CC5-Chapter 1 Notes

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2 Data vs Information

Data - raw or unprocessed material.

Information - a processed data that is resulted from combining, comparing, or analyzing a
particular data.

scores(data) of students are calculated to determine the class average (information)

Database - where data is stored, processed (into useful ones), modified, and retrieved.
- centralized and structured set of data stored on a computer system.
- transforms data to information
- it is managed by a Database Administrator (DBA)

Modern databases store different kinds of data (pictures, videos, documents, etc.)
Data is raw or unprocessed when stored in a database. However, when retrieved, they are
transformed into useful ones.

1.3 History of the Database

1960s: Computer became cost-effective and there was an increase in storage capacity
1970-72: E.F. Codd proposed a relational model for databases (separation of a
conceptual database and a physical one)
1976: P. Chen proposed Entity Relationship Model (ERM)
Early 1980s: Oracle Version became the very first commercially-available relational
database system
Mid-1980s: SQL (structured query language) became an “intergalactic standard”
Early 1990s: Industry shakeout emerged and few companies survived, including Oracle.
Mid-1990s: Existence of Internet/World Wide Web (WWW). Remote access can be done
with computer systems
Late 1990s: Large investment in Internet companies to create tools. Market boomed
Early 21st Century: Solid growth of DB application continues (examples can be commercial
sites, government systems, art, school, etc.

Database modeling - it is the first step in the database development process

- involves the collection and the analysis of data that a business needs to track, then
diagramming the organization of the data into an Entity Relationship Diagram

Database Development Process

Analyze - Conceptual Data modeling (Entity Relationship Diagram)
Design - Database Design (Table Definitions Index, View, Cluster)
Build - Database Build

Data modeling - begins by researching information requirements of a business

Entity Relationship Diagram - should completely capture and accurately model the
organization’s information needs and support the function of the business

Step two (design phase) translate ERM to a table instance chart

Specifications and component for instance chart:

Table name
Column names
Key: a primary key (PK) - unique identifier for each row of data
Foreign (FK) - links data in one table to the data in the second table by referring to the PK
column in the table
Nulls: indicated if a column must contain a value (mandatory)

Unique: indicates if the value contained in a column is unique within the table
Data type: definition and format of the data

Structured Query Language (SQL) - commands used to build the physical entity of the
-used also to populate, access, and manipulate the data within the relational database

1.4 Major Transformation in Comp

Key Terms
Hardware - physical parts of a computer
Software - programs (sets of instructions) which tell the command the hardware
Operating System - software program that controls the hardware and the mediator of both
layers (software and hardware).
Application - software program that executes a particular task
Client - a workstation, more like a desktop (includes screen, keyboard and mouse) that
interacts with users
Server - a powerhouse computer that accepts and executes client requests and sends back
the result to them.

History of Computer Systems

1970s: Database software resides in computer software and almost all processing are done
by these computers.
Dumb Terminals - used to access mainframe computers and execute commands
- depended on mainframe and display results upon completion
- not capable of processing their own
1980s: PCs came to existence. Due to being faster that, processing was moved from the
mainframes to the desktop
- known to be as smart clients and workstations due to having their own software and
processing capabilities
GUI and other applications (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) came into play
Multiple applications on multiple workstations created problems → need for integration

1990s and Beyond: Oracle’s mission is to utilize the web and fast processing servers to
meet the needs of organizations in storing data and producing information
Application Server Software - software on the database that processes the storing and
retrieving of data
- provides access and visual display of information on servers
- clients have applications of their but essential business applications are accessed from the
clients using an Internet browser

Grid Computing - a model that provides an infrastructure for a network of computers (from
various locations) to do a particular task and can be utilized like a plethora of computer
- user makes a request then it is processed in the grid
- improves performance and reliability of Oracle’s system structures on Database servers,
application servers, and client browsers
Cloud computing - remotely access of software and hardware through the access of the
cloud (or the web)

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