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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security § 56.


Subpart 56.65—Fabrication, Assembly and SOURCE: CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18,
Erection 1968, unless otherwise noted.

56.65–1 General (replaces 127 through 135).

Subpart 56.01—General
Subpart 56.70—Welding
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
56.70–1 General.
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65171,
56.70–3 Limitations.
56.70–5 Material. Oct. 31, 2008]
56.70–10 Preparation (modifies 127.3).
56.70–15 Procedure. § 56.01–1 Scope (replaces 100.1).
56.70–20 Qualification, general. (a) This part contains requirements
for the various ships’ and barges’ pip-
Subpart 56.75—Brazing
ing systems and appurtenances.
56.75–5 Filler metal. (b) The respective piping systems in-
56.75–10 Joint clearance stalled on ships and barges shall have
56.75–15 Heating
the necessary pumps, valves, regula-
56.75–20 Brazing qualification.
56.75–25 Detail requirements. tion valves, safety valves, relief valves,
56.75–30 Pipe joining details. flanges, fittings, pressure gages, liquid
level indicators, thermometers, etc.,
Subpart 56.80—Bending and Forming for safe and efficient operation of the
56.80–5 Bending.
56.80–10 Forming (reproduces 129.2). (c) Piping for industrial systems on
56.80–15 Heat treatment of bends and formed mobile offshore drilling units need not
components. fully comply with the requirements of
this part but must meet subpart 58.60
Subpart 56.85—Heat Treatment of Welds of this subchapter.
56.85–5 Heating and cooling method [CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
56.85–10 Preheating. amended by CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56799, Dec. 4,
56.85–15 Postheat treatment. 1978]
Subpart 56.90—Assembly
§ 56.01–2 Incorporation by reference.
56.90–1 General. (a) Certain material is incorporated
56.90–5 Bolting procedure.
56.90–10 Threaded piping (modifies 135.5). by reference into this part with the ap-
proval of the Director of the Federal
Subpart 56.95—Inspection Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
56.95–1 General (replaces 136).
other than that specified in this sec-
56.95–5 Rights of access of marine inspec-
tors. tion, the Coast Guard must publish no-
56.95–10 Type and extent of examination re- tice of change in the FEDERAL REG-
quired. ISTER and the material must be avail-
able to the public. All approved mate-
Subpart 56.97—Pressure Tests rial is available for inspection at the
56.97–1 General (replaces 137). National Archives and Records Admin-
56.97–5 Pressure testing of nonstandard pip- istration (NARA). For information on
ing system components. the availability of this material at
56.97–25 Preparation for testing (reproduces NARA, call 202–741–6030 or go to http://
56.97–30 Hydrostatic tests (modifies 137.4). codeloflfederallregulations/
56.97–35 Pneumatic tests (replaces 137.5). ibrllocations.html. The material is also
56.97–38 Initial service leak test (reproduces
available for inspection at the Coast
56.97–40 Installation tests. Guard Headquarters. Contact Com-
mandant (CG–ENG), Attn: Office of De-
AUTHORITY: 33 U.S.C. 1321(j), 1509; 43 U.S.C.
sign and Engineering Systems, U.S.
1333; 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; E.O. 12234, 45 FR
58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; E.O. 12777, 56 Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Lu-
FR 54757, 3 CFR, 1991 Comp., p. 351; Depart- ther King Jr. Avenue SE., Washington,
ment of Homeland Security Delegation No. DC 20593–7509. The material is also
0170.1. available from the sources listed below.


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§ 56.01–2 46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–20 Edition)

(b) American National Standards Insti- (7) ASME B16.5–2003 Pipe Flanges and
tute (ANSI), 25 West 43rd Street, New Flanged Fittings NPS 1⁄2 Through NPS
York, NY 10036: 24 Metric/Inch Standard (2003) (‘‘ASME
(1) ANSI/ASME B1.1–1982 Unified Inch B16.5’’), 56.25–20; 56.30–10; 56.60–1;
Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread (8) ASME B16.9–2003 Factory-Made
Form) (1982) (‘‘ANSI/ASME B1.1’’), Wrought Steel Buttwelding Fittings
56.25–20; 56.60–1; (2003) (‘‘ASME B16.9’’), 56.60–1;
(2) ANSI/ASME B1.20.1–1983 Pipe (9) ASME B16.10–2000 Face-to-Face
Threads, General Purpose (Inch) (1983) and End-to-End Dimensions of Valves
(‘‘ANSI/ASME B1.20.1’’), 56.60–1; (2000) (‘‘ASME B16.10’’), 56.60–1;
(3) ANSI/ASME B1.20.3–1976 (Re- (10) ASME B16.11–2001 Forged Fit-
affirmed 1982) Dryseal Pipe Threads tings, Socket-Welding and Threaded
(Inch) (‘‘ANSI/ASME B1.20.3’’), 56.60–1; (2001) (‘‘ASME B16.11’’), 56.30–5; 56.60–1;
(4) ANSI/ASME B16.15–1985 [Re- (11) ASME B16.14–1991 Ferrous Pipe
affirmed 1994] Cast Bronze Threaded Plugs, Bushings, and Locknuts with
Fittings, Classes 125 and 250 (1985) Pipe Threads (1991) (‘‘ASME B16.14’’),
(‘‘ANSI/ASME B16.15’’), 56.60–1; 56.60–1;
(c) American Petroleum Institute (API), (12) ASME B16.18–2001 Cast Copper
1220 L Street, NW., Washington, DC Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings
20005–4070: (2001) (‘‘ASME B16.18’’), 56.60–1;
(1) API Standard 607, Fire Test for (13) ASME B16.20–1998 (Revision of
Soft-Seated Quarter-Turn Valves, Man- ASME B16.20 1993), Metallic Gaskets
ufacturing, Distribution and Marketing for Pipe Flanges: Ring-Joint, Spiral-
Department, Fourth Edition (1993) Wound, and Jacketed (1998) (‘‘ASME
(‘‘API 607’’), 56.20–15; and B16.20’’), 56.60–1;
(2) [Reserved] (14) ASME B16.21–2005 (Revision of
(d) American Society of Mechanical En- ASME B16.21–1992) Nonmetallic Flat
gineers (ASME) International, Three Gaskets for Pipe Flanges (May 31, 2005)
Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016–5990: (‘‘ASME B16.21’’): 56.60–1;
(1) 2001 ASME Boiler and Pressure (15) ASME B16.22–2001 (Revision of
Vessel Code, Section I, Rules for Con- ASME B16.22–1995) Wrought Copper and
struction of Power Boilers (July 1, 2001) Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure
(‘‘Section I of the ASME Boiler and Fittings (Aug. 9, 2002) (‘‘ASME B16.22’’):
Pressure Vessel Code’’), 56.15–1; 56.15–5; 56.60–1;
56.20–1; 56.60–1; 56.70–15; 56.95–10; (16) ASME B16.23–2002 (Revision of
(2) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel ASME B16.23–1992) Cast Copper Alloy
Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Rules Solder Joint Drainage Fittings: DWV
for Construction of Pressure Vessels (Nov. 8, 2002) (‘‘ASME B16.23’’): 56.60–1;
(1998 with 1999 and 2000 addenda) (17) ASME B16.24–2001 Cast Copper
(‘‘Section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Alloy Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fit-
Pressure Vessel Code’’), 56.15–1; 56.15–5; tings, Class 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500,
56.20–1; 56.25–5; 56.30–10; 56.30–30; 56.60–1; and 2500 (2001) (‘‘ASME B16.24’’), 56.60–1;
56.60–2; 56.60–15; 56.95–10; (18) ASME B16.25–2003 Buttwelding
(3) 1998 ASME Boiler & Pressure Ves- Ends (2003) (‘‘ASME B16.25’’), 56.30–5;
sel Code, Section IX, Welding and Braz- 56.60–1; 56.70–10;
ing Qualifications (1998) (‘‘Section IX (19) ASME B16.28–1994 Wrought Steel
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Ves- Buttwelding Short Radius Elbows and
sel Code’’), 56.70–5; 56.70–20; 56.75–20; Returns (1994) (‘‘ASME B16.28’’), 56.60–1;
(4) ASME B16.1–1998 Cast Iron Pipe (20) ASME B16.29–2007 (Revision of
Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Classes ASME B16.29–2001) Wrought Copper and
25, 125, 250 (1998) (‘‘ASME B16.1’’), 56.60– Wrought Copper Alloy Solder-Joint
1; 56.60–10; Drainage Fittings—DWV (Aug. 20, 2007)
(5) ASME B16.3–1998 Malleable Iron (‘‘ASME B16.29’’), 56.60–1;
Threaded Fittings, Classes 150 and 300 (21) ASME B16.34–1996 Valves—
(1998) (‘‘ASME B16.3’’), 56.60–1; Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End
(6) ASME B16.4–1998 Gray Iron (1996) (‘‘ASME B16.34’’), 56.20–1; 56.60–1;
Threaded Fittings, Classes 125 and 250 (22) ASME B16.42–1998 Ductile Iron
(1998) (‘‘ASME B16.4’’), 56.60–1; Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings,


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security § 56.01–2

Classes 150 and 300 (1998) (‘‘ASME (7) ASTM A 135–97c, Standard Speci-
B16.42’’), 56.60–1; fication for Electric-Resistance-Welded
(23) ASME B18.2.1–1996 Square and Steel Pipe (‘‘ASTM A 135’’), 56.60–1;
Hex Bolts and Screws (Inch Series) (8) ASTM A 139–96, Standard Speci-
(1996) (‘‘ASME B18.2.1’’), 56.25–20; 56.60– fication for Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Weld-
1; ed Steel Pipe (NPS 4 and Over) (‘‘ASTM
(24) ASME/ANSI B18.2.2–1987 Square A 139’’), 56.60–1;
and Hex Nuts (Inch Series) (1987) (9) ASTM A 178/A 178M–95, Standard
(‘‘ASME/ANSI B18.2.2’’), 56.25–20; 56.60– Specification for Electric-Resistance-
1; Welded Carbon Steel and Carbon-Man-
(25) ASME B31.1–2001 Power Piping ganese Steel Boiler and Superheater
ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31 Tubes (‘‘ASTM A 178’’), 56.60–1;
(2001) (‘‘ASME B31.1’’), 56.01–3; 56.01–5; (10) ASTM A179/A179M–90a (Re-
56.07–5; 56.07–10; 56.10–1; 56.10–5; 56.15–1; approved 2012), Standard Specification
56.15–5; 56.20–1; 56.25–7; 56.30–1; 56.30–5; for Seamless Cold-Drawn Low-Carbon
56.30–10; 56.30–20; 56.35–1; 56.50–1; 56.50– Steel Heat-Exchanger and Condenser
15; 56.50–40; 56.50–65; 56.50–70; 56.50–97; Tubes (‘‘ASTM A 179’’), (approved
56.60–1; 56.65–1; 56.70–10; 56.70–15; 56.80–5; March 1, 2012), incorporation by ref-
56.80–15; 56.95–1; 56.95–10; 56.97–1; erence approved for § 56.60–1;
(26) ASME B36.10M–2004 Welded and (11) ASTM A 182/A 182M–97c, Standard
Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (2004) Specification for Forged or Rolled
(‘‘ASME B36.10M’’), 56.07–5; 56.30–20; Alloy-Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fit-
56.60–1; and tings, and Valves and Parts for High-
(27) ASME B36.19M–2004 Stainless Temperature Service (‘‘ASTM A–182’’),
Steel Pipe (2004) (‘‘ASME B36.19M’’), 56.50–105;
56.07–5; 56.60–1. (12) ASTM A 192/A 192M–91 (1996),
(28) ASME SA–675 (1998), Specifica- Standard Specification for Seamless
tion for Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot- Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes for High-
Wrought, Special Quality, Mechanical Pressure Service (‘‘ASTM A 192’’),
Properties (‘‘ASME SA–675’’), 56.60–2. 56.60–1;
(e) ASTM International, 100 Barr Har- (13) ASTM A 194/A 194M–98b, Stand-
bor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West ard Specification for Carbon and Alloy
Conshohocken, PA 19428–2959, 877–909– Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure
2786, or High Temperature Service, or Both
(1) ASTM A 36/A 36M–97a, Standard (‘‘ASTM A–194’’), 56.50–105;
Specification for Carbon Structural (14) ASTM A 197–87 (1992), Standard
Steel (‘‘ASTM A 36’’), 56.30–10; Specification for Cupola Malleable Iron
(2) ASTM A 47–90 (1995), Standard (‘‘ASTM A 197’’), 56.60–1;
Specification for Ferritic Malleable (15) ASTM A 210/A 210M–96, Standard
Iron Castings (‘‘ASTM A 47’’), 56.60–1; Specification for Seamless Medium-
(3) ASTM A 53–98, Standard Speci- Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater
fication for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot- Tubes (‘‘ASTM A 210’’), 56.60–1;
Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seam- (16) ASTM A 213/A 213M–95a, Stand-
less (‘‘ASTM Specification A 53’’ or ard Specification for Seamless Ferritic
‘‘ASTM A 53’’), 56.10–5; 56.60–1; and Austenitic Alloy-Steel Boiler,
(4) ASTM A 106–95, Standard Speci- Superheater, and Heat-Exchanger
fication for Seamless Carbon Steel Tubes (‘‘ASTM A 213’’), 56.60–1;
Pipe for High-Temperature Service (17) ASTM A214/A214M–96 (Re-
(‘‘ASTM A 106’’), 56.60–1; approved 2012), Standard Specification
(5) ASTM A 126–95, Standard Speci- for Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon
fication for Gray Iron Castings for Steel Heat-Exchanger and Condenser
Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings Tubes (‘‘ASTM A 214’’), (approved
(‘‘ASTM A 126’’), 56.60–1; March 1, 2012), incorporation by ref-
(6) ASTM A134–96 (Reapproved 2012), erence approved for § 56.60–1;
Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, (18) ASTM A 226/A 226M–95, Standard
Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded (Sizes Specification for Electric-Resistance-
NPS 16 and Over) (‘‘ASTM A 134’’), (ap- Welded Carbon Steel Boiler and Super-
proved March 1, 2012), incorporation by heater Tubes for High-Pressure Service
reference approved for § 56.60–1; (‘‘ASTM A 226’’), 56.60–1;


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§ 56.01–2 46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–20 Edition)

(19) ASTM A 234/A 234M–97, Standard for Low-Temperature Service (‘‘ASTM

Specification for Piping Fittings of A–352’’), 56.50–105;
Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel (32) ASTM A 358/A 358M–95a, Stand-
for Moderate and High Temperature ard Specification for Electric-Fusion-
Service (‘‘ASTM A 234’’), 56.60–1; Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel
(20) ASTM A 249/A 249M–96a, Stand- Alloy Steel Pipe for High-Temperature
ard Specification for Welded Austenitic Service (‘‘ASTM A 358’’), 56.60–1;
Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat-Ex- (33) ASTM A 369/A 369M–92, Standard
changer, and Condenser Tubes (‘‘ASTM Specification for Carbon and Ferritic
A 249’’), 56.60–1; Alloy Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for
(21) ASTM A 268/A 268M–96, Standard High-Temperature Service (‘‘ASTM A
Specification for Seamless and Welded 369’’), 56.60–1;
Ferritic and Martensitic Stainless (34) ASTM A 376/A 376M–96, Standard
Steel Tubing for General Service Specification for Seamless Austenitic
(‘‘ASTM A 268’’), 56.60–1; Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Cen-
(22) ASTM A 276–98, Standard Speci- tral-Station Service (‘‘ASTM A 376’’),
fication for Stainless Steel Bars and 56.60–1; 56.60–2;
Shapes (‘‘ASTM A 276’’), 56.60–2; (35) ASTM A 395/A 395M–98, Standard
(23) ASTM A 307–97, Standard Speci- Specification for Ferritic Ductile Iron
fication for Carbon Steel Bolts and Pressure-Retaining Castings for Use at
Studs, 60,000 PSI Tensile Strength Elevated Temperatures (‘‘ASTM A
(‘‘ASTM A 307’’), 56.25–20; 395’’), 56.50–60; 56.60–1; 56.60–15;
(24) ASTM A 312/A 312M–95a, Stand- (36) ASTM A 403/A 403M–98, Standard
ard Specification for Seamless and Specification for Wrought Austenitic
Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Piping Fittings
Pipes (‘‘ASTM A–312’’ or ‘‘ASTM A (‘‘ASTM A 403’’), 56.60–1;
312’’), 56.50–105; 56.60–1; (37) ASTM A 420/A 420M–96a, Stand-
(25) ASTM A 320/A 320M–97, Standard ard Specification for Piping Fittings of
Specification for Alloy/Steel Bolting Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel
Materials for Low-Temperature Serv- for Low-Temperature Service (‘‘ASTM
ice (‘‘ASTM A–320’’), 56.50–105; A–420’’ or ‘‘ASTM A 420’’), 56.50–105;
(26) ASTM A 333/A 333M–94, Standard 56.60–1;
Specification for Seamless and Welded (38) ASTM A 520–97, Standard Speci-
Steel Pipe for Low-Temperature Serv- fication for Supplementary Require-
ice (‘‘ASTM A–333’’ or ‘‘ASTM A 333’’), ments for Seamless and Electric-Re-
56.50–105; 56.60–1; sistance-Welded Carbon Steel Tubular
(27) ASTM A 334/A 334M–96, Standard Products for High-Temperature Service
Specification for Seamless and Welded Conforming to ISO Recommendations
Carbon and Alloy-Steel Tubes for Low- for Boiler Construction (‘‘ASTM A
Temperature Service (‘‘ASTM A–334’’ 520’’), 56.60–1;
or ‘‘ASTM A 334’’), 56.50–105; 56.60–1; (39) ASTM A 522/A 522M–95b, Stand-
(28) ASTM A 335/A 335M–95a, Stand- ard Specification for Forged or Rolled 8
ard Specification for Seamless Ferritic and 9% Nickel Alloy Steel Flanges,
Alloy-Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Fittings, Valves, and Parts for Low-
Service (‘‘ASTM A 335’’), 56.60–1; Temperature Service (‘‘ASTM A–522’’),
(29) ASTM A 350/A 350M–97, Standard 56.50–105;
Specification for Carbon and Low- (40) ASTM A 536–84 (Reapproved 2009),
Alloy Steel Forgings, Requiring Notch; Standard Specification for Ductile Iron
Toughness Testing for Piping Compo- Castings (‘‘ASTM A 536’’), (approved
nents (‘‘ASTM A–350’’), 56.50–105; May 1, 2009), incorporation by reference
(30) ASTM A 351/A 351M–94a, Stand- approved for § 56.60–1;
ard Specification for Castings, Aus- (41) ASTM A 575–96 (Reapproved 2007),
tenitic, Austenitic-Ferritic (Duplex), Standard Specification for Steel Bars,
for Pressure-Containing Parts (‘‘ASTM Carbon, Merchant Quality, M-Grades
A–351’’), 56.50–105; (‘‘ASTM A 575’’), (approved September
(31) ASTM A 352/A 352M–93 (1998), 1, 2005), incorporation by reference ap-
Standard Specification for Steel Cast- proved for § 56.60–2;
ings, Ferritic and Martensitic, for (42) ASTM A576–90b (Reapproved
Pressure-Containing Parts, Suitable 2012), Standard Specification for Steel


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security § 56.01–2

Bars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought, Special loys (UNS NO6600, NO6601, NO6603,

Quality (‘‘ASTM A576’’), (approved NO6690, NO6025, and NO6045) Seamless
March 1, 2012), incorporation by ref- Pipe and Tube (‘‘ASTM B 167’’), 56.60–1;
erence approved for § 56.60–2; (59) ASTM B 171–95, Standard Speci-
(43) ASTM B 16–92, Standard Speci- fication for Copper-Alloy Plate and
fication for Free-Cutting Brass Rod, Sheet for Pressure Vessels, Condensers,
Bar, and Shapes for Use in Screw Ma- and Heat Exchangers (‘‘ASTM B 171’’),
chines (‘‘ASTM B 16’’), 56.60–2; 56.60–2;
(44) ASTM B 21–96, Standard Speci- (60) ASTM B 210–95, Standard Speci-
fication for Naval Brass Rod, Bar, and fication for Aluminum and Aluminum-
Shapes (‘‘ASTM B 21’’), 56.60–2; Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes (‘‘ASTM
(45) ASTM B 26/B 26M–97, Standard B 210’’), 56.60–1;
Specification for Aluminum-Alloy (61) ASTM B 234–95, Standard Speci-
Sand Castings (‘‘ASTM B 26’’), 56.60–2; fication for Aluminum and Aluminum-
(46) ASTM B 42–96, Standard Speci- Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes for Con-
fication for Seamless Copper Pipe, densers and Heat Exchangers (‘‘ASTM
Standard Sizes (‘‘ASTM B 42’’), 56.60–1; B 234’’), 56.60–1;
(47) ASTM B 43–96, Standard Speci- (62) ASTM B 241/B 241M–96, Standard
fication for Seamless Red Brass Pipe, Specification for Aluminum and Alu-
Standard Sizes (‘‘ASTM B 43’’), 56.60–1; minum-Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seam-
(48) ASTM B 68–95, Standard Speci- less Extruded Tube (‘‘ASTM B 241’’),
fication for Seamless Copper Tube, 56.60–1;
Bright Annealed (‘‘ASTM B 68’’), 56.60– (63) ASTM B 280–97, Standard Speci-
1; fication for Seamless Copper Tube for
(49) ASTM B 75–97, Standard Speci- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
fication for Seamless Copper Tube Field Service (‘‘ASTM B 280’’), 56.60–1;
(‘‘ASTM B 75’’), 56.60–1; (64) ASTM B 283–96, Standard Speci-
(50) ASTM B 85–96, Standard Speci- fication for Copper and Copper-Alloy
fication for Aluminum-Alloy Die Cast- Die Forgings (Hot-Pressed) (‘‘ASTM B
ings (‘‘ASTM B 85’’), 56.60–2; 283’’), 56.60–2;
(51) ASTM B 88–96, Standard Speci- (65) ASTM B 315–93, Standard Speci-
fication for Seamless Copper Water fication for Seamless Copper Alloy
Tube (‘‘ASTM B 88’’), 56.60–1; Pipe and Tube (‘‘ASTM B 315’’), 56.60–1;
(52) ASTM B 96–93, Standard Speci- (66) ASTM B 361–95, Standard Speci-
fication for Copper-Silicon Alloy Plate, fication for Factory-Made Wrought
Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar for Gen- Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Weld-
eral Purposes and Pressure Vessels ing Fittings (‘‘ASTM B 361’’), 56.60–1;
(‘‘ASTM B 96’’), 56.60–2; (67) ASTM B 858M–95, Standard Test
(53) ASTM B 111–95, Standard Speci- Method for Determination of Suscepti-
fication for Copper and Copper-Alloy bility to Stress Corrosion Cracking in
Seamless Condenser Tubes and Ferrule Copper Alloys Using an Ammonia
Stock (‘‘ASTM B 111’’), 56.60–1; Vapor Test (‘‘ASTM B 858M’’), 56.60–2;
(54) ASTM B 124–96, Standard Speci- (68) ASTM E 23–96, Standard Test
fication for Copper and Copper Alloy Methods for Notched Bar Impact Test-
Forging Rod, Bar, and Shapes (‘‘ASTM ing of Metallic Materials (‘‘ASTM E
B 124’’), 56.60–2; 23’’), 56.50–105;
(55) ASTM B 134–96, Standard Speci- (69) ASTM F682–82a (Reapproved
fication for Pipe, Steel, Electric-Fu- 2008), Standard Specification for
sion (Arc)-Welded (Sizes NPS 16 and Wrought Carbon Steel Sleeve-Type
Over) (‘‘ASTM B 134’’), 56.60–1; Pipe Couplings (‘‘ASTM F 682’’), (ap-
(56) ASTM B 161–93, Standard Speci- proved November 1, 2008), incorporation
fication for Nickel Seamless Pipe and by reference approved for § 56.60–1;
Tube (‘‘ASTM B 161’’), 56.60–1; (70) ASTM F1006–86 (Reapproved
(57) ASTM B 165–93, Standard Speci- 2008), Standard Specification for En-
fication of Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS trainment Separators for Use in Ma-
NO4400) Seamless Pipe and Tube rine Piping Applications (‘‘ASTM F
(‘‘ASTM B 165’’), 56.60–1; 1006’’), (approved November 1, 2008), in-
(58) ASTM B 167–97a, Standard Speci- corporation by reference approved for
fication for Nickel-Chromium-Iron Al- § 56.60–1;


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§ 56.01–2 46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–20 Edition)

(71) ASTM F1007–86 (Reapproved Conditioner Fittings in Piping Applica-

2007), Standard Specification for Pipe- tions above 0 °F (‘‘ASTM F 1201’’),
line Expansion Joints of the Packed (approved May 1, 2010), incorporation
Slip Type for Marine Application by reference approved for § 56.60–1;
(‘‘ASTM F 1007’’), (approved December (81) ASTM F 1387–93, Standard Speci-
1, 2007), incorporation by reference ap- fication for Performance of Mechani-
proved for § 56.60–1; cally Attached Fittings (‘‘ASTM F
(72) ASTM F1020–86 (Reapproved 1387’’), 56.30–25;
2011), Standard Specification for Line- (82) ASTM F 1476–95a, Standard Spec-
Blind Valves for Marine Applications ification for Performance of Gasketed
(‘‘ASTM F 1020’’), (approved April 1, Mechanical Couplings for Use in Piping
2011), incorporation by reference ap- Applications (‘‘ASTM F 1476’’), 56.30–35;
proved for § 56.60–1; and
(73) ASTM F1120–87 (Reapproved (83) ASTM F 1548–94, Standard Speci-
2010), Standard Specification for Cir- fication for the Performance of Fit-
cular Metallic Bellows Type Expansion tings for Use with Gasketed Mechan-
Joints for Piping Applications (‘‘ASTM ical Couplings, Used in Piping Applica-
F 1120’’), (approved May 1, 2010), incor- tions (‘‘ASTM F 1548’’), 56.30–35.
poration by reference approved for (f) Expansion Joint Manufacturers As-
§ 56.60–1; sociation Inc. (EJMA), 25 North Broad-
(74) ASTM F1123–87 (Reapproved way, Tarrytown, NY 10591:
2010), Standard Specification for Non- (1) Standards of the Expansion Joint
Metallic Expansion Joints (‘‘ASTM F Manufacturers Association, 1980, 56.60–
1123’’), (approved March 1, 2010), incor- 1; and
poration by reference approved for (2) [Reserved]
§ 56.60–1;
(g) Fluid Controls Institute Inc. (FCI),
(75) ASTM F1139–88 (Reapproved
31 South Street, Suite 303, Morristown,
2010), Standard Specification for Steam
NJ 07960:
Traps and Drains (‘‘ASTM F 1139’’),
(1) FCI 69–1 Pressure Rating Standard
(approved March 1, 2010), incorporation
for Steam Traps (‘‘FCI 69–1’’), 56.60–1;
by reference approved for § 56.60–1;
(76) ASTM F1172–88 (Reapproved
2010), Standard Specification for Fuel (2) [Reserved]
Oil Meters of the Volumetric Positive (h) International Maritime Organiza-
Displacement Type (‘‘ASTM F 1172’’), tion (IMO), Publications Section, 4 Al-
(approved March 1, 2010), incorporation bert Embankment, London, SE1 7SR
by reference approved for § 56.60–1; United Kingdom:
(77) ASTM F 1173–95, Standard Speci- (1) Resolution A.753(18), Guidelines
fication for Thermosetting Resin Fi- for the Application of Plastic Pipes on
berglass Pipe and Fittings to be Used Ships, adopted on 4 November 1993
for Marine Applications (‘‘ASTM F (‘‘IMO Resolution A.753(18)’’), IBR ap-
1173’’), 56.60–1; proved for 56.60–25(a).
(78) ASTM F1199–88 (Reapproved (2) Resolution MSC.313(88), Amend-
2010), Standard Specification for Cast ments to the Guidelines for the Appli-
(All Temperatures and Pressures) and cation of Plastic Pipes on Ships, adopt-
Welded Pipe Line Strainers (150 psig ed 26 November 2010 (‘‘IMO Resolution
and 150 °F Maximum) (‘‘ASTM F MSC.313(88)’’), IBR approved for § 56.60–
1199’’), (approved March 1, 2010), incor- 25(a).
poration by reference approved for (i) International Organization for
§ 56.60–1; Standardization (ISO), Case Postal 56,
(79) ASTM F1200–88 (Reapproved CH–1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland:
2010), Standard Specification for Fab- (1) ISO 15540 Ships and Marine Tech-
ricated (Welded) Pipe Line Strainers nology-Fire Resistance of Hose Assem-
(Above 150 psig and 150 °F) (‘‘ASTM F blies-Test Methods, First Edition (Aug.
1200’’), (approved March 1, 2010), incor- 1, 1999) (‘‘ISO 15540’’), 56.60–25; and
poration by reference approved for (2) [Reserved]
§ 56.60–1; (j) Instrument Society of America (ISA),
(80) ASTM F1201–88 (Reapproved 67 Alexander Drive, Research Triangle
2010), Standard Specification for Fluid Park, NC 27709:


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security § 56.01–5

(1) ISA–S75.02 (1996) (‘‘ISA–S75.02’’), (l) Society of Automotive Engineers

56.20–15; and (SAE), 400 Commonwealth Drive,
(2) [Reserved] Warrendale, PA 15096:
(k) Manufacturers Standardization So- (1) J1475 (1996) Surface Vehicle Hy-
ciety of the Valve and Fittings Industry, draulic Hose Fittings for Marine Appli-
Inc. (MSS), 127 Park Street NE, Vienna, cations (June 1996) (‘‘SAE J1475’’),
VA 22180: 56.60–25; and
(1) SP–6–2001 Standard Finishes for (2) J1942 (1997) Standards Hose and
Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and Con- Hose Assemblies for Marine Applica-
necting-End Flanges of Valves and Fit- tions (May 1997) (‘‘SAE J1942’’), 56.60–
tings (2001) (‘‘MSS SP–6’’), 56.25–10; 25.
(2) SP–9–2001 Spot Facing for Bronze, [USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65171, Oct. 31, 2008,
Iron and Steel Flanges (2001) (‘‘MSS as amended by USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49228,
SP–9’’), 56.60–1; Sept. 25, 2009; USCG–2012–0832, 77 FR 59777,
(3) SP–25–1998 Standard Marking Sys- Oct. 1, 2012; USCG–2012–0866, 78 FR 13250, Feb.
tem for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and 27, 2013; USCG–2013–0671, 78 FR 60148, Sept. 30,
2013; USCG–2012–0196, 81 FR 48251, July 22,
Unions (1998) (‘‘MSS SP–25’’), 56.15–1;
56.20–5; 56.60–1;
(4) SP–44–1996 Steel Pipe Line § 56.01–3 Power boilers, external pip-
Flanges (Reaffirmed 2001) (‘‘MSS SP– ing and appurtenances (Replaces
44’’), 56.60–1; 100.1.1, 100.1.2, 122.1, 132 and 133).
(5) SP–45–2003 Bypass and Drain Con-
nections (2003) (‘‘MSS SP–45’’), 56.20–20; (a) Power boiler external piping and
56.60–1; components must meet the require-
(6) SP–51–2003 Class 150LW Corrosion ments of this part and §§ 52.01–105, 52.01–
Resistant Cast Flanges and Flanged 110, 52.01–115, and 52.01–120 of this chap-
Fittings (2003) (‘‘MSS SP–51’’), 56.60–1; ter.
(7) SP–53–95 Quality Standard for (b) Specific requirements for external
Steel Castings and Forgings for Valves, piping and appurtenances of power
Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping boilers, as defined in §§ 100.1.1 and
Components–Magnetic Particle Exam- 100.1.2, appearing in the various para-
ination Method (1995) (‘‘MSS SP–53’’), graphs of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by
56.60–1; reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2), are not
(8) SP–55–2001 Quality Standard for adopted unless specifically indicated
Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges and elsewhere in this part.
Fittings and Other Piping Compo-
nents–Visual Method (2001) (‘‘MSS SP– [CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40602, Oct. 2, 1989; 55 FR
39968, Oct. 1, 1990; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR
55’’), 56.60–1;
65174, Oct. 31, 2008]
(9) SP–58 Pipe Hangers and Supports–
Materials, Design and Manufacture § 56.01–5 Adoption of ASME B31.1 for
(1993) (‘‘MSS SP–58’’), 56.60–1; power piping, and other standards.
(10) SP–61–2003 Pressure Testing of
Steel Valves (2003) (‘‘MSS SP–61’’), (a) Piping systems for ships and
56.60–1; barges must be designed, constructed,
(11) SP–67 Butterfly Valves (1995) and inspected in accordance with
(‘‘MSS SP–67’’), 56.60–1; ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference;
(12) SP–69 Pipe Hangers and Sup- see 46 CFR 56.01–2), as limited, modi-
ports–Selection and Application (1996) fied, or replaced by specific require-
(‘‘MSS SP–69’’), 56.60–1; ments in this part. The provisions in
(13) SP–72 Ball Valves with Flanged the appendices to ASME B31.1 are
or Butt-Welding Ends for General Serv- adopted and must be followed when the
ice (1987) (‘‘MSS SP–72’’), 56.60–1; requirements of ASME B31.1 or the
(14) SP–73 (R 96) Brazing Joints for rules in this part make them manda-
Copper and Copper Pressure Fittings tory. For general information, table
(1991) (‘‘MSS SP–73’’), 56.60–1; and 56.01–5(a) lists the various paragraphs
(15) SP–83 Class 3000 Steel Pipe and sections in ASME B31.1 that are
Unions, Socket Welding and Threaded limited, modified, replaced, or repro-
(1995) (‘‘MSS SP–83’’), 56.60–1; duced by rules in this part.


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