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Brazilian jiu jitsu is a martial art that is practice to make the opponent will ne locked of chokeholds.

It a
martial arts and also a combat sports that focuses on the skill on taking the opponent to the ground.
Making them to surrender by force by using the joints locks and more. It uses hands and legs to
immobilize the opponent. It is all based in the grappling.

The difference between the jiu jitsu of Japan and the Brazilian jiu jitsu is that the Jiu jitsu of Japan was
focuses on striking, blocking, throwing opponent and all form of self defense perspective while the
Brazilian jiu jitsu is focuses on the ground base fights that is more on grappling.

Brazilian jiu justsu actually came from jiu jitsu of Japan. It’s just that it was moved in the south America
by the Japanese person named Mitsyuo Maeda to create a Brazilian Jiut jitsu in early 1900s. When
Maeda arrives in Brazil. Until Maeda met Carlos Gracie. Maeda taugth and trained Carlos. But there are
also rumors that Maeda didn’t teach Carlos. But Carlos was given a instruction from the only Brazilian
who is taught by Maeda. His name is Donato Pires Dos Reis.

After that Carlos established a school that teaches a jiu jitsu and that is a year of 1925 but some
information said that he taught alongside of his brother an take over the school as time passes by. At
that time the Jiu jitsu became popular. Until Carlos have a much with Geo. But unfortunately Carlos was
defeated, but at the second match that they had they were tied. Until the world war 2 comes and the Jiu
jitsu of the Brazil declined it’s popularity. But when they achieved the peace. It start to grow again.
Many matches were done and it benomce more known to the world. Today it was done as a combative
sport and also an exercise to strengthen the body and mind.


Angampora is a Sri Lanka martial arts. It receives its name from the angam arts which involve hand-to-
hand combat forms and the ilangam arts which incorporate traditional weaponry such as the Urumi
(ethunu kaduwa), swords, battle axes, staves, daggers and maces. It is a combination of sport, self
defense exercise and meditation. This martial art is perfected by the Yakkha tribe. It was used by them
to protect and defend themselves when another tribe or there are foreigner who tries to invade them.

It has a many story where it came from . One of the story is that it was originated 30,000 years ago from
Yaksha tribe. They were the ancient tribe that habited the island. However in the ancient script mention
that it was originated earlier from the effort of the nine hermits. It also says that the most famous
expert of this art is Rana Ravana a mythical warrior. Another story Said that it was used by a person take
a revenge. And that person is Menike. And it says that Menike used the angampora techniques to defeat
his enemies.

The fact that is really proven by the historians is that it was used in wars. And it was also used by fighters
by the army of a king in conquering the kingdom of Jaffna. And during it’s peak angampora was
practiced by the two school that is trying to fought for the attention of the king.

During the colonial era the martial art angampora was decline. Because it was prohibited to take a form
of it. Because British was afraid it, the burn the huts that they found and shoot the person who practice
and teach the angampora. After the regime of the British empire. The Jathika Hela Angam Shilpa Kala
Sangamaya, the highest governing body of the art today, was established in 2001. Angampora continues
to flourish today in modern times.

Muay Thai was also known as the Thai boxing in the Thailand. It is a national sport in Thailand. It is a
martial arts that uses punches, kicks, elbow, knees or the 8 points of contacts. We all know that Muay
Thai is one of the most dangerous fighting techniques in the world. In the sport especially the mixed
martial arts. They mostly used the Muay Thai. Muay Thai trains the body to become a powerful to
strikes using kicks and punches.

Normally Thai boxers do not use a boxing gloves instead they wrapped there hands with cotton and will
going to figth in the ground that has a boundaries of circle. Muay Thai was also considered as the
identity of the culture of the Thailand. It was developed not just to protect the country but also to
protect the oneself form the harm of other people. Today it was also a sport that people put their
passion in mastering it.

Muay Thai was created way back to a thousand of years. They used it to protect their island from the
invaders. The ancestors trains the younger men to protect their place form the foreigner that might try
to conquer there places. Moreover this Muay Thai was used to protect the king they get the men who
are trained well and be the body guard of the king, guard of the palace and they can even be like a
police. Because that time weapons were not popular. Andi so the knee, elbow, fist and the feet was
considered as the natural weapon. They family of the king was also taught by the Muay Thai and they
said that they were excellent in doing the Muay Thai. There are many story or legend about this also.
One of them is that there is a king who’s disguise himself so that he can compete. Another legend is that
there is a man that when the city of Ayutthaya was destroyed by the Myanmar army. A Thai boxer was
taken as a prisoner and compete with the Myanmar boxers in the front of the king . His name is Nai
Khanom Tom. And he win his first match and defeated all the boxers. The king acknowledged his skills in
fighting and he was awarded for his ability. After that Nai become known as the father of Muay Thai.
And it was past down trough generation. They also have movies that shows the way and the techniques
in Muay Thai like the Omg Bak. In the past 20 years Muay Thai has been one of the fastest growing
sports because of its effectiveness and beauty. The traditional that lies behind every weapon of Muay
Thai should not be lost among the fighters who use the techniques.


In the Greek there Martial arts was called pankration. It was a Martial art that is introduced in Greeks
Olympic games in 648 B.C. The person who performed it uses wrestling techniques, boxing,kicking,joint
locks. And so on. It is like a modern mixed martial arts in our days. Pankration means all force, it is a
combination or wrestling and boxing. It is a very dangerous sport that have a very few rules. That rules
are not bitting the opponent, attacking genitals, and gouging . Everything can all be done excepts those
things that are mention in the rules. In fact the Spartans were using this fighting techniques and they
were all expert on it. That were not be able to compete on the Olympics of the Greece.

Many believe that the pankration was developed somewhere in the 17 th century B.C. Many believe that
the techniques were developed out of necessity and then perfected by the hoplite soldiers, who were
trained to enter tough battlefield conditions and were then instructed to be victorious. These soldier
was armed with shields, swords, and also using combat tactics. From pankration. It is unknown where it
really started and how it was influenced by the other Martial arts from the other countries. Today it is
still practice by the people of the Greek. But the most thing is that pankration is used today but it has a
different name that might be the mixed martial arts. That is popular today.

Krav maga

It is a Israeli martial arts that they created. It means close combat and an effective, modern, and
dynamic self-defense and fighting system. It was originated in Czechoslovakia in the 1930s. It is a
combination of boxing, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, Judo, jiu-jitsu, wrestling, and grappling, along with
realistic fight training. It has many moves and techniques like kneeing the groin, breaking fingers (small
joint manipulation), and head butting are used a lot in Krav Maga. Krav Maga is created towards street
fights and surviving deadly encounters. It was created by a Hungarian-Israeli Imi Lichtenfeld. He was
trained in boxing and wrestling. Because he was trained by his father. He is the one that created it to
protect his people firm the brutality in the pre-world war 2 in Europe. Until 1940s he began to train and
provide some knowledge about combat that led and become the IDF. They develop the martial arts and
it was called the Krav Maga. It was used by the Israeli defense Forces to protect and defend and also can
be an offense to the enemy.


Boxing is one of the most popular sports today. Philippines is one of the greatest country that have a
well trained boxers. Manny Pacquiao was the proof of that.

Boxing was the martial art of Egypt. Along with wrestling, boxing was most likely one of the first martial
arts developed by early humans. Although boxing’s exact origins are unknown, the earliest depictions of
the sport come from a Sumerian relief from 3000 BCE. Several other ancient civilizations also depicted
boxing in their art like India, Egypt and Greece. The evidence of boxing that the historian proof is that it
was introduced in the Ancient Olympic games by the Greek in the late 7 th century B.C. when soft leather
thongs were used to bind boxers’ hands and forearms for protection.

Later in Rome, the leather things was changed with metals. But unfortunately it just make one of the
contestant dead. With the end of the Roman empire the boxing was declined it’s popularity and it was
started to see again at the 17th century at england. But it has a classification on weight. Originally only
five weight classes were contested: Bantam, not exceeding 54 kilos; Feather, not exceeding 57 kilos;
Light, not exceeding 63.5 kilos; Middle, not exceeding 73 kilos; and Heavy, any weight.


Tahtib is the martial arts of the Egypt. It came from the culture of the Malay. It is a traditional stick
fighting martial arts that has a “fan a'nazaha wa-tahtib.” as an original name. Tahtib is one of the oldest
Martial arts in the world. It was even used by the soldier in a war. There are evidences that it was
practice in a 1500 BC. It was taught to ancient Egyptian soldiers and used in battle. Since then though
tahtib has become less and less of a martial art and more of a dance. As time passes by the martial
version of the tahtib evolve into a Egyptian folk dance with a wooden stick. The original techniques and
strategies are still taught today though. The art has never really made its way out of Egypt. Still today
tahtib is primarily only taught in Upper Egypt and few other places around the world.

The dance was still using the moves that was on Ed used in a battle. And also the stick was still there.
Now it was known as the stick dance or cane dance. The dance has also been related to a mock form of
combat similar to many other.

Pencak Silat is a Martial art of the Indonesia. It is a full body fighting that perform strikes, grappling and
thorwing the enemy. They also added a weapon in performing the Pencak silat. Unlike other Martial arts
that strengthen the body and mind. This Martial arts is all about one thing and that is violence. That is
why is is considered as one of the most deadliest Martial art in the world.

Pencak silat, expresses cultural values in the form of patterns of movement and rhythm, which involve
harmony, balance, and the accord of gracefulness, rhythm, and feeling.

As a form of self-defense , pencak silat trains the human body to strengthen it’s instinct in order to
prevent the danger. It is able for the person to strike first before the enemy land a strike on to the body.

Likewise, as a sport, pencak silat focuses more on the physical body, strengthen the agility and the
power to overcome the opponent and win. They train their body to achieve agility that can make a
moves that can defeat the enemy at once. That can give more confident to the oneself.

As a spiritual exercise, pencak silat is more on rounding the character of the personit is not just the body
but also the character that need to be shaped. It places equal emphasis on controlled physical
movements, inner power, and observance of the core value of nobleness of mind and character.

These four aspects combine in the specific movements of pencak silat, which consist of several key
components or basic techniques.

Pencak silat was Kwon is the Southeast Asia. Even in the SEA games, pencak silat was part of the game. It
was 1987 Southeast Asian Games when it was first debut. And until now it was still done every year.
Pencak silat was can be seen at the epics that makes it more popular and spread in the Southeast Asia

Fencing Spain

Fencinf is the sport or Martial arts of Spain. It is a figty where the bout competitor was covered in a
protective gear and using a thin sword. The one who stab the opponent first is the one who score. The
sword that they were using were called saber. That is the one that they used to defend and attack at the
same time. The word fencing derives froms the word “defensa”. It is a Latin word that has a meaning

Fencing was believed that it was born in Spain. It roots of development of swordsmanship of defense
and duel. It was believed that iwas from Spain because of the most significant books that are written by
the Spanish fencers. Between 1458 and 1471 and it is also considered as the oldest surviving manuals on
western fencing. This is the” Treatise on Arms” that is written by Diego de Valera. That time was the
colonial period and they were trying to discover and conquer a islands and countries. And they brought
with them their Martial arts. Especially in the southern Italy.

Until then, modern fencing was born in the 18 th century in a Italian school of fencing. That time the
fencing was improved and developed by the school of French.

It was shift from sport instead of military training in mid 18 th century. That is led by Domenico Angelo
that build a school for fencing. There he taught the fencing that is run through generations of the family.
And there he established a footwork and different associations were establish for fencing. The first
regularized fencing competition was held at the inaugural Grand Military Tournament and Assault at
Arms in 1880, held at the Royal Agricultural Hall, in Islington in June.

Systema is a Russian Martial arts. Systema is literally mean the system. This Martial art is not just limited
into hand to hand combat and grappling and knife fighting. Drills and sparring without set kata is also
part of the training. It’s fighting style is a straight- edge lifestyle and instructs fighters to discard ego, fear
and tension in the heat combat. It's a Russian system of self-defense. Its reputation has grown over the
years because most people who truly know and practice Systema have a background in Special Forces or
the military.the systema was created by the Cossacks in order for them to prevent the invaders to
conquer their place. Throughout the Russian history the systema was evolved and had a many
mutations until it the perfection today.

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