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This Statement of Work (“SOW”) is executed is executed by and between SYRENCLOUD LLC (“SYRENCLOUD”)
and Trishulla Technologies (“Vendor”) as of <Current Date> and is subjected to the terms and conditions of
the Master Service Agreement between the parties signed on <MSA Signed Date>.

Role / Job Title:  Software Developer

Consultant Full Name:  Kishore Jetty
Target Start Date:  04/07/2021
Assignment Duration  12 months
Work Location:  Remote and Redmond
Client Name:
Agreed Rate (all inclusive): $65 per hour 
Payment Terms:  60 days

Additional Terms:
 Vendor agrees that during the course of this SOW and any further extensions or renewals thereof, Vendor
will not receive a rate increase unless a rate increase is approved and paid by the client.
 SYRENCLOUD agrees to pay Vendor for proper documented, undisputed invoices as per the payment
 Consultant shall be warranted for a period of Eighty (80) hours. If Client is not satisfied with the
performance of Consultant during the first Eight (80) hours, there shall be no financial obligation of
 Vendor should ensure his consultant completes minimum 2 months of service on this SOW from the date
of commencement, before giving 2 weeks of notice period to end the contract. In the event of violation by
vendor or vendor’s consultant for this clause, vendor will be liable to pay $10,000 to SyrenCloud as
liquidated damages. If the Vendor fail to pay the said agreed amount, any efforts/ money spent to recover
this amount from the party, like collection agency fee or attorney fees, are to be borne by the Vendor.
 In the event that, Client or SYRENCLOUD cancels the assignment before Assignment End Date,
SYRENCLOUD shall be liable to Vendor only for payment of consultant hours satisfactorily performed and
approved for payment by Client prior to the termination date.
 Vendor and Consultant’s expenses presented for reimbursement must be pre-approved in writing by the
Client manager and presented to SYRENCLOUD for payment within 30 days after the expenses were
incurred to be eligible for reimbursement.


 Equipment provided by SYRENCLOUD needs to be returned at the end of the current assignment in the
same condition as it was dispensed initially, subject to ordinary wear and tear. In the event of
misuse/damage, Consultant is responsible for 100% of the value of the equipment dispensed. This amount
will be withheld by SYRENCLOUD from final payment due to Consultant upon return of equipment and
discovery of any damages to the equipment.

Other Guidelines:
 Invoicing: Invoices are due by 5th of each month for services rendered in the preceding month. Failure to
submit invoices with client's approved timesheets on time will delay the payments from SyrenCloud's end.
All invoices to be submitted only by email to [email protected].
 I9 Compliance: Vendor is required to maintain a record of candidate’s I9 and a copy of E-Verify duly. signed
by concerned persons along with a minimum of 2 supporting evidences of identity and eligibility to work in
United States. SyrenCloud is not liable for any consequential damages arising out of, incident to, or in
connection with violation of USCIS laws by Vendor or Vendor's contractors/employees.
 Overtime: No overtime is allowed until approved by client. In the event client manager requests for
overtime, the vendor contractor/employee must inform SyrenCloud's delivery manager, who will take
necessary approvals from client if required.
 Under no circumstances, Vendor's contractor/employee will engage in any rate related discussions with
SyrenCloud's client.
 This SOW/PO is contingent upon clearance of drug test, criminal background check, reference checks and
submission of proper work authorization documents.
 This SOW may be terminated at any time by Client or SYRENCLOUD without notice. SYRENCLOUD may
terminate this SOW at any time if Client cancels the assignment with SYRENCLOUD to contract for
Consultant’s services.


<Vendor Company name> <Company name>

By: By:
Name: Name:
Title: Title:

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