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Biztalk Call Center

Adding Care through Calls

Prepared By 10200 Bolsa Ave, Westminster, CA, 92683

Upmetrics [email protected]

(650) 359-3153

Table of Contents

Executive Summary 3
Mission Statement 4
Vision Statement 4
Customer Focus 5
Objectives 5
Financial Summary 5
3 Year profit forecast 5
Chart 5
Company Summary 7
Business Structure 8
Startup summary 8
Startup cost 9
Chart 9
Products and services 12

Market Analysis 14
Market Trends 15
Market Segmentation 15
Chart 15
Corporate Organizations 16
Advertising and Marketing Agencies 16
Political Parties 16
Religious Organizations 16
SWOT Analysis 17

Strategy & Implementations 19

Sales Strategy 20
Advertising Strategy 20
Sales Forecast 20
Chart 21
Financial Plan 22
Important Assumptions 23
Brake-even Analysis 23
Projected Profit and Loss 24
Profit Yearly 25
Chart 25

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Gross Margin Yearly 25
Chart 25
Projected Cash Flow 26
Projected Balance Sheet 27
Business Ratios 28

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Executive Summary
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Customer Focus
Financial Summary

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Before you think about how to start a Call Center business, you must create a
detailed Call Center business plan. It will not only guide you in the initial phases
of your startup but will also help you later on.

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Biztalk Calling Services, LLC is a one-stop, standard and licensed call center
that is fully equipped with the latest technology in the telemarketing and call
center industry. Our call center will be located in the heart of Woodbridge,
Detroit - Michigan, U.S, and we are positioned to work for a wide range of
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clients ranging from religious organizations to political parties to corporate

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Mission Statement

It is the mission of BCS to provide our clients with top-quality call center
services 24 hours a day that provides the greatest chance of communicating
with end customers. We do B2B and B2C services including both inbound and
outbound calls. We have a dedicated and well-trained cadre of customer
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support specialists who are able to consistently provide excellent services

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Vision Statement

Our vision is to become the number one call center agent in the whole of
Detroit, Michigan within the first five years of starting the business.

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Customer Focus

Biztalk's keys to long-term survivability and profitability are:

Create long-term contracts that demand constant monitoring or on-call

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Keeping close contact with clients and establishing a well-functioning

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The three-year goals for Biztalk Calling Services LLC (BCS) are:

Achieve break-even by year two.

Establish long-term contracts with at least four clients. Read More 

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Financial Summary

3 Year profit forecast

Sales Gross Margin Net Profit




Year1 Year2 Year3

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Financial Summary Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Revenue $965,742 $1,878,611 $2,718,300

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Company Summary
Business Structure
Startup summary

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Biztalk Calling Services will be a limited liability company registered in the state
of Delaware for tax purposes. Its founder is Mr. John Moore, a former
telemarketing head with Medfone, Inc. Mr. Gibbs has brought together a highly
respected group of telemarketing and customer relations specialists who have
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a total of 35 years of combined experience with this industry.

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Business Structure

The success of any business is to a larger extent dependent on the business

structure of the organization and the people who occupy the available role.
Biztalk Calling Services, LLC will build a solid business structure that can
support the growth of our call center agency business. We will ensure that we
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hire competent hands to help us build the business of our dream.

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Startup summary

The start-up assets required are shown in the tables below. This includes
expenses and the cash needed to support operations until revenues reach an
acceptable level. Most of the company’s liabilities will come from outside
private investors and management investment, however, we have obtained
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current borrowing from Bank of America Commercial Investments, theRead principal

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Startup cost





Expenses Assets Investment

Cost distribution Amount

Expenses 50000

Assets 80000

Investment 35000

Start-up Expenses Amount

Legal $75,500

Consultants $0

Insurance $62,750

Rent $22,500

Research and Development $42,750

Expensed Equipment $42,750

Signs $1,250


Start-up Assets $0

Cash Required $322,500

Start-up Inventory $52,625

Other Current Assets $222,500

Long-term Assets $125,000

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Start-up Expenses Amount


Total Requirements $245,000



Start-up Expenses to Fund $121,875

Start-up Assets to Fund $195,000


Assets $203,125

Non-cash Assets from Start-up $118,750

Cash Requirements from Start-up $0

Additional Cash Raised $118,750

Cash Balance on Starting Date $121,875


Liabilities and Capital $0

Liabilities $0

Current Borrowing $0

Long-term Liabilities $0

Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) $0

Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) $0


Capital $0

Planned Investment $0

Investor 1 $312,500

Investor 2 $0

Other $0

Additional Investment Requirement $0


Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) $313,125


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Start-up Expenses Amount


Total Funding $265,000

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Products and

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Biztalk Calling Services, LLC is going to offer varieties of services within the
scope of the telemarketing and call center industry in the United States of
America. Our intention of starting our call center in Woodbridge – Detroit is to
make profits from the telemarketing and call center industry and we will do all
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that is permitted by the law in the US to achieve our aim and businessReadgoals.

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Providing telephone Providing contract or fee-

 answering services
 basis telemarketing services

Providing wake up call Providing voice mailbox

 services
 services

Providing telephone Providing massage services

 solicitation services

Providing customer service Technical support services

 via call centers

Debt collection services Related call center advisory

  and consultancy services

BCS is not a telemarketing company; we do not create marketing campaigns

for our clients. Experience has shown that many companies desire to create
their own marketing campaign since they already have marketing personnel
with extensive contact and experience in the industry. However, the costs of
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carrying out such a telemarketing campaign can be prohibitive, and often the

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Market Analysis
Market Trends
Market Segmentation

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The most important component of an effective Call Center business plan is its
accurate marketing analysis. If you are starting on a smaller scale, you can do
marketing analysis yourself by taking help from this Call Center business plan
sample or other Call Center business plans available online.
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Market Trends

The Telemarketing and Call Center industry is indeed witnessing steady growth
over the years especially in countries such as the United States, China, India,
the Philippines, and even in the united kingdom. Though some players in this
industry would prefer to build their call centers in places where they can
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maximize profits; countries like India, China, and The Philippines readily comes

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Market Segmentation

Given the increasing popularity of the call center industry, Biztalk Calling
Services understands the value of coming up with sustainable marketing
strategies to acquire a larger market share. Being the second-largest city in the
United States, Detroit is a business hub with many corporations looking for
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quality call center services to support their business operations. Based on

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Schools: 24.2 %
Individuals and Households: 30.3 %

Real Estate Developers: 9.1 %

Corporate Organizations and

Manufacturers: 36.4 %

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Corporate organizations rely on an infrastructure that allows seamless
communication to achieve various business objectives. For this reason, every
corporate entity needs a robust and flexible call center service that has the
capability to accommodate business needs. With high costs associated with
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setting up, running, and maintaining call centers, businesses now prefer to

Corporate Organizations
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One of the main services offered by Biztalk Calling Services is marketing and
lead generation. Call centers play a major role in advertising and brand
awareness which attracts marketing agencies intending to roll out advertising
campaigns for various products and services. Thanks to investing in
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sophisticated and cutting-edge technologies, the call center has invested in the

Advertising and Marketing Agencies

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Political parties have been identified as a potential customer group to reach out
to in this call center business plan sample. Political parties often conduct
fundraising and campaigns which need a professional call center facility to
handle all communication aspects on behalf of a client. Political parties always
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run elaborate campaigns in order to create awareness and outshine their

Political Parties
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With many religious organizations operating in Detroit, the demand for call
centers is high as religious establishments are always in need of call centers to
support various organization functions. Just like political parties, religious
organizations engage in numerous fundraising and campaigns.
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Religious Organizations
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SWOT Analysis

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We are aware of the importance of knowing our areas of strength and
weaknesses, and we have gone to a good length to make that known.

Biztalk Calling Services, LLC engaged the services of a core professional in

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the area of call center consulting and business structuring to assist the
organization in building a standard call center agency that can favorably
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Strengths Weaknesses

Our core strength lies in our service As a new call center in Detroit, it might
offerings, the power of our team, and the take some time for our organization to
state-of-the-art call center equipment and break into the market and attract some
software applications that we have. We well–established corporate clients; that is
have a team that can go all the way to perhaps our major weakness. Another
give our clients value for their money. We weakness is that we may not have the
are well-positioned in the heart of required cash to pump into the promotion
Woodbridge, Detroits and we know we will of our business the way we would want to.
attract loads of clients from the first day
we open our call center for business.

Opportunities Threats

The opportunities in the telemarketing and Technology and the internet which of
call center industry are massive especially course is a major tool for the
in Detroit, and we are ready to take advancement and gains achieved in the
advantage of any opportunity that comes telemarketing and call center industry can
our way. also pose a threat to the industry. The
truth is that with the advancement of
technology, it is now easier for
organizations to leverage software
applications to conduct their
telemarketing, market research, and

O communicate with their clients.

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Strategy &
Sales Strategy
Advertising Strategy
Sales Forecast

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After identifying the market demand, market trends, and the potential
customers of the startup, the next step is to define an effective strategy for
attracting those customers. Like marketing analysis, sales strategy is also an
important component of a Call Center business startup and must be properly
planned before you think about starting your own Call Center business. Read More 

Sales Strategy

Biztalk's management will be focusing on leveraging its employee’s established

reputations and contacts in the telemarketing industry to generate contracts.
Both Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Hannover have been in the industry for many years
and experience shows that many of their existing clients will still wish to work
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with them despite having to establish a new contract with BCS. We also

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Advertising Strategy

We have been able to work with brand and publicity specialists to help us map
out publicity and advertising strategies that will help us walk our way into the
heart of our target market. We are set to take the telemarketing and call center
industry by storm which is why we have made provisions for effective publicity
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and advertisement of our call center agents.

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Sales Forecast

Sales are based on the various contract projects we anticipate acquiring in the
various market segments. Revenues are based on average costs per
project/contract based on estimated time and complexity of contract plus an
undisclosed profit margin. The company does not have any significant direct
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costs of sales.

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Medical call center services Help desk services Short-term projects
Other projects



2021-22 2022-23 2023-24

Financial Year Medical call center

… services
Help desk services Short-term projects
… Other projects

2021-22 132000 69000 43500 33500

2022-23 180000 120000 65000 58000

2023-24 270000 150000 96000 69000

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Financial Plan
Important Assumptions
Brake-even Analysis
Projected Profit and Loss
Projected Cash Flow
Projected Balance Sheet
Business Ratios

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The last component of the Call Center business plan is an in-depth financial
plan. The financial plan crafts a detailed map of all the expenses needed for the
startup and how these expenses will be met by the earned profits. It is
recommended that you use our financial planning tool for guiding you through
all financial aspects needed to be considered for starting a Call CenterRead More 

The company will be financed by John himself and he will control the direction
of the business to make sure that it is expanding at the forecasted rate. As for
the Call Center business start-up, no equity funding or outside loans will be
required. With the help of financial experts, John has developed the following
financial plan for his start-up business, which outlines the financial Read More 

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Important Assumptions
The financial projections of the company are forecast on the basis of the following assumptions. These
assumptions are quite conservative and are expected to show deviation but to a limited level such that
the company’s major financial strategy will not be affected.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Plan Month 1 2 3

Current Interest Rate 10,00% 11,00% 12,00%

Long-term Interest Rate 10,00% 10,00% 10,00%

Tax Rate 26,42% 27,76% 28,12%

Other 0 0 0

Brake-even Analysis
Monthly Units Break-even 5530

Monthly Revenue Break-even $159 740


Average Per-Unit Revenue $260,87

Average Per-Unit Variable Cost $0,89

Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost $196 410

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Projected Profit and Loss
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Sales $309 069 $385 934 $462 799

Direct Cost of Sales $15 100 $19 153 $23 206

Other $0 $0 $0

TOTAL COST OF SALES $15 100 $19 153 $23 206

Gross Margin $293 969 $366 781 $439 593

Gross Margin % 94,98% 94,72% 94,46%


Payroll $138 036 $162 898 $187 760

Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses $1 850 $2 000 $2 150

Depreciation $2 070 $2 070 $2 070

Leased Equipment $0 $0 $0

Utilities $4 000 $4 250 $4 500

Insurance $1 800 $1 800 $1 800

Rent $6 500 $7 000 $7 500

Payroll Taxes $34 510 $40 726 $46 942

Other $0 $0 $0

Total Operating Expenses $188 766 $220 744 $252 722

Profit Before Interest and Taxes $105 205 $146 040 $186 875

EBITDA $107 275 $148 110 $188 945

Interest Expense $0 $0 $0

Taxes Incurred $26 838 $37 315 $47 792

Net Profit $78 367 $108 725 $139 083

Net Profit/Sales 30,00% 39,32% 48,64%

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Profit Yearly




Year1 Year2 Year3

Financial Year Profit

Year1 10000

Year2 12000

Year3 14000

Gross Margin Yearly

Gross Margin




0 2.00k 4.00k 6.00k 8.00k 10.00k 12.00k 14.00k 16.00k

Financial Year Gross Margin

Year1 10000

Year2 12000

Year3 14000

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Projected Cash Flow
Cash Received Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Cash from Operations

Cash Sales $40 124 $45 046 $50 068

Cash from Receivables $7 023 $8 610 $9 297

SUBTOTAL CASH FROM OPERATIONS $47 143 $53 651 $59 359

Additional Cash Received

Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received $0 $0 $0

New Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0

New Other Liabilities (interest-free) $0 $0 $0

New Long-term Liabilities $0 $0 $0

Sales of Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0

Sales of Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0

New Investment Received $0 $0 $0

SUBTOTAL CASH RECEIVED $47 143 $53 651 $55 359

Expenditures from Operations

Cash Spending $21 647 $24 204 $26 951

Bill Payments $13 539 $15 385 $170 631

SUBTOTAL SPENT ON OPERATIONS $35 296 $39 549 $43 582

Additional Cash Spent

Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out $0 $0 $0

Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0

Other Liabilities Principal Repayment $0 $0 $0

Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment $0 $0 $0

Purchase Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0

Purchase Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0

Dividends $0 $0 $0

SUBTOTAL CASH SPENT $35 296 $35 489 $43 882

Net Cash Flow $11 551 $13 167 $15 683

Cash Balance $21 823 $22 381 $28 239

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Projected Balance Sheet
Assets Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Current Assets

Cash $184 666 $218 525 $252 384

Accounts Receivable $12 613 $14 493 $16 373

Inventory $2 980 $3 450 $3 920

Other Current Assets $1 000 $1 000 $1 000

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS $201 259 $237 468 $273 677

Long-term Assets

Long-term Assets $10 000 $10 000 $10 000

Accumulated Depreciation $12 420 $14 490 $16 560


TOTAL ASSETS $198 839 $232 978 $267 117

Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable $9 482 $10 792 $12 102

Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0

Other Current Liabilities $0 $0 $0


Long-term Liabilities $0 $0 $0

TOTAL LIABILITIES $9 482 $10 792 $12 102

Paid-in Capital $30 000 $30 000 $30 000

Retained Earnings $48 651 $72 636 $96 621

Earnings $100 709 $119 555 $138 401

TOTAL CAPITAL $189 360 $222 190 $255 020

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL $198 839 $232 978 $267 117

Net Worth $182 060 $226 240 $270 420

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Business Ratios
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Industry Profile

Sales Growth 4,35% 30,82% 63,29% 4,00%

Percent of Total Assets

Accounts Receivable 5,61% 4,71% 3,81% 9,70%

Inventory 1,85% 1,82% 1,79% 9,80%

Other Current Assets 1,75% 2,02% 2,29% 27,40%

Total Current Assets 138,53% 150,99% 163,45% 54,60%

Long-term Assets -9,47% -21,01% -32,55% 58,40%

TOTAL ASSETS 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00%

Current Liabilities 4,68% 3,04% 2,76% 27,30%

Long-term Liabilities 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 25,80%

Total Liabilities 4,68% 3,04% 2,76% 54,10%

NET WORTH 99,32% 101,04% 102,76% 44,90%

Percent of Sales

Sales 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00%

Gross Margin 94,18% 93,85% 93,52% 0,00%

Selling, General & Administrative Expenses 74,29% 71,83% 69,37% 65,20%

Advertising Expenses 2,06% 1,11% 0,28% 1,40%

Profit Before Interest and Taxes 26,47% 29,30% 32,13% 2,86%

Main Ratios

Current 25,86 29,39 32,92 1,63

Quick 25,4 28,88 32,36 0,84

Total Debt to Total Assets 2,68% 1,04% 0,76% 67,10%

Pre-tax Return on Net Worth 66,83% 71,26% 75,69% 4,40%

Pre-tax Return on Assets 64,88% 69,75% 74,62% 9,00%

Additional Ratios

Net Profit Margin 19,20% 21,16% 23,12% N.A.

Return on Equity 47,79% 50,53% 53,27% N.A.

Activity Ratios

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Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Industry Profile

Accounts Receivable Turnover 4,56 4,56 4,56 N.A.

Collection Days 92 99 106 N.A.

Inventory Turnover 19,7 22,55 25,4 N.A.

Accounts Payable Turnover 14,17 14,67 15,17 N.A.

Payment Days 27 27 27 N.A.

Total Asset Turnover 1,84 1,55 1,26 N.A.

Debt Ratios

Debt to Net Worth 0 -0,02 -0,04 N.A.

Current Liab. to Liab. 1 1 1 N.A.

Liquidity Ratios

Net Working Capital $120 943 $140 664 $160 385 N.A.

Interest Coverage 0 0 0 N.A.

Additional Ratios

Assets to Sales 0,45 0,48 0,51 N.A.

Current Debt/Total Assets 4% 3% 2% N.A.

Acid Test 23,66 27,01 30,36 N.A.

Sales/Net Worth 1,68 1,29 0,9 N.A.

Dividend Payout 0 0 0 N.A.

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