A Letter To The Editor ONLINE VERSION Class 9

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Contact number: 01640738268 E-mail: [email protected]


Formal Letter: A letter to the Editor (Version: 2021)

STAGE 1: For Class 9 students only

• Directed Writing has two parts of assessments:

a) Task fulfilment: 15 marks

b) Language: 15 marks (Total: 30 marks)

You target score: Minimum 27/30 (A*), minimum 24/30 (A)

• Task fulfilment includes: 4 things:

a) Purpose: what am I writing? (The purpose of a letter to the Editor is to inform, sometimes
persuade politely so that he publishes your letter in order to raise awareness among people and
attracting attention of the authority concerned. Sometimes we write letter to the Editor to give
our reaction to any incident or any news published in the newspaper.)

b) Audience: to whom am I writing? (It is basically a public letter which will be read by the
Editor, the authority concerned and common readers of the newspaper.)

c) Format: should be correct (If format is wrong then the purpose will not be fulfilled)

d) three (3) bullet points: 1st: Descriptive, 2nd: Descriptive, 3rd Reflective (Important)

• Language also includes 4 things:

a) register (word choice): The words you will use should be relevant.

b) grammar: There should be no grammatical mistakes.

c) sentence construction: Complex sentences 60%, Simple: 30%, Compound: 10%

d) punctuation: Try to use semi-colon, colon, hyphen other than comma or full stop.

• Avoid writing unnecessarily long sentences.

• Use transition words/linking devices between paragraphs and sentences to build connection or

• You may use the word ‘YOU’ or ‘I’ but do not overuse it.

• Try to use passive voice adequately. (To make your writing more formal)

• Use good vocabulary. (Should be relevant and appropriate for the audience.)

• Do not exceed the word limit. (Minimum 280 words, maximum 300 words)


• Always end with ‘Yours faithfully’ while writing to the Editor

Contact number: 01640738268 E-mail: [email protected]


Task 1:
A local newspaper has published an article mentioning details of plans to construct a new hotel with
tourist facilities on the neighbouring Diamond Island, a small island with a traditional rural community.
Respond to the article with your views on the effect it will have on the local people and environment.
Write your views in a letter to the Editor.
You should consider:
• the positive effect on local people and the environment.
• negative impact on people, environment and the preservation of wild life
• other possible ideas to boost the island.
Write your letter in clear, accurate English and in a polite and persuasive tone in order to interest and
convince the readers that this is a worthwhile idea. Start your letter with ‘Dear Sir’.

Body of this letter:

Dear Sir, Salutation

I applaud the efforts to build a hotel on Diamond Island, as reported in your well reputed Body
Opening: This sentence will
‘The Morning Times’ dated 15th July 2015.
clearly state what the
a) I am writing this letter in connection with……………… purpose of the letter is.
b) This is to inform that…………….
1 line gap
Firstly, the building of a hotel on the island means the creation of jobs for the local
community. New job skills will also ultimately benefit the residents and help them to
2nd Paragraph:
upgrade themselves. Secondly, the fishermen, who made up a large percentage of the Descriptive: Focus on the
1st Bullet point
population on the island, will profit since they can sell their catch to the hotel instead of
(the positive effect on local
bringing their haul all the way to the mainland market. Thirdly, the construction will bring people and the
about many significant long-term gains. With its tourist facilities, the hotel will attract environment)
many visitors to stay on the island. This will boost tourism and generate other business
opportunities and earnings for the local people, who can sell their handicraft and other
souvenirs to the holidaymakers to obtain extra income. Tourism will in turn stimulate the
growth of other urban facilities such as restaurants and the development of a modern
transport system, creating yet more jobs and income for the people.
1 line gap
However, we cannot ignore the fact that the hotel construction will have negative 3rd Paragraph:
Descriptive: Focus on the
consequences. To begin with, people living near the hotel site will be compelled to move 2nd Bullet point.
and they may not have the means to resettle elsewhere. In the long run, urbanization
(negative impact on people,
brought about by the development may rise the standard of living, and the people may environment and the

Contact number: 01640738268 E-mail: [email protected]


find it increasingly difficult to cope with rising costs. Furthermore, modernization will also preservation of wild life)
encroach upon the natural environment and hurt wildlife.
1 line gap
In conclusion, while a hotel on the island is a welcoming idea, the people affected must
4th Paragraph: Reflective:
be given fair compensation and a proper resettlement program should be implemented
Focus on the 3rd Bullet
to ease their relocation burden. While one cannot control future rising costs, it is point.
imperative that jobs are constantly being created to secure the people’s livelihoods. As
(other possible ideas to
for the environment, perhaps some sites could be embarked as preservation centres to boost the island)
minimize damage to wildlife. To boost tourism further, certain villages could be (also note the use of linking
preserved and showcased as part of the island’s history. After all, it is a slice of the old
life that tourists come for. I hope you will consider my suggestions. Thank you for your
Yours faithfully Subscription
John Woo Full name

Task 2:

A large building in your area is to be developed and refurnished for the benefit of the local community.
The following suggestions have been made: 1) a retirement old home for elderly people 2) a local health
clinic to give medical advice to the people of the area 3) a youth centre for young people under eighteen
years of age. The Editor of the local newspaper has invited readers to give their views on the matter, in a
letter published in the newspaper.

Write a letter to the Editor. Your letter should include:

• Your preference among the three suggestions
• Explain in detail the reasons for your choice
• How you think this facility would benefit the community.

Set out your letter correctly, in clear, accurate English and a confident, persuasive tone to convince
the Editor and the readers of the newspaper that development would be best for the people of your
vicinity. Start your letter ‘Dear Editor,’ and remember to provide a suitable ending.

Contact number: 01640738268 E-mail: [email protected]



Dear Sir,
I am writing this letter in connection with the suggestions that has been published in your well-reputed
newspaper on last week. As a regular reader of your newspaper, I would like to give my verdict in favour of
constructing a retirement old home for elderly people.

In recent years, the emphasis has been placed on the development of amenities for the increasing elderly
population in the community. It is imperative that the elderly should receive the companionship and
assistance they require in their old age. To cater these needs, it is ideal that a retirement home be built in
the estate.

As the population ages, the number of elderly people seen peripatetic in the area has increased. It is
disheartening to see many of them, most of whom are still healthy and mobile, sitting and staring
vacuously for hours. Some of them live in the surrounding blocks of flats but they live alone and are ill-
fated being confined alone in their homes the whole day. However, they are also at a loss as to what to do
when they leave their home. Providing the elderly with a retirement home will give them a sense of
purpose as they can be engaged in activities that will allow them to spend their time in a more fulfilling and
enjoyable manner.

Being in a retirement home also means that the elderly will be able to get help immediately in the event of
an emergency. Some of them are frail and need extra care. With a retirement home, there will be both
professionals and volunteers available to take care of them. A retirement home will certainly benefit the
community. The families of the elderly can be assured that they will be taken care of. There will also be
fewer disputes and discontent among other residents as the elderly will be happily occupied in the
retirement homes.

I hope my suggestions will be considered. Thanks in advance for your attention.

Yours faithfully

Kenneth Tan (312 words)

Contact number: 01640738268 E-mail: [email protected]

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