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1. The sitting place of lust is ________ *

a) senses
b) mind
c) intelligence
d) all of the above
2. The spirit soul has to be engaged in the good work of _______ otherwise it will be engaged
in occupations ________ *
a) dictated by the modes of material nature, sinful activities
b) Krishna consciousness, dictated by the modes of material nature
c) philanthropy, sense enjoyment
d) varnasrama, a candala
3. What are the symptoms of person bewildered by the influence of false ego? *
a) He thinks himself as doer
b) He does not understand that mechanism of body is produced by material nature
c) He forgets his eternal relationship with Krishna
d) all of the above
4. What is the purpose of material creation? *
a) To provide enjoyment to living entities
b) To provide suffering to living entities
c) To offer a chance to conditioned soul to come back to home, back to Godhead
d) To get materially wealthy
5. The sense of love of God becomes transformed into lust as ________ *
a) Sun is covered by the planet Rahu
b) Seed is transformed into tree
c) milk in contact with sour tamarind is transformed into yogurt
d) bell metal by addition of mercury turns into gold
6. One who prepares food for ________ verily eats ________ *
a) only for yajna, sin
b) feeding the poor, food without any sin
c) personal sense enjoyment, only sin
d) only demigods, only sin
7. What was the understanding of Arjuna about buddhi-yoga? *
a) retirement from active life
b) practice of penance and austerity at secluded place
c) fighting for Krishna
d) a and b

8. Who is the greatest cheater according to Bhagavad Gita? One who ________ *
a) is committing mistake in occupational duties
b) gives up work and performs meditation
c) makes show of being yogi but actually searching for objects of sense gratification
d) is doing sense enjoyment following rules and regulations of particular status
9. What is the qualification to accept renounced order of life? ________ *
a) purification by discharge of prescribed duty
b) one has to be brahmacari
c) one must be brahmana
d) have many disciples waiting for initiation
10. What is the benefit of eating sanctified food? *
a) one’s existence becomes purified
b) finer tissues of the memory become sanctified
c) one can think of path of liberation
d) all of the above
11. One who enjoys the gift of the nature without offering them to demigods is known as a
________. *
a) karma-kandi
b) thief
c) pure devotee
d) demon
12. What saves one from becoming a willing captive of lust? *
a) False ego
b) Soul
c) Mind
d) Intelligence
13. Citing a verse that was mentioned in class pertaining to philosophical speculation. If one
follows the path of ____________, the Absolute Truth manifests Himself as ___________,
and if one follows the path of ____________, He manifests Himself as the ____________. *
a) their mind, Bhagavan, mystic yoga, impersonal Brahman
b) philosophical speculation, impersonal Brahman, mystic yoga, Supersoul
c) mystic yoga, impersonal Brahman, philosophical speculation, Supersoul
d) their mind, impersonal Brahman, mystic yoga, Bhagavan
14. Citing a verse that was mentioned in class pertaining to self-realization. The
transcendental qualities of Śrī Kṛṣṇa are completely ________ and ________. Consequently,
Lord Kṛṣṇa’s qualities attract even the minds of ___________ persons from the bliss of self-
realization. *
a) transcendental, relishable, self-realized
b) blissful, transcendental, pure
c) relishable, nectarean, non-envious
d) blissful, relishable, self-realized
15. Citing a verse that was mentioned in class pertaining to sense gratification. It was
mention that: “I have spent a full one thousand years enjoying sense gratification, yet my
desire to enjoy such pleasure increases daily”. Who spoke this? *
a) Maharaj Bharata
b) Ajamila
c) Maharaj Yudhistira
d) Maharaj Yayati

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