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Instructions :-
Please note the following guidelines for the project.
The project should contain:
 The title page – Title, Subject, Name, Class, Year.
 Index
 Acknowledgement
 Introduction
 Contents
 Conclusion
 Bibliography – Books and internet sites (for pictures) referred to.

 Stencils to be used for writing headings and sub-headings.

 Margins to be drawn.
 The project should be written on A4 size paper.
 Relevant pictures must be pasted on the left side page and writing must be done on the right
side page.
 Projects should have a theme on the pages. Students are encouraged to design a page on the
computer and take copies of it.
 Projects should be submitted in spiral bound, format.
 The project will be considered as internal assessment and will carry 20 marks.

 To be submitted with the Second Assessment Answer Sheets.

Project Topic – In the Bazaars of Hyderabad
1. Introduction
a) Read Poem “In the Bazaars of Hyderabad” by Sarojini Naidu
b) Write about the poet Sarojini Naidu in 50 words and paste a picture of her.
c) Explain the poem in your words (150 words) and paste appropriate pictures.
2. What did you learn about Hyderabad from the poem in 50 words
3. Write the names of any three other poems written by Sarojini Naidu.

Maths Project Topic – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division

1. Introduction- What is addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in 50
2. Draw and colour the symbols of addition, subtraction, multiplication and
3. Write two properties of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division each.
Form 6 sums of your own with two digit and three digit and add, subtract,
multiply and divide.
Science Project Topic - Birds
1. Introduction
2. Students should observe the different kinds of birds that fly around their
3. Take pictures of any 5 birds which they have spotted.
Write in 50 words about their homes / nest, food, types of feathers, types of
4. beaks and paste the pictures.
5. Paste the picture of a pigeon and label its body parts.
Conclusion in 100 words – Caring of birds

Social Topic - The Earth and the Solar System

1. Introduction – Write about Solar system in 50 words
2. Name and label the planets with pictures.
3. Write about our home planet in 50 words.
4. Features of each planet in 50 words.
5. Conclusion – How to save our planet in 50-100 words.

Computer 1. Write two examples of IPO cycle. Draw or paste pictures to support your
2. Define Web Browser. Draw and label any 4 web browser.

II Language
1. “Paani ka bachav kaise kare” yeh batate hue chitro ki sahayata se 8-10
sentences likhiye.

Urdu 1. Write about the Importance of Cleanliness in Urdu. (100 words).Paste

appropriate pictures also

Telugu 1. Write 5 sentences about Telangana Rastra Chinhnalu and paste the pictures.
2. Write 5 sentences about Bharatha Jateeya Chihnalu and paste the pictures.
3. Write the National Anthem and write about Rabindranath Tagore in 50 words
and paste his picture.

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