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com - Chia sẻ tài liệu, đề thi tiếng Anh miễn phí hay nhất
Group: Thảo luận môn tiếng Anh


Question 1. If you don’t want your business to _______ bankrupt, avoid consulting those willing
to step out on a limb.
A. come B. take C. go D. pay
Question 2. Lawyers are naturally keen to have ________ with anyone who could provide him
with incontrovertible evidences concerning the lawsuits they’re in charge.
A. contact B.association C.connection D.communication
Question3. In Physic class, we are told that resistance wire can be found in an
electrical_________ such as a heater or
an oven.
A. device B. appliance C. utensil D. gadget
Question 4. Entering the meeting half an hour late, he tried to _________ an excuse, still the strict
chairman of the board told him to leave the room.
A. make B. do C. give D. have
Question 5. It seems that they had had a ________ row, as she had locked him out of the
apartment all night long.
A. freezing B. warming C. grieving D. blazing
Question 6. In some cultures, that men make eye contact ________ women are strictly forbidden
outside the immediate family.
A. on B. to C. with D. for
Question 7. The recent heavy rains have contributed to ease the water _________ resulted from
the severe prolonged drought.
A. shortage B. lack C. absence D. deprivation
Question 8. Students in private school often receive more ________ attention from their teachers;
therefore, they have more chance to reach their full learning potential.
A. personal B. individual C. distinctive D. unique
Question 9. That manufacturer is worldly-known for selecting only ingredients that meet their
very strict _______ for quality and renewability.
A. demands B. necessities C. criterions D. requirements
Question 10. Despite the development of e-books and online reading materials, printed books are
still regarded as a wonderful _______ of entertainment.
A. resource B. place C. source D. replacement

Question 11. Some teachers have tendency to _________ preference to students with
disadvantaged backgrounds such as poor and handicapped students.
A. lend B. give C. deliver D. send
Question 12. There was a time when human beings worried that all of the earth’s surface would
be __________ covered
with lava were a giant meteor to hit the planet.
A. thickly B. fully C. densely D. totally
Question 13. As estimated in the report, the storm _______ great damage to not only the coastal
cities but the mountainous areas as well.
A. make B. cause C. lead D. bring
Question 14. The two business partners failed to agree _______ some points of the contract, so
they arranged to meet up another day, after considering their own company’s interest.
A. with B. at C. on D. for | Tham khảo, sưu tầm và biên soạn - Chia sẻ tài liệu, đề thi tiếng Anh miễn phí hay nhất
Group: Thảo luận môn tiếng Anh

Question 15. Regardless of family background, we always think of each other _______ true
A. as B. like C. same D. similar
Question 16. If traipsing around shops does not ________ to you, perhaps using a catalogue will
A. appear B. attract C. access D. appeal
Question 17. The influence of the last _______ 12 storm on the central region is so disruptive that
the local authority
had to spend months to surmount the consequence.
A. power B. energy C. force D. velocity
Question 18. He’s praised for possessing a distinctive _______style which was plain and factual,
without witticisms or flourishes.
A. literature B. literal C. literary D. literally
Question 19. She did agree to lend him some money; nevertheless, after being told that he was a
blackleg, she ________ a second thought.
A. transferred B. changed C. made D. gave
Question 20. Had it not been for its cautiously prepared performance, the play could not have
________ most of the audience to tears.
A. moved B. given C. brought D. travelled
Question 21. His mother encouraged him to take up some sports and do exercise regularly in
order to stay in_________.
A. shadow B. shape C. shield D. shell
Question 22. The name of Barnard star derives _______ the name of Edward Emerson Barnard,
the American astronomer who discovered it.
A. after B. from C. towards D. of
Question 23. In the 19th century, a group of archeologist explored an ancient castle in West
Austria and found lots of precious pottery utensils _______50 meters.
A. in the depth of B. at the deep of C. at the depth of D. in the deep of
Question 24. Thanks to our continuous attempt, the year-end brochure will be __________ for
publication in late November.
A. ready B. willing C. capable D. agile
Question 25. There are all kinds of giveaway which could be used ________ product samples.
A. in point of B. in advance of C. in need of D. in place of
Question 26. It usually _______ her two hours to clean the living soon.
A. spends B. does C. takes D. makes
Question 27. My uncle grows vegetable and _______ pigs and cows in his farm.
A. rise B. raise C. lift D. live
Question 28. Their lives depend _______ crops in those small paddies.
A. up B. in C. at D. on
Question 29. A foreign friend of _______ is going to visit me this weekend.
A. I B. my C. me D. mine
Question 30. Don't believe him. He is just _______ lies.
A. saying B. telling C. speaking D. talking
Question 31. My mother always _________ the cooking at the weekend.
A. does B. makes C. takes D. has
Question 32. I rarely _________ a row with Sam because we are close friends.
A. make B. have C. do D. take
Question 33. Laura prefers _________ aerobics to swimming.
A. making B. doing C. taking D. having
Question 34. The Board of Education _________ a decision to change the school curriculum. | Tham khảo, sưu tầm và biên soạn - Chia sẻ tài liệu, đề thi tiếng Anh miễn phí hay nhất
Group: Thảo luận môn tiếng Anh

A. made B. did C. took D. had

Question 35. Could you _______ me a hand with these cartons?
A. do B. give C. make D. take
Question 36. Her bad behaviour at the interview prevented her _______ getting the job.
A. for B. on C. from D. off
Question 37. Many people don't know LOL stands _______ Laugh Out Loud.
A. with B. at C. for D. to
Question 38. The hotels could provide you _______ the best services.
A. to B. for C. on D. with
Question 39. I would _______ you didn't leave just at the moment.
A. advise B. like C. ask D. rather
Question 40. I _______ a bad cold and had to stay in bed.
A. took B. raised C. caught D. pushed
Question 41. The house is old and it’s in bad__________.
A. condition B. state C. damage D. situation
Question 42. He desperately wished to ________ a living through writing.
A. earn B. take C. save D. accumulate
Question 43. They _______ a coin to decide who went first.
A. jumped B. flipped C. lifted D. raised
Question 44. Being mistaken as a genuine precious artifact, the vase was initially ______ at
A. worth B. cost C. valued D. enriched
Question 45. The inner city’s traffic eventually came to a _________after a serious accident.
A. delay B. inaction C. gridlock D. standstill
Question 46. One way of cutting down waste is to _______ such things as glass and paper.
A. recycle B. renew C. repeat D. redirect
Question 47. The boys have gone on a fishing_____ with their father.
A.trip B.journey C.trek D.hike
Question 48. .I like that photo very much. Could you make an _____ for me
A.increase B. expansion C. Extension D. enlargement
Question 49 Why don’t save the money you ___ from your Saturday job? B. earn D. gain
Question 50. I think you need a jacket, there’s a _____ breeze blowing outside.
A. chilly B. frosty C. Frigid D.glacial


Đáp án chi tiết

Question 1 C go bankrupt: phá sản
Question 2 A have contact with sb: có sự liên lạc với ai
Question 3 B electrical appliances: thiết bị điện
Question 4 A make an excuse: biện hộ.
Question 5 D blazing/ flamming row: cuộc cãi vã nảy lửa
Question 6 C eye contact with sb: sự nhìn thẳng vào mắt ai
Question 7 A water shortage/ scarity/ indefciency = the lack of water: sự thiếu nước
Question 8 B individual attention: sự quan tâm cá nhân | Tham khảo, sưu tầm và biên soạn - Chia sẻ tài liệu, đề thi tiếng Anh miễn phí hay nhất
Group: Thảo luận môn tiếng Anh

Question 9 D meet a requirement : đáp ứng yêu cầu

Question 10 C a source of entertainment: nguồn giải trí
Question 11 B give/ show preference/ priority to sb/sth: ưu tiên cái gì.
Question 12 A be thickly covered with sth: bị che phủ dày bởi
Question 13 B cause/ do damage to sth: gây thiệu hại cho
Question 14 C agree on/ upon sth: thống nhất về cái gì.
Question 15 A think of sb/sth as sb/sth: coi cái gì như cái gì.
Question 16 D appeal to sb: hấp dẫn với ai, làm ai thấy thích.
Question 17 C force + number + storm: cơn bão cấp mấy.
Question 18 C literary style: văn phong
Question 19 D give a second thought to sth = think twice about sth: nghĩ kĩ về.
Question 20 A move sb to tears: làm ai xúc động phát khóc.
Question 21 B stay in shape: giữ được vóc dáng đẹp
Question 22 B derive from sth = originate from sth = stem from sth: bắt nguồn từ
Question 23 C at the depth of: dưới độ sâu bao nhiêu.
Question 24 A be ready for sth: sẵn sàng cho việc gì.
Question 25 D in place of = in lieu of = instead of: thay vì
Question 26. C - it + takes/ took + sb + thời gian + to do: ai tốn bao lâu để làm gì.
Question 27. B - raise an animal: nuôi con vật gì đó.
Question 28. D - depend on sth: phụ thuộc vào cái gì.
Question 29. D - khi muốn dùng sở hữu cách với có of với Đại từ nhân xưng thì luôn dùng Đại từ
sở hữu sau of(mine, ours, yours, theirs, his, hers, its)
Question 30. B - tell a lie/ lies: nói dối.
Question 31. A - do the cooking: nấu ăn.
Question 32. B - have a row with sb: tranh cãi với ai.
Question 33. B - do aerobics: tập è-rấu-bịch (do còn đi với các môn khác như: yoga, karate ...)
Question 34. A - make a decision: quyết định.
Question 35. B - give sb a hand with sth: giúp ai làm cái gì.
Question 36. C - prevent sb from doing sth: ngăn cản ai làm gì.
Question 37. C - stand for: là viết tắt của.
Question 38. D - provide sb with sth: cung cấp cho ai cái gì.
Question 39. D - would rather sb + V-quá khứ đơn: muốn ai làm gì.
Question 40. C - catch a cold: bị nhiễm cảm.
Question 41. A - be in good/bad condition: trong tình trạng tốt/ xấu.
Question 42. A - earn a living: kiếm sống.
Question 43. B - flip/ toss a coin: tung đồng xu (để xem mặt sấp hay ngửa).
Question 44. C - value sth at $: định giá cái gì với mức tiền bao nhiêu.
Question 45. D - come to a standstill: bị ngừng trệ, bị ách tắc.
Question 46. A - recycle: tái chế.
Question 47. A go on trip : đi chơi, có chuyến đi chơi
Question 48. D make an enlargement: phóng to
Question 49. B earn money : kiếm tiền
Question 50. A a chilly breeze : cơn gió lạnh, ớn lạnh | Tham khảo, sưu tầm và biên soạn

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