent of them underwent other training programmers as well in the
last three years.

1. Around 10 percent of them underwent one more training programmed, 86 percent underwent
two to five training programmers and about four percent of them underwent more than five
training programmers.

Median of duration of each training programmed was three days.

2. Almost all (98 percent) were satisfied with the various training programmers and three-
fourths of them felt that all training programmers attended were very useful for them.




1. By this study we can learn the welfare activities of BESCOM.

2. In this study we can understand the technologies used by BESCOM to avoid the
3. We learnt the sources of incomes to employees through welfare schemes providing by
4. From the above study we can come to know the most of the technical aspects in BESCOM
as well as knowledge about the company.
5. Through the secondary data, we came to know women welfare measures taken by BESCOM.


1. A good interaction between legal officers of BESCOM.

2. Understood brief knowledge about employee welfare schemes of BESCOM.
3. Government schemes are not reaching to employees properly.
4. Many employees are still working on contract basis.


1. It suggests that regular health checkup should be conducted once in six months.

2. It suggests that BESCOM Company should provide well advanced technical tools to the
linemen when doing the field work.

3. The company should make aware of the welfare schemes and other facilities available in the
company to the employees.
4. It suggests to the company that the company maintain accidental books in a better way.

It suggests that company should organize recreational activities in the weekends.

5. The organization should provide special care or preference to the employees like linemen,
temporary employees. It suggests that provision of tools such that hand gloves, helmet
respiratory mask, to ensure safety and minimizing accidents.

6. It suggests that to provide proper printing and stationery machines to increase the productivity
or work.

7. It suggests that company should provide rest rooms for ladies and pregnant women’s.

8. The concept of employee welfare and safety measures is more relevant to working class
compared to their western counter parties on account of the relatively poor working conditions
and infrastructure.

9. Well the fact that employees have always been the key for every organizational growth. There
is a need to provide better working conditions and work environment.

10. Proving the efficiency of employees since work related problems compliment poor quality of
life for employees and decline in performance.

11. When employees get better facilities like enough medical care, safe drinking facilities,
welfare schemes, transportation such that those give employees a high level satisfaction.This
provides opportunity to an organization to grow rapidly and sustainably.

12. Productivity and performance depends upon employee satisfaction .Hence there is a greater
need to keep the employee happy and motivated welfare schemes and safety measures is on such
tool for enhancing employee satisfaction.

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