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Business Models

and Startups
Andre Calmon
Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations Management

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Outline of the Week

1) What is a Business Model and Business

Model Innovation?

2) Analysing a Business Model: Value

Creation Analysis

3) Managing an innovative business model:

Digital Platforms and Marketplaces

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Traditional View of Innovation

New technology

New products - New markets

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A New Kind of Innovation

Disrupt the way products are made, sold, and serviced

through Business Model Innovation
Analyse and Create Superior Business Models that
disrupt industries, change lives and create

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1. TechCrunch:
2. Wall Street Journal:
3. Harvard Business Review:
4. Financial Times:

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What is a business
model ?

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There Are Many Definitions of a “Business Model”…

"'Business model' is one of those terms of

art that were central to the Internet
boom… all it really meant was how you
planned to make money."
Michael Lewis in “The New, New Thing”

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There Are Many Definitions of a “Business Model”…

From an operations point of view, a

business model is the logic of the firm,
the way it operates and how it creates
value for its stakeholders.
It is a set of processes, activities, and
incentives used to match supply and

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A Few Famous Innovative Business Models


Image sources:
1. Ford Model T:
2. Toyota Model AA:
3. Zara store:
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There Are Many Definitions of a “Business Model”…

When creating a new business, a

business model can be thought of
as a collection of assumptions and
hypotheses about how to match
supply and demand

Business Model Canvas

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From Service Provider to System Designer

"Do you want to be a dentist or a capitalist?"

James M. Stone (CEO and founder of Plymouth Rock Assurance)

Focus Splitting Decisions Marketplace/Platform

Servitisation Crowdsourcing Resequencing

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What is a
startup ?

A startup is a temporary
organization that exists to
find a business model that
is scalable

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Finding a Scalable Business Model Is Challenging

Requires experimentation and trial and


Requires a huge amount of risk


Requires persistence and grit

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Analysing Business Models

First steps

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Value Creation Analysis
Identify points of comparison:
• Alternative business models
• Next best option for customers
• Organization with closest Demand side analysis: Why will customers
operational systems purchase your product or service rather
• Other industries where the than other products or services? What are
business model works the risks for these customers?

02 04

01 03 05

Use Business Model Use the BMC to map the difference Profitability and risk analysis:
Canvas (BMC) to map between the business model and the • Will you be able to provision the promised
the business model points of comparison. You should do product in a profitable way? Is the business
this for each of the organizations model more profitable than alternatives?
identified in the previous step • How does the business model manage the
consumer's risks?
• What are other big risks for this business
model? How can you manage or mitigate these
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Business Model Canvas

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Using the Business Model Canvas to Plan a Startup

C ustomer segment
For whom are we creating value?
Who are our most important customers?
Mass Market
Niche Market
Multi-sided Platform

V alue propositions
What value do we deliver to the customer?
Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve?
“Getting the Job Done”
What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Cost Reduction
Customer Segment? Risk Reduction
Which customer needs are we satisfying? Accessibility
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Business Model Canvas: Demand Side

C ustomer relationships
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments
expect us to establish and maintain with them?
Personal assistance
Dedicated Personal Assistance
Automated Services
How costly are they? Co-creation

C hannels
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments
want to be reached?
Which ones work best? After sales?
Which ones are most cost-efficient?

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Business Model Canvas: Demand Side

R evenue streams
For what value are our customers really willing to pay?
For what do they currently pay?
How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?

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Business Model Canvas: Supply Side

K ey resources
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?
Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?
Intellectual (brand
patents, copyrights, data)
Revenue Streams? Financial

K ey activities
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?
Our Distribution Channels?
Problem Solving
Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
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Business Model Canvas: Supply Side

K ey partnerships
Who are our Key Partners?
Who are our key suppliers?
Motivations for Partnerships:
Optimisation and economy
Reduction of risk and uncertainty
Acquisition of particular resources
Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? and activities
Which Key Activities do partners perform?

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Business Model Canvas: Supply Side

C ost structure
What are the most important costs inherent in our business
Which Key Resources are most expensive? Typical Elements:
Which Key Activities are most expensive? • Fixed Costs (salaries, rents,
• Variable costs
Is your business more: • Economies of scale
• Cost Driven (leanest cost structure, low price value • Economies of scope
proposition, maximum automation, extensive
• Value Driven (focused on value creation, premium value

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Origins of the Auto Industry

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Is This Man ?

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Value Creation Analysis of Ford’s Business Model
Identify points of comparison:
• Alternative business models
• Next best option for customers
• Organization with closest Demand side analysis: Why will customers
operational systems purchase your product or service rather
• Other industries where the than other products or services? What are
business model works the risks for these customers?

02 04

01 03 05

Use Business Model Use the BMC to map the difference Profitability and risk analysis:
Canvas (BMC) to map between the business model and the • Will you be able to provision the promised
the business model points of comparison. You should do product in a profitable way? Is the business
this for each of the organizations model more profitable than alternatives?
identified in the previous step • How does the business model manage the
consumer's risks?
• What are other big risks for this business
model? How can you manage or mitigate these
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01 Step 1: Business Model Canvas

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Step 1 : Model T's BMC
Cheap Marketing Mass-market
Raw material suppliers Car design
Manufacturing Urban and rural
3rd party dealers
Sourcing Easy to drive Network effects
"No frills" DIY and later service


Raw material Easy to maintain Dealerships

Patents and
intellectual capital Modular with
Human capital standardised parts

Add-ons and

Cost driven:
Car sales
Raw material costs
Manufacturing costs (tools, salaries, training)
Spare parts & maintenance
Distribution costs
Economies of scale and scope

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02 Step 2: Points of Comparison

"Artisanal" Utility vehicles

Carriage + horse
high end cars and trucks (B2B)

Image sources:
1. Benz & Cie.:
2. Horse and buggy:
3. DAC delivery truck:
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03 Step 3: Mapping Differences

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Model T is: More or less the same
Design and
More flexible
More durable

More convenient (?)

More expensive (?)

Cheaper to maintain Both sell through

(?) dealers
Requires a learning You can raise horses

Cleaner (?)

Ford model T might benefit from more

economies of scale and scope

Canvas image source:

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04 Step 4: Demand Side Analysis

Why will customers purchase your

product or service rather than What are the risks for these
other products or services? customers?

• More flexibility • Maintenance costs

• More convenient? • Ease of refueling
• Cheaper? • Safety/learning

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05 Step 5: Profitability and Risk Analysis

Will you be able to provision the promised product

in a profitable way? Is the business more profitable
than the alternatives?

"Any customer can have a car painted Assembly Line Production Vertical Integration
any color that he wants so long as it vs Artisanal Production
is black"

Image sources:
1. Ford Model T:
2. Ford Model T production line:
3. Newspaper header:$5-day-for-line-workers
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05 Step 5: Profitability and Risk Analysis

How does the business model

manage the consumer's risks?

Focus on cities

Reduce cost

Platform product – mass

customisation and ease of
Image sources:
1. Ford Model T chassis:
2. Prices:
3. Easter fashion parade in NYC:
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05 Step 5: Other Risks

Employee retention experimentation and
scientific management

Image sources:
1. Newspaper header:
2. Assembly line:
3. Henry Ford short bio:
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Wrap-up: Value Creation Analysis

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The innovation
• Cut out sales channel – Sell direct or
through alternate channel

• Increase revenues and reduce risk

exposure to other’s actions

Works best when:

• Channel profits and incentive misalignment are high
• Services provided by channel are small
• Search and Distribution
• Physical Inventories, Delivery
• Customisation…
• Products can be sold online

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Increase incidence of supply-demand

matches (due to risk pooling)
Search costs, liquidity, etc.

Create Trust in Transactions

Insurance, background check, escrow, etc.

Price Regulation
Haggling, prices adjust to match supply with demand

Lower Transaction Costs & Manage

Share transaction costs across many players

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The Marketplace that Started It All

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Sellers Buyers
Product A Product A

50% 50%

Product B Product B

50% 50%

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Sellers Buyers
Product A Product A

50% 50%

Product B Product B

50% 50%

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Role #1: Increase Incidence of Supply-Demand Matches
(due to risk pooling)

Fraction of buyers/sellers matched


Fraction Matched (%)




0 10 20 30 40 50
Size of Market

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Increase incidence of supply-demand

matches (due to risk pooling)
Search costs, liquidity, etc.

Create trust in transactions

Insurance, background check, escrow, etc.

Price regulation
Haggling, prices adjust to match supply with demand

Lower transaction costs & manage

Share transaction costs across many players

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Role # 2: Create Trust in Transactions

• Rating system for suppliers

• Third party verification
• Escrow system
• Offer transaction insurance

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Role # 3: Price Discovery

• Allows C2C haggling

• Posted price versus auctions

Photo by Stewart Butterfield:

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Role # 4: Lower Transaction Costs & Manage Congestion

• Reduce transaction costs

• Reduce barrier of entry
• Offer fulfillment outsourcing
• Congestion

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Increase incidence of supply-demand

matches (due to risk pooling)
Search costs, liquidity, etc.

Create trust in transactions

Insurance, background check, escrow, etc.

Price regulation
Haggling, prices adjust to match supply with demand

Lower transaction costs & manage

Share transaction costs across many players

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• Creating new business models is a great way to

innovate, and innovative business models can be

• A start-up is a temporary organization in search of a

business model that is profitable and scalable

• Evaluating a business model is about analysing value,

costs, and risks. Value Creation Analysis is a useful

• The Business Model Canvas is a useful tool to sketch out

a business model


Copyright © INSEAD 2020/2021. All rights reserved. These materials are prepared by INSEAD for academic usage only. These materials may not be reproduced, re-distributed or used in any way whatsoever without formal written authorization from INSEAD.

• Digital technology has facilitated the

creation of innovative platform and
marketplace based business models

• A successful platform must

— Create liquidity
— Create trust
— Facilitate price discovery
— Lower transaction costs and manage congestion

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• Technology changes rapidly… but the

fundamentals of economics and business stay
the same

Be a system

Copyright © INSEAD 2020/2021. All rights reserved. These materials are prepared by INSEAD for academic usage only. These materials may not be reproduced, re-distributed or used in any way whatsoever without formal written authorization from INSEAD.
Business Models
and Startups
Andre Calmon
Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations Management

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