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Salale University

College of Business and Economics, Department of Accounting and Finance, MSc in AcFn
Course Title : International Business Finance
Course Code: AcFn 542
Credit Hour : 2
Prerequisite : None
Year/ semester: Year I, Semester II
Course Instructor: Dasalegn Mosissa (Assistant Professor)
Course Description
International Finance is designed to better develop those skills that equip students to understand
and appreciate the international financial issues that companies face when they operate in several
separate countries. The subject will develop both the theoretical foundation and the practical skills
of those who will operate in an increasingly globalized business environment. It covers various
international financial management issues, which are essential for those who are engaged and
active in international business management.

It covers such topics as environment of international business and finance, Foreign Exchange and
foreign exchange risk management, management of International Long-term asset and long-term
financing, Foreign direct investment and International monetary system, and Multinational
working capital management (current assets and short-term financing)
Objective/learning outcomes
The recent globalization made international financial management more challenging. International
companies/Multinational Companies (MNCs) must respond by to these challenges. Those MNCs
that are most capable of responding to challenges in the international financial environment will be
rewarded. The same will be true for the students who may become the future managers of
international companies. Therefore, the objective of this course is to equip students with theories
and practices of international business and international finance.

Course Contents
Unit 1: Introduction to International Business and Finance
1.1 Why companies go outside domestic territory
1.2 Why study International Finance
1.3 Theories of International Business
1.4 International Financial markets and Business Methods
Unit 2: Foreign Exchange Market and Dealings
2.1 Foreign Exchange/Exchange rate definition
2.2 Motives for Using International Financial Markets.
2.3 Foreign Exchange Transaction/dealings and related issues
2.4 International Arbitrage
2.5 Factors that influence Exchange rates
2.6 Exchange rate determination- Equilibrium approach
2.7 Measuring Exchange rate movement
2.8 Government influence on exchange rate
Unit 3: Foreign Exchange Risk Management
3.1 Types of risks or exposures
3.2 Measuring Exchange rate movements
3.3 Foreign Exchange risk management- external techniques
3.4 Foreign Exchange risk management –internal techniques
Unit 4: Management of MNC’s Long-term Asset
4.1 Capital budgeting for foreign investment
4.2 Subsidiary versus parent perspective
4.3 Factors to Consider in MNC capital budgeting
4.4 Illustration on MNC Capital Budgeting
Unit 5: Multinational Cost of Capital and Capital Structure
5.2 Long-term Financing Decisions
5.3 Cost of capital for MNCs
5.4 Capital structure for MNCs
Unit 6: Multinational Working capital management
6.1 Short-term financing strategy
6.2 International cash, receivables and inventory management
Learning & Teaching Methods
A combination of lectures, guided readings, skill based group/individual exercises, and case analysis will be used
Assessment Method
 Cases and assignments
 Tests and quizzes
 Article review
 Case study and presentations
 Other relevant works provided by instructors
 Final exam (50%)

Apte, P. G. 2006. International Financial Management, 4th ed
Brigham, E. F. and Houston, J. F. 2001. Fundamentals of Financial Management 9th ed
Connolly, M. 2007. International Business Finance. Routledge, New York and London. Hill,
C.W.L. 2003. International Business,4th ed
Katsiolouds, M.I. and Hajidakis, S. 2007. Iterantional Business: A Golabal pespectie
Khan, M.Y. 7 Jain, P.K. 2007. Financial Management, 5th ed,
Kim, S and Kim, S.H. 2006. Global Corporate Finance, Text and Cases. Blackwell publishin, USA
and Australia
Kohn, M. 2005. Financial Institutions and markets,
Madura, J. 2000. International Financial Management, 6th ed
Mishkin F. S. 1998. The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, 5th ed
Mishkin, F. S. and Eakins, S. G. 2009. Financial Markets and Institutions, 6th ed.
Pilbean, K. (2006) International Finance, 2nd Ed
Resrik, E. 2004. International Financial management, 3rd ed. The McGraw-Hill companies
Sercu,P. International Finance: Putting Theory into Practice

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