E Content - 8 Binomial Array1

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Binomial Array

Presented by:
Dr. Amanpreet Kaur(Sr.)
Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala

Amanpreet Kaur, Assistant Professor, ECED, TIET

The next step is to determine the values of the
excitation coefficients .
 Binomial Array
 Excitation Coefficients:
 The function be written in a series, using the binomial
expansion, as
The positive coefficients of the series expansion for different values of m
are :

•The coefficients of the expansion represent the relative

amplitudes of the elements.
•Since the coefficients are determined from a binomial series
expansion, the array is known as a binomial array.
Design Procedure
 One of the requirements is the amplitude excitation
coefficients for a given number of elements. This can be
accomplished by using the Pascal triangle

 Other figures of merit are the directivity, half-power beam

width and side lobe level.

 As it is known that binomial arrays do not exhibit any minor

lobes provided the spacing between the elements is equal or
less than one-half of a wavelength and no grating for d< λ.
 1. Two elements (2M = 2)=>a1 = 1
 2. Three elements (2M + 1 = 3)
=>2a1 = 2➱a1 = 1 and a2 = 1
 3. Four elements (2M = 4)
=>a1 = 3 and a2 = 1
 Design a three-element binomial array of isotropic elements
positioned along the z-axis a distance d apart. Find the
 (a) Normalized excitation coefficients
 (b) Array factor
 (c) Nulls of the array factor for d = λ/2
 (d) Maxima of the array factor for d = λ/2

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