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Presented by:
Rahul Singh
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering Department
Engineering College Nowgong
 Introduction
 Determination of Natural Frequency
 Undamped Free Tansverse Vibrations
 Undamped Free Torsional Vibrations
 Examples
 Free vibration: A system is said to undergo free vibration
when it oscillates only under an initial disturbance with no
external forces acting afterward.
 Undamped: No decay of amplitude of vibration.
 Single DoF: The system possesses only one natural
Mass is treated as rigid and lumped particle and elasticity
is idealised by single spring.

A spring mass system in horizontal position

Determination of Natural Frequency
 The natural frequency of any vibratory system is the
inherent property of the system.
 The natural frequency is independent of the forces acting
on the system.
 Methods to determine the natural frequency:
1. Equilibrium method
2. Energy method
3. Rayleigh’s method
Equilibrium method
 Determination of natural frequency Using Newton’s
second law of motion or D’Alembert’s Principal.
 Procedure:
1. Select a suitable coordinate to describe the position of
the mass.
2. Establish the static equilibrium configuration of the
3. Draw the free body diagram of the mass.
4. Use FBD to apply Newton’s second law of motion or
D’Alembert’s Principal.
Equilibrium method
 Newton’s second law of motion: The rate of change of
momentum of a mass is equal to the force acting on it.

 For linear motion:

 For angular motion:

Newton’s second law of motion

Equilibrium method
 D’Alembert’s Principal: a body which is not in static
equilibrium due to own acceleration, can be brought to
static equilibrium by introducing the inertia force on it.
 The inertia force is equal to the mass times the
acceleration and its direction is opposite to that of

 The algebraic sum of the inertia forces and all external

forces acting on the system must be equal to zero.
 For linear motion:
 For angular motion:
Equilibrium method
 Calculation of natural frequency of spring mass system:

Equilibrium method to find natural frequency of spring mass system

 Static equilibrium condition:
 The forces acting on the mass at the displaced position:
1. Inertia force (upward):
2. Spring force (upward):
3. Gravitational force (downward): mg
Equilibrium method
 Applying the D’Alembert’s principle: The algebraic sum
of the inertia forces and all external forces acting on the
system must be equal to zero.

 The above equation is known as equation of motion and

also the governing equation of SDOF spring mass system.
 The governing equation of SHM is given by:

 Comparing the above two governing equations, we get,

Solution of Differential equation
 The solution can be found by assuming:

 where C and s are constant to be determined.

 Substituting these values in governing equation, we get,

….Characteristic equation
….Roots or Eigen values
Solution of Differential equation
 The general solution of governing equation can be
expressed as:

…. General solution
 The general solution can also be written as:

 Where A, B and C are new constants, and can be

determined from initial conditions of the system.
 Initial conditions:
Solution of Differential equation
 Substituting the initial conditions in the general solution,
we get,

 Thus the solution of governing equation subject to the

initial conditions is given by:
Equation of motion
 spring-mass system in horizontal position:

A spring mass system in horizontal position

 Applying Newton’s Second law of motion:

…. Equation of motion
 Natural frequency:
Energy method
 Principle of Conservation of Energy:
 No energy is lost due to friction or other energy-
dissipating mechanisms.
 If no work is done by external forces, the total energy of
system remains constant.
 For mechanical vibratory systems:
Rayleigh’s method
 This is an extension of energy method.
 According to principle of conservation of energy, total
energy of system remains constant.

 According to Rayleigh’s method: The maximum kinetic

energy of the system at the mean position is equal to the
maximum potential energy of the system at extreme
Rayleigh’s method
Relation between Linear and
Rotational Motion
 1. Find the natural frequency of simple pendulum.
 Given:-
 L= length of string
Effect of Mass on Natural Frequency of
a Spring
 Natural frequency of spring mass system considering
mass of spring:
• Consider a small spring element of
length dy at a distance of y from fixed end.
•Let the displacement of the lower end
of the spring be x.
•Displacement of the spring element:

•Velocity of the spring element: l


•Mass of the spring element:

Effect of Mass on Natural Frequency of
a Spring
 Kinetic energy of spring element:

 Total kinetic energy of spring:

 Total kinetic energy of spring mass system:

 Potential energy of spring mass system:

Effect of Mass on Natural Frequency of
a Spring
 Applying Rayleigh’s method:
 Maximum kinetic energy = Maximum potential energy
Equivalent system to spring-Mass
Modeling of actual system as spring mass system:

Modeling of tall structure as spring-mass system

Modeling of actual system as spring mass system:

Idealization of a building frame

Undamped Free Transverse Vibration
 Find the natural frequency of transverse vibration of a
cantilever beam of negligible mass carrying a
concentrated mass ‘m’ at free end.
Free-Vibration Response Due to Impact
 A cantilever beam carries a mass M at the free end as
shown in Fig. A mass m falls from a height h onto the
mass M and adheres to it without rebounding. Determine
the resulting transverse vibration of the beam.

Cantilever beam
Free-Vibration Response Due to Impact
The velocity of the combined mass (M+m):

Displacement of the system from its static

equilibrium position:

Equation of motion:

Natural frequency:
Free-Vibration Response Due to Impact
Solution of the equation of motion:
 Initial conditions:

 Substituting the initial conditions:

 Solving the above equations:

Young’s Modulus from Natural
Frequency Measurement
 A fixed beam of square cross section 5mm*5mm and
length 1 m, carrying a mass of 2.3 kg at the middle, is
found to have a natural frequency of transverse vibration
of 30 rad/s. Determine the Young’s modulus of elasticity
of the beam.
Undamped Free Torsional Vibration
 Determine the natural frequency of single shaft rotor
 Inertia torque of rotor:
 Restoring torque of the shaft:
 Applying Newton’s 2nd law:

 Natural frequency:

FBD of rotor
Practice Problems

1. Find natural frequencies of the following pendulum of

length l:


Figure: 1 Figure: 2 Figure: 3

Practice Problems
2. Find the natural frequency of compound pendulum.
3. Any rigid body pivoted at a point other than its centre of
mass will oscillate about the pivot point under its own
gravitational force. Such a system is known as a compound

Disc of mass m

Figure 1 : Compound pendulum Figure 2

Practice Problems
Find the natural frequency of the following systems:

Figure: 1


Figure: 2 Figure: 3
Practice Problems
 Determine the natural frequency of the system as shown in
figure. Assume the pulleys to be frictionless and of
negligible mass.

Pulley system 1 Pulley system 2

Practice Problems on Natural Frequency
of Bar system
 Find the natural frequency of the following systems:

Figure: 1 Figure: 2
Practice Problems
 Find the natural frequency of the following systems:

Figure: 1 Figure: 2
Thank you

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