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This chapter involves related research of past studies that provides information for the substance
and development of the study. References from the internet and books are gathered to help the
researchers and readers for better understanding of what the system is all about and how it is
used to benefit the study.

According to Bearman (1996) "records are at one and the same time the carriers,
products, and evidence of business transactions. business must create records which logically
are metadata encapsulated objects" (Bearman, 1996, p. 6).
"ERM, while involving special consideration, requires the planning, budgeting, organizing,
directing, training and controlling activities associated with managing the records in its entirety"
(State and Consumer Services Agency Department of General Services, 2002, p.3).
As it is said in the beginning the RM and ERM are used in the same manner at this Master
thesis. Furthermore, it is essential to present with the definition of the term Records. Records is
"any recorded evidence of an activity" (Sheperd and Yeo, 2003, p. 2).
Records are something important for every organization or company. Their usage is that are
important in order to conduct the current business, to enable decisions to be made and to
accomplish actions.

According to Charles (1997), one of the key areas to be designed when implementing a
records system is the definition of metadata to be used across all aspects of the management of
the records. Metadata can be defined simply as data structured information; database managers.
Librarians, archivists, records managers, webmasters and others in the information management
business have collected and used metadata for consistency and a standard approach to metadata
is much greater
Implementing a record management system can reduce the risk associated with litigation and
potential penalties. A well-planned and thoughtfully applied record management program can
reduce the liabilities associated with document disposal.

As emphasized by Stair, R. (1999), the development of technology through the years have enabled
us to do more with less effort.we have continuously tried to in a more efficient means of doing

As stated by Sybex Inc (1999), the visual basic provide a graphical environment in
which the users usually designed the forms and control that become the building block of tour
application. Visual Basic, python, c++ and Java support many useful tools that will help the user
more productivity.
The hardware of a POS (point of sale) system is also distinctive and important. A typical
system includes a display screen for the clerk, a customer display, a cash drawer, a credit card
swiping system, a printer, and a bar code scanner, along with the computer loaded with the POS
Custom features may be added or removed, depending on the industry. A restaurant POS
system, for example, may have a feature which prints order tickets directly in the kitchen, or a
grocery store may have an integrated scale for weighing goods.
Ngulube, P. (2000) records management: Record management is the process by which
internally or externally generated physical or electronic records are managed from their
inception, receipt and storage, all the way through to their disposal

Record management, as stated by the ISO: 15489 (2001), is the field of management
responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and
disposal of records. This includes the processes of capturing and maintaining evidence and
information relating to business activities and transaction in the form of record. Records
management therefore plays a major role in the care of record that are created within an
institution such as a university.

According to Arora (2001:192), indexing can be defined as a method of providing

indicator for a body of data or collection or records. Indexing is anything that points out or
indicate. It also refers to the arrangement of documents in such an order so as to facilitate easy
access to them. It may be alphabetical or numerical. Also Saleem (2001:85) states that an index
is advice for finding the position of a document or file in a system quickly and easily, so an
index serves as indicator to what and where aspects of a collection in an information center
proper management of records, an organization controls the growth of records and retains only
relevant data. A RIM system follows a mandated retention schedule, outlining how long records
need to be kept and when disposition needs to occur. Paper documents that are required to be
stored legally can be placed cost-effectively in offsite storage facilities. Files that are accessed
daily can be scanned and stored in an electronic document management system, opening up
office space that can be reallocated to other business functions.

As stated by Janes (2001), the computers are extremely reliable device and very powerful
calculators with some great accessory applications like word processing problem for all of
business activities, regardless of size, computers have three advantages over other type of office
equipment that process information because computer are faster, more accurate more economical.

As stated by Dioso (2001), the computer assists careful intelligent planning, organizing,
actuating and controlling. These maybe observed from the past that they monitor production
activities, solve scientific problem and help arrive in tentative answer to a multitude of involve

Australian Records Management Standard (2002) defines records keeping metadata as

describing context, content and structure of records and their management through time.
Also metadata is defined as structured information of records and their management through
Also metadata is defined as structured information that describes, explains, locates or otherwise
makes it easier to retrieve, use or manage records. It’s often called data about data or
about information. Metadata is a key in ensuring that records will survive and continue to be
accessible into future. It facilitates discovery of relevant information. Also helps to organize
electronic records facilities interoperability and legacy resources to organize records integration,
provide digital identification and support archiving and preservation

Keeping business records can be daunting at first. The key is to break things down into a series
of straightforward, manageable tasks. Then you can access and update them on a regular basis,
rather than letting the paperwork pile up.

As stated by Lewis (2002), the reason for using computers vary from person to person.
Some of the computers in business are to perform accuracy, to be as productivity, to decrease
bottle necks or hassles to alter cash flows or to simples elevate your status.

According to Shepard and Yeo (2003, p. 1) argue RM [Records Management] is the field
of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt,
maintenance, use and disposition of records.
Most departments maintain large records management systems (RMS) that contain crime
incident data.
The software manages record lifecycle, from its creation, usage, storage, maintenance to
destruction or preservation, as per the organizational policies and legal mandates.

A recording system is necessary for organizations to proactively and progressively

manage all data, media and information for both physical and electronic documents and records
while retaining the company integrity and authenticity.
The importance of record keeping in terms of assessment and treatment, communicating
findings, evidence-based practice and research.

As published by White, M. (2003), Merchandising means selling products to retail

customers. Merchandisers, also called retailers, buy products from wholesalers and
manufacturers, add a mark-up or gross profit amount, and sell the products to consumers at a
higher price than what they paid.
When you go to the mall, all the stores there are retailers, and you are a retail customer.
Retailers deal with an inventory; all the goods (products) they have for sale.
They account for inventory purchases and sales in one of two ways. Periodic and Perpetual. As
the names suggest these methods refer to how often the inventory account balances are updated

According to state records of South Australia (2004), defines a records system as an

information system that captures, manages and provides access to records through time.
In this context an information system is not limited to the information technology industry
concept of an information system. Records system can include software and hardware, people,
procedures and policies all relating to the storing, processing and accessing of information.The
state records (2005) definition of a records system should not be solely equated with a central
registry or correspondence filing system. All records in all formats created or received by an
agency in the
course of business are official records and should be managed in systematic ways.

As cited by Mrazek P. M.S.W Ph.D., et al (2004), the collection, organization, and use
of community monitoring data may seem remote from the personal and compelling details of
the person. In addition, Shapiro J. (2001), Monitoring is the systematic collection and analysis
of information as a project progresses.
It is aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of a project or organization. It is
based on targets set and activities planned during the planning phases of work.
It helps to keep the work on track, and can let management know when things are going
If done properly, it is an invaluable tool for good management, and it provides a useful base for
evaluation. It enables you to determine whether the resources you have available are sufficient
and are being well used, whether the capacity you have is sufficient and appropriate, and
whether you are doing what you planned to do

Reese, R. (2004) talks about Record management and transaction processing that would
achieve efficiency on processing student information.
It would be a great help to the administrative personnel, academic personnel, grantors or
stakeholders, parents and students in updating, retrieving and generating student data.

Open government initiatives in advanced countries are undergoing a transition from

paper to electronic recordkeeping.
all ministries of the Netherlands are required to connected in the cloud by 2015
(Hofman, 2011),
Library and Archives Canada plans to be fully digital by 2017 (Allard, 2011)

the Obama administration has set a goal for the federal government to go completely
paperless by the end of 2019, by 2019, federal agencies will manage all permanent electronic
records in an electronic format in US (Managing Government Records Directive, 2012).

Digital recordkeeping is the backbone of open government initiatives and should be

integrated into business processes (Presidential Memorandum—Managing Government
Records, 2011).
There are increasing expectations of citizens and customers that organizations should
operate in a trustworthy, accountable, transparent, and socially Responsible manner
(ISO/TC46/SC11, 2007). International Organization for Standardization

According to state records of South Australia (2004), defines a records system as an

information system that captures, manages and provides access to records through time.
In this context an information system is not limited to the information technology industry
concept of an information system.
Records system can include software and hardware, people, procedures and policies all relating
to the storing, processing and accessing of information.

The state records (2005) definition of a records system should not be solely equated with
a central registry or correspondence filing system. All records in all formats created or received
by an agency in the course of business are official records and should be managed in systematic

In the article written by Edwin Bridges (2005) entitled, “State Record Laws and the
Preservation of an Archival Record”, he said that the management of public records is becoming
an increasing challenging task.
Expanding government services have created new classes and massive quantities records. New
technologies for recording and communicating information employ dizzying array of media and
These changes are overwhelming current laws and practices of the management of modern
government records. In an electronic information environment, the systematic preservation of
long term records can be the result of purposeful decisions and deliberate efforts.
People designing and operating information systems have to decide what documentary records
are to be produced and take steps to ensure that the records are produced and preserved.

According to Reyes (2005), task would be time consuming to accomplish manually and
more practical with the aid of computers field in cabinet. As we development technology through
the years have enabled us to do more with less effort. From the orientation of the light bulb to the
industrial revolution and beyond, we have continuously tried to in a more efficient means of doing

Having a recording system is very important nowadays because it is very much accurate, fast and
can accomplish many tasks easily which is life saving. Rather than completing those tasks
manually much more time is required. This can also help in very big calculations in just a fraction
of a second. Moreover it can store huge amount of data in it.
Makhura, P. M.S.W, Ph.D. et al., (2005) states that the management of both physical and
electronic records plays a big role thus they need to be captured as soon as they are generated.

According to Cunningham (2006) an effective records management system has many

benefits to the organization and these include the following Informed policy making.
Decision making and planning for the delivery of services.
Good risk management and corporate governance, enhanced operational effectiveness,
Increased client satisfaction, Better management and delivery of services, Increased
productivity, Increased accountability, Increased access to and sharing of corporate information
and Improved ability to meet community expectations.

Desousa, T. (2008), states that Registration application has 3 core benefits. These are the
1) Efficiency. Everyone hates to deal with files of paper unless they do not have any
other alternatives. The benefit of computerize solution makes services and information available
from any time to update information.
2) Security of live data. Normally in more complex systems data is moved about
separate systems and data sources. In computerize systems, these systems and processes can
often be merged by reducing the need to move the data around.
3) Cost Effective. Computerize applications can considerably lower the costs because of
reduced support and maintenance, lower requirements on the end user system and simplified

Online registration not only improves efficiencies and eliminates unnecessary paperwork, it also
maximizes participation and improves marketing capabilities while allowing participants to sign
up when and where it is most convenient for them from any Internet-enabled computer. This can
be related to the system that we are creating because this is more efficient. No need to have
more paper works by recording information in the log book. Using computer or laptop we can
access and input information that can easily save and kept. That can be use for future references.

Evangelista (2008) said that the registration system allows user access to record all
information of student needed, remaining balance, the semester and year, and registration all
activities include in the hole year. This is more efficient because you can control your
information and can access right away if you needed it the most.

Through the system, students would be access and secure the information of the student,
in the way of good transaction between user and system to the best result. The use of individual
student record would:
1.) increase the admissions capacity to follow a student’s progress over time;
2.) Reduce data collection burden through a computerize registration system
3.) as a tool of monitoring information of the student.

According to Amelounate, RC Cola Orani Enterprise was established on January 2008

catering to 20 sub dealers all over Bataan and 50 stores from Orani to Balanga. The manner of
operation is manual, thus every transaction is recorded and solved manually.
In terms of supply ordering process, all emptied bottles/cases are delivered to the mother
company located at Lubao, Pampanga; this is done if they reach the maximum cases of 1,720
needed for hauling.

When it comes to operation, the number of cases of goods delivered to the sub dealers and stores
are written on Daily Remittance Report. However, the report cannot monitor if how many cases
are available on the warehouse or how many bottles/cases are missing.
The problem mainly concerns on the inventory. They are relying on physical count of incoming
goods and recorded on a piece of paper and transferred to a columnar book.

Every transaction on the outgoing of goods is being recorded to a Daily Record Book and
transferred to Daily Remittance Report.
However, this process provides redundant records, inaccuracy on their daily reports and make it
hard for the management to determine how many cases are still available in the warehouse and
if this stocks are enough to sustain the needs of their customers.
If operations will stop due to availability of stocks, It cost the company an estimated value of P
20, 000.00 losses on their income.
That’s why it’s really beneficial for a business and other organizations to have a modern
recording system it helps a lot. This can Reduce the time we spent on manual processes and
lessen errors and increased accuracy. Faster record-keeping leads to more business and success.

(Zhang, 2008). According to a 2010 survey by the National Archives and Records.
International trends and future directions of recordkeeping awareness, recordkeeping processes
and regimes. Recordkeeping systems and technologies have been identified as moving towards
meta-synthetic support in the digital world (An, Sun, & Zhang, 2011).

However, there are few discussions on meta-synthetic strategies for digital recordkeeping based
on the integrated use of ISO recordkeeping and management systems for records (MSR)
products in archival and recordkeeping literature (Cabero, Martín-Pozuelo, &Zazo, 2011).

In addition to, the statement of Marrero, S. (2009) in his study entitled “Student
registration System is the concept of Information Systems (IS) emerged in the early 1960s.
More often, when information system is defined, IS is an academic field that deals with the
generation, collection, organization, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of recorded
Furthermore, it is a collection of related components designed to support operations,
management, and decision making in any organization. Generally, Information Systems (IS) is
supposed to inform people. Information System supports people or users in making intelligent
decisions based upon the information derived from reliable data.

Crook, S. (2009) stated, “billing is an endless cycle and processing of daily and
suspense’s may continue during the billing process or immediately once billing is complete in
preparation for the next month of bills
. Larger companies, school, and other office work may need to stagger billing into a
weekly processor for different groups of customer or student to regulate the billing manager’s
workload or level out the cash flow”.

According to the study of Richard W. Carkner, 2010, a farm business large enough to
adequately support a family is much too complex to manage from notes on a calendar or tablet.
A detailed set of records is essential to making sound farm management decisions.
While computer software to do farm records is readily available, a manual system is discussed
here to better illustrate concepts. Understanding a manual system will directly transfer to
understanding a computer based system.

Computer based record systems are widely available and should be considered when setting up
a record system. Software capability to support farm records has grown dramatically in recent

Different software packages differ in complexity and price. However, the output—balance
sheets, cash flow, income statements and enterprise accounts—provide the information
necessary for farm business planning and management. Computers can be used to generate these
documents; however, information on process and accounting is often absent.
According to Carlson (2011), You should utilize registration not merely for business and
business reasons, but will also organizing class or training course, workshops, professional
classes on the web, etc. While using the benefits associated with keeper registration is
anticipated that can assist you get rid of worries of manual process.

For anyone who is still using paper registration forms for the campers, it would be time
hard to take into consideration camping registration forms to further improve efficiencies,
improve organization, and alleviate manual, paper-based processes.

In adaption to the statement of Barredo (2011), Monitoring information these important

aspects through automation has made things better and simpler for managers. Rather than
manually, the system is easy to used.

With the use of automation systems to the gathered the information and to update the
information of the student. Through this system, the resources information of the student needed
for the tracing, monitoring, and updating information on time.

Ana QUIMBO, M. T. (2011). Improving the ICT Infrastructure in the Philippines. Asian
Journal of Distance Education Asian J D E.
Computerized Record System is a good example of a computer-generated process. This can
lessen the workload and provides accurate and precise information needed.
As a result, it will benefit not only the customer but also the administration as a whole.
Computerization of inventory’s information records and files inter-relates different yet
interdependent transactions in a systematized and functional way (Ana QUIMBO, 2011; Boddy
et al., 2009).

According to the article of Abilla, P. (2011), they tackle the different cause of using
inventory system. if you have too many products in your warehouse, you increase the risk that
they will become obsolete, damaged, spoiled or stolen before you can sell them all. Depending
on which industry you’re in, you’re probably more worried about some of these risks than

Inventory management is important for businesses of any size. Knowing when to restock
inventory, what amounts to purchase or produce, what price to pay as well as when to sell and at
what price can easily become complex decisions. Small businesses will often keep track of
stock manually using papers. To better determine the reorder points, quantities and availability
of the product we must encourage small and large company to track their product using high-
tech technology. It’s more convenient and can be time saving. This can also help us lessen
accuracy and saves a lot of money.

In addition, Henderson, K., they have a three major advantages by using of Recording system
these are (Time savings, Accuracy, and Consistency) which helps a lot for a business man to
increase the sales of their business.
Ives I. (2012) explained time and Monitoring information. The information that is
captured in this procedure will be used to track student redundancy or loss of record. This
system is important for the recordkeeping to avoid the redundancy or loss of record.
If you own a business, you should consider monitoring in formation an important part of your
workforce management

In the words of Kevin Smith (2012) records management can be described as a

management control of records. Kevin Smith and others defined records management in three
words; records management, broadly defined includes forms, reports, reproduction of written
materials, filling retention microfilming and related issues”. Records management in its
broadest sense concerns itself with the records creation distribution maintenance, retention,
presentation, retrieval and disposal.

According to Shanker (2013), the difference between manual and computerized system
is speed. The processed data can minimize errors and increases efficiency.
The data inputted can easily be summarized in just a few seconds.
While the manual computing with paper and pencil or ball pencils cheaper than a
computerized sales system, which requires a machine and system software.
Other expensed associated with computer process include training and program

According to 11:58 PM) Modern technology is a part of our

daily life. It helps individuals and industries perform their tasks and daily routines, including
their transactions. Modern technology gives an advantage in accomplishing our work.
This technology includes devices and information systems that help us attain faster and reliable

Each system lessens the load on workforce and paper work of the organization.
Nowadays, companies and other establishment rely on computers as the basis of their Database
Management System.

Computer technology brought fundamental and various effects on all aspects of human life such
as helping people do their job faster, accurate and efficient.
But the fact is, in today’s modern age where computer has become a way of life, it is evident
that a majority of country institutions still do not adapt the high technology.
Some of them prefer a manual because not all companies are computer literate in terms of
programming software for the Time-In and Time-Out Records of their employees. What they
did not know is that being manually operated leads to inaccurate information.

In the study of Kahhamza (Jan. 2014), the role played by small and medium enterprises
(SMEs) in the development of the economy of any nation is of great significance. SMEs serve
as a plat form for low income earners to contribute their quota toward the economic
development of their countries.

The purpose of a good recordkeeping system is to provide management information to use in

operating the business. Because cash flow and profitability are closely tied to financial analysis,
it is vital that the entrepreneur understand the external and internal financial factors that affect

The recordkeeping system provides the foundations for monitoring and measuring the progress
of the business. It provides a plan for fiscal control by monitoring and measuring sales, costs of
goods sold, gross profits, expenses and taxes.
The entrepreneur should be involved in setting up the recordkeeping system and the chart of
accounts, which includes elements that are critical in managing the day-to-day operations of the
specific business.

The truth is there are few things more important to any business than keeping complete and
accurate records. Every successful business owner needs a goal system that allows them to use
their time in the most efficient way possible.

In a recent posting on, Todd Wasserman lists the following

languages as important languages that a modern programmer ought to know: Java, Java Script,
C#, PHP, C++, Python, C, SQL, Ruby, Objective C, Perl, .NET, Visual Basic, R, Swift. These
languages are selected and ordered on the basis of their importance for programmers at the high
end of the pay scale, according to the online learning platform Lynda (
Out of these fifteen languages, no less than thirteen show up in T

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