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American Revolution

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American Revolution

The American revolution refers to a revolution based on political and ideological aspects

between the years of 1765 and 1791. This revolution was brought about by the resistance if

Americans to pay taxes to the European colonies to which had no affiliation to the country. In the

revolution there were thirteen colonies that formed the American revolution war. The aim of this

revolution was to defeat the British crown and find ways to gain independence and achieve

democracy and self rule. It was the American revolution that then led to the making of the united

States of America as the first constitutional liberal democracy.

Topics, People and Events

Within the American revolution in the year 1971 was the Townshend acts. This acts were

based on the struggle of the right and wrong in taxation of American colonies. With great

resistance to the taxing of the American people by the USA parliament had to prove its variable

for the reason behind the taxation. The Townshend acts is the passed in the 1768 by parliament

as the revolution against the taxes by the European colonies continue. This act came in place

after the failure of the sugar and stamps acts. At that time troops were used to protect the

customs employees due to threats.

Another vital topic in the American revolution is the Boston massacre. In the 1770,

tensions and appraisals had risen between townspeople and the soldiers. This appraisals resulted

in a violent eruption between the two groups that then resulted in the dead of up to five colonists

dead. The outcome of these eruption led to the dead of Bostonians who were violently murdered

and injured resultant to the Boston massacre. The acts of revenge for the dead colonists was

immense that resulted to more resistance die to the high number of casualties in the scene.

There were key persons in the American revolution that made a major impact and we’re

part of resulting to the revolution. One of these personalities is sir Samuel Adams. Samuel

Adams was one of the coordinators and most vocal person’s against economic tyranny of the

European colonies. Being in the continental Congress he pushed for a complete independence of

the united States of America from the European colony. Having pushed for freedom from the

crown, he can be championed for making an effort for the end of colonization and pushing for a

democratic leadership and independence.

Another key person in the American revolution is sir Patrick Henry. Before the revolution

he was know for being a being against the colonization by revolting against the leadership and

was of governance by the European crown. He is well known for his say, “ Give me Liberty or

Give me Death!”. (Charles, T., 2021). He was known to revolt as the only option to him was he

is not only a revolutionary in the American revolution but was know to be the leader of the anti

federalist during the Philadelphia constitutional convention which was held in the year 1787 in


Some of the events that occurred during the American revolution were the formation of

the sones of liberty, the Boston massacre, the first continental Congress, the battle of bicker hill,

Washington taking control of the continental army and lastly the declaration of independence.

These events one after another saw the success of the American revolution from the colonization

in a democratic independence State. The revolution was a success easing the tax restrictions put

by the European colonies and gaining of complete freedom (, 2021). Many lost

their live but still this made it possible for gaining of complete freedom for the American people.


Charles, T., (2021) The Coming of the American Revolution: 1764 to 1776. Retrieved from, (2021) Foundations of American Government. Retrieved from

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