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1 When did the Prevention of Money Laundering Act come into force? 5.1
a. 1 April 2009 b. 1 July 2005 c. 1 August 2005 d. 1 August 2009

2 Which of the following acts can be considered as acts of Money Laundering in the act?
a. Illegal arms sales b. Drug trafficking c. Insider trading d. All of the above

3 Whosoever directly or indirectly attempts to indulge or knowingly assists or knowingly is a party or is

actually involved in any process or activity connected with the proceeds of crime and ________________
shall be guilty of offence of money-laundering.(Section 3 of PMLA)
a. Intentionally Participates b. Unknowingly participates c. Projecting it as untainted property

4 What is a `scheduled offence’?

a. Circulation of Fake b. Offences relating to c. Waging war against d. All of the Above
Indian Currency Notes Narcotic Drugs the Nation

5 Mr. P was found guilty as per the provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002. Who can
investigate his case of Money Laundering?
a. Director/Officer u/s 48 b. Police Inspector c. Officer of Supreme Court d. None

6 Financial Institutions as per clause c of section 45 I of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 include
a. A chit fund company b. Housing finance c. Non-Banking financial d. All of the above
Institutions company

7 Mr. X was found guilty of money laundering as per provisions of Money Laundering Act, 2002. What are
the possible actions which can be taken against Mr. X?
a. 3 to 7 years Imprisonment b. 3 to 7 years c. Only Fine d. upto 3 year
and Fine Imprisonment Imprisonment

8 Mr. Y was found guilty under Narcotic drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985. What are the
possible actions which can be taken against Mr. Y for money laundering of the sum therefrom?
a. 3 to 10 years Imprisonment b. 3 to 7 years c. 3 to 10 years d. upto 3 years
and Rs. 1,00,000 Fine Imprisonment Imprisonment and Fine imprisonment

9 Every reporting entity u/s 12 (Banking Company, Financial institution, Intermediary or a person carrying
on a designated business or profession) is required to maintain records after the end of an relationship
with a client for :
a. 1 year b. 3 years c. 5 years d. 10 years

10 Section 12 of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 lays down following obligations on banking
companies, financial institutions and intermediaries
a. Maintain a record b. Verify and maintain the c. Furnish information of d. All of the
of all transactions records of the identity transactions referred to in above
of all its clients clause (a) to the Director

11 Every reporting entity u/s 12 (Banking Company, Financial institution, Intermediary or a person carrying
on a designated business or profession) is required to maintain records after the transaction with a client
for :
a. 1 year b. 3 years c. 5 years d. 10 years

© CA Darshan D. Khare

5.2 12 Director (Adjudicating Authority) has reason to believe that Mr T is in possession of proceeds of crime
and such proceeds of crime are likely to be transferred which may result in frustrating any proceedings
relating to confiscation of such proceeds of crime. So for how many days such property can be attached?
a. Not exceeding 90 days b. Not exceeding 180 c. Not exceeding 1 d. Not exceeding 60
days month days

13 The officer attached Property of Mr A as per Section 5(1) of Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002.
Upto how many days from such attachment, the officer is required to file complaint before the
adjudicating authority?
a. 45 days b. 60 Days c. 90 Days d. 30 Days

14 Central Government appoints an Adjudicating Authority comprising of Mr X as chairperson, Mr B and Mr

D as members. Mr. B is experienced in the field of Accountancy. Is the appointment in lines of the
provision of Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002?
a. Yes b. No

15 Adjudication authority has reason to believe that Mr. B is in possession of proceeds of crime. What is the
next course of action to be taken by Adjudicating Authority?
a. Arrest Mr. B b. Serve a notice of not less c. Serve a notice of not d. Make him pay fine
than 30 days, to indicate less than 45 days to RS.10000
source refund

16 Mr. Santosh is aggrieved by an order made by the Adjudicating Authority under the Prevention of Money
Laundering Act, 2002. He wants to file an Appeal. Which is the Appellate Authority against the order
passed by Adjudicating Authority?
a. Appellate Tribunal b. High Court c. Supreme Court d. None of the above

17 In addition to the above question, what is the time limit to file appeal after making of order by
Adjudicating Authority?
a. 15 days b. 45 days c. 30 days d. 60 days

18 Mr Dev wants to file appeal before Appellate Tribunal. But he could not file appeal within 45 days from
the date on which copy of order made by Adjudicating authority is made. Can Appellate Tribunal may
entertain an appeal after the expiry of the said period of forty-five days if sufficient cause for not filing it
within that period is shown. (Section 26)
a. Yes b. No

19 Appellate Tribunal passed an order against Mr. G. Mr. G is aggrieved by the same. He wants to file appeal
against order passed. To whom can he appeal against the order passed by Appellate Tribunal?
a. Adjudicating Authority b. High Court c. Supreme Court d. Parliament

20 In addition to the above question, what is the time limit to file an appeal against the order passed
Appellate tribunal?
a. 15 Days b. 30 Days c. 45 Days d. 60 Days

21 Mr Jack is a drug trafficker who deals in banned drugs. This offence is categorised under which part of
the Schedule?
a. Part A b. Part B c. Part C d. Part D

22 Cash Limited is Banking Company. One of the obligations of the Banking Companies is to maintain and

© CA Darshan D. Khare

submit records. Cash Limited did not maintain and submit the records. What are the penalties that can
be imposed on banking company, financial institution and intermediary for non-maintenance of records
or non-submission of aforesaid information?
a. Fine more b. Imprisonment of 7 c. Fine not be less than ten d. Fine not less than 5.3
than 10000 years and fine thousand rupees but may 20000 Rs and
Rs for each exceeding 100000 Rs extend to one lakh rupees for Imprisonment 7
failure for each failure each failure. (Section 13) Years

23 What are special Courts under Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002?
a. Designated one or b. Designated Municipal c. Designated d. Designated High
more Courts of Session Corporation Committee Court

24 Which is the Appellate Authority against the order passed by Special Court?
a. No Appellate Authority b. High Court c. Other Sessions Court d. Supreme Court

25 Mr Y was found guilty under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act; 2002.He was
imposed with fine under section 63 of the Act on 1 January 2018. Upto what date he should pay
aforesaid fine?
a. 1 April 2018 b. 30 December 2018 c. 1 June 2018 d. 30 June 2018

26 In addition to the above question, if Mr Y does not pay fine within prescribed time then what is the
mechanism to recover the fine imposed on any person under Section 13 or Section 63?
a. Recover b. File Case with c. Arrest d. Same manner as prescribed in Schedule II of the
with interest the Police Mr Y Income-tax Act, 1961 for the recovery of arrears.

27 EF Limited, a company, found guilty under the provisions of Prevention of money laundering Act, 2002.
Mr. Ved was one of the directors, who was responsible for the business of the company when the crime
was committed. Later he resigned. Shall he be deemed to be guilty of the contravention and be liable to
be proceeded against and punished accordingly? Advice.
a. Yes b. No

28 EF Limited, a company, found guilty under the provisions of Prevention of money laundering Act, 2002.
Mr. Ved was one of the directors who was responsible for the business of the company when the crime
was committed. Later he resigned. During the proceedings under the said Act he proved that the con-
travention took place without his knowledge and that he exercised all due diligence to prevent such
contravention. Shall he be deemed to be guilty of the contravention and be liable to be proceeded
against and punished accordingly? Advice.
a. Yes b. No

29 Mr.X convicted as per the Provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering but under Contract Act he is
not guilty. Under such circumstances what will happen if there is conflict between the provisions of
PMLA, and other Acts / laws?
a. Decision is taken as b. The provisions of PMLA have over-riding effect, c. Not
per the severity of notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith Applicable
crime committed contained in any other law for the time being in force.

30 Proceedings under Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 were initiated against Mr. Satya. During
the Proceedings he suffered cardiac arrest and died. What will happen to the proceedings initiated under
PMLA in the event of death of Mr. Satya?
a. Proceedings discarded b. Legal Representatives are c. Legal representatives continue Appeal
by authority not recognised in PMLA to the Appellate Tribunal / High Court

© CA Darshan D. Khare

31 Mr. Adi, an Accountant of Orchids Co. steals heavy cash from the business. To avoid detection of his
5.4 steal, instead of depositing large amount of money into his bank account, he deposits the money in small
amounts in his bank account on regular time interval. Can this transaction be considered under the
definition of Money Laundering?
a. Yes b. No c. Don’t Know d. May be

32 As per the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, proceedings were initiated
against Mr. Yadav for a scheduled offence. His property was attached. Mr. Yadav was later acquitted on
conclusion of trial. What will happen to the attached properties, after conclusion of trial for the
scheduled offence?
a. His property will be released on b. His Property will remain confiscated c. Attachment
surety. Surety will be cancelled later, and an equivalent amount of money shall cease to
if no Appeal is made. will be paid instead in lieu thereof have effect

33 In the case of Mr. R after the conclusion of trial for the scheduled offence the attachment of property
becomes final. The Adjudicating Authority after giving an opportunity of being heard to the person
concerned, made an order confiscating such property. After an order of confiscation what will happen to
the attached properties after conclusion of trial for the scheduled offence?
a. The order of b. The Property will c. The attachment of d. All the rights and title in
attachment of be released and the property and such property shall vest
property will equivalent amount net income, if any, absolutely in the Central
become final of cash will be shall cease to have Government free from all
obtained effect. encumbrances. (Section 9)

34 Whether the persons claiming or entitled to claim any interest in the enjoyment of immovable property
can enjoy the property during the period of provisional attachment?
a. Yes b. No

35 An officer believed that Mr O was in possession of proceeds of crime and such proceeds of crime are
likely to be transferred. The Officer, by an order in writing, provisionally attaches such property for a
prescribed period. How long will this order of provisional attachment of property remain valid?
a. Period <= 150 days b. Period <= 120 days c. Period <= 180 d. Period <= 90 days from
from the date of the from the date of days from the the date of the order
order the order date of the order

36 “Attachment” means, -------------------------------------------- or movement of property by an order issued

under Chapter III of the Act. [Section 2(d)]
a. Prohibition of transfer b. Conversion, c. Disposition d. All of the above

37 Mr. A was found involved routing illegal proceeds by sale of banned drugs through various bank accounts
and moving cash from Mumbai to Delhi. Is this transaction considered as Money Laundering
a. Yes b. No

© CA Darshan D. Khare


Q. No. Option No. / Reason 5.5

1. b
2. d
3. c
4. d
5. a Sec 48 & 49
6. d
7. a Sec 4
8. c Sec 4
9. c Sec 12
10. d
11. c Sec 12
12. b Sec 5
13. d Sec (5)
14. a Sec 6
15. b Sec 8
16. a Sec 26
17. b Sec 26
18. a Sec 26
19. b Sec 42
20. d
21. a
22. c
23. a Sec 43
24. b
25. d Sec 69
26. d Sec 69
27. a Sec70
28. b Sec 70
29. b Sec 71
30. c Sec 72
31. a
32. c Sec 8(5)
33. d Sec 8(3)
34. a Sec 5(4)
35. c Sec 5
36. d
37. a

© CA Darshan D. Khare

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